How to sandbox java using Graalvm - graalvm

graal can sandbox js, ruby and other languages when create context, but how to sandbox a dynamic loaded jar? For example, how to sandbox a custom uploaded jar when used in flink as udf.

Java bytecodes can currently not be sandboxed using the polygot API [1]. Like with any other JDK you can sandbox a jar by creating a new classloader [2].
URLClassLoader child = new URLClassLoader(myJar.toURL(),
Class classToLoad = Class.forName("com.MyClass", true, child);
Method method = classToLoad.getDeclaredMethod("myMethod");
Object instance = classToLoad.newInstance();
Object result = method.invoke(instance);
[2] How should I load Jars dynamically at runtime?


Electron plugin architecture, inject plugin code into the application

As the title say, I am trying to develop a plugin architecture for an electron app.
So far I have handle my custom plugin store the download of the plugin source which consist of an single main.js and a style.css.
I am stuck now since I don't know how to "require" the file from my application.
A little more explanation on this main.js file:
I want to require that main.js file to that I can retrieve the exported class to create a new instance in my PluginManager system.
It would be like so:
// plugin-manager.ts
loadPlugin(pluginId: string) {
const pluginClass = await import(path.join('/somewhere-in-the-fs', pluginId));
const plugin = new PluginClass({ app: myApp });
tldr: I'm stuck at the await import() part because obviously my plugin is not in my running node environment.

How to get the file path to an asset included in a Dart package?

I am writing a Dart package (not Flutter). I have included a few bitmap images as public assets, e.g., lib/assets/empty.png. When this package is running as a command-line app for an end-user, how can I get the file path to these assets on the user's system?
Use-case: My Dart package calls out to FFMPEG, and I need to tell FFMPEG where to find these asset files on the system that's using my package. For example, the call to FFMPEG might look like:
ffmpeg -i "path/to/lib/assets/empty.png" ...
Accessing a Dart package's assets can happen in two modalities:
Running a Dart CLI app with the dart tool and accessing a dependency's assets, or
Running an executable CLI app
The difference between these two situations is that when you're running a CLI app using the dart tool, all of your dependencies are available as structured packages in a local cache on your system. However, when you're running an executable, all relevant code is compiled into a single binary, which means you no longer have access at runtime to your dependencies' packages, you only have access to your dependencies' tree-shaken, compiled code.
Accessing assets when running with dart
The following code will resolve a package asset URI to a file system path.
final packageUri = Uri.parse('package:your_package/your/asset/path/some_file.whatever');
final future = Isolate.resolvePackageUri(packageUri);
// waitFor is strongly discouraged in general, but it is accepted as the
// only reasonable way to load package assets outside of Flutter.
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
final absoluteUri = waitFor(future, timeout: const Duration(seconds: 5));
final file = File.fromUri(absoluteUri);
if (file.existsSync()) {
return file.path;
This resolution code was adapted from Tim Sneath's winmd package:
Accessing assets when running an executable
When compiling a client app to an executable, that client app simply cannot access any asset files that were stored with the dependent package. However, there is a work around that may work for some people (it did for me). You can store Base64 encoded versions of your assets in your Dart code, within your package.
First, encode each of your assets into a Base64 string and store those strings somewhere in your Dart code.
const myAsset = "iVBORw0KGgoAAA....kJggg==";
Then, at runtime, decode the string back to bytes, and then write those bytes to a new file on the local file system. Here's the method I used in my case:
/// Writes this asset to a new file on the host's file system.
/// The file is written to [destinationDirectory], or the current
/// working directory, if no destination is provided.
String inflateToLocalFile([Directory? destinationDirectory]) {
final directory = destinationDirectory ?? Directory.current;
final file = File(directory.path + Platform.pathSeparator + fileName);
file.createSync(recursive: true);
final decodedBytes = base64Decode(base64encoded);
return file.path;
This approach was suggested by #passsy
Have a look at the dcli package.
It has a 'pack' command designed to solve exactly this problem.
It encodes assets into dart files that can be unpacked at runtime.

How to define credentials and environment variables in jenkins shared library

Currently I am having the following code in my Jenkins file
environment {
GITHUB_USER = credentials('GITHUB_USER')
DOCKER_USER = credentials('DOCKER_USER')
Since this code is being used in several place I want this code to be in shared library
Like vars/commonCredentials.groovy
What's the best way to archive this and how can I use this in my Jenkins file?

Reading and saving binary image from OpenLDAP server using Groovy

I'm trying to save an image from an OpenLDAP server. It's in binary format and all my code appears to work, however, the image is corrupted.
I then attempted to do this in PHP and was successful, but I'd like to do it in a Grails project.
PHP Example (works)
$conn = ldap_connect('') or die("Could not connect.\n");
ldap_set_option($conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
$dn = 'ou=People,o=Acme';
$ldap_rs = ldap_bind($conn) or die("Can't bind to LDAP");
$res = ldap_search($conn,$dn,"someID=123456789");
$info = ldap_get_entries($conn, $res);
$entry = ldap_first_entry($conn, $res);
$jpeg_data = ldap_get_values_len( $conn, $entry, "someimage-jpeg");
$jpeg_filename = '/tmp/' . basename( tempnam ('.', 'djp') );
$outjpeg = fopen($jpeg_filename, "wb");
fwrite($outjpeg, $jpeg_data[0]);
fclose ($outjpeg);
copy ($jpeg_filename, '/some/dir/test.jpg');
Groovy Example (does not work)
def ldap ='ldap://,o=Acme')
ldap.eachEntry (filter: 'someID=123456789') { entry ->
new File('/Some/dir/123456789.jpg').withOutputStream {
it.write entry.get('someimage-jpeg').getBytes() // File is created, but image is corrupted (size also doesn't match the PHP version)
How would I tell the Apache LDAP library that "image-jpeg" is actually binary and not a String? Is there a better simple library available to read binary data from an LDAP server? From looking at the Apache mailing list, someone else had a similar issue, but I couldn't find a resolution in the thread.
Technology Stack
Grails 2.2.1
Apache LDAP API 1.0.0 M16
Have you checked whether the image attribute value is base-64 encoded?
I found the answer. The Apache Groovy LDAP library uses JNDI under the hood. When using JNDI certain entries are automatically read as binary, but if your LDAP server uses a custom name, the library will not know that it's binary.
For those people that come across this problem using Grails, here's the steps to set a specific entry to binary format.
Create a new properties file call "" and add it to your grails-app/conf directory (all property files in this folder are automatically included in the classpath)
Add a line in the properties file with the name of the image variable:
Save the file and run the Grails application
Here is some sample code to save a binary entry to a file.
def ldap = LDAP.newInstance('ldap://,o=Acme')
ldap.eachEntry (filter: 'id=1234567') { entry ->
new File('/var/dir/something.jpg').withOutputStream {
it.write entry.image

Grails support for consuming web services

Does Grails provide built-in or via a plugin support to consume (not to generate) XML based REST or SOAP web services ( esp. REST) ?
For SOAP based webservices, use WSClient. The plugin is a wrapper around GroovyWS. Under the hood, Apache CXF is working there.
In the past, I created a script (grails create-script) that used wsimport to create POJOs in the java src directory. Each time the script ran, it would delete the generated directory if it existed first, then generate new files.
I did this because the API that was being consumed was being developed and I wanted an easy way to consume the latest and greatest when new functionality was added.
In grails 3.x you can use the plugin in build.gradle
compile 'com.github.groovy-wslite:groovy-wslite:1.1.2'
Then add the import to your controller like in
import wslite.soap.*
import wslite.soap.SOAPClient
import wslite.soap.SOAPResponse
and use as the example available in
def client = new SOAPClient('')
def response = client.send(SOAPAction:'') {
body {
GetMothersDay('xmlns':'') {
assert "2011-05-08T00:00:00" == response.GetMothersDayResponse.GetMothersDayResult.text()
assert 200 == response.httpResponse.statusCode
assert "ASP.NET" == response.httpResponse.headers['X-Powered-By']
render (response.GetMothersDayResponse.GetMothersDayResult.text())
