why the kernel size become greater while the spatial size of feature map goes down in inception network? - machine-learning

In the inception networks like inception-v3 and inception-v4, the kernel sizes are smaller in the lower layers,such as 3*3, but in the higher layers, the kernel sizes seem to be larger,such as 5*5,7*7,although they may be factorized to n*1&1*n later.But as network goes deeper,the spatial size of the feature map goes down,is there any relationship between these two thing?
ps:My question is why the kernel sizes in the lower layers seem to be samller(no more than 3*3),and you can find larger kernel size like 7*7 in the higher layers(more precisely, in the middle layers ).Is there any relationship between the spatial size of the feature map and the spatial spatial size of the conv kernels?Take inception v3 as a example, when the spatial sizes of the feature maps are larger than 35 in the first few layers of the network,the biggest kernel size is 5*5, but when the spatial size become 17, kernel size like 7*7 is used.
Any help will be appreciated.

Generally as you go deep into the network:-
The spatial size of feature map decreases to localize the object and
to reduce the computational cost.
The number of filters/kernels
increase as usually the initial layer represent generic features,
while the deeper layer represents more detailed features. Since
initial layers learn only primitive regularities in the data, you do
not need to have high volumes of filter there. However as you go
deep, you should try to look into as much details as possible, hence
increase in the number of filters/kernels. Therefore increasing the
number of filters in deeper layers increases the representational
power of the network.
In inception module, at each layer, kernels of multiple size (1x1, 3x3, 5x5) are used in computation and and resulting feature map is concatenated and passed to the next layer.


CNN padding and striding

In CNN, if padding is used so that the size of the image doesn't get shrinked after several convolutional layers – then why do we use strided convolutions? I wonder because strided convolutions are also reducing the size of image.
Because we want to reduce to size of image. There are some reasons:
Reduce computational and memory requirement.
Aggregate local features to higher level features.
Subsequent convolutions would have a larger receptive field in the original scale.
Traditionally we have used pooling to reduce the size of image, like max-pooling. Strided convolution is another way to do this (and it's getting more popular).

Pooling Layer vs. Using Padding in Convolutional Layers

My understanding is that we use padding when we convolute because convoluting with filters reduces the dimension of the output by shrinking it, as well as loses information from the edges/corners of the input matrix. However, we also use a pooling layer after a number of Conv layers in order to downsample our feature maps. Doesn't this seem sort of contradicting? We use padding because we do NOT want to reduce the spatial dimensions but we later use pooling to reduce the spatial dimensions. Could someone provide some intuition behind these 2?
Without loss of generality, assume we are dealing with images as inputs. The reasons behind padding is not only to keep the dimensions from shrinking, it's also to ensure that input pixels on the corners and edges of the input are not "disadvantaged" in affecting the output. Without padding, a pixel on the corner of an images overlaps with just one filter region, while a pixel in the middle of the image overlaps with many filter regions. Hence, the pixel in the middle affects more units in the next layer and therefore has a greater impact on the output. Secondly, you actually do want to shrink dimensions of your input (Remember, Deep Learning is all about compression, i.e. to find low dimensional representations of the input that disentangle the factors of variation in your data). The shrinking induced by convolutions with no padding is not ideal and if you have a really deep net you would quickly end up with very low dimensional representations that lose most of the relevant information in the data. Instead you want to shrink your dimensions in a smart way, which is achieved by Pooling. In particular, Max Pooling has been found to work well. This is really an empirical result, i.e. there isn't a lot of theory to explain why this is the case. You could imagine that by taking the max over nearby activations, you still retain the information about the presence of a particular feature in this region, while losing information about its exact location. This can be good or bad. Good because it buys you translation invariance, and bad because exact location may be relevant for you problem.

How does the size of the patch/kernel impact the result of a convnet?

I am playing around convolutional neural networks at home with tensorflow (btw I have done the udacity deep learning course, so I have the theory basis). What impact has the size of the patch when one runs a convolution? does such size have to change when the image is bigger/smaller?
One of the exercises I did involved the CIFAR-10 databaese of images (32x32 px), then I used convolutions of 3x3 (with a padding of 1), getting decent results.
But lets say now I want to play with images larger than that (say 100x100), should I make my patches bigger? Do I keep them 3x3? Furthermore, what would be the impact of making a patch really big? (Say 50x50).
Normally I would test this at home directly, but running this on my computer is a bit slow (no nvidia GPU!)
So the question should be summarized as
Should I increase/decrease the size of my patches when my input images are bigger/smaller?
What is the impact (in terms of performance/overfitting) of increasing/decreasing my path size?
If you are not using padding, larger kernel makes number of neuron in the next layer will be smaller.
Example: Kernel with size 1x1 give the next layer the same number of neuron; kernel with size NxN give only one neuron in the next layer.
The impact of larger kernel:
Computational time is faster, memory usage is smaller
Loss a lot of details. Imagine NxN input neuron and the kernel size is NxN too, then the next layer only gives you one neuron. Loss a lot of details can lead you to underfitting.
The answer:
It depends on the images, if you needed a lot of details from the image you don't need to increase your kernel size. If your image is a 1000x1000 pixel large-version of MNIST image, I will increase the kernel size.
Smaller kernel will gives you a lot of details, it can lead you to overfitting, but larger kernel will gives you loss a lot of details, it can lead you to underfitting. You should tune your model to find the best size. Sometimes, time and machine specification should be considered
If you are using padding, you can adjust so the result neuron after convolution will be the same. I can't said it will be better than not using padding, but the loss of more details still occurs than using smaller kernel
It depends more on the size of the objects you want to detect or in other words, the size of the receptive field you want to have. Nevertheless, choosing the kernel size was always a challenging decision. That is why the Inception model was created which uses different kernel sizes (1x1, 3x3, 5x5). The creators of this model also went deeper and tried to decompose the convolutional layers into ones with smaller patch size while maintaining the same receptive field to try to speed up the training (ex. 5x5 was decomposed to two 3x3 and 3x3 was decomposed to 3x1 and 1x3) creating different versions of the inception model.
You can also check the Inception V2 paper for more details https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.00567

TensorFlow for image recognition, size of images

How can size of an image effect training the model for this task?
My current training set holds images that are 2880 X 1800, but I am worried this may be too large to train. In total my sample size will be about 200-500 images.
Would this just mean that I need more resources (GPU,RAM, Distribution) when training my model?
If this is too large, how should I go about resizing? -- I want to mimic real-world photo resolutions as best as possible for better accuracy.
I would also be using TFRecord format for the image files
Your memory and processing requirements will be proportional to the pixel size of your image. Whether this is too large for you to process efficiently will depend on your hardware constraints and the time you have available.
With regards to resizing the images there is no one answer, you have to consider how to best preserve information that'll be required for your algorithm to learn from your data while removing information that won't be useful. Reducing the size of your input images won't necessarily be a negative for accuracy. Consider two cases:
Handwritten digits
Here the images could be reduced considerably in size and maintain all the structural information necessary to be correctly identified. Have a look at the MNIST data set, these images are distributed at 28 x 28 resolution and identifiable to 99.7%+ accuracy.
Identifying Tree Species
Imagine a set of images of trees where individual leaves could help identify species. Here you might find that reducing the image size reduces small scale detail on leaf shape in a way that's detrimental to the model, but you might find that you get a similar result with a tight crop (which preserves individual leaves) rather than an image resize. If this is the case you may find that creating multiple crops from the same image gives you an augmented data set for training that considerably improves results (which is something to consider, if possible, given your training set is very small)
Deep learning models are achieving results around human level in many image classification tasks: if you struggle to identify your own images then it's less likely you'll train an algorithm to. This is often a useful starting point when considering the level of scaling that might be appropriate.
If you are using GPUs to train, this will def affect your training time. Tensorflow does most of the GPU allocation so you don't have to worry about that. But with big photos you will be experiencing long training time although your dataset is small. You should consider data-augmentation.
You could complement your resizing with the data-augmentation. Resize in equal dimensions and then perform reflection and translation (as in geometric movement)
If your images are too big, your GPU might run out of memory before it can start training because it has to store the convolution outputs on its memory. If that happens, you can do some of the following things to reduce memory consumption:
resize the image
reduce batch size
reduce model complexity
To resize your image, there are many scripts just one Google search away, but I will add that in your case 1440 by 900 is probably a sweet spot.
Higher resolution images will result in a higher training time and an increased memory consumption (mainly GPU memory).
Depending on your concrete task, you might want to reduce the image size in order to therefore fit a reasonable batch size of let's say 32 or 64 on the GPU - for stable learning.
Your accuracy is probably affected more by the size of your training set. So instead of going for image size, you might want to go for 500-1000 sample images. Recent publications like SSD - Single Shot MultiBox Detector achieve high accuracy values like an mAP of 72% on the PascalVOC dataset - with "only" using 300x300 image resolution.
Resizing and augmentation: SSD for instance just scales every input image down to 300x300, independent of the aspect ratio - does not seem to hurt. You could also augment your data by mirroring, translating, ... etc (but I assume there are built-in methods in Tensorflow for that).

What does global pooling do?

I recently found the "global_pooling" flag in the Pooling layer in caffe, however was unable to find sth about it in the documentation here (Layer Catalogue)
nor here (Pooling doxygen doc) .
Is there an easy forward examply explanation to this in comparison to the normal Pool-Layer behaviour?
With Global pooling reduces the dimensionality from 3D to 1D. Therefore Global pooling outputs 1 response for every feature map. This can be the maximum or the average or whatever other pooling operation you use.
It is often used at the end of the backend of a convolutional neural network to get a shape that works with dense layers. Therefore no flatten has to be applied.
Convolutions can work on any image input size (which is big enough). However, if you have a fully connected layer at the end, this layer needs a fixed input size. Hence the complete network needs a fixed image input size.
However, you can remove the fully connected layer and just work with convolutional layers. You can make a convolutional layer at the end which has the same number of filters as you have classes. But you want one value for each class which indicates the probability of that class. Hence you apply a pooling filter over the complete remaining feature map. This pooling is hence "global" as it always is as big as necessary. In contrast, usual pooling layers have a fixed size (e.g. of 2x2 or 3x3).
This is a general concept. You can also find global pooling in other libraries, e.g. Lasagne. If you want a good reference in literature, I recommend reading Network In Network.
We get only one value from entire feature map when we apply GP layer, in which kernel size is the h×w of the feature map. GP layers are used to reduce the spatial dimensions of a three-dimensional feature map. However, GP layers perform a more extreme type of dimensionality reduction, where a feature map with dimensions h×w×d is reduced in size to have dimensions 1×1×d. GP layers reduce each h×w feature map to a single number by simply taking the average of all hw values.
If you are looking for information regarding flags/parameters of caffe, it is best look them up in the comments of '$CAFFE_ROOT/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto'.
For 'global_pooling' parameter the comment says:
// If global_pooling then it will pool over the size of the bottom by doing
// kernel_h = bottom->height and kernel_w = bottom->width
For more information about caffe layers, see this help pages.
