cannot load such file -- google/apis/sheets_v4 (LoadError) - ruby-on-rails

I'm writing an app that accesses and edits google sheets. I have the same code working in a ruby test file, but when I copy the code line for line to the rails model it throws an error: cannot load such file -- google/apis/sheets_v4 (LoadError)
I have made sure to require google/apis/sheets_v4 and that I'm up to date on 'google-api-client' Both of my files are in the same folder, so they should have access to the same libraries.
The only potential source of error that I have so far is that some part of the app relies on a legacy version of google-api-client, so both 0.4.7 and 0.23.3 are installed. Is there a way to force utilization of one over the other?
The app was developed before my arrival at the company, so I don't know the reasoning for the use of a legacy api (yet).

Try the solution from this github forum to use the version you want:
I had to do
gem 'google-api-client', '~> 0.7.1'
then bundle update google-api-client addressable faraday and that let
me figure out which other gems to update for me to be able to use that
newer gem version. Because of dependencies by default bundle was
installing older version for me.


How do I import ruby gems assets to project? [duplicate]

I'm trying to wrap the bootstrap-sass gem inside another gem (let's call it my-engine). Along the way, I'm building a small Rails application to test things out. As a first step, I wanted to make sure I could get bootstrap-sass working directly in my Rails application. The Gemfile for the Rails app looks like this:
gem 'bootstrap-sass', ''
gem 'my-engine, path: "~/dev/my-engine"
This works fine. The bootstrap assets are loaded into my Rails application and everything looks good. Now, I want to take bootstrap-sass out of my Rails app and let it load through my-engine. So, my Rails application Gemfile now looks like:
gem 'my-engine, path: "~/dev/my-engine"
The .gemspec for my-engine has:
spec.add_runtime_dependency 'bootstrap-sass', ''
I can re-bundle the my-engine gem with no problems. I can re-bundle the Rails application with no problems. However, when I refresh the page of the Rails app, I get the following error:
File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sprockets.
That break occurs when sprockets is trying to build the application.css file. Sometimes this will pass and I'll get a different error about missing the bootstrap.js javascript file when the application.js is being built.
Why is this happening? I'm wondering if it has something to with the fact that I'm developing the gems locally and haven't published them, although I'm not sure why that would affect bootstrap-sass which is published. I'm using bundler 1.5.3.
Make sure 'bootstrap-sass' is required in your engine. One sensible place to do this is in your lib/my-engine.rb file:
require 'bootstrap-sass'
Adding the bootstrap-sass gem as a runtime dependency in the .gemspec isn't enough when you're trying to wrap gems.
As you want to use more and more scss/js/coffeescript libraries, you may want to consider moving to bower vs gemfiles as the source for bootstrap-sass-official. We use bower-rails for rake tasks and auto-configuration. It's a really lite config/rake task layer over standard bower.
Addressing your answer, bootstrap problems via the gem was one of the reasons I switched our engine over to just bower assets. We now import bootstrap-sass-official and have full control, note however that for sass files you will need to import the longer path to the source file, i.e. in our engine _application.scss:
# our custom variable overrides
#import 'overrides/variables';
#import 'bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap-sprockets';
#import 'bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap';
NOTE: if you want your app sass variables to override engine and sass variables, make sure your engine has _application.scss not application.scss, the leading underscore is critical for variable context/scope.
Thinking ahead, you may need to ignore bower transitive dependencies as we did.
(i.e. some dependencies may use 'bootstrap' while others use 'bootstrap-sass-official' etc)
We use it like this in our .bowerrc such as the following:
"ignoredDependencies": [
In conclusion
We have been using this for several months with success. bower-rails will install the dependencies in /vendor/assets and if referenced in your engine, you won't need to reference them at all in your application project. It has been fast and easy to maintain/add/update libraries and know exactly how files are included.

problems with ruby gem ns-api

I am trying to build an app in Rails. For my app I need to use the ns-api (dutch railways) in order to get from them the trains timetables. It exists as a gem ( I use the bundler and I get the message that all the gems are ok, but when I am trying to create a controller it gives me the error that it does not recognise NSclient . This happens also when I use "require 'ns_client'" in my controller or in my configuration file. I think that although the bundler seems to work , the gem is not compatible with my Rails (ver 5.0.0) or my ruby version. Any way that I could solve this ?

Add rb-grib gem to Rails application

I'm new to Rails and I got a problem.
My new project requires rb-grib gem (link to ruby gems: This gem requires GRIB API library, I installed it using brew install grib-api. It works in irb and .rb scripts. I need to use it in my Rails app, but I get an error LoadError: cannot load such file -- numru/grib. What I need to do to make it work and deploy to Heroku in future?
You need to add
require 'numru/grib'

Rails: Cannot load such file -- ordrin

I am still new to development using Rails, and have followed various tutorials. I want to create a simple application using the Ordrin API. I have been stuck at a minute problem for a long time.
Using the Ordrin API makes use of the line:
require 'ordrin'
However, the view related to the controller this occurs in shows the following error.
cannot load such file -- ordrin
Even though I have installed the gem earlier using
gem install ordrin
I have tried using the complete path for the gem returned by the command
gem which ordrin
But then I get an error cannot load such file -- json-schema, which is apparently a dependancy for ordrin.
How do I make the require statement load the default gem as managed by RubyGems?
add the following line in your gem file and try
gem 'ordrin'
and don't forget to run the following command
bundle install

Does a Rails 3.0.0.beta app only see bundled gems in the console?

I have a library that I'm trying to get working with rails 3 (specifically feedzirra) which I can require ok in irb but it breaks the console in my app with the following error:
Found a bit of info on using feedzirra with rails 3. It looks like your problem might be with the Loofah library feedzira uses. It uses the deprecated config.framework.
Here's a link with some more info
Rails3 modifies the $LOAD_PATH so it only contains gems listed in the Gemfile.
($LOAD_PATH is an array of directories where Ruby searches for libraries).
So you must add the Gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install.
You can check if the gem is in your path by typing puts $LOAD_PATH.grep(/feedzirra/) in the rails console.
For more information on using Bundler in Rails3 check out these:
