I'm trying to rewrite the marshalling SysTime sample from the Marshaling Classes, Structures, and Unions MSDN article from C# to F#.
My actual code now looks like this:
module LibWrap =
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
type public SystemTime =
val mutable public year:uint16
val mutable public month:uint16
val mutable public weekday:uint16
val mutable public day:uint16
val mutable public hour:uint16
val mutable public minute:uint16
val mutable public second:uint16
val mutable public millisecond:uint16
extern void GetSystemTime([<param:In>][<param: Out>]SystemTime st)
let main argv =
printfn "F# SysTime Sample using Platform Invoke";
let st = new LibWrap.SystemTime (month = 1us, day = 2us, year = 34us)
LibWrap.GetSystemTime st
| ex -> printfn "Failed to GetSystemTime: %O" ex
printfn "The Date is: %d/%d/%d" st.month st.day st.year
It compiles and run with no exception but the output is not as expected. The values in the SystemTime structure are not overwritten.
F# SysTime Sample using Platform Invoke
The Date is: 1/2/34
If I run the code in the F# interactive console I got System.AccessViolationException. The C# version of the code works fine on my system. I tried to use ref/byref keywords but that did not help.
Any ideas what is wrong?
Any good source of information how to use P/Invoke and marshalling from F# correctly? I did not find much useful stuff.
The Win32 GetSystemTime function defines the struct parameter as a pointer. That means your original code should work if you just change the way your external function is defined:
extern void GetSystemTime(SystemTime& st)
Then you would tweak your main method to make st mutable and pass it like a pointer:
let main argv =
printfn "F# SysTime Sample using Platform Invoke";
let mutable st = LibWrap.SystemTime (month = 1us, day = 2us, year = 34us)
LibWrap.GetSystemTime &st
| ex -> printfn "Failed to GetSystemTime: %O" ex
printfn "The Date is: %d/%d/%d" st.month st.day st.year
This prints:
F# SysTime Sample using Platform Invoke
The Date is: 7/6/2018
As rmunn suggested, the struct must be a plain F# record.
So this is the code that works for me:
module LibWrap =
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
type SystemTime = {
extern void GetSystemTime([<param:In>][<param: Out>]SystemTime st)
open LibWrap
let main argv =
printfn "F# SysTime Sample using Platform Invoke";
let st = { year = 4us ; month = 1us ; day = 2us ; weekday = 0us ; hour = 0us ; minute = 0us ; second = 0us ; millisecond = 0us }
LibWrap.GetSystemTime st
| ex -> printfn "Failed to GetSystemTime: %O" ex
printfn "The Date is: %d/%d/%d" st.month st.day st.year
The output is now as expected:
F# SysTime Sample using Platform Invoke
The Date is: 7/6/2018
Thanks for your hint, rmunn
A couple days ago, I posted a question about deserialization with enums in F#.
The question is here: Deserialization in F# vs. C#
The answer pointed to some code written by Isaac Abraham, at: https://gist.github.com/isaacabraham/ba679f285bfd15d2f53e
However I am facing another problem:
If the object to deserialize to has an object of type 'enum option', the deserialization will fail, whereas it'll work if the type is just 'enum'.
A minimal example:
type TestType =
| A = 0
| B = 1
type TestObjectA =
test : TestType
type TestObjectB =
test : TestType option
let x = "{\"test\":\"A\"}"
let TestA = Deserialize<TestObjectA> x // will work
let TestB = Deserialize<TestObjectB> x // will fail
and the large deserialization code is at: https://pastebin.com/95JZLa6j
I put the whole code in a fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/0Vc0Rh
but it can't be run from there since the F# version they support will not accept the 'object' keyword.
So, my question is: why can't I use the option type on an enum, but it works on other types? As a side note, since I'm quite new to F#, I'm not fully understanding Isaac's code, although I spent some time going through it and trying to troubleshoot it.
My understanding is that this line:
|> Seq.map (fun (value, propertyInfo) -> Convert.ChangeType(value, propertyInfo.PropertyType))
will try to convert the type to the right enum, but not to the enum option.
As a bonus question, is there a working solution that does full idiomatic deserialization with enums? (without going through null types)
open System.IO
type TestType =
| A = 0
| B = 1
type TestObjectB =
test : TestType option
let jsonSerializeToString obj =
use writer = new StringWriter()
let ser = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer()
ser.Formatting <- Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented
ser.Serialize(writer, obj)
let jsonDeserializeFromString str =
let Test obj =
let str = jsonSerializeToString obj
let obj' = jsonDeserializeFromString str
let main argv =
{ test = Some TestType.B } |> Test |> ignore
{ test = None } |> Test |> ignore
Note: if you need to serialize a large collection of objects, then stream them to a file instead of an in-memory string to avoid an OutOfMemoryException. Like use writer = File.CreateText(filePath).
As a bonus question, is there a working solution that does full
idiomatic deserialization with enums?
I use the Microsoft.FsharpLu.Json package in production and find it works quite well for serializing and deserializing between "plain" javascript and idiomatic F#. Note Microsoft.FsharpLu.Json relies on Newtonsoft.Json under the hood.
Below is an example with your types and your test string, using Expecto for tests.
namespace FsharpLuJsonTest
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json
open Expecto
open Expecto.Flip
// Setup for FSharpLu.Json
type JsonSettings =
static member settings =
let s = JsonSerializerSettings(
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore)
static member formatting = Formatting.None
type JsonSerializer = With<JsonSettings>
// Your example
type TestType =
| A = 0
| B = 1
type TestObjectA = { test : TestType }
type TestObjectB = { test : TestType option }
module Tests =
let x = """{"test":"A"}"""
let tests =
testList "Deserialization Tests" [
testCase "To TestObjectA" <| fun _ ->
JsonSerializer.deserialize x
|> Expect.equal "" { TestObjectA.test = TestType.A }
testCase "To TestObjectB" <| fun _ ->
JsonSerializer.deserialize x
|> Expect.equal "" { TestObjectB.test = Some TestType.A }
module Main =
let main args =
runTestsInAssembly defaultConfig args
As you can see FsharpLu.Json supports Discriminated Unions and option types out of the box in the way you prefer. FsharpLu.Json is a less flexible solution than some others like Chiron (which allow for much more customisation) but I tend to prefer the opinionated approach of FsharpLu.Json.
I haven't used it personally, but the new FSharp.SystemText.Json library with the JsonUnionEncoding.ExternalTag setting should work roughly the same way FsharpLu.Json does. That library uses Microsoft's new System.Text.Json library under the hood rather than Newtonsoft.Json.
Can somebody help me with article of Tomas Petricek: http://tomasp.net/blog/fsharp-dynamic-lookup.aspx/#dynfslinks?
The problem is that it is severely outdated. I understand that namespaces
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Typed
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Raw
are gone. So I removed the openings. But there are still errors. "Typed" is not defined. "RecdGet" is not defined. And I suspect they are not the last. I'm trying to prove to my boss that F# is good to use for database normalization. Dynamic lookup of fields would really helped me to deal with similarly named fields having different prefixes.
There is also post of Tomas on fpish: https://fpish.net/topic/None/57493, which I understand predates the article
Here's a rough equivalent:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
type DynamicMember<'t,'u> = Expr<'t -> 'u>
let getValueReader (expr:DynamicMember<'recdT, 'fieldT>) =
// Match the quotation representing the symbol
match expr with
| Lambda(v, PropertyGet (Some (Var v'), pi, [])) when v = v' ->
// It represents reading of the F# record field..
// .. get a function that reads the record field using F# reflection
let rdr = Reflection.FSharpValue.PreComputeRecordFieldReader pi
// we're not adding any additional processing, so we just
// simply add type conversion to the correct types & return it
((box >> rdr >> unbox) : 'recdT -> 'fieldT)
| _ ->
// Quotation doesn't represent symbol - this is an error
failwith "Invalid expression - not reading record field!"
type SampleRec = { Str : string; Num : int }
let readStrField = getValueReader <# fun (r : SampleRec) -> r.Str #>
let readNumField = getValueReader <# fun (r : SampleRec) -> r.Num #>
let rc = { Str = "Hello world!"; Num = 42 }
let s, n = readStrField rc, readNumField rc
printfn "Extracted: %s, %d" s n
I'm trying to get F# async working, and I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Here's my sorta syncronous code that runs:
open System.Net
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open System.Threading.Tasks
type Person = {
[<field: DataMember(Name = "name")>]
Name : string
[<field: DataMember(Name = "phone")>]
Phone : int
let url = "http://localhost:5000/app/plugins/anon/CCure"
let js = Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Person>)
let main x =
let client = new WebClient()
let url = url + "/" + x
let reader = client.OpenRead(url)
let person = js.ReadObject(reader) :?> Person
printfn "Name: %s, Phone number: %d" person.Name person.Phone
printfn "starting x"
let x = Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> main "x")
printfn "starting y"
let y = Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> main "y")
Task.WaitAll(x, y)
I was thinking that to run it asyncronously this would work, but it doesn't:
open System.Net
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open System.Threading.Tasks
type Person = {
[<field: DataMember(Name = "name")>]
Name : string
[<field: DataMember(Name = "phone")>]
Phone : int
let url = "http://localhost:5000/app/plugins/anon/CCure"
let js = Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Person>)
let main x = async {
let client = new WebClient()
let url = url + "/" + x
let! reader = client.OpenReadAsync(url)
let person = js.ReadObject(reader) :?> Person
printfn "Name: %s, Phone number: %d" person.Name person.Phone }
printfn "starting x"
let x = Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> main "x")
printfn "starting y"
let y = Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> main "y")
Task.WaitAll(x, y)
$ fsharpc -r System.Runtime.Serialization foo.fs && ./foo.exe F#
Compiler for F# 3.1 (Open Source Edition) Freely distributed under the
Apache 2.0 Open Source License
/home/frew/code/foo.fs(19,18): error FS0001: This expression was
expected to have type
Async<'a> but here has type
/home/frew/code/foo.fs(20,17): error FS0041: A unique overload for
method 'ReadObject' could not be determined based on type information
prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed.
Candidates: XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(reader:
System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader) : obj,
XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(reader: System.Xml.XmlReader) : obj,
XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(stream: System.IO.Stream) : obj
/home/frew/code/foo.fs(20,17): error FS0008: This runtime coercion or
type test from type
'a to
Person involves an indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. Runtime type tests are not allowed on
some types. Further type annotations are needed.
What am I missing here?
OpenReadAsync is part of the .NET BCL and therefore wasn't designed with F# async in mind. You'll notice it returns unit, rather than Async<Stream>, so it won't work with let!.
The API is designed to be used with events (i.e. you have to wire up client.OpenReadCompleted).
You have a couple of options here.
There are some nice helper methods in FSharp.Core that can help
you to convert the API into a more F# friendly one (see
Use AsyncDownloadString, an extension method for WebClient that can be found in Microsoft.FSharp.Control.WebExtensions. This is easier so I've done it below although it does mean holding the whole stream in memory as a string so if you have a huge amount of Json this may not be the best idea.
It's also more idiomatic F# to use async instead of tasks for running things in parallel.
open System.Net
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.WebExtensions
open System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
type Person = {
[<field: DataMember(Name = "name")>]
Name : string
[<field: DataMember(Name = "phone")>]
Phone : int
let url = "http://localhost:5000/app/plugins/anon/CCure"
let js = Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Person>)
let main x = async {
printfn "Starting %s" x
let client = new WebClient()
let url = url + "/" + x
let! json = client.AsyncDownloadString(System.Uri(url))
let bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)
let st = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bytes)
let person = js.ReadObject(st) :?> Person
printfn "Name: %s, Phone number: %d" person.Name person.Phone }
let x = main "x"
let y = main "y"
[x;y] |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore<unit[]>
I wrote this script from some resources I found. It's working but I some files I have problem. I am new in F# so how can I change line with FileHelpersException to get exact line where is the problem? Thanks
// Learn more about F# at http://fsharp.net
// See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help.
open FileHelpers
open System
type CsvRecord =
val field1 : string
val field2 : string
val field3 : int
new () = {
field1 = ""
field2 = ""
field3 = 0
let main argv =
use file = System.IO.File.CreateText("result.txt")
let engine = new FileHelperEngine<CsvRecord>()
engine.Encoding <- new Text.UTF8Encoding()
let res =
| :? FileHelpersException -> Array.empty<CsvRecord>
for record in res do
fprintfn file "%s" record.field1
printf "DONE!"
let s = Console.ReadLine()
0 // return an integer exit code
I suggest that you use CsvTypeProvider instead. When there's a mismatch the error message states the line which has the error
open FSharp.Data
let main argv =
use file = System.IO.File.CreateText("result.txt")
let csv = new CsvProvider<"test.csv">()
for record in csv.Data do
fprintfn file "%s" record.field1
If you want to ignore the lines with errors, just pass IgnoreErrors=true as an extra parameter to CsvProvider
This question is about the FileHelpers library you are using, not F#, so looking at the docs for that might help. In this case you can check for ConvertException instead of FileHelpersException, which contains members that give you more details about the member.
| :? ConvertException as ex ->
printfn "ERROR: Line %d Col %d" ex.LineNumber ex.ColumnNumber
I agree with Gustavo though, you might find it easier to use the CsvTypeProvider.
I am trying to set the message formatter for a message in F#. In C# I can have:
foreach (System.Messaging.Message message in messages)
message.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new String[] { "System.String,mscorlib" });
string body = message.Body.ToString();
which works just fine. I now want to do the same thing in F# and have:
let mList = messageQueue.GetAllMessages()
let xt = [| "System.String,mscorlib" |]
for m in mList do
m.Formatter = XmlMessageFormatter(xt)
which causes this error at compile time:
Error 2 This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
I suspect I am missing a basic concept in F#. What am I doing wrong?
latkin's answer worked perfectly. Just in case anyone else is interested, here is the full working program in F#:
open System.Messaging
let main argv =
printfn "%A" argv
let messageQueue = new MessageQueue(".\private$\Twitter")
let mList = messageQueue.GetAllMessages()
let xt = [| "System.String,mscorlib" |]
for m in mList do
m.Formatter <- XmlMessageFormatter(xt)
printfn "%s " (m.Body.ToString())
0 // return an integer exit code
When you are assigning a mutable value, the operator is <-, not =. In F# = is only used for initial bindings, otherwise it's used as the Boolean equality operator (like C-family ==). Some docs here.
You want
let mList = messageQueue.GetAllMessages()
let xt = [| "System.String,mscorlib" |]
for m in mList do
m.Formatter <- XmlMessageFormatter(xt)
No casting is needed in this case.
The error comes up because the compiler thinks you are trying to compare a IMessageFormatter to a XmlMessageFormatter.
F# doesn't have implicit casts like C# does, so it doesn't automatically upcast your XmlMessageFormatter to the IMessageFormatter used by the Formatter property.
There was a similar question a couple of days ago with more information about this:
F# return ICollection