How to set docker env file that inside the image - docker

i am a totally docker newb, so sorry for that
i have stand-alone docker image (some node app),
that i want to run in different environments.
i want to set up the env file with run RUN --env-file <path>
How ever, i want to use the env files that inside the image (so i can use different files per env),
and not on server.
so would be the path inside image.
is there any way to do so?
perhaps like "cp" (docker cp [OPTIONS] CONTAINER:<path>)
but doesn't seem to work.
what the best practice here?
am i making sense?

Docker bind mounts are a fairly effective way to inject configuration files like this into a running container. I would not try to describe every possible configuration in your built image; instead, let that be configuration that's pushed in from the host.
Pick some single specific file to hold the configuration. For the sake of argument, let's say it's /usr/src/app/env. Set up your application however it's built to read that file at startup time. Either make sure the application can still start up if the file is missing, or build your image with some file there with reasonable default settings.
Now when you run your container, it will always read settings from that known file; but, you can specify a host file that will be there:
docker run -v $PWD/env.development:/usr/src/app/env myimage
Now you can locally have an env.development that specifies extended logging and a local database, and an env.production with minimal logging and pointing at your production database. If you set up a third environment (say a shared test database with some known data in it) you can just run the container with this new configuration, without rebuilding it.

Following is the command to run docker
docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
docker run --name test -it debian
focus on following switch
--env , -e Set environment variables
--env-file You can pass environment variables to your containers with the -e flag.
An example from a startup script:
sudo docker run -d -t -i -e REDIS_NAMESPACE='staging' \
-e POSTGRES_ENV_DB_NAME='mysite_staging' \
-e SITE_URL='' \
-p 80:80 \
--link redis:redis \
--name container_name dockerhub_id/image_name
In case, you have many environment variables and especially if they're meant to be secret, you can use an env-file:
$ docker run --env-file ./env.list ubuntu bash
The --env-file flag takes a filename as an argument and expects each
line to be in the VAR=VAL format, mimicking the argument passed to
--env. Comment lines need only be prefixed with #


Docker basics, how to keep installed packages and edited files?

Do I understand Docker correctly?
docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 -d verdaccio/verdaccio
gets verdaccio if it does not exist yet on my server and runs it on a specific port. -d detaches it so I can leave the terminal and keep it running right?
docker exec -it --user root verdaccio /bin/sh
lets me ssh into the running container. However whatever apk package that I add would be lost if I rm the container then run the image again, as well as any edited file. So what's the use of this? Can I keep the changes in the image?
As I need to edit the config.yaml that is present in /verdaccio/conf/config.yaml (in the container), my only option to keep this changes is to detach the data from the running instance? Is there another way?
V_PATH=/path/on/my/server/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name
verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
-v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
-v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
-v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
However this command would throw
fatal--- cannot open config file /verdaccio/conf/config.yaml: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/verdaccio/conf/config.yaml'
You can use docker commit to build a new image based on the container.
A better approach however is to use a Dockerfile that builds an image based on verdaccio/verdaccio with the necessary changes in it. This makes the process easily repeatable (for example if a new version of the base image comes out).
A further option is the use of volumes as you already mentioned.

Docker how to pass a relative path as an argument

I would like to run this command:
docker run docker-mup deploy --config .deploy/mup.js
where docker-mup is the name the image, and deploy, --config, .deploy/mup.js are arguments
My question: how to mount a volume such that .deploy/mup.js is understood as the relative path on the host from where the docker run command is run?
I tried different things with VOLUME but it seems that VOLUME does the contrary: it exposes a container directory to the host.
I can't use -v because this container will be used as a build step in a CI/CD pipeline and as I understand it, it is just run as is.
I can't use -v because this container will be used as a build step in a CI/CD pipeline and as I understand it, it is just run as is.
Using -v to expose your current directory is the only way to make that .deploy/mup.js file inside your container, unless you are baking it into the image itself using a COPY directive in your Dockerfile.
Using the -v option to map a host directory might look something like this:
docker run \
-v $PWD/.deploy:/data/.deploy \
-w /data \
docker-mup deploy --config .deploy/mup.js
This would map (using -v ...) the $PWD/.deploy directory onto /data/.deploy in your container, set the current working directory to /data (using -w ...), and then run deploy --config .deploy/mup.js.
Windows - Powershell
If you're inside the directory you want to bind mount, use ${pwd}:
docker run -it --rm -d -p 8080:80 --name web -v ${pwd}:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
or $pwd/. (forward slash dot):
docker run -it --rm -d -p 8080:80 --name web -v $pwd/.:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
Just $pwd will cause an error:
docker run -it --rm -d -p 8080:80 --name web -v $pwd:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
Variable reference is not valid. ':' was not followed by a valid variable name character. Consider using ${} to
delimit the name
Mounting a subdirectory underneath your current location, e.g. "site-content", $pwd/ + subdir is fine:
docker run -it --rm -d -p 8080:80 --name web -v $pwd/site-content:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
In my case there was no need for $pwd, and using the standard current folder notation . was enough. For reference, I used docker-compose.yml and ran docker-compose up.
Here is a relevant part of docker-compose.yml.
- '.\logs\:/data'

Docker image specific argument in ECS task definition

I have the below docker run command to launch a container:
docker run -d --name selenoid-ui \
--link selenoid \
-p 8080:8080 \
aerokube/selenoid-ui --selenoid-uri=http://selenoid:4444
Manage to run the command except the --selenoid-uri=http://selenoid:4444 part.
Tried to put the same in docker command, entry point and key value pairs but doesnt seem to work.
Any idea where shall I use this docker image specific argument in task definition?
Put this: Advanced container configuration > Environment > Command
Use the Command property in your ContainerDefinition. See:

Is it possible to start/configure the confluent docker images with a property file instead of environment variables?

The docs state that the cp-zookeeper and cp-kafka images are configured via environment variables.
The ZooKeeper image uses variables prefixed with ZOOKEEPER_ with the variables expressed exactly as they would appear in the file. As an example, to set clientPort, tickTime, and syncLimit run the command below:
docker run -d \
--net=host \
--name=zookeeper \
I would prefer to provide a ( for kafka) instead of specifying the ZOOKEEPER_* (KAFKA_*) environment variables. Is this somehow possible?
In my current setup with "non-confluent" kafka I simply mount a config volume containing the properties on /etc/kafka and then start kafka with that, but looking at the confluent docker images I can see that this won't work since there's some special templating-magic going on in order to generate the properties inside the container.
You may achieve what you describe by using the --env-file switch with your docker command instead of typing every environment variable in the command line.
For example, if you first store your desired properties to a file, let's say
then you may start your kafka container by running:
docker run -d --net=host --name=kafka --env-file ./ confluentinc/cp-kafka:3.3.1
Still, the names of the property keys should match what each docker image is expecting (which as you noticed are rendered to the respective service properties when each docker image runs).

Workaround to docker run "--env-file" supplied file not being evaluated as expected

My current setup for running a docker container is on the lines of this:
I've got a main.env file:
# Main
export PRIVATE_IP=\`echo localhost\`
export MONGODB_URL="mongodb://$MONGODB_HOST:27017/development"
In my service file (upstart), I source this file . /path/to/main.env
I then call docker run with multiple -e for each of the environment variables I want inside of the container. In this case I would call something like: docker run -e MONGODB_URL=$MONGODB_URL ubuntu bash
I would then expect MONGODB_URL inside of the container to equal mongodb://localhost:27017/development. Notice that in reality echo localhost is replaced by a curl to amazon's api for an actual PRIVATE_IP.
This becomes a bit unwieldy when you start having more and more environment variables you need to give your container. There is a fine point to see here which is that the environment variables need to be resolved at run time, such as with a call to curl or by referring to other env variables.
The solution I was hoping to use is:
calling docker run with an --env-file parameter such as this:
# Main
PRIVATE_IP=\`echo localhost\`
Then my docker run command would be significantly shortened to docker run --env-file=/path/to/main.env ubuntu bash (keep in mind usually I've got around 12-15 environment variables.
This is where I hit my problem which is that inside the container none of the variables resolve as expected. Instead I end up with:
PRIVATE_IP=`echo localhost`
I could circumvent this by doing the following:
Sourcing the main.env file.
Creating a file containing just the names of the variables I want (meaning docker would search for them in the environment).
Then calling docker run with this file as an argument to --env-file. This would work but would mean I would need to maintain two files instead of one, and really wouldn't be that big of an improvement of the current situation.
What I would prefer is to have the variables resolve as expected.
The closest question to mine that I could find is:
12factor config approach with Docker
Ceate a .env file
example: test=123 val=Guru
Execute command
docker run -it --env-file=.env bash
Inside the bash verify using
echo $test (should print 123)
Both --env and --env-file setup variables as is and do not replace nested variables.
Solomon Hykes talks about configuring containers at run time and the the various approaches. The one that should work for you is to volume mounting the main.env from host into the container and sourcing it.
So I just faced this issue as well, what solved it for me was I specified the --env-file or -e KEY=VAL before the name of the container image. For example
docker run my-image --env-file .env
docker run --env-file .env my-image
creating an ENV file that is nothing more than key/value pairs can be processed in normal shell commands and appended to the environment. Look at the bash -a pragma.
What you can do is create a startup script that can be run when the container starts. So if your current docker file looks something like this
From ...
CMD command
Change it to
From ...
CMD [""]
In your script do the following:
export PRIVATE_IP=\`echo localhost\`
export MONGODB_URL="mongodb://$MONGODB_HOST:27017/development"
I had a very similar problem to this. If I passed the contents of the env file to docker as separate -e directives then everything ran fine however if I passed the file using --env-file the container failed to run properly.
Turns out there were some spurious line endings in the file (I had copied from windows and ran docker in Ubuntu). When I removed them the container ran the same with --env or --env-file.
I had this issue when using docker run in a separate run script file, since I wanted the credentials ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_PASSWORD to be accessible in the container, but not show up in the command.
Following the other answers and passing a separate environment file with --env or --env-file didn't work for my image (though it worked for the Bash image). What worked was creating a separate env file...
# env.list
...and sourcing it in the run script when launching the container:
source env.list
docker run -d \
