Batch file is not getting completely executed. - jenkins

We are trying to make a Jenkins job where we will deploy our Angular app to Tomcat's webapps folder.
Our Jenkins is running on CentOS and dev server is on Windows.
We executing the following shell script in Jenkins build step.
sshpass -p "password" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no username#host "D:\Ratikanta\temp.bat"
Our batch file content is following.
d: && cd Ratikanta && svn checkout && cd kspweb && npm i && npm run build && move ksp D:\Ratikanta\Tomcat7\webapps
These are working fine when running the shell script(sshpass -p ...) from CentOS terminal but, when running from Jenkins job it is executing up to npm i. Other commands like npm run build && move ksp D:\Ratikanta\Tomcat7\webapps are not getting executed.
Please help. Did we miss something? Please suggest if there are any other way to achieve our goal.


Why is this Todo app build failing in Jenkins when deploying on AWS Linux using Docker file in WSL2?

So I was trying to deploy a simple CD pipeline using docker by ssh’ing into my AWS Linux EC2 instance in the WSL2 terminal. The job is failing every time returning the following error:
Started by user Navdeep Singh Running as SYSTEM Building on the
built-in node in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/todo-dev
[todo-dev] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + cd
/home/ubuntu/project/django-todo /tmp/
2: cd: can’t cd to /home/ubuntu/project/django-todo Build step
‘Execute shell’ marked build as failure Finished: FAILURE
DockerFile contents:
FROM python:3 RUN pip install django==3.2
COPY . .
RUN python migrate
CMD [“python”,“”,“runserver”,“”]
Everything goes fine. This error cd: can’t cd to /home/ubuntu/project/django-todo Build step ‘Execute shell’ marked build as failure Finished: FAILURE is not an actual.
Your agent Node is not online.
To fix the problem, find commands on your jenkins web page after an agent setup. You need to run those commands from your terminal. See the screenshot for more details.
Make sure that your jenkins public IP and node agent public IP are the same. If an error occurs, you need to run some commands on the terminal. This is not a real error.
this issue follow this step which i give you
For Agent--->
change your ip here( to your EC2 ip
1.curl -sO -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl -secret beb62de0f81bfd06e4cd81d1b896d85d38f82b87b21ef8baef3389e651c9f72c -workDir "/home/ubuntu"
For JOb --->
sudo vi /etc/sudoers
then add this command below root access in sudoers file
3.then goto the ubuntu directory using cd .. then run this codes
grep ^ubuntu /etc/group
id jenkins
sudo adduser jenkins ubuntu
grep ^ubuntu /etc/group
4.restart the jenkins relogin
sudo systemctl stop jenkins
then you good to go

How to install chromedriver in the docker file for jmeter

I have deployed jmeter in kubernetes by using
But I am facing difficulties when I want to integrate selenium webdriver with jmeter. I am able to install selenium packages within the docker using
RUN cd /jmeter/apache-jmeter-$JMETER_VERSION/ && wget -q -O /tmp/ && unzip -n /tmp/ && rm /tmp/
But how to install chromedriver within docker. There is no official documentation for jmeter on this and I am new to jmeter. I really appreciate if anyone would guide me on this.
There is no official documentation for JMeter because JMeter doesn't support Selenium
You should look into official documentation for Chromedriver and Docker
Given you were able to come up with RUN directive to download and unpack WebDriver Sampler plugin you should be able to do the same with the Chromedriver, like:
RUN wget -q -O /tmp/ && unzip /tmp/ && rm /tmp/ && mv chromedriver/tmp
You will also need to change the ENTRYPOINT to set JMeter system property like

Running sbt in docker as non-root user

Trying to create a docker image that has sbt installed and can build sbt projects but, when building, will not be running as the root user (this is all in the context of running Jenkins inside docker).
Dockerfile sets up sbt
curl -L -o sbt-$SBT_VERSION.deb$SBT_VERSION.deb && \
dpkg -i sbt-$SBT_VERSION.deb && \
rm sbt-$SBT_VERSION.deb && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install sbt && \
sbt sbtVersion
And if I then run sbt as the root user, all works ok
docker exec -u root myjenkins sbt sbtVersion
[warn] No sbt.version set in project/, base directory: /
[info] Set current project to root (in build file:/)
[info] 1.1.6
But when I run sbt as the jenkins user, it tries to download sbt 1.1.6 again and eventually fails when it tries to modify an apt system file.
docker exec -u jenkins myjenkins sbt sbtVersion
Getting org.scala-sbt sbt 1.1.6 (this may take some time)...
downloading ...
[SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#sbt;1.1.6!sbt.jar (68ms)
[warn] No sbt.version set in project/, base directory: /
[error] /var/cache/apt/archives/lock (Permission denied)
I understand that all of the "RUN" commands in your Dockerfile are as a root user.
SBT downloading Scala: Check where it is downloading. SBT by default downloads dependencies on ~/.ivy2 (and/or ~/.m2). If you change user, your home also changes, so it will look for dependencies in /home/jenkins/.ivy2, then on .ivy2 (double-check on this), which do not have those dependencies downloaded already, so it tries to download them.
About the var/cache/apt/archives/lock, it is trying to install via SBT via apt with your jenkins user, when you need to be privileged user to use apt. Your app-user should not need to install anything (or anything that requires root access), but rather build an image with all required installs and then use it as a separate user. Also, if apt gives you headaches, you can just install via download into folder, something like:
curl -fsL$SCALA_VERSION/scala-$SCALA_VERSION.tgz | tar xfz - -C /usr/local && \
ln -s /usr/local/scala-$SCALA_VERSION/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
PS: You may want to run your container always as jenkins user, in that case you can use USER jenkins after you finished installations and do any additional unprivileged operations there.

Ionic e2e CI tests in jenkins

I want to achieve similar functionality to How to run ionic in the background to run e2e tests of my Ionic2 application in Jenkins. The e2e tests are created with protractor.
Option 1) running in the background did not work. As suggested I tried screen / tmux like:
stage 'e2e testing'
sh 'tmux new-session -d -s ionicServe'
sh 'tmux new-session -d -s e2e'
sh 'tmux send-keys -t ionicServe "ionic serve --nobrowser --nolivereload localhost" C-m'
sh 'tmux send-keys -t e2e "npm run e2ej" C-m'
sh 'tmux attach -t e2e'
which works great locally / in a docker container but does not work when Jenkins is executing the test cases.
Do you have any suggestions how to either get it to work in Jenkins with tmux or to have ionic serve the app without the CLI (plain gulp tasks)
Hint: a gulp serve:before does not seem to start the development server.
This ( is a fix. But does not seem to be as neatly integrated into Ionic CLI
cd www && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8100 >> python_serve.log 2>&1 &

wercker with docker switching user results in error, how to install nvm then?

My wercker build exits with Failed step: setup environment - Command exited with exit code: 1 when I'm switching user in my Docker image. I'm running wercker dev from the commandline. The Dockerfile builds fine with Docker itself on the commandline, as well as on Docker Hub. I can run it fine. It's just when I use it for wercker, that the error occurs.
For example in my Dockerfile is the following code:
# Adding user
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' dockworker && adduser dockworker sudo && echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
RUN mkdir -p /home/dockworker && chown -R dockworker:dockworker /home/dockworker
USER dockworker # Line the build seems to break on
When I comment this line out, it seems to pass. Now the problem with this, for me, is the following: I'd like to switch to another user, since I'm trying to install nvm (for gulp, bower). Generally I don't prefer to install this this as root, therefore I add a user for this.
However, when I do install nvm as root in my Dockerfile (so just removing the user related lines in the codeblock above completely):
ENV NVM_DIR /usr/local/nvm
RUN curl | NVM_DIR=/usr/local/nvm bash
#install the specified node version and set it as the default one, install the global npm packages
RUN . /usr/local/nvm/ && nvm install $NODE_VERSION && nvm alias default $NODE_VERSION && npm install -g bower && npm install -g gulp
Then it does get past the setup environment stage, but during the steps it errors out that nvm and npm are not found. The step in the wercker.yml:
id: francobolli/docker-ubuntu-14.04-php-5.6
tag: latest
NVM_DIR: /usr/local/nvm
- script:
name: gulp styles and javascript
code: |
npm install
bower install --allow-root
gulp --env=production
I don't really understand this. When I run both docker images from the commandline (so with wercker removed from the context completely) I can execute nvm and npm just fine, but when I'm running it through wercker, it seems the .bashrc file is not being executed. When I cat ~/.bashrc during the steps, I can see:
export NVM_DIR="/usr/local/nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
When I enter this in a step, it will be executed and I can npm install without a problem, so it seems this is never executed through the .bashrc:
- script:
name: gulp styles and javascript
code: |
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # It works when I put it here, but it's also in ~/.bashrc, which doesn't seem to get executed
npm install
Note: If I source ~/.bashrc in the wercker step instead, it does not work.
So my question is: What am I doing wrong, for not being able to switch user in the Wercker build and even if I could, would I have the same problem as running nvm with root: nvm and npm CAN be found when a Docker container is instantiated from the commandline, but CAN'T be found when running it with Wercker. What's the best solution?
I'd rather not add commands in the wercker.yml if it can be resolved through proper user configuration or proper nvm configuration. Sorry if I'm missing something very obvious.
This has nothing to do with Docker configuration, but with how Wercker handles Docker boxes. From the documentation:
Using Sudo
The sudo command is no longer supported in wercker v2 and effectively does nothing when used.
And for deployment:
Please note that if you update a project to make use of Docker (Ewok version) and this project has autodeployment, this deploy will most likely fail. We will update our documentation in the future on how to deploy these containers.
However, I did get it to build (and deploy) with the solution (temporary workaround?) as displayed in the original question.
