Use Analytics in a WebView on Android and iOS - webview

I am writing to you for the first time. I would like to know if with the "webview" configuration (, it's good for hybrid apps and if you can track the transactions carried out on the institutional site, more precisely the payment takes place on the site and not within the app and understand that users who have converted arrive from the app and not from other channels. Thank you in advance for your opinion.


Extracting screen time usage of the user in an Ios app (maybe with the Screen Time API)

Dear StackOverFlow Friends,
We are having a hard time understanding a concept that relates to the app idea that we are planning to develop. Imagine that we have an app called A. that requires the user's screen time usage information for selected apps like Udemy, Duolingo, and such. Our concept does not require any kind of app tracking or anything else, the only information that we need to acquire is the screen time information of the user. Accordingly, we have found an API namely Screen Time API, however, within the documentations and open topics, we couldn’t exactly be sure that we would be allowed to have such information. In this sense, we will need your kind support directing us around the idea and API.
The app will provide a futuristic, ToDo, and agile-oriented device usage environment for users to track their daily objectives by directly using the screen time information (of the apps, not just the overall phone usage).
Are we able to extract Screen Time information of the user's various apps?
Are we able to use the Screen Time API, no questions asked?
Do we need to create a proposal for the AppStore team that elaborates our idea for the App publishment?

How to track how much time other app is used?

i want to track how much time other apps in device are used by the user, i want track that time inside my app.for ex. i want track how much time user used the Facebook app, or WhatsApp or any other app.
is there any way to do this...please give any suggestions or example code or any other tutorials..
I think Apple don't allow tracking when you are out of your app, for tracking time and user activity in my apps, I use flurry.
You can track how long people use your app, sure. One popular way is via Google Analytics iOS SDK
For tracking other apps on the users device, that is simply not possible. You do not have access to other apps you have not developed yourself.
It cannot be done. Apple forbid apps trying to access things outside of their sandbox.

Is there any detailed insight for iOS App like in Android?

I notice there is no detailed insight on my app on iTunesConnect like android insight GooglePlay.
Is there any way to track user detail on every user install my app? I need more distinct information like, iOS version, phone provider, phone type, etc across installed app like in Android insight? does Google Analytics could do this?
Thank you.
There are quite a lot of analytics providers around that cater for iOS. As you mentioned, Google Analytics (which is free) should do what you need. Mixpanel is a really nice provider, but is only free for a certain amount of data. I've also used Flurry in the past (also free), but I find their web interface to be quite clunky.
If you want to track sales and App Store reviews, I'd really recommend AppFigures. Great service (paid, but a low monthly cost and you can cancel whenever), which gives you great insight into who's downloading your apps.

writing an iOS app to pay utility bill

Ok, I have a client who is a utility provider (like power, water, etc). They want their customers to be able to pay their bill from an iOS app. Since this isn't a product will it be okay to use an alternative payment gateway using WebView?
This specific usage sounds fine. Apple doesn't allow you to sell app content through anything but the store, but taking payment for an entirely external service should be fine, there are dozens of similar apps for general payment processing (LevelUp, 4square, etc.), and this is the same sort of thing, just for a more specific debt.
That said, if all your app is is a WebView wrapper for your site, Apple will reject it because of that. An app that wraps a webview must additionally use a nontrivial amount of native functionality.
In general, if your application is just a UIWebView embedded in a UIView, it will almost certainly be rejected. What is the benefit of an application embedding a mobile version of the website, compared to just loading the mobile site in the default Safari web browser?
If you are going to do this, Apple requires that the application be more than just a web browser loading a default URL. This can be one component of the app, but it cannot be the only component.

real time messaging for multi player game on ios

Building a multi player iOS game where players compete one against the other. Nature of the game is synchronous. Basically, players either invite each other through facebook, email, etc and then start playing.
We debate what is the best strategy for facilitating the real time communication between players (sending events, etc). Coming from web development, we used comet and long polling which worked great. However, it's not clear what's the best way to achieve that on iOS.
Seems like APN (Apple Push Notifications) is not suitable in our case for two reasons: the delay can be pretty significant, up to few seconds, as far as we understand. Also, using APN requires the user to authorize notifications. If the user doesn't authorize this then it won't be possible to play the game.
Also, we understand Apple's Game Kit (Game Center) can be of value in our case however it's not clear how it interacts with invites through facebook etc. Also, not clear if we need to get into bed with Apple's Game Center and how it'll affect the user experience.
Any guidance on this matter as well as other options that you might think of would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help.
Before you read the rest, a disclaimer: I work for but I do believe I can help here so I'm not trying to "pitch a sale".
If you need to have real time updates, you can check out Realtime ( It's basically a set of tools for developers to use real time technologies on their projects. It uses websockets but does fallback to whatever the user's browser supports (such as long polling, for example) if you are using a browser (which is not your case, but it's always good to know).
Behind Realtime you have a one-to-one/one-to-many/many-to-many messaging system that will transport your messages to and from your users.
There's a iOS API too which you can use in your project. You can download it here: and check the documentation here:
There's also a plus which is the fact that the Realtime framework is actually cross-platform. This means that you can even have your iOS players to communicate with players using Android, Windows Phone, HTML5, Flash, etc. if you decide on expanding your game to other platforms.
I hope that helps!
I'll just provide some insights on the question.
APN should never be used for synchro communication as for iOS at least, you'll never have both way communication (basically the Apple APN servers are pushing an information to the device).
You should probably play with C sockets in order to open a tunnel (depends if your game is real time or not).
Using the Apple Framework GameKit is great! But might take some time to understand all the functionnalities.
Check out Gree
There are a few things that your talking about, there is the joining/starting of a game, and then the communication between the players. They are not necessarily related.
You can use game-center and at the same time another framework for facebook, they are not mutually exclusive (but it would be more work.)
