My CN1 app crash on startup - ios

Since today I can't run a CN1 debug the app on my iPhone 4 (iOS 9.3.5). It crashes on startup.
I've made only minor changes:
Add a button which uses execute(URL) to open a URL.
and I've got this exception:
Library not loaded
Reason: image not found.
Can you help me, please?

That's probably a regression due to changes that went in to implement
It's probably due to this commit:
Can you please file an issue to keep track on this?
We're looking into it.


Xcode 9 crashing when running split view app on iPhone

After working just fine on both iPhone and iPad for a month, my Xcode 9 app has consistently started crashing causing me the following fatal problem: When I build & run it on an iPhone (simulator or device) Xcode completes loading the app and then crashes too fast for me to copy/paste the error from the debugger. When I run on iPad it works fine leading me to believe this is a result of something related to the split master/detail view.
If I use either an exception breakpoint or an "all C++ exceptions" it will stop at the AppDelegate class and crash if I hit play. If I use only an "all Objective-C exceptions" it will crash as before.
In the debug view hierarchy I get the following errors as well:
Error: Unable to capture view hierarchy.
Details: Log Title: Data source expression execution failure.
Log Details: error evaluating expression “(id)
[[(Class)objc_getClass("DBGTargetHub") sharedHub]
Log Method: -[DBGDataSourceConnectionLibViewDebugger
Method: -[DBGViewDebugger updateDebugHierarchy]_block_invoke_2
I have tested other apps and this issue is unique to the app I am working on. Any ideas or debugging tips for how to proceed? I might just have to redo this whole project again if I can't even find the root cause of this! Appreciate any help.
Quick solution: Reset Simulator Device
I managed to resolve the above issue thanks to some serious digging. First, to resolve the instantaneous crash problem, I set a breakpoint at every line in the app delegate. That allowed me to narrow the error to a memory handling problem. From there I started running the code on one of each device available, and realized the crash only occurred on devices I had used earlier in development. Resetting those devices solved the problem.
The core issue here is that when you clean/rebuild your xcode program, it updates the app code on the device, but not necessarily the data model information. So when I changed my data model by including new data and renaming old data it was not properly updated.

iOS crash below iOS9.3 with SIGSEGV, different Crash Log

Many crashes happened below the iOS9.3 (which means devices with iOS10 are OK)..
The crash logs seem to show that it's not a problem about API that can only be used below iOS 9.3 .
But I have no idea about the crash logs. ( I'm sorry ...for I just start to study iOS development for only 2 month )
Could you please help me analyze the crash logs ?
Really Thanks !
crash log 1
crash log 2
AXE_BAD_ACCESS - this is problem with memory. One of function tried to use variable which already released. I think you need to check use your TableView and cells for this table.
Also to find problem with memory you can try to use zombies
Used to have the similar strange crashes in my app. And only in production, when testing from TestFlight. Building on device with ios 9 caused no problems.
Maybe it sounds strange, but try to convert all images you use in app to images with included sRGB color profile. For me it helped.

HW kbd Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus ios

In my iOS app crash log I found this statement:
HW kbd Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus ios
Does anyone know what is this and how to resolve it?
I've just encountered this exception running a Xamarin app on the simulator. It started occurring after I toggled the software keyboard off while debugging the app. Given the exception mentioning the keyboard I think that's what caused it.
Uninstalling the app from the emulator, cleaning and rebuilding fixed the issue for me.
Unsure if this bug is on Apple's side or Xamarin's.
The only references I could find related to Xamarin was close, but the inverse of this - the app crashing on the simulator, but working on an actual device. The resolution in that forum post doesn't describe what the problem might be, but does suggest that cleaning the project and rebuilding may resolve it.
The specific message HW kbd Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus ios is related to the app crashing, but there's no additional information in the pastebin to really help pin down why it's crashing.
You might also consider adding logging statements in your code to see if you can isolate the issue.

ionic app rejected from app store

I'm attempting to upload my first app to the appstore. It's built with ionic. Repo is here: and is live here:
The email from apple said they tried it on a iPhone 4s:
May 17, 2015 at 4:06 PM From Apple
2.1 - Apps that crash will be rejected
2.1 Details
We were unable to review your app, as it crashed on launch on the
following device(s):
iPhone 5S running iOS 8.3
We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue.
Finally, here's the ips log from Apple:
Thanks for any insight to this. I'll also post an issue on ionic's repo in case it's a bug.
Well, the crucial line is:
setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key view.'
Typically I would see this on a ViewController in a Storyboard where I changed the names of one of my IBOutlets in code but did not go and re-map the ViewController outlets on the storyboard.
Since I don't know what "ionic" is, I have no idea whether you are even using storyboards (or XIB's) or what tools you use but I would look at something UI related.
Just a guess though.

iOS simulator crashes when using Google Maps SDK for iOS

This is driving me crazy...
I have been using Google Maps SDK for iOS for a while (even in an App Store product).
Now, I cannot make it run in the iOS simulator any longer! It doesn't matter which project I try to run (even the sample code from the SDK), it will always crash the first time a map is added, e.g.:
self.view = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame: frame camera: camera];
This is the log messages I get:
2013-05-16 10:59:01.047 SDKDemos[939:1303] ADDRESPONSE - ADDING TO MEMORY ONLY:
2013-05-16 10:59:01.050 SDKDemos[939:1b03] Google Maps SDK for iOS version:
2013-05-16 10:59:01.050 SDKDemos[939:1b03] New version of Google Maps SDK for iOS available:
2013-05-16 10:59:01.111 SDKDemos[939:c07] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil'
I have lately tried an antivirus SW on this mac, so one theory is that it may have blocked some vital Google Maps data from downloading. Now, I have uninstalled this anti-virus SW, removed Xcode's DerivedData and reset the iOS Simulator, but with the same disappointing result.
All projects I have tried are working perfectly fine when I run them on my iPhone. I have also another mac where everything works fine on the simulator. So clearly something must have happened with this particular machine.
Any advice?
Initially, I focused entirely on the first warning message (ADDRESPONSE - ADDING TO MEMORY ONLY:, but I have now realised that the only purpose of the URL mentioned there is to download a string with the latest SDK version number (currently ""). Since the SDK then correctly prints that string two lines further down, I find it very unlikely that this line is related to the real cause of the crash. (I have changed the title of this question accordingly.)
Hard to say if this really qualifies as an answer...
In any case, I'd like to document the outcome of this, in case someone else stumbles upon the same problem in the future:
After having been away a couple of days, I returned today, turned on my iMac, made a new test run, and...
The problem was gone!
Everything just worked as expected!
I have not changed a single line of code or anything at all in the Xcode configuration.
The only thing I did was to once again delete Xcode's DerivedData and reset the simulator (which I did numerous times last week, but without success at that time).
I guess that my assumption must have been right, that there must have been a cache somewhere in my machine, but outside Xcode´s DerivedData, that caused this problem. Then I was away a couple of days, and this cache simply timed out!
Even if this may sound a bit far-fetched, I cannot think of another reason for this weird behaviour.
It would have been really useful to know where this cache is located, so that one could clean it up without needing to shut down the mac for some days!
