How to trigger build on multiple platforms using Jenkins pipeline? - jenkins

I want to trigger Jenkins job on "hyp-z" and "hyp-x" build nodes. I tried to write it this way but getting "There are no nodes with the label ‘hyp-x&&hyp-z’"
node ('hyp-z&&hyp-x') {
// write something here
What is the mistake I am doing and what is the exact working format?

This isn't possible in this form.
The && expression is for narrowing down your pool of nodes for certain features.
e.g. I want to run on a node which has the label UBUNTU and DOCKER.
As opposed to running on two different nodes with those labels.
You can use parallel block to do what you are wanting.
If you are using the Declarative syntax then see this article
or here for scripted

I have tried this in two ways
def labels = ["hyp-x", "hyp-z"]
def builders = [:]
for (x in labels) {
def label = x
builders[label] = {
node(label) {
// build script
parallel builders
Above code is working as expected from Jenkinsfile but I see both builds triggered in one common job and log looks clumsy. So I have tried 2nd approach like below
Created Jenkinsfile.x and Jenkinsfile.z and each file represents x and z platform build.


Jenkins - how to run a single stage using 2 agents

I have a script that acts as a "test driver" (TD). That is, it drives test operations on a "system under test" (SUT). When I run my test framework script ( on my TD, it takes a SUT as an argument. The manual workflow looks like this:
TD ~ $ ./ --sut=<IP of SUT>
I want to have a cluster of SUTs (they will have different OSes, and each will repeat a few times), and a few TDs (like, 4 or 5, so driving tests won't be a bottleneck, actually executing them will be).
I don't know the Jenkins primitive with which to accomplish this. I would like it if a Jenkins stage could simply be invoked with 2 agents. One would obviously be the TD, that's what would actually run the script. And the other would be the SUT. Jenkins would manage locking & resource contention like this.
As a workaround, I could simply have all my SUTs entirely unmanaged by Jenkins, and manually implement locking of the SUTs so 2 different TDs don't try to grab the same one. But why re-invent the wheel? And besides, I'd rather work on a Jenkins plugin to accomplish this than on a manual solution.
How can I run a single Jenkins stage on 2 (or more) agents?
If I understand your requirement correctly, you have a static list of SUTs and you want Jenkins to start the TDs by allocating SUTs for each TD. I'm assuming TDs and SUTs have a one-to-one relationship. Following is a very simple example of how you can achieve what you need.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('parallel-run') {
steps {
script {
try {
def tests = getTestExecutionMap()
parallel tests
} catch (e) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
def getTestExecutionMap() {
def tests = [:]
def sutList = ["IP1", "IP2" , "IP3"]
int count = 0
for(String ip : sutList) {
tests["TEST${count}"] = {
node {
stage("TD with SUT ${ip}") {
script {
sh "./ --sut=${ip}"
return tests
The above pipeline will result in the following.
Further if you wan to select the agent you want to run the TD. You can specify the name of the agent in the node block. node(NAME) {...} . You can improve the Agent selection criteria accordingly. For example you can check how many Jenkins executors are idling for a given Agent and then decide how many TDs you will start there.

Parallel matrix and global variables without race condition?

I have the following declarative pipeline where I write a global build variable
during a parallel matrix, the write in stage Build Detection is probably (wasn't clear to me) a race condition but I am not sure. I have 3 questions regarding the below simple pipeline:
Is it correct that since Build-Detection uses the same agent (note only Build uses a different agent), it is definitely a race condition ?
If I would have one agent for each parallel line, it would not be a
race condition as the global build is different in each agent?
Is there a way to make a variable copy of build inside the stage such that its not global anymore?
How should we deal with global variable communicating stuff (for when steps etc)
and parallel matrix feature?
Map<String,Boolean> build
pipeline {
stages {
stage('Test') {
failFast false
matrix {
axes {
axis {
values 'A', 'B'
stages {
stage('Build Detection') {
steps {
script {
echo "Should Build: ${build[CONTAINER]}"
stage('Build') {
agent {
kubernetes {
yamlFile '.jenkins/pods/build-kaniko.yaml'
when {
beforeAgent true
expression { return build[CONTAINER] }
steps {
echo "BUILDING....."
No, it has nothing to do with build agents. The JVM that's executing the compiled groovy code is running on the Jenkins master, not a build agent. Therefore, using a global variable is shared by each thread running in the Jenkins master JVM. Whether there's a possible race condition is not related to stages using the same or different build agents.
Same answer as 1.
Yes, simply define a variable using "def" or a specific type in the stage's script block. Just be sure to not reference a new variable without a type because in Groovy that causes it to be declared globally.
Using a map with a key that is specific to each thread like you're doing seems like a good way to me. If you really want to make sure there is no possibility of two unsafe thread operations modifying the map at the same time, then make sure that a threadsafe map is used. You could print out the class of the map to find out what implementation is getting instantiated. I would hope it's something threadsafe like ConcurrentHashMap.

Jenkins Parameterized Project For Multiple Parameters

I have Jenkins Pipeline which is triggering for different projects. However the only difference in all the pipelines is just the name.
So I have added a parameter ${project} in parameter of jenkins and assigned it a value of the name of the project.
We have a number of projects and I am trying to find a better way through which I can achieve this.
I am thinking how can we make the parameter run with different parameters for all the projects without actually creating different projects under jenkins.
I am pasting some screenshot for you to understand what exactly I want to achieve.
As mentioned here, this is a radioserver project, having a pipeline which has ${project} in it.
How can I give multiple values to that {project} from single jenkins job?
IF you have any doubts please message me or add a comment.
You can see those 2 projects I have created, it has all the contents same but just the parameterized value is different, I am thinking how can I give the different value to that parameter.
As you can see the 2 images is having their default value as radioserver, nrcuup. How can I combine them and make them run seemlessly ?
I hope this will help. Let me know if any changes required in answer.
You can use conditions in Jenkins. Based on the value of ${PROJECT}, you can then execute the particular stage.
Here is a simple example of a pipeline, where I have given choices to select the value of parameter PROJECT i.e. test1, test2 and test3.
So, whenever you select test1, jenkins job will execute the stages that are based on test1
Sample pipeline code
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choices: ['test1' , 'test2', 'test3'],
description: 'PROJECT NAME',
name: 'PROJECT')
stages {
stage ('PROJECT 1 RUN') {
when {
expression { params.PROJECT == 'test1' }
steps {
echo "Hello, test1"
stage ('PROJECT 2 RUN') {
when {
expression { params.PROJECT == 'test2' }
steps {
echo "Hello, test2"
when test1 is selected
when test2 is selected
Updated Answer
Yes, it is possible to trigger the job periodically with a specific parameter value using the Jenkins plugin Parameterized Scheduler
After you save the project with some parameters (like above mentioned pipeline code), go back again to the Configure and under Build Trigger, you can see the option of Build periodically with parameters
I will here run the job for PROJECT=test1 every even minutes and PROJECT=test2 every uneven minutes. So, below is the configuration
*/2 * * * * %PROJECT=test1
1-59/2 * * * * %PROJECT=test2
Please change the crontab values according to your need

Jenkins Pipeline Multiconfiguration Project

Original situation:
I have a job in Jenkins that is running an ant script. I easily managed to test this ant script on more then one software version using a "Multi-configuration project".
This type of project is really cool because it allows me to specify all the versions of the two software that I need (in my case Java and Matlab) an it will run my ant script with all the combinations of my parameters.
Those parameters are then used as string to be concatenated in the definition of the location of the executable to be used by my ant.
example: env.MATLAB_EXE=/usr/local/MATLAB/${MATLAB_VERSION}/bin/matlab
This is working perfectly but now I am migrating this scripts to a pipline version of it.
Pipeline migration:
I managed to implement the same script in a pipeline fashion using the Parametrized pipelines pluin. With this I achieve the point in which I can manually select which version of my software is going to be used if I trigger the build manually and I also found a way to execute this periodically selecting the parameter I want at each run.
This solution seems fairly working however is not really satisfying.
My multi-config project had some feature that this does not:
With more then one parameter I can set to interpolate them and execute each combination
The executions are clearly separated and in build history/build details is easy to recognize which settings hads been used
Just adding a new "possible" value to the parameter is going to spawn the desired executions
So I wonder if there is a better solution to my problem that can satisfy also the point above.
Long story short: is there a way to implement a multi-configuration project in jenkins but using the pipeline technology?
I've seen this and similar questions asked a lot lately, so it seemed that it would be a fun exercise to work this out...
A matrix/multi-config job, visualized in code, would really just be a few nested for loops, one for each axis of parameters.
You could build something fairly simple with some hard coded for loops to loop over a few lists. Or you can get more complicated and do some recursive looping so you don't have to hard code the specific loops.
DISCLAIMER: I do ops much more than I write code. I am also very new to groovy, so this can probably be done more cleanly, and there are probably a lot of groovier things that could be done, but this gets the job done, anyway.
With a little work, this matrixBuilder could be wrapped up in a class so you could pass in a task closure and the axis list and get the task map back. Stick it in a shared library and use it anywhere. It should be pretty easy to add some of the other features from the multiconfiguration jobs, such as filters.
This attempt uses a recursive matrixBuilder function to work through any number of parameter axes and build all the combinations. Then it executes them in parallel (obviously depending on node availability).
All the config axes are defined here
Add as many lists of axes in the axisList as you need.
All combinations will be built
def axisList = [
["ubuntu","rhel","windows","osx"], //agents
["jdk6","jdk7","jdk8"], //tools
["banana","apple","orange","pineapple"] //fruit
def tasks = [:]
def comboBuilder
def comboEntry = []
def task = {
// builds and returns the task for each combination
/* Map the entries back to a more readable format
the index will correspond to the position of this axis in axisList[] */
def myAgent = it[0]
def myJdk = it[1]
def myFruit = it[2]
return {
// This is where the important work happens for each combination
node(myAgent) {
println "Executing combination ${it.join('-')}"
def javaHome = tool myJdk
println "Node=${env.NODE_NAME}"
println "Java=${javaHome}"
//We won't declare a specific agent this part
node {
println "fruit=${myFruit}"
This is where the magic happens
recursively work through the axisList and build all combinations
comboBuilder = { def axes, int level ->
for ( entry in axes[0] ) {
comboEntry[level] = entry
if (axes.size() > 1 ) {
comboBuilder(axes[1..-1], level + 1)
else {
tasks[comboEntry.join("-")] = task(comboEntry.collect())
stage ("Setup") {
node {
println "Initial Setup"
stage ("Setup Combinations") {
node {
comboBuilder(axisList, 0)
stage ("Multiconfiguration Parallel Tasks") {
//Run the tasks in parallel
parallel tasks
stage("The End") {
node {
echo "That's all folks"
You can see a more detailed flow of the job at http://localhost:8080/job/multi-configPipeline/[build]/flowGraphTable/ (available under the Pipeline Steps link on the build page.
You can move the stage down into the "task" creation and then see the details of each stage more clearly, but not in a neat matrix like the multi-config job.
return {
// This is where the important work happens for each combination
stage ("${it.join('-')}--build") {
node(myAgent) {
println "Executing combination ${it.join('-')}"
def javaHome = tool myJdk
println "Node=${env.NODE_NAME}"
println "Java=${javaHome}"
//Node irrelevant for this part
node {
println "fruit=${myFruit}"
Or you could wrap each node with their own stage for even more detail.
As I did this, I noticed a bug in my previous code (fixed above now). I was passing the comboEntry reference to the task. I should have sent a copy, because, while the names of the stages were correct, when it actually executed them, the values were, of course, all the last entry encountered. So I changed it to tasks[comboEntry.join("-")] = task(comboEntry.collect()).
I noticed that you can leave the original stage ("Multiconfiguration Parallel Tasks") {} around the execution of the parallel tasks. Technically now you have nested stages. I'm not sure how Jenkins is supposed to handle that, but it doesn't complain. However, the 'parent' stage timing is not inclusive of the parallel stages timing.
I also noticed is that when a new build starts to run, on the "Stage View" of the job, all the previous builds disappear, presumably because the stage names don't all match up. But after the build finishes running, they all match again and the old builds show up again.
And finally, Blue Ocean doesn't seem to vizualize this the same way. It doesn't recognize the "stages" in the parallel processes, only the enclosing stage (if it is present), or "Parallel" if it isn't. And then only shows the individual parallel processes, not the stages within.
Points 1 and 3 are not completely clear to me, but I suspect you just want to use “scripted” rather than “Declarative” Pipeline syntax, in which case you can make your job do whatever you like—anything permitted by matrix project axes and axis filters and much more, including parallel execution. Declarative syntax trades off syntactic simplicity (and friendliness to “round-trip” editing tools and “linters”) for flexibility.
Point 2 is about visualization of the result, rather than execution per se. While this is a complex topic, the usual concrete request which is not already supported by existing visualizations like Blue Ocean is to be able to see test results distinguished by axis combination. This is tracked by JENKINS-27395 and some related issues, with design in progress.

Set the pipeline name and description from Jenkinsfile

I am trying to do a poc of jenkins pipeline as code. I am using the Github organization folder plugin to scan Github orgs and create jobs per branch. Is there a way to explicitly define the names for the pipeline jobs that get from Jenkinsfile? I also want to add some descriptions for the jobs.
You need to use currentBuild like below. The node part is important
node {
currentBuild.displayName = "$yournamevariable-$another"
currentBuild.description = "$yourdescriptionvariable-$another"
Edit: Above one renames build where as Original question is about renaming jobs.
Following script in pipeline will do that(this requires appropriate permissions)
item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("originalJobName")
item.setDescription("This description was changed by script")
I'm late to the party on this one, but this question forced me in the #jenkins chat where I spent most of my day today. I would like to thank #tang^ from that chat for helping solve this in a graceful way for my situation.
To set the JOB description and JOB display name for a child in a multi-branch DECLARATIVE pipeline use the following steps block in a stage:
steps {
script {
if(currentBuild.rawBuild.project.displayName != 'jobName') {
currentBuild.rawBuild.project.description = 'NEW JOB DESCRIPTION'
currentBuild.rawBuild.project.setDisplayName('NEW JOB DISPLAY NAME')
else {
echo 'Name change not required'
This will require that you approve the individual script calls through the Jenkins sandbox approval method, but it was far simpler than anything else I'd found across the web about renaming the actual children of the parent pipeline. The last thing to note is that this should work in a Jenkinsfile where you can use the environment variables to manipulate the job items being set.
I tried to used code snippet from accepted answer to describe my Jenkins pipeline in Jenkinsfile. I had to wrap code snippet into function with #NonCPS annotation and use def for item variable. I have placed code snippet in root of Jenkinsfile, not in node section.
def setDescription() {
def item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(env.JOB_NAME)
item.setDescription("Some description.")
