Delphi serial port Comport data - delphi

I have an application that listens on a serial port. It uses TComPort to connect to the serial port, and a timer to listen. Basically, all we're doing is listening for data, specifically barcodes. However, we seem to have a problem. The data "comes across" in the form #0#0#0#0.... when a barcode is scanned.
The code is as follows:
if Comport2.Active then
sStr := Comport2.ReadAnsiString;
if Length(sStr) <> 0 then
MatCodeEdit.Text := '';
MatCodeEdit.Text := sStr;
The serial port is connected with the following parameters:
Comport2.DataBits := db8;
Comport2.Parity := paNone;
Comport2.StopBits := sb1;
No errors occur on connection. The above code has, actually, succeeded in reading the contents of the serial port transmission. But, currently seems only to receive the #0#0#0... string.
Does anyone have any ideas about this?


Indy IdFTP fails on Active connection

I'm trying to use Indy's IdFTP to send and receive some files via FTP.
function TDatosFTP.TransfiereFTP(Fm: TForm): boolean;
TimeoutFTP: integer;
Result := false;
with TIdFTP.Create(Fm) do
TimeoutFTP := 2000;
Host := Servidor;
Port := 21;
UserName := Usuario;
PassWord := Contra;
Passive := Pasivo;
Connect(true, TimeoutFTP);
if not Connected then
Error := true;
TransferType := ftASCII;
if Binario then
TransferType := ftBinary;
OnWorkEnd := FinDeTransmision;
if Descargar then
Get(Remoto , Local, True)
Put(InterpretarRutaEspecial(Local), Remoto, True);
if Descargar and Borrar then
Result := true;
Except on E: Exception do
Mensaje := E.Message;
if not Result then
Whenever I try to do a PUT/GET on Active mode I get the following error: EIdProtocolReplyError: 'Failed to establish connection". It works fine on Passive mode.
The thing is that I want to use Indy (used elsewhere in the project) but the previous version of the code, using OverbyteIcsFtpCli works fine both in Active and Passive mode.
This is the code using OverbyteIcsFtpCli:
function TDatosFTP.TransfiereFTP(Fm: TForm): boolean;
with TFtpClient.Create(Fm) do
HostName := Servidor;
Port := '21';
UserName := Usuario;
PassWord := Contra;
HostDirName := '';
HostFileName := Origen;
LocalFileName := InterpretarRutaEspecial(Destino);
Binary := Binario;
Passive := Pasivo;
OnRequestDone := FinDeTransmision;
if Descargar then
Result := Receive
Result := Transmit;
OnRequestDone := nil;
if Descargar and Borrar then
Result := Result and not Error;
if not Result then
So I took a look under the hood using wireshark and I found that Indy's FTP is not answering some messages from the server.
This is the file-transmission handshake with OverBytes' FTP:
I've highlighted in yellow the two packets sent between server and client that start the data transmission.
Now let's see what happens with Indy's FTP:
The server is sending the packet to start the file transmission but IdFTP is not answering.
I've seen this question but this two tests where ran in the same computer, same network connection, same firewall, etc. Also this one, but I want the FTP to work both in active and passive modes.
What's happening?
In an Active mode transfer, an FTP server creates an outgoing TCP connection to the receiver.
Your Wireshark captures clearly show that the FTP server in question is creating that transfer connection BEFORE sending a response to the RETR command to let your client know that the connection is proceeding. TFtpClient is accepting that connection before receiving the RETR response. But TIdFTP waits for the RETR response before it will then accept the transfer connection (this also applies to TIdFTP's handling of STOR/STOU/APPE commands, too).
LPortSv.BeginListen; // <-- opens a listening port for transfer
SendPort(LPortSv.Binding); // <-- sends the PORT command
SendCmd(ACommand, [125, 150, 154]); // <-- sends the RETR command and waits for a response!
LPortSv.Listen(ListenTimeout); // <-- accepts the transfer connection
Re-reading RFC 959, it says the following:
The passive data transfer process (this may be a user-DTP or a second server-DTP) shall "listen" on the data port prior to sending a transfer request command. The FTP request command determines the direction of the data transfer. The server, upon receiving the transfer request, will initiate the data connection to the port. When the connection is established, the data transfer begins between DTP's, and the server-PI sends a confirming reply to the user-PI.
ICS is asynchronous, so this situation is not a big deal for it to handle. But Indy uses blocking sockets, so TIdFTP will need to be updated to account for this situation, likely by monitoring both command and transfer ports simultaneously so it can act accordingly regardless of the order in which the transfer connection and the command response arrive in.
I have opened a ticket in Indy's issue tracker for this:
#300: TIdFTP fails on Active mode transfer connection with vsFTPd
UPDATE: the fix has been merged into the main code now.

Check remote port access using Delphi - Telnet style

I deploy my application in environments heavily stricken with firewalls. Frequently I find myself using Telnet to check if a port is open and accessible in the network.
Now I would like to implement an equivalent functionality of the command, Telnet [domainname or ip] [port], in Delphi.
Is it adequate that I just attempt to open and close a TCP/IP socket without sending or receiving any data?
Is there any risk that I might crash the arbitrary application/service listening on the other end?
Here's my code:
function IsPortActive(AHost : string; APort : Word):boolean;
var IdTCPClient : TIdTCPClient;
IdTCPClient := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil);
IdTCPClient.Host := AHost;
IdTCPClient.Port := APort;
//Igonre exceptions
result := IdTCPClient.Connected;
If you just want to check whether the port is open, then you can use this:
function IsPortActive(AHost : string; APort : Word): boolean;
IdTCPClient : TIdTCPClient;
Result := False;
IdTCPClient := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil);
IdTCPClient.Host := AHost;
IdTCPClient.Port := APort;
Result := True;
//Ignore exceptions
But that only tells you if any server app has opened the port. If you want to make sure that YOUR server app opened the port, then you will have to actually communicate with the server and make sure its responses are what you are expecting. For this reason, many common server protocols provide an initial greeting so clients can identify the type of server they are connected to. You might consider adding a similar greeting to your server, if you are at liberty to make changes to your communication protocol.
Simply opening a connection to the server does not impose any risk of crashing the server, all it does is momentarily occupy a slot in the server's client list. However, if you actually send data to the server, and the server app you are connected to is not your app, then you do run a small risk if the server cannot handle arbitrary data that does not conform it its expected protocol. But that is pretty rare. Sending a small command is not uncommon and usually pretty safe, you will either get back a reply (which may be in a format that does not conform to your protocol, so just assume failure), or you may not get any reply at all (like if the server is waiting for more data, or simply is not designed to return a reply) in which case you can simply time out the reading and assume failure.

Overbyte ICS NOFORMS mode

I'm trying to use Overbyte ICS TWsocket in a Delphi console application (service).
I have set NOFORMS in a conditionals.
But at Connect the connection doesn't go to the wsConnected it hangs in a wsConnecting state and the operation finishes with Async socket error 10053.
I've tried to use in a OnMessagePump the ProcessMessages(), MessageLoop() but it didn't change anything.
Here is a part of a code
inherited Create(nil);
Self.OnDataAvailable := MyOnReceive;
Self.OnChangeState := MyOnStateChange;
Self.OnMessagePump := MyMessagePump;
Addr := AIpAddress;
Port := IntToStr(AConnectionInfo.Port);
Proto := AConnectionInfo.Proto;
ComponentOptions := [wsoTcpNoDelay];
How to use TWsocket in a console application with NOFORMS correctly?

Start Communication from server first in delphi by Indy 10

In Socket applications programmed by TCPServer/Client components, usually we active server side, then connect client to server, and when we need to get or send data from one side to other, first we send a command from client to server and a communication will starts.
But the problem is that always we need to start conversation from client side!
I want to ask is any idea for start conversation randomly from server side without client side request?
I need this functionality for notify client(s) from server side. for example, when a registered user (client-side) connected to server, other connected users (on other client-sides), a notification must send from server to all users (like Yahoo Messenger).
I'm using TIdCmdTCPServer and TIdTCPClient components
You are using TIdCmdTCPServer. By definition, it sends responses to client-issued commands. For what you are asking, you should use TIdTCPServer instead, then you can do whatever you want in the TIdTCPServer.OnExecute event.
What you ask for is doable, but its implementation depends on your particular needs for your protocol.
If you just want to send unsolicited server-to-client messages, and never responses to client-to-server commands, then the implementation is fairly straight forward. Use TIdContext.Connection.IOHandler when needed. You can loop through existing clients in the TIdTCPServer.Contexts list, such as inside the TIdTCPServer.OnConnect and TIdTCPServer.OnDisconnect events. On the client side, you need a timer or thread to check for server messages periodically. Look at TIdCmdTCPClient and TIdTelnet for examples of that.
But if you need to mix both client-to-server commands and unsolicited server-to-client messages on the same connection, you have to design your protocol to work asynchronously, which makes the implementation more complex. Unsolicited server messages can appear at anytime, even before the response to a client command. Commands need to include a value that is echoed in the response so clients can match up responses, and the packets need to be able to differentiate between a response and an unsolicited message. You also have to give each client its own outbound queue on the server side. You can use the TIdContext.Data property for that. You can then add server messages to the queue when needed, and have the OnExecute event send the queue periodically when it is not doing anything else. You still need a timer/thread on the client side, and it needs to handle both responses to client commands and unsolicited server messages, so you can't use TIdConnection.SendCmd() or related methods, as it won't know what it will end up reading.
I have posted examples of both approaches in the Embarcadero and Indy forums many times before.
Clients initiate communication. That is the definition of a client–the actor that initiates the communication. Once the connection is established though, both sides can send data. So, the clients connect to the server. The server maintains a list of all connected clients. When the server wants to send out communications it just sends the data to all connected clients.
Since clients initiate communication, it follows that, in the event of broken communication, it is the client's job to re-establish connection.
If you want to see working code examples where server sends data, check out Indy IdTelnet: the telnet client uses a thread to listen to server messages. There is only one socket, created by the client, but the server uses the same socket for its messages to the client, at any time.
The client starts the connection, but does not have to start a conversation by saying 'HELLO' or something like that.
Technically, the client only needs to open the socket connection, without sending any additional data. The client can remain quiet as long as he wants, even until the end of the connection.
The server has a socket connection to the client as soon as the client has connected. And over this socket, the server can send data to the client.
Of course, the client has to read from the connection socket to see the server data. This can be done in a loop in a background thread, or even in the main thread (not in a VCL application of course as it would block).
Finally, this is the code that I used to solve my problem:
// Thread at client-side
procedure FNotifRecieverThread.Execute;
str: string;
MID: Integer;
TCP1: TIdTCPClient;
if frmRecieverMain.IdTCPClient1.Connected then
TCP1 := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil);
TCP1.Host := frmRecieverMain.IdTCPClient1.Host;
TCP1.Port := frmRecieverMain.IdTCPClient1.Port;
TCP1.ConnectTimeout := 20000;
while True do
while True do
str := '';
str := TCP1.Socket.ReadLn;
if Pos('showmessage_', str) = 1 then
MID := StrToInt(Copy(str, Pos('_', str) + 1, 5));
if str = 'updateusers' then
if str = 'updatemessages' then
// be quite and try next time :D
// And command handlers at server-side
procedure TfrmServer.cmhCheckMyNotifCommand(ASender: TIdCommand);
UserID, i: Integer;
str: string;
str := 'notifnotfound';
UserID := StrToIntDef(ASender.Context.Connection.Socket.ReadLn, -1);
for i := 0 to NotificationStack.Count - 1 do
if NotificationStack.Notifs[i].Active and
(NotificationStack.Notifs[i].UserID = UserID)
NotificationStack.Notifs[i].Active := False;
str := NotificationStack.Notifs[i].NotiffText;
// And when i want to some client notificated from server, I use some methodes like this:
procedure TfrmServer.cmhSetUserOnlineCommand(ASender: TIdCommand);
UserID, i: Integer;
UserID := StrToIntDef(ASender.Context.Connection.Socket.ReadLn, -1);
if UserID <> -1 then
for i := 0 to OnLineUsersCount - 1 do // search for duplication...
if OnLineUsers[i].Active and (OnLineUsers[i].UserID = UserID) then
Exit; // duplication rejected!
SetLength(OnLineUsers, OnLineUsersCount);
OnLineUsers[OnLineUsersCount - 1].UserID := UserID;
OnLineUsers[OnLineUsersCount - 1].Context := ASender.Context;
OnLineUsers[OnLineUsersCount - 1].Active := True;
for i := 0 to OnLineUsersCount - 1 do // notify all other users for refresh users list
if OnLineUsers[i].Active and (OnLineUsers[i].UserID <> UserID) then
SetLength(NotificationStack.Notifs, NotificationStack.Count);
NotificationStack.Notifs[NotificationStack.Count - 1].UserID := OnLineUsers[i].UserID;
NotificationStack.Notifs[NotificationStack.Count - 1].NotiffText := 'updateusers';
NotificationStack.Notifs[NotificationStack.Count - 1].Active := True;

Delphi Indy Ping Error 10040

I have a small piece of code that checks if a computer is alive by pinging it. We use to have a room with 40 computer and I wanna check remotely through my program which on is alive.
Therefore I wrote a little ping function using indy
function TMainForm.Ping(const AHost : string) : Boolean;
MyIdIcmpClient : TIdIcmpClient;
Result := True;
MyIdIcmpClient := TIdIcmpClient.Create(nil);
MyIdIcmpClient.ReceiveTimeout := 200;
MyIdIcmpClient.Host := AHost;
Result := False;
if MyIdIcmpClient.ReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType <> rsEcho Then result := False;
So I've developped that at home on my wifi network and everthing just work fine.
When I get back to work I tested and I get an error saying
Socket Errod # 10040 Message too long
At work we have fixed IPs and all the computer and I are in the same subnet.
I tried to disconnect from the fixed IP and connect to the wifi which of course is DHCP and not in the same subnet, and it is just working fine.
I have tried searching the internet for this error and how to solve it but didn't find much info.
Of course I have tried to change the default buffer size to a larger value but it didn't change anything I still get the error on the fixed IP within same subnet.
Moreover, I don't know if this can help finding a solution, but my code treats exceptions, but in that case it takes about 3-4 seconds to raise the error whereas the Timeout is set to 200 milliseconds. And I cannot wait that long over each ping.
By the way I use delphi 2010 and I think it is indy 10. I also have tested on XE2 but same error.
Any idea
----- EDIT -----
This question is answered, now I try to have this running in multithread and I have asked another question for that
Delphi (XE2) Indy (10) Multithread Ping
Set the PacketSize property to 24:
function TMainForm.Ping(const AHost : string) : Boolean;
MyIdIcmpClient : TIdIcmpClient;
Result := True;
MyIdIcmpClient := TIdIcmpClient.Create(self);
MyIdIcmpClient.ReceiveTimeout := 200;
MyIdIcmpClient.Host := AHost;
MyIdIcmpClient.PacketSize := 24;
MyIdIcmpClient.Protocol := 1;
MyIdIcmpClient.IPVersion := Id_IPv4;
// Application.ProcessMessages; // There's no need to call this!
Result := False;
if MyIdIcmpClient.ReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType <> rsEcho Then result := False;
For XE5 and Indy10 this is still a problem, even with different Packet Size.
To answer the more cryptical fix:
ABuffer := MyIdIcmpClient1.Host + StringOfChar(' ', 255);
This is a "magic" fix to get around the fact that there is a bug in the Indy10 component (if I have understood Remy Lebeau right).
My speculation is that this has some connection with the size of the receive buffer. To test my theory I can use any character and don't need to include the host address at all. Only use as many character you need for the receive buffer. I use this small code (C++ Builder XE5) to do a Ping with great success (all other values at their defaults):
AnsiString Proxy = StringOfChar('X',IcmpClient->PacketSize);
IcmpClient->Host = Host_Edit->Text;
As you can see I create a string of the same length as the PacketSize property. What you fill it with is insignificant.
Maybe this can be of help to #RemyLebeau when he work on the fix.
use this code
ABuffer := MyIdIcmpClient1.Host + StringOfChar(' ', 255);
