WebStorm and Dart autocomplete - dart

I have been trying to figure this out for a few hours now with no result. I am doing some tutorial in trying to learn Dart. For some reason, my IDE does not seem to autocomplete like the instructors do. Anybody has any idea if there is any settings I should turn on?
On the left, is the video and on the right is what I am getting. In this case, I am not getting any #overide...

It's relatively new feature, make sure you use one of the latest Dart SDK 2.0.0-dev releases.

Also don't forget to add the Dart support for your project because the language is not automatically selected :
In Settings, go to Languages & Framwework, select Dart and verify the
Dart SDK path is correct.


New version of flutter giving bunch of errors in my previous code

I have set my development environment on another system with everything new. Latest android studio version, flutter, and everything.
Now I am trying to run my previous code but the whole code is full of errors. The code was working perfectly fine on my previous version of flutter. I didn't get the issue with this new version.
Here is the screenshot of my code:
Anyone please help me to solve this issue. This is my whole project with some other code as well and there are nearly 70 files of code.
I would be thankful if anyone can help me with this issue.
Well, you semed to have had a really, really old version of Flutter (and Dart) before.
One way to fix those errors is to read and understand the guide to null safety and modify your project. It will be better after you do it, null safety is an amazing feature.
If you don't have the time to do that right now, you should be able to just constrain your SDK to an earlier version. Quite frankly I'm surprised that you got null safety out of the box because your project should have had constraints. If you set the minimum SDK version to something smaller than 2.12 you should be running without that feature. But please note that sooner or later you will need to enable it, you cannot stay on an obsolete version. So maybe it's time to do that now.
This is because Dart introduced null safety. You have to make your code null safe by using various annotations and operators. You can learn more about them here -

Auto fix implement of missing method of protocol with Xcode?

I am not very familiar with Xcode,
Since I think every decent IDE should have a shortcut for auto-fix a template of implemented protocol (such as interface in java) to save some effects of the programmers to just fill in the logic and don't have to type in the method name and parameter stuff.
Such as when we meet this:
And I googled around and some guy said that there should be a fix all in scope thing in the Editor, but seems I can't make that clickable :-(
So, how to do this with xcode? Thanks.
Unfortunately Xcode is fairly behind compared to other IDE's in features for refactoring and such.
The main Xcode version: 8.x, can't do what you wish for. But some of it will be/is available in beta Xcode 9
Xcode may suggest a fix for a compiler error. You can click the errors individually to see the suggested fix(es) and select one.
Alternatively the 'Fix All In Scope' allows you to tell Xcode to select suggested fixes of the current file.

Weird Xcode autocomplete

I've updated my Xcode yesterday to version 7.3 and since then I got a really strange autocomplete (marked text, case sensitive etc.):
Is it something of the new version? Can I turn it off and use the classic autocomplete of Xcode?
Thank you!
Yes, it is a new autocomplete in the new Xcode version. It uses fuzzy matching to provide suggestions. I haven't found a way to turn it off, but give it a shot. The old autocomplete is absolutely dreadful. I used to install a Fuzzy Autocomplete plugin to make it work properly.
In the old days (in case of Objective-C, for instance, but it's the same with Swift), if you wanted to implement
- tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:
you typed -tableView, saw all the methods starting with tableView:, then you added a colon, and the autocomplete died. Now you can just enter something like -tv:hfrowatinp, and you instantly get your method.
It will take a bit of time getting used to, but it's worth it, trust me.

Is it possible to make Xcode auto complete to act like visual assist?

I am using Xcode 6.1 on Yosemite, writing IOS apps using swift.
For example:
If I type:
I was hoping the editor to show me this:
but the reality is not what I had expected.
the editor says no match. In case of visual assist or Sublime Text, "st" mathes "SetTitle"
Sometimes people only remember a few keywords of the long variable name, rather than the full name from the very beginning.
Is is possible to solve this issue by some plugins?
Thank you
I think I have found the answer to this.
The plugin is called
Written by GitHub.com/chemo

Installing Flashdevelop dark color scheme for using with Haxe?

I downloaded bunch of nice looking FD schemes for AS3. It seems like there are no nice ready made Haxe schemes for FD. As I understand one can use the As3 scheme in FD for Haxe but I am so far unable to achieve it and searching did not bring any usable result.
As far as I can tell I am able to install the As3 colors fine then I rename to Haxe.xml but that does not work for me :(
I would appreciate if a SO user help me out with this. I am using FD 4.2.4
The FlashDevelop theme I created (and have been tweaking over the years) include dark colors for Haxe:
When you go to FlashDevelop > Tools > Syntax coloring you can edit the colors. These are categorized per coding language.
There are differences between Haxe and AS3, that makes it not possible to copy/paste/rename. However, when you take a look at the names, there are similarities. Just copy/paste those you find in the AS3 version to the haxe theme and it kinda looks the same.
Share the Haxe version of the theme with the original creator to make the web a bit more complete.
