How to Make twilio voice call from IOS using in C# -

I have developed a small application using twilio api to make call to any phone number from my twilio number. After dialing call is establishing and a specific audio clip is playing in mobile end. But I am not getting any real voice in any side of the call. Please help me or give me some information regarding how can i get voice in voice call using twilio api. Can anyone tell me the full sceneriyo that how can i make a call from IOS app to any phone numebr. Thanks, Amit

Twilio developer evangelist here.
To make calls from an iOS application you need the Twilio Programmable Voice SDK. There is a quickstart application you can run and look at to see how it all fits together. Check out the rest of the documentation for more information.


Twilio: Call and Voice features?

I am trying to implement a call feature in my xamarin forms app using Twilio. I am able to call by providing From and To numbers using this API of Twilio. But the above call is happening via Twilio, I need to make a call via the internet (App to App). Is there any way to do this using Twilio?
Also is there a way to send a voice clip if the call is not answered? And any way to list out all the voices? I am able to list out SMS and call logs, but couldn't find a way to list the voices. I am using c# codes.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
If you want to make App to App calls then you want the Twilio Voice SDK. I am afraid we don't provide an official Xamarin wrapper for this SDK, though there are community wrappers available that might help you.

Sending voicemail to group of numbers?

I am just exploring voicemail at Twilio, and I thought that I can ask a related question here.
How would I send a voicemail to a group of numbers (as an effort of voice based marketing campaign)? what APIs will I need? and is there any related docs about it?
Shall we send an audio file? Or can we create the voice on Android or iPhone and send it using Android SDK or iPhone SDK?
Twilio Developer Evangelist here.
You can call those numbers and play an audio file using the Play verb. To call a number, you can use our REST API. Here's documentation on how to do that in multiple programming languages.
Hope this helps you out, but come back here if you have any more questions.

how to find the location of a mobile phone during an inbound call in java

I need to find the location of the mobile phone when a call is received by the application, the incoming/outgoing calls are coded in java using twilio api.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Mobile phones don't report on their location when making calls so this is not possible. Twilio will try to make some assertions about where the phone came from using the area code, sending parameters like FromCity, FromState and FromCountry, but that is not accurate to where the phone physically is.

Is twillo Client Api allow user to Call from Application to Application instead of native call in iOS?

I recently integrated twillo iOS SDK in my iPhone app and it is working fine for native call it means i can make call from app to any verified phone numbers.
But my requirement is app to app call it means there is no native call.
So i would like to know if by using Twillio SDK, is it possible to call from application to application ? Something similar to whatsApp. So there will not be any phone number but both phones must have our apps with Twillio SDK integrated.
Please Help me.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You absolutely can do app to app calls using the iOS SDK. Let me explain.
Your Twilio Client capability token is created with a TwiML Application, which supplies the URL that Twilio will hit when a call is created to find out what to do with it. Normally, you would pass a phone number as a parameter to your TCDevice's connect which would be handed to your app URL when the call connects. This would then be used to produce TwiML to direct the call onto that number, like this:
<Number>{{ to_number }}</Number>
To make this work for client to client calls, you can pass another client ID to the URL and on your server, instead of <Dial>ing to a <Number> you would <Dial> to a <Client>. Like so:
<Client>{{ client_id }}</Client>
You can discover which clients are available by listening for presence events with your TCDevice object. You will also have to handle incoming calls within applications.
I recommend following the Twilio Client iOS Quickstart guide all the way through, which will guide you through most of these points, including passing parameters to your application URL and generating the right TwiML to accomplish this (though it doesn't cover presence events).
Let me know if this helps at all.
Not sure it is possible with Twilio. We have used twilio for the same purpose u mentioned (Call to phone numbers) and was working fine. I think the main purpose of twilio is that. Anyways i'm not sure about it.
May be VoIP will suit for your functionality. PortSIP is a good SDK for voice and video communications between apps.
You can download the iOS SDK from here
It is payable like Twilio only if you want to use it for business.
For more refer here
Twilio support sip now. you must have some setting with your twilio account.
As I know ,you can follow here to set your twilio sip server and implement sip client on your ios client.

Using Twilio for mobile-app to mobile-app voice calling

We have an iPhone app and would like to provide the ability for our users to voice call each other without needing landlines, telephone numbers or use their calling minutes. What is needed with Twilio to do mobile-app to mobile-app voice calls?
Twilio evangelist here.
I'd start by checking out or Twilio Client for iOS quickstart. The short version is you'll need to set up some kind of back end service that can generate tokens and TwiML instructions, then in your iOS app use our iOS SDK to connect to Twilio and make or receive calls.
Hope that helps.
