Always on top (on other apps) button in iOS - ios

I am new to iOS development and wondering if it's possible to create a floating button which always stays on top of screen even if you have any other app running in full screen mode?

No you can't do that on iOS, Apple isn't allowing this kind of features (like Messenger on Android for example)

I assume you mean something closer to AssistiveTouch. When turned on in accessibility, it will stay on top of the screen, no matter what app you have open. I recommend reading the Apple Docs for further investigating into this, but at the moment, Apple does not let you do this. Your app can't mess with other apps. It's pretty against what Apple's design guidelines allow you to do.
Is there a work around for what you are trying to accomplish with this? Maybe if you expand your question, I can help.


How can you prevent users from taking screenshots in a React Native IOS app?

I am currently building an IOS app with React Native, and I am looking into how to prevent users from taking screenshots on certain parts of the app.
I read this article on this issue:, and I learned that there are basically two options. I can either use the paid ScreenShieldKit SDK or I can create an invisible screen animation that somehow covers the content of the app in a screenshot.
I am not looking to pay for ScreenShieldKit, so how can I go about making this animation to cover screenshots on my app, and will it even work?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
The two options for preventing screenshots on a React Native IOS App
ScreenShieldKit's technology is patented. And more likely than not, it is based on the other solution which you yourself know of (invisible screen animation). So it may not be wise to post the exact code here, as it could very well infringe upon their patent.

Adaptive storyboard (fit lots of buttons onto all devices correctly)

I have been trying to figure out how to get my app to look good on all apple devices. I will say I made this app very quickly and was not thinking about how it would look on different devices when I was making it. I was just having a good time making it. Until now, since it only looks good on the iPhone 6s, which is what I was testing it on the whole time. This is the basic layout of my app:
Is there any way to format this without starting completely over or is it just too much of a mess to fix?
Use Autolayout. That is what it's for. You don't have to start over; you just need to add proper constraints to all your elements so that they do the right sort of thing when the app launches on a larger or smaller screen.

iPhone's Tone Color Change from an App

Recently, I have installed Twilight on my Android phone. Apparently is adds a color tone effect on the screen. Here are two screen shots taken from PlayStore.
Now my question is that is there a way to develop similar system display tone color set up application in iOS?
It is not possible as Apple restrict the developers to edit home screen. There are very limited features that we can access like Calendar, Gallery, etc. The above screenshot your are showing is related to Widget but there are no Widget concept in iOS.
Yes, it is certainly possible and I use an app that does this.
Have a look at, It's even open sourced.
However an app like this will most likely be denied from the App Store, but never the less it is possible.
Night Shift is supposed to bring something like this in iOS 9.3, though not to that extent.
I don't know of any public API that would allow an application to change that kind of parameter system-wise, though. Maybe in the Accessibility framework, but that would restrict it to app-wise, not system-wise.

iOS - take screenshot of springboard(home screen) programmatically

is it possible to take screenshot of home screen of iPhone before start my application in iOS.
I had tried google and stack overflow but it only allow to take screenshot of any screen of my application.
Look at the following screen which I want to make for my application background.
Any suggestion will appreciated.
Taking screenshots outside your sandbox is not possible unless you have Jailbreak since that would be huge privacy issue. Sorry to be bearer of the bad news.
One and probably only option is to ask user to choose background himself. Second option is to build Today extension, which is then shown in your notification center - then you would have background you desire.

Embedding tab bar to top of screen iphone

I want to design a page with tab bar on top of it.In some articles of this site.(i missed urls) i found that this is not a common way and the question gets some down rate.
The question is this: whethere having a design like this may cause that apple not approve the application on his store?
Even if it doesn't make Apple reject your app, think of the users not being used to the tab bar being at the top and how that is going to affect how well the app does in the Store.
Every platform has its own design patterns and there is a reason for that. If you stick to them there is a higher chance that the first-time users have an easier time using your app, which results in a higher chance that they keep using it. If they don't know how to use it or find it hard, they will move to another one.
Take a look at the Human Interface Guidelines and apply them. It will do good.
