could not update project configuration java.lang.nullpointerexception - maven-3

Delete the .settings and .project files from project and update the project and rebuild it.


Missing package product <Package Dependencies name>

I am trying to migrate my existing project to Swift Package Manager from Cocoapods.
I have added all my dependencies. All my dependencies are in Remote
Ex.: Firebase, Realm, etc.,
When I try to build I am getting following error.
I tried to resolve in all the following ways but couldn't workout:
Reset packages
Update to latest package versions
Resolve package versions
Delete derived data
Clean build folder
Quit/Relaunch the Xcode
Adding the packages from Project Navigator & File -> Add Packages
Has anyone experienced this issue? Any idea what this could be?
FYI: I am using Xcode 13.2.1
Open Finder and go to your Project directory.
Show package contents of .xcodeproj
Inside this new folder, Show package contents of .xcworkspace
Open xcshareddata
Open swiftpm
Delete package.resolved
Now do all the steps you tried before

Library not found for -lRNAppleAuthentication react-native iOS

I have tried deleting "$(inherited)" in library search paths and but it's not working
Have a try with the below solution.
You can go to File > Workspace Settings if you are in a workspace environment or File > Project Settings for a regular project environment.
Then click over the little grey arrow under the Derived data section and select your project folder and close the workspace and Xcode then delete the project directory from the derived data directory.
Open the workspace again in Xcode and clean and rebuild the project.
Also, make sure that you have applied pod install after the package installation.

deleted csproj File by mistake

I mistakenly deleted the csproj File in my project, and now I'm getting an error message :
now I don't know how can I restore it or make a new one, I couldn't find any file with csproj suffix in template files associating with this project file.
I had the same issue. I followed the below steps and it worked.
Create a new project
Copy its .csproj file into your folder
Rename the .csproj file to your project name

Do I need to add all Unity and Xcode project files to git repo?

I have a question related to Xcode and Unity projects. Today I managed to create a Xcode project from Unity and I wanted to add it to my git repo, but the size of the folder with project is over 900 MB. I don't have a lot of assets, and I'm using only UnityAds and GoogleAnalytics as plugins.
Do I need all of those files in my repo?
Does anyone have gitignore sample for Unity + Xcode settings?
Create a file called .gitignore on the top level and add the folders you do not wish to commit to your GIT
Here is a good one I found:
# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files
# Unity3D generated meta files
# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports
# Builds

jenkins clean workspace plugin can't delete binary files from workspace

jenkins clean workspace plugin can't delete binary file from workspace. Manually clean up required in this automated world. Any Idea how can it be deleted automatic?
Deleting project workspace...
Cleaning local Directory .
Caused by: Unable to delete /local/hudson/workspace/north_gate/./ilt/ilt_dom_tc/patch/tod.tar.gz
