Swift : drawing the dots in loop - ios

I am trying to draw multiple dots in a loop by passing set of points. But not a single dot is getting drawn on view. Idea - I am parsing xml document and extracting point to draw it on view.
Edit - I have updated the code with suggested changes and it is working.
//View Class
class DrawTrace: UIView
var points = [CGPoint]()
didSet {
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)
let size = CGSize(width: 1, height: 1)
for point in points
let dot = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(origin: point, size: size))
//View Controller Class
class ViewController: UIViewController
var object : traceDoc = traceDoc()
let trace = DrawTrace(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200))
override func viewDidLoad()
trace.points = object.tracePoints
Added view instance to view hierarchy that is in view controller.Created instance of DrawTrace and appended to tracepoints array.

Your code is way more complex than it needs to be. One big issue is that you keep adding more and more layers each time draw is called.
There is no need to use layers to draw dots in your custom view. Here is a much simpler solution:
class DrawTrace: UIView
var points = [CGPoint]() {
didSet {
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)
let size = CGSize(width: 2, height: 2)
for point in points {
let dot = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(origin: point, size: size))
// this just draws the circle by filling it.
// Update any properties of the path as needed.
// Use dot.stroke() if you need an outline around the circle.
let trace = DrawTrace(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200))
trace.backgroundColor = .white
trace.points = [ CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10), CGPoint(x: 35, y: 100)]
The above can be copied into a playground.

Black dotes on black view aren't visible, try to make dotes white:
shapeLayer.fillColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
shapeLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
Also, in UIViewController code you are not adding your DrawTrace to views hierarchy, try in viewDidLoad:
Finally, it seems that you have to iterate over array of CGPoint's. Instead of use stride, user FastEnumeration over Array:
for point in points
drawDot(x: point.x, y: point.y,Color: fillColor, size: size)


Radial Gradience Colors Not Updating in UIView

I am attempting to use radial gradience within my app on a background UIView. My issue comes to play, where I want to update the view colors of the gradience multiple times. I have no errors with my code, but I can't seem to figure out how to get around this.
What I have tried is reloading the Input Views within the regular UIView as-well as the gradience class; remove the subview of the uiview, and adding a new view to the screen, which worked for only change of set colors; and I have looked over the internet, but can't seem to resolve this. All I want is for the UIView to update its colors based on the new color parameters I give it.
Here is my radial gradience code:
import UIKit
class RadialGradient: UIView {
var innerColor = UIColor.yellow
var outterColor = UIColor.red
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
let colors = [innerColor.cgColor, outterColor.cgColor] as CFArray
let endRadius = min(frame.width, frame.height)
let center = CGPoint(x: bounds.size.width/2, y: bounds.size.height/2)
let gradient = CGGradient(colorsSpace: nil, colors: colors, locations: nil)
startCenter: center,
startRadius: 0.0,
endCenter: center,
endRadius: endRadius,
options: CGGradientDrawingOptions.drawsAfterEndLocation)
Here is where I am using it:
import UIKit
class TestIssuesVC: UIViewController {
var check : Bool = false
#IBAction func buttonClicked(_ sender: Any) {
if check == true {
print("Why wont you change to purple and black?????")
cheapFix(inner: UIColor.purple, outter: UIColor.black)
} else {
cheapFix(inner: UIColor.red, outter: UIColor.blue)
check = true
func cheapFix(inner: UIColor, outter: UIColor) {
let backgroundsetting = RadialGradient()
backgroundsetting.innerColor = inner
backgroundsetting.outterColor = outter
backgroundsetting.frame = (frame: CGRect(x: self.view.frame.size.width * 0, y: self.view.frame.size.height * 0, width:self.view.frame.size.width, height: self.view.frame.size.height))
self.view.sendSubview(toBack: backgroundsetting)
let backgroundsetting = RadialGradient()
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
backgroundsetting.innerColor = UIColor.green
backgroundsetting.outterColor = UIColor.red
backgroundsetting.frame = (frame: CGRect(x: self.view.frame.size.width * 0, y: self.view.frame.size.height * 0, width:self.view.frame.size.width, height: self.view.frame.size.height))
self.view.sendSubview(toBack: backgroundsetting)
I see two things.
Your cheapFix method never updates the backgroundsetting property. It creates its own local variable of the same name. So you are actually adding new views over and over but each is sent to the back so you only ever see the first one. This is why nothing ever appears to change.
None of that is necessary. Simply create one RadialGradient view. When you want its colors to change, simply update its colors. That class needs to be fixed so it redraws itself when its properties are updated.
Make the following change to the two properties in your RadialGradient class:
var innerColor = UIColor.yellow {
didSet {
var outterColor = UIColor.red {
didSet {
Those changes will ensure the view redraws itself when its colors are updated.

How can I change the phase of UIColor patternImage in Swift?

I'm using the very convenient UIColor(patternImage:) to create some CAShapeLayers with tiled patterns in an iOS 10 app with Xcode 8.2. Tiling always starts at the origin of the view, which can be inconvenient if you want it to start somewhere else. To illustrate, here's a screenshot from the simulator (code below):
The CAShapeLayer on the left starts at (0,0), so everything is fine. The one on the right is at (110,50), so it's split in the middle. Here's the code:
let firstBox = CAShapeLayer()
firstBox.fillColor = UIColor(patternImage: UIImage(named: "test-image")!).cgColor
firstBox.path = UIBezierPath(rect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100)).cgPath
let secondBox = CAShapeLayer()
secondBox.fillColor = UIColor(patternImage: UIImage(named: "test-image")!).cgColor
secondBox.path = UIBezierPath(rect: CGRect(x: 110, y: 50, width: 100, height: 100)).cgPath
I want to adjust the phase of the pattern for the right CAShapeLayer so that both tiles show a full face. Apple's documentation for UIColor(patternImage:) helpfully refers to a function for this purpose:
To change the phase, make the color the current color and then use the
setPatternPhase(_:) function to change the phase.
Sounds simple! But I'm having a hard time implementing it. I'm not really sure what "make the color the current color" means. I tried getting the current context and calling setPatternPhase on it, both before and after assigning the fill color to the layer:
UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()?.setPatternPhase(CGSize(width: 25, height: 25))
No noticeable effect. I tried subclassing the containing UIView and setting the phase in its drawRect: method, as suggested in this answer. But drawRect: doesn't exist in Swift, so I tried both draw(_ rect:) and draw(_ layer:, in:). Both functions get called, but there's no noticeable effect.
class PatternView: UIView {
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()?.setPatternPhase(CGSize(width: 25, height: 25))
override func draw(_ layer: CALayer, in ctx: CGContext) {
ctx.setPatternPhase(CGSize(width: 25, height: 25))
super.draw(layer, in: ctx)
At Dave Weston's suggestion, I used UIImage's .set() to set the current stroke and fill for the current context before calling setPatternPhase. Unfortunately the output is unaffected. Here's the code I tried:
let secondBoxColor = UIColor(patternImage: UIImage(named: "test-image")!)
UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()?.setPatternPhase(CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))
let secondBox = CAShapeLayer()
secondBox.fillColor = secondBoxColor.cgColor
secondBox.path = UIBezierPath(rect: CGRect(x: 110, y: 50, width: 100, height: 100)).cgPath
How can I shift the phase of the pattern that gets drawn into a CAShapeLayer?
To make your pattern the current color, you should call the set() instance method on the UIColor instance that contains your pattern. This configures the color as the current stroke and fill color for the current context.
Then, according to Apple's docs, setPatternPhase should work.
I haven't been able to solve this problem, but I thought I'd share the workaround I'm using in case it's useful to anyone.
As far as I can tell, CAShapeLayer does its rendering in a secret, hidden place, and ignores the normal display() and draw() functions that CALayerDelegates are supposed to use. As a result, you never have access to the CGContext it's using to render, so there's no way to call setPatternPhase().
My specific use case for setPatternPhase() was to have the pattern line up with the top-left of the CAShapeLayer it's drawn in, so I found an alternate way to do that. It does not allow you to set an arbitrary phase.
What I did instead is create a new CALayer subclass called CAPatternLayerthat takes a UIImage to tile and a CGPath to fill. It delegates to a CALayerDelegate class called CAPatternLayerDelegate, which provides a draw(layer: in ctx:) function. When a draw is requested, the delegate creates a temporary UIImageView, fills it with the tiled image, then renders it to the CALayer's context.
A neat side-effect of this is that you can use a UIImage with cap insets, which allows 9-slice scaling with the center slice tiled.
Here's the code for PatternLayer and PatternLayerDelegate:
class CAPatternLayer: CALayer {
var image: UIImage?
var path: CGPath? {
didSet {
if let path = self.path {
self.frame = path.boundingBoxOfPath
// shift the path to 0,0 since you built position into the frame
var translation = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -path.boundingBoxOfPath.origin.x, y: -path.boundingBoxOfPath.origin.y)
let shiftedPath = path.copy(using: &translation)
// use the shifted version
self.path = shiftedPath
self.maskLayer.path = shiftedPath
let maskLayer: CAShapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
override init() {
self.delegate = CAPatternLayerDelegate.sharedInstance
self.mask = self.maskLayer
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
convenience init(path: CGPath, image: UIImage) {
defer {
self.image = image
self.path = path
class CAPatternLayerDelegate: NSObject, CALayerDelegate {
static let sharedInstance = CAPatternLayerDelegate()
func draw(_ layer: CALayer, in ctx: CGContext) {
// cast layer to a CAPatternLayer so you can access properties
if let layer = layer as? CAPatternLayer, let image = layer.image, let path = layer.path {
// create a UIImageView to display the image, then render it to the context
let imageView = UIImageView()
// if a path bounding box was set, use it, otherwise draw over the whole layer
imageView.bounds = path.boundingBoxOfPath
imageView.image = image
imageView.layer.render(in: ctx)
And here's an example in use:
// create a path to fill
let myMaskPath = UIBezierPath(rect: CGRect(x: 50, y: 25, width: 200, height: 100))
// pull the image and set it up as a resizeableImage with cap insets
let patternImage = UIImage(named: "ground")!.resizableImage(withCapInsets: .init(top: 16, left: 16, bottom: 0, right: 16), resizingMode: .tile)
// create the CAPatternLayer and add it to the view
let myPatternLayer = CAPatternLayer(path: myMaskPath.cgPath, image: patternImage)

Drawing underline for UIButton is hidden behind views

I have a viewcontroller with 3 UIButtons that have the same Y position but 20px apart from each other horizontally. When a button is selected, I'd like to draw a line beneath the button. I tried just adding the underline attribute, but the line isn't really customizable. I have the buttons on top of a UIImageView that is contained within a subclass of UIView I named SectionView.
In my view controller i have the following function that is called when a button is pressed:
#IBOutlet weak var sectionView: SectionView!
func sectionButtonPressed(sender: UIButton) {
self.sectionView.selectedButton = sender
In my UIView subclass, I have the following:
class SectionView: UIView {
var selectedButton: UIButton?
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
let linePath = UIBezierPath()
linePath.moveToPoint(CGPoint(x:(self.selectedButton?.frame.origin.x)! - 3, y: (self.selectedButton?.frame.origin.y)! + 35))
linePath.addLineToPoint(CGPoint(x: (self.selectedButton?.frame.origin.x)! + (self.selectedButton?.frame.width)! + 3, y: (self.selectedButton?.frame.origin.y)! + 35))
I can get the line to draw at the position and length I desire, but its beneath the UIButton and UIImageView. How can I get it to appear above?
func addLine(button:UIButton)// pass button object as a argument
let length = button.bounds.width
let x = button.bounds.origin.x
let y = button.bounds.origin.y + button.bounds.height - 5
let path = UIBezierPath()
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: x + length , y:y))
//design path in layer
let lineLayer = CAShapeLayer()
lineLayer.path = path.cgPath
lineLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.red.cgColor
lineLayer.lineWidth = 1.0
lineLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
button.layer.insertSublayer(lineLayer, at: 0)
// This code will create one line below your button(using UIBezierPath and Layers )
I had to change it up. Instead of using a bezier path, I ended up creating a UIView and placing it above the other views.
func sectionButtonPressed(sender: UIButton) {
let lineView = createView(sender)
func createView(sender:UIButton) -> UIView {
let customView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: sender.frame.origin.x, y: sender.frame.origin.y + 12, width: sender.frame.width, height: 2.0))
customView.backgroundColor = UIColor.purpleColor()
return customView
Remember, my buttons are on top of a UIImageView that is contained within a UIView. When I tried to add the line view as a subview to the imageview, the line wouldn't line up with the x origin of the button. So instead I added the line view as a subview to the UIView and it came out looking correct.
We can use CALayer to draw lines. Add the following code in your button action, this may help.
#IBAction func sectionButtonPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
let border = CALayer()
border.borderColor = UIColor.purpleColor().CGColor
border.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: sender.frame.size.height - 2,
width: sender.frame.size.width, height: 2)
border.borderWidth = 2.0
sender.layer.masksToBounds = true

UIView layer's sublayers display differently/randomly each time view appears

I have a simple custom CALayer to create an overlaying gradient effect on my UIView. Here is the code:
class GradientLayer: CALayer {
var locations: [CGFloat]?
var origin: CGPoint?
var radius: CGFloat?
var color: CGColor?
convenience init(view: UIView, locations: [CGFloat]?, origin: CGPoint?, radius: CGFloat?, color: UIColor?) {
self.locations = locations
self.origin = origin
self.radius = radius
self.color = color?.CGColor
self.frame = view.bounds
override func drawInContext(ctx: CGContext) {
guard let locations = self.locations else { return }
guard let origin = self.origin else { return }
guard let radius = self.radius else { return }
let colorSpace = CGColorGetColorSpace(color)
let colorComponents = CGColorGetComponents(color)
let gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents(colorSpace, colorComponents, locations, locations.count)
CGContextDrawRadialGradient(ctx, gradient, origin, CGFloat(0), origin, radius, [.DrawsAfterEndLocation])
I initialize and set these layers here:
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
let gradient1 = GradientLayer(view: view, locations: [0.0,1.0], origin: CGPoint(x: view.frame.midX, y: view.frame.midY), radius: 100.0, color: UIColor(white: 1.0, alpha: 0.2))
let gradient2 = GradientLayer(view: view, locations: [0.0,1.0], origin: CGPoint(x: view.frame.midX-20, y: view.frame.midY+20), radius: 160.0, color: UIColor(white: 1.0, alpha: 0.2))
let gradient3 = GradientLayer(view: view, locations: [0.0,1.0], origin: CGPoint(x: view.frame.midX+30, y: view.frame.midY-30), radius: 300.0, color: UIColor(white: 1.0, alpha: 0.2))
The view seems to display properly most of the time, but (seemingly) randomly I'll get different renderings as you'll see below. Here are some examples (the first one is what I want):
What is causing this malfunction? How do I only load the first one every time?
You have several problems.
First off, you should think of a gradient as an array of stops, where a stop has two parts: a color and a location. You must have an equal number of colors and locations, because every stop has one of each. You can see this if, for example, you check the CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents documentation regarding the components argument:
The number of items in this array should be the product of count and the number of components in the color space.
It's a product (the result of a multiplication) because you have count stops and you need a complete set of color components for each stop.
You're not providing enough color components. Your GradientLayer could have any number of locations (and you're giving it two) but has only one color. You're getting that one color's components and passing that as the components array to CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents, but the array is too short. Swift doesn't catch this error—notice that the type of your colorComponents is UnsafePointer<CGFloat>. The Unsafe part tells you that you're in dangerous territory. (You can see the type of colorComponents by option-clicking it in Xcode.)
Since you're not providing a large enough array for components, iOS is using whatever random values happen to be in memory after the components of your one color. Those may change from run to run and are often not what you want them to be.
In fact, you shouldn't even use CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents. You should use CGGradientCreateWithColors, which takes an array of CGColor so it's not only simpler to use, but safer because it's one less UnsafePointer floating around.
Here's what GradientLayer should look like:
class RadialGradientLayer: CALayer {
struct Stop {
var location: CGFloat
var color: UIColor
var stops: [Stop] { didSet { self.setNeedsDisplay() } }
var origin: CGPoint { didSet { self.setNeedsDisplay() } }
var radius: CGFloat { didSet { self.setNeedsDisplay() } }
init(stops: [Stop], origin: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat) {
self.stops = stops
self.origin = origin
self.radius = radius
needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = true
override init(layer other: AnyObject) {
guard let other = other as? RadialGradientLayer else { fatalError() }
stops = other.stops
origin = other.origin
radius = other.radius
super.init(layer: other)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func drawInContext(ctx: CGContext) {
let locations = stops.map { $0.location }
let colors = stops.map { $0.color.CGColor }
locations.withUnsafeBufferPointer { pointer in
let gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColors(nil, colors, pointer.baseAddress)
CGContextDrawRadialGradient(ctx, gradient, origin, 0, origin, radius, [.DrawsAfterEndLocation])
Next problem. You're adding more gradient layers every time the system calls viewWillLayoutSubviews. It can call that function multiple times! For example, it will call it if your app supports interface rotation, or if a call comes in and iOS makes the status bar taller. (You can test that in the simulator by choosing Hardware > Toggle In-Call Status Bar.)
You need to create the gradient layers once, storing them in a property. If they have already been created, you need to update their frames and not create new layers:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var gradientLayers = [RadialGradientLayer]()
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
if gradientLayers.isEmpty {
for layer in gradientLayers {
layer.frame = view.bounds
private func createGradientLayers() {
let bounds = view.bounds
let mid = CGPointMake(bounds.midX, bounds.midY)
typealias Stop = RadialGradientLayer.Stop
for (point, radius, color) in [
(mid, 100, UIColor(white:1, alpha:0.2)),
(CGPointMake(mid.x - 20, mid.y + 20), 160, UIColor(white:1, alpha:0.2)),
(CGPointMake(mid.x + 30, mid.y - 30), 300, UIColor(white:1, alpha:0.2))
] as [(CGPoint, CGFloat, UIColor)] {
let stops: [RadialGradientLayer.Stop] = [
Stop(location: 0, color: color),
Stop(location: 1, color: color.colorWithAlphaComponent(0))]
let layer = RadialGradientLayer(stops: stops, origin: point, radius: radius)
Your problem is the code you have written in viewWillLayoutSubviews function its is called multiple times when views loads just add a check to run it once or better yet add a check in viewdidlayoutsubviews to run it once

How To Create in Swift a Circular Profile Picture or Rounded Corner Image with a border which does not leak?

Basing on the source code below:
#IBOutlet var myUIImageView: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
private func makingRoundedImageProfileWithRoundedBorder() {
// Making a circular image profile.
// self.myUIImageView.layer.cornerRadius = self.myUIImageView.frame.size.width / 2
// Making a rounded image profile.
self.myUIImageView.layer.cornerRadius = 20.0
self.myUIImageView.clipsToBounds = true
// Adding a border to the image profile
self.myUIImageView.layer.borderWidth = 10.0
self.myUIImageView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
Indeed I am able to render a circular or rounded UIImageView, but the problem is that if we add the border, the image leaks a bit. It's way worse with a circular UIImageView, it leaks whenever the border is bent, so LEAKS EVERYWHERE! You can find a screenshot of the result below:
Any way to fix that in Swift? Any sample code which answers to this question will be highly appreciated.
Note: as far as possible the solution has to be compatible with iOS 7 and 8+.
First Solution
Basing on the #Jesper Schläger suggestion
"If I may suggest a quick and dirty solution:
Instead of adding a border to the image view, you could just add another white view below the image view. Make the view extend 10 points in either direction and give it a corner radius of 20.0. Give the image view a corner radius of 10.0."
Please find the Swift implementation below:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var myUIImageView: UIImageView!
#IBOutlet var myUIViewBackground: UIView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Making a circular UIView: cornerRadius = self.myUIImageView.frame.size.width / 2
// Making a rounded UIView: cornerRadius = 10.0
self.roundingUIView(self.myUIImageView, cornerRadiusParam: 10)
self.roundingUIView(self.myUIViewBackground, cornerRadiusParam: 20)
private func roundingUIView(let aView: UIView!, let cornerRadiusParam: CGFloat!) {
aView.clipsToBounds = true
aView.layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadiusParam
Second Solution
Would be to set a circle mask over a CALayer.
Please find the Objective-C implementation of this second solution below:
CALayer *maskedLayer = [CALayer layer];
[maskedLayer setFrame:CGRectMake(50, 50, 100, 100)];
[maskedLayer setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor].CGColor];
UIBezierPath *maskingPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[maskingPath addArcWithCenter:maskedLayer.position
CAShapeLayer *maskingLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
[maskingLayer setPath:maskingPath.CGPath];
[maskedLayer setMask:maskingLayer];
[self.view.layer addSublayer:maskedLayer];
If you comment out from line UIBezierPath *maskingPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath]; through [maskedLayer setMask:maskingLayer]; you will see that the layer is a square. However when these lines are not commented the layer is a circle.
Note: I neither tested this second solution nor provided the Swift implementation, so feel free to test it and let me know if it works or not through the comment section below. Also feel free to edit this post adding the Swift implementation of this second solution.
If I may suggest a quick and dirty solution:
Instead of adding a border to the image view, you could just add another white view below the image view. Make the view extend 10 points in either direction and give it a corner radius of 20.0. Give the image view a corner radius of 10.0.
I worked on improving the code but it keeps crashing. I'll work on it, but I appear to have got a (rough) version working:
Edit Updated with a slightly nicer version. I don't like the init:coder method but maybe that can factored out/improved
class RoundedImageView: UIView {
var image: UIImage? {
didSet {
if let image = image {
self.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width/image.scale, height: image.size.width/image.scale)
var cornerRadius: CGFloat?
private class func frameForImage(image: UIImage) -> CGRect {
return CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width/image.scale, height: image.size.width/image.scale)
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
if let image = self.image {
let cornerRadius = self.cornerRadius ?? rect.size.width/10
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: rect, cornerRadius: cornerRadius)
path.lineWidth = cornerRadius
let image = UIImage(named: "big-teddy-bear.jpg")
let imageView = RoundedImageView()
imageView.image = image
Let me know if that's the sort of thing you're looking for.
A little explanation:
As I'm sure you've found, the "border" that iOS can apply isn't perfect, and shows the corners for some reason. I found a few other solutions but none seemed to work. The reason this is a subclass of UIView, and not UIImageView, is that drawRect: is not called for subclasses of UIImageView. I am not sure about the performance of this code, but it seems good from my (limited) testing
Original code:
class RoundedImageView: UIView {
var image: UIImage? {
didSet {
if let image = image {
self.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width/image.scale, height: image.size.width/image.scale)
private class func frameForImage(image: UIImage) -> CGRect {
return CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width/image.scale, height: image.size.width/image.scale)
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
if let image = self.image {
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: rect, cornerRadius: 50)
path.lineWidth = 10
let image = UIImage(named: "big-teddy-bear.jpg")
let imageView = RoundedImageView()
imageView.image = image
imageView.layer.cornerRadius = 50
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
