Weird error deploying Azure Container Instances - docker

I am trying to run Docker image from the Docker Hub in the Azure Container Instances but deployment always fails in some reason. The repository on Docker Hub is public. The service says that the image has been successfully pulled but it pulls it again and again and the state of the container is always "Waiting". The image must not be broken because I can create the container and use it locally without any problems.
(please ignore different tags on screenshot)
What could be a reason?

Is the default command for your container a long-running process? Usually, this behavior indicates that the container is starting and immediately exiting, triggering the service to try and start it again, over and over.


Gitlab-CI error upon deploying Docker Image on swarm mode

Hi i have problem with updating / changing image of my service on the server running Docker swarm mode.
Here is the process of manually updating the service.
push the project to gitlab from local machine.
pull the project from gitlab in server.
build a Docker image as my-project:latest
tag my-project:latest as
i push the image using docker push
i run docker stack deploy -c ~/docker-stack.yml api --with-registry-auth
and it works fine.
However if i move the codes above into a gitlab-ci.yml despite of ending the job successfully i get an error when it is trying to update the service.
Updating service api_backend (id: r4gqmil66kehzf0oehzqk57on)
image could not be accessed on a registry to record
its digest. Each node will access independently,
possibly leading to different nodes running different
versions of the image.
Also the gitlab runner is executing commands in Shell mode.
I have tried different solutions as you can see i'm even using the --with-registry-auth flag.
To summarize this:
everything works fine if i enter the codes manually but i get an error when i use gitlab-ci.yml.

Is it possible to make update the docker image after pushing it to dockerhub/ACR/etc at runtime as docker cp command works on localhost

I have a angular application and I have created an docker image of that, I have published it on Azure Container Register(ACR).
I want to pull the image from ACR and deploy it to Azure App service, and change the images, css files from the docker container at runtime.
I want to know if it is possible to update the images/css file at runtime as we do using docker cp command on localhost.
I would suggest using CI/CD for this purpose.
Just create a webhook in ACR. So, whenever the image gets updates, the WebApp will automatically get "notified" and pull in the new change.

docker stack deploy results in "No such image error"

I am using docker swarm and would like to deploy a service with docker-compose. My service uses a custom image called myuser/myrepo:mytag that I successfully deploy to Docker-Hub to a private repository.
My docker-compose looks like this:
version: "3.3"
image: myuser/myrepo:mytag
- "8080:8080"
Before executing, I successfully pulled the image with: docker pull myuser/myrepo:mytag
When I run docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp I always receive the error: "No such image: myuser/myrepo:mytag".
Interestingly, running the same file using only: docker-compose up (i.e. without swarm mode) everything works fine and the service starts up.
I really don't understand why this is failing?
I've already tried cleaning up docker with docker system prune and then repull my image, no success.
Already found the solution.
My image is hosted on a private repository.
Besides the swarm manager (where I executed the commands), I had a running swarm worker.
When I ran docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp docker deployed the service to the worker node (not the manager node as I thought).
At the worker node, docker had no credentials to pull the image from the private repository.
Hence, to fix this either pass the flag --with-registry-auth (which pushes the credentials for the repository to the worker node) or make sure that the service is deployed to a node where the image is present.
I want to add another scenario that leads to the same outcome (error message) so that people won't bang their heads against the wall.
Another possibility is that you are trying to deploy the image with the insecure registry but forget to edit daemon.json on the server pulling the image.
If that is the case, lets this answer act as a reminder; and save you some time.
I had similar issue on mac when behind the corporate firewall.
I was able to resolve only after connecting directly to internet.
Just to update, while I am on VPN, I am able to access the internet without any proxy settings, and am able to download (docker) images just fine with docker run. Issue is only with docker-compose.
I did try changing the nameserver to in resolv.conf in my VMs, but issue was not resolved.
For me I struggled with an image I had deployed to a new registry I configured in my swarm. I was updating the stack using Portainer.
I configured all the necessary certificates and logins on all the nodes and verified I had uploaded the image using the following commands:
curl -X GET https://myregistry:5000/v2/_catalog
curl -X GET https://myregistry:5000/v2/{image}/tags/list
No matter what I tried I always had the "No such image" error displayed on the service instances.
In a last ditch attempt I created a service (without the compose file) using exactly the same URL for my image as I had previously and it worked, i.e. docker found the image and started the service! Further attempts using the compose file then worked properly for this and all other new images.

make new docker container after it has been deleted

In my Bluemix project, the container has been deleted after migration.
Luckly, the image is still alive so I made a new container using that image, connected my site to that container IP address, set new DB etc.
However, although my bluemix site is up and running it does not show the correct page. It only shows the initial Wordpress site (I'm using wordpress on my site).
Is there something that I should be aware of in this situation?
Thank you
When you run a new container an image is being used as a starting point. If that image has already been pulled to your host it can be used directly, or else it will be pulled from docker hub automatically.
Then if you start doing work on your container (download libraries, add the source code of your application etc...) this affects only the container and not the image. If you delete the container, that state is lost.
You can save the state of you container as an image that you can later re-use by using docker commit. You can also add this image to docker hub with docker push and docker pull it to other hosts.
Containers are by design ephemeral. They're meant to be created and destroyed. If you need a long-running service with persistent data, make sure you use a volume. The volume will store your data across container restarts. Here's a blog post on running Wordpress with a volume in Bluemix that might help -

docker service update vs docker stack deploy with existing stack

I have a doubt in using docker swarm mode commands to update existing services after having deployed a set of services using docker stack deploy.
As far I understood every service is pinned to the SHA256 digest of the image at the time of creation, so if you rebuild and push an image (with same tag) and you try to run a docker service update, service image is not updated (even if SHA256 is different). On the contrary, if you run a docker stack deploy again, all the services are updated with the new images.
I managed to update the service image also by using docker service update --image repository/image:tag <service>. Is this the normal behavior of these commands or is there something I didn't understood?
I'm using Docker 17.03.1-ce
Docker stack deploy documentation says:
"Create and update a stack from a compose or a dab file on the swarm. This command has to be run targeting a manager node."
So the behaviour you described is as expected.
Docker service update documentation is not so clear but you yourself said it only runs with --image repository/image:tag <service> so the flag is necessary to update the image.
You have two ways to accomplish what you want.
It is normal and expected behavior for docker stack deploy to update images of existing services to whatever hash the specified tag is linked.
If no tag is present, latest is assumed - which can be problematic at times, since the latest tag is not well understood by most persons, and thus lead to some unexpected results.
