I have deployed an application in Kubernetes that prints numbers from 1-20 in Kubernetes.
While printing numbers suddenly there is an internet failure and the pod crases after printing numbers from 1-10. Now the basic pod lifecycle says that the pod will restart and numbers will print again starting from 1 but I want to print the numbers from where it failed ie 10...
So basically I am searching for a way through which I can resume the application running in pods from the point of failure without restarting again.
Is there a way to do it ?? I have read about persistent storage and volumes but they are basically used to assign volumes to pods so that they can retain data and files .....
Please help me how can I achieve this and demonstrate this in form of POC ...
can a statefulset be of use here?
Using StatefulSets
StatefulSets are valuable for applications that require one or more of the following.
Stable, unique network identifiers.
Stable, persistent storage.
Ordered, graceful deployment and scaling.
Ordered, automated rolling updates.
In the above, stable is synonymous with persistence across Pod (re)scheduling. If an application doesn't require any stable identifiers or ordered deployment, deletion, or scaling, you should deploy your application using a workload object that provides a set of stateless replicas. Deployment or ReplicaSet may be better suited to your stateless needs.
I'm trying to use argo events to trigger a workflow where I push changes to a database, then I have to restart certain pods so that changes are taken into consideration. I know how to use argo to create kubernetes objects, but I don't know how I can use this to restart a pod from within a kubernetes object. Alternatively I can also launch a pod from within argo and its container would restart a docker container, is this possible? If so how?
You can a do zero downtime rolling update via argo rollouts.
A RollingUpdate slowly replaces the old version with the new version. As the new version comes up, the old version is scaled down in order to maintain the overall count of the application. This is the default strategy of the deployment object
Argo Rollouts also supports Canary and BlueGreen.
I am toying around with Kubernetes and have managed to deploy a statefull application (jenkins instance) to a single node.
It uses a PVC to make sure that I can persist my jenkins data (jobs, plugins etc).
Now I would like to experiment with failover.
My cluster has 2 digital ocean droplets.
Currently my jenkins pod is running on just one node.
When that goes down, Jenkins becomes unavailable.
I am now looking on how to accomplish failover in a sense that, when the jenkins pod goes down on my node, it will spin up on the other node. (so short downtime during this proces is ok).
Of course it has to use the same PVC, so that my data remains intact.
I believe, when reading, that a StatefulSet kan be used for this?
Any pointers are much appreciated!
Best regards
Digital Ocean's Kubernetes service only supports ReadWriteOnce access modes for PVCs (see here). This means the volume can only be attached to one node at a time.
I came across this blogpost which, while focused on Jenkins on Azure, has the same situation of only supporting ReadWriteOnce. The author states:
the drawback for me though lies in the fact that the access mode for Azure Disk persistent volumes is ReadWriteOnce. This means that an Azure disk can be attached to only one cluster node at a time. In the event of a node failure or update, it could take anywhere between 1-5 minutes for the Azure disk to get detached and attached to the next available node.
Note, Pod failure and node failures are different things. Since DO only supports ReadWriteOnce, there's no benefit to trying anything more sophisticated than what you have right now in terms of tolerance to node failure. Since it's ReadWriteOnce the volume will need to be unmounted from the failing node and re-mounted to the new node, and then a new Pod will get scheduled on the new node. Kubernetes will do this for you, and there's not much you can do to optimize it.
For Pod failure, you could use a Deployment since you want to read and write the same data, you don't want different PVs attached to the different replicas. There may be very limited benefit to this, you will have multiple replicas of the Pod all running on the same node, so it depends on how the Jenkins process scales and if it can support that type of scale horizontal out model while all writing to the same volume (as opposed to simply vertically scaling memory or CPU requests).
If you really want to achieve higher availability in the face of node and/or Pod failures, and the Jenkins workload you're deploying has a hard requirement on local volumes for persistent state, you will need to consider an alternative volume plugin like NFS, or moving to a different cloud provider like GKE.
Yes, you would use a Deployment or StatefulSet depending on the use case. For Jenkins, a StatefulSet would be appropriate. If the running pod becomes unavailable, the StatefulSet controller will see that and spawn a new one.
What you are describing is the default behaviour of Kubernetes for Pods that are managed by a controller, such as a Deployment.
You should deploy any application as a Deployment (or another controller) even if it consists just of a single Pod. You never really deploy Pods directly to Kubernetes. So, in this case, there's nothing special you need to do to get this behaviour.
When one of your nodes dies, the Pod dies too. This is detected by the Deployment controller, which creates a new Pod. This is in turn detected by the scheduler, which assigns the new Pod to a node. Since one of the nodes is down, it will assign the Pod to the other node that is still running. Once the Pod is assigned to this node, the kubelet of this node will run the container(s) of this Pod on this node.
Ok, let me try to anwser my own question here.
I think Amit Kumar Gupta came the closest to what I believe is going on here.
Since I am using a Deployment and my PVC in ReadWriteOnce, I am basically stuck with one pod, running jenkins, on one node.
weibelds answer made me realise that I was asking questions to about a concept that Kubernetes performs by default.
If my pod goes down (in my case i am shutting down a node on purpose by doing a hard power down to simulate a failure), the cluster (controller?) will detect this and spawn a new pod on another node.
All is fine so far, but then I noticed that my new pod as stuck in ContainerCreating state.
Running a describe on my new pod (the one in ContainerCreating state) showed this
Warning FailedAttachVolume 16m attachdetach-controller Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-cb772fdb-492b-4ef5-a63e-4e483b8798fd" Volume is already used by pod(s) jenkins-deployment-6ddd796846-dgpnm
Warning FailedMount 70s (x7 over 14m) kubelet, cc-pool-bg6u Unable to mount volumes for pod "jenkins-deployment-6ddd796846-wjbkl_default(93747d74-b208-421c-afa4-8d467e717649)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod "default"/"jenkins-deployment-6ddd796846-wjbkl". list of unmounted volumes=[jenkins-home]. list of unattached volumes=[jenkins-home default-token-wd6p7]
Then it started to hit me, this makes sense.
It's a pitty, but it makes sense.
Since I did a hard power down on the node, the PV went down with it.
So now the controller tries to start a new pod, on a new node but it cant transfer the PV, since the one on the previous pod became unreachable.
As I read more on this, I read that DigitalOcean only supports ReadWriteOnce , which now leaves me wondering, how the hell can I achieve a simple failover for a stateful application on a Kubernetes Cluster on Digital Ocean that consists of just a couple of simple droplets?
I'm running more than one replicas of pods with kubernetes deployment
and I'd like to update the replicas to use updated configmap in a rolling way. same like rolling-update works.
So that kubernetes will terminate pod and start sending traffic to the newly updated pods one at a time until all pods will be updated.
Can I use rolling-update with deployment?
Applying a change to the Deployment object will trigger a rolling-update. From the docs:
A Deployment’s rollout is triggered if and only if the Deployment’s pod template (that is, .spec.template) is changed, for example if the labels or container images of the template are updated. Other updates, such as scaling the Deployment, do not trigger a rollout.
So if you want to trigger a rolling update to update your configmap I would suggest you update a metadata label. Perhaps a CONFIG_VER key.
To automatically perform a rolling update of deployment on configmap update, you can also use a tool that my team has built and opensourced: Reloader which we are also using in production clusters of our customers.
Reloader watches changes in ConfigMap and Secret and updates the associated Deployments, Deamonsets and Statefulsets, based on the configured update strategy.
I followed Alex Ellis' excellent tutorial that uses kubeadm to spin-up a K8s cluster on Raspberry Pis. It's unclear to me what the best practice is when I wish to power-cycle the Pis.
I suspect sudo systemctl reboot is going to result in problems. I'd prefer not to delete and recreate the cluster each time starting with kubeadm reset.
Is there a way that I can shutdown and restart the machines without deleting the cluster?
This question is quite old but I imagine others may eventually stumble upon it so I thought I would provide a quick answer because there is, in fact, a best practice around this operation.
The first thing that you're going to want to ensure is that you have a highly available cluster. This consists of at least 3 masters and 3 worker nodes. Why 3? This is so that at any given time they can always form a quorum for eventual consistency.
Now that you have an HA Kubernetes cluster, you're going to have to go through every single one of your application manifests and ensure that you have specified Resource Requests and Limitations. This is so that you can ensure that a pod will never be scheduled on a pod without the required resources. Furthermore, in the event that a pod has a bug that causes it to consume a highly abnormal amount of resources, the limitation will prevent it from taking down your cluster.
Now that that is out of the way, you can begin the process of rebooting the cluster. The first thing you're going to do is reboot your masters. So run kubectl drain $MASTER against one of your (at least) three masters. The API Server will now reject any scheduling attempts and immediately start the process of evicting any scheduled pods and migrating their workloads to your other masters.
Use kubectl describe node $MASTER to monitor the node until all pods have been removed. Now you can safely connect to it and reboot it. Once it has come back up, you can now run kubectl uncordon $MASTER and the API Server will once again begin scheduling Pods to it. Once again use kubectl describe $NODE until you have confirmed that all pods are READY.
Repeat this process for all of the masters. After the masters have been rebooted, you can safely repeat this process for all three (or more) worker nodes. If you properly perform this operation you can ensure that all of your applications will maintain 100% availability provided they are using multiple pods per service and have proper Deployment Strategy configured.