Multi-host Docker network with Swarm-mode and without swarm - docker

I am migrating legacy application deployed on two physical servers[web-app(node1) and DB(node2)].
Though following blog fullfilled my requirement. but still some questions
1- For mentioned scenario web-app(node1) and DB(node2), we can use expose port options and webapp will use that port, why to create overlay network?
2- By using swarm-mode with replica=1 we can achieve same, so what advantage we will get by using creating overlay network without swarm mode?
3- if node on which consul is installed, it goes down our whole application is no more working.(correct if understanding is wrong)
4- In swarm-mode if manager node goes down(which also have webapp) my understanding is swarm will launch both containers on available host? please correct me if my understanding is not correct?

That article is describing an outdated mode of operation for 'Swarm'. What's described is 'Classic Swarm' that needed an external kv store (like consul) but now Docker primarily uses 'Swarm mode' (which is an orchestration capability built in to the engine itself). To answer what I think your questions are:
I think you're asking, if we can expose a port for a service on a host, why do we need an overlay network? If so, what happens if the host goes down and the container gets re-scheduled to another node? The overlay network takes care of that by keeping track of where containers are and routing traffic appropriately.
Not sure what you mean by this.
If consul was a key piece of discovery infra then yes, it would be a single point of failure so you'd want to run it HA. This is one of the reasons that the dependency on an external kv was removed with 'Swarm Mode'.
Not sure what you mean by this, but maybe about rebalancing? If so then yes, if a host (with containers) goes down, those containers will be re-scheduled on another node.


Multi-Platform Docker Internal Network Connect From Host

I have a unique Docker issue. I am developing an application which needs to connect to multiple Docker containers. The gist is, that this application will use the Docker SDK to spin up containers and connect to them as needed.
However, due to the nature of the application, we should assume that each one of these containers is compromised and unsafe. Therefore, I need to separate them from the host network (so they cannot access my devices and the WAN). I still have the constraint of needing to connect to them from my application.
It is a well-known problem that the macOS networking stack doesn't support connecting to a docker network. Normally, I'd get around this by exposing a port I need. However, this is not possible with my application, as I am using internal networks with Docker.
I'd like to accomplish something like the following. Imagine Container 2 and Container 3 are on their own private internal network. The host (which isn't a container) is controlling the Docker SDK and can query their internal IPs. Thus, it can easily connect to these machines without this network being exposed to the network of the host. Fortunately, this sort of setup works on Linux. However, I'd like to come up with a cross platform solution that works on macOS.
I had a similar situation. What I ended up doing was:
The app manages a dynamic container-to-port mapping (just a hash table).
When my app (on the host) wants to launch a container, it finds an unused port in a pre-defined range (e.g. 28000-29000).
Once it has a port, it maps the container's port to some port in a pre-determined range (e.g. -p 28003:80).
When my app needs to refer to a container, it uses localhost:<port> (e.g. localhost:28001).
It turns out to not be a lot of code, but if you go that route, make sure you encapsulate the way you refer to containers (i.e. don't hard-code the hostname and port, use a class that generates the string).
All that said, you should really do some testing with a VM deployment option before you rule it out as too slow.

Can I isolate pair of services in docker swarm?

I am building a web app using docker swarm.
Manager machine will have database and load balancer.
Next I have two pieces of software: tornado server, which acts as middle layer between user and node server. They should always be served together. And one tornado server should always talk to one node server.
I want containers to be as isolated as possible (in order to keep scalability), but how I ensure that kind of communication?
Right now my approach is to build two separate images - one for tornado and one for node and then create muli-stage container which connects them both. I do not feel this is optimal as I have to run two start commands in CMD.
What is preferable solution? Can you force docker to couple images (e.g. without specifying IPs)?
There is a link feature in docker compose files: But recently Docker marked it as deprecated and suggests using user-defined networks:
P.S: Also pay attention to the notes:
- If you define both links and networks, services with links between them must share at least one network in common to communicate.
- This option is ignored when deploying a stack in swarm mode with a (version 3) Compose file.

When Should I use the host network with docker

I understand that if I use the host network driver for a container, that container’s network stack is not isolated from the Docker host.
I also believe understand conceptually that a good reasons to still do it might be when "Security is not an Issue or concern" and network throughput performance is important but I am struggling to think of a real world example of when I can or should do this. A naive example I can think of is a public facing load-balancer or static file web server.
I realize it may be possible to mitigate the security concerns outside of using host services like AWS or Google Cloud if hosted there but what if that wasn't an option!
When would or should an you use it in a production environment?
How can you mitigate the security concerns regardless of hosting environment?
How should you interact with other services in other docker networks?
I am struggling to think of a real world example of when I can or should do this. ... When would or should an you use it in a production environment?
Your application does not run on TCP or UDP, but another protocol
Your application requires a large range of incoming ports to be published (by default a docker-proxy process is spawned per published port, this can be excessive for a large range)
Your application works with multi-cast or broadcast network traffic
Your application needs to modify the networking layer of the host itself, e.g. a VPN
How can you mitigate the security concerns regardless of hosting environment?
You need to trust this application. You've removed a layer of docker namespacing and at that point, the container is a packaging format and likely fits in with the rest of your tooling, but doesn't require the same security approach you may have for other containers.
How should you interact with other services in other docker networks?
You would interact via published ports of the other containers, same as you would an application running outside of a container that needs to connect to an application inside of a container.
but I am struggling to think of a real world example of when I can or should do this.
Here is real world example: We use host network to speed up build stage of our gitlab ci/cd pipeline.
Container in question is up and running only during build phase, doesn't have any port exposed, needs faster network to download all the necessary pieces to build and push docker image and we experienced (in some intermittent occasions) issues with throughput and inconsistent behavior during build stage that we resolved with host network. Although with host network we "expose" ip of such a container, we still don't expose any ports and after build phase is finished container is discarded.
I know this doesn't answers all of your questions, but is requested real world example.

Networking among kubernetes minions

I installed an 8-node kubernetes cluster (1 master + 7 minion) but I faced a networking problem among minions.
I installed my cluster according to this step-by-step Fedora manual, so I use Fedora 20 with its testing repository to get kubernetes binaries.
After installing, I wanted to try the guestbook example, but it seems to me there is a problem with the inter-container networking.
Although containers/PODs are in running state and I can reach my 3 frontend containers (via browser) and the redis containers as well (via natcat), but the frontend, which not on the same host with the redis, cannot reach redis master. The frontend's PHP give back network exception.
Can anybody help me why the containers cannot reach each other among the hosts?
I hope I could describe my setup enough accurately and thanks in advance.
The Fedora guide you followed will only get you running on a single machine. It avoids the issues around setting up networking across nodes.
For kubernetes to work, the following network set up must be satisfied:
Every container should be able to talk to every other container, even across nodes. This means also that the bridge IP range for those containers must not overlap.
Code running on any node that isn't in a container should be able to reach every container (and vise-versa), even across nodes.
It is not necessary (but useful) if computers on the network that aren't part of the cluster can reach the containers directly.
There are a lot of ways to achieve this -- for instance the set up for vagrant sets up GRE tunnels between each node. On GCE we use features of the platform to do the routing. If you are on physical machines on a switch you can probably just do a big layer 2 network w/ bridges. A bulletproof way to get started (but perhaps not the most performant, depending on your set up) is to use something like flannel.
We are working on making this stuff easier to start up (without using a mess of shell scripts) and are thinking of building something like flannel in so that there is a reasonable default.

Failing to see how ambassador pattern enhances modularity / simplicty of container architecture in Docker

I fail to see how implementing the ambassador pattern would help us simplify / modularize the design of our container architecture.
Let's say that I have a database container db on host A and is used by a program db-client which sits on host B, which are connected via ambassador containers db-ambassador and db-foreign-ambassador over a network:
[host A (db) --> (db-ambassador)] <- ... -> [host B (db-forgn-ambsdr) --> (db-client)]
Connections between containers in the same machine, e.g. db to db-ambassador, and db-foreign-ambassador to db-client are done via Docker's --link parameter while db-ambassador and db-foreign-ambassador talks over the network.
But , --link is just a fancy way of inserting ip addresses, ports and other info from one container to another. When a container fails, the other container which is linked to it does not get notified, nor will it know the new IP address of the crashing container when it restarts. In short, if a container which is linked to another went dead, the link is also dead.
To consider my example, lets say that db crashed and restarts, thus get assigned to a different IP. db-ambassador would have to be restarted too, in order to update the link between them... Except you shouldn't. If db-ambassador is restarted, the IP would have changed too, and foreign-db-ambassador won't know where to reach it at the new IP address.
Quoting an article in the Docker's docs about the ambassador pattern,
When you need to rewire your consumer to talk to a different Redis
server, you can just restart the redis-ambassador container that the
consumer is connected to.
This pattern also allows you to transparently move the Redis server to
a different docker host from the consumer.
it seems like this is exactly the problem it is trying to solve. Which, as far as my understanding goes, it totally didn't. Not if you consider --link is only useful as long as the linked container doesn't crash. The option to start a crashing node on its previous IP would have been a good workaround if supported, at least for a small/medium sized architecture.
Am I missing something obvious?
Jérôme had some good slides (11-33) on how ambassadors are better than other ways of service discovery (i.e. DNS, key-value stores, bind-mount config file, etc.) in his slide deck on "Shipping Applications to Production in Containers with Docker". He also has some suggestions for how to solve the problem I think you are mentioning, especially Docker Grand Ambassador looks promising.
