"Lexeme" vs "Token" Terminology - parsing

I'm trying to understand the difference between "lexeme" and "token" in compilers.
If the lexer part of my compiler encounters the following sequence of characters in the source code to be compiled.
is it correct to say that the above is a lexeme that is 5 characters long?
If my compiler is implemented in C, and I allocate space for a token for this lexeme, the token will be an struct. The first member of the struct will be an int which will have the type from some enum, in this case STRING_LITERAL. The second member of the struct will be a char * that points to some (dynamically allocated) memory that has 4 bytes. The first byte is 'a', the second 'b', the third 'c', and the fourth is NULL to terminate the string.
The lexeme is 5 character of the source code text.
The token is a total of 6 bytes in memory.
Is that the correct way to use the terminology?
(I'm ignoring tokens tracking meta data like filename, line number, and column number.)
Sort of related question:
Is it uncommon practice to have the lexer convert an integer lexeme into an integer value in a token? Or is it better (or more standard) to store the characters of the lexeme in a token and let the parser stage convert those characters to an integer node to be attached to the AST?

A "lexeme" is a literal character in the source, for example 'a' is a lexeme in "abc". It is the smallest unit. The "lexer" or lexical analysis stage converts lexemes into tokens(such as keywords, identifiers, literals, operators etc) which are the smallest units the parser can use to create ASTs. So if we have the statement
int x = 0;
The lexer would output
<type:int> <id: x> <operator: = > <literal: 0> <semicolon>
The lexer is typically a collection of regular expressions that can simply define collections of characters as what would be terminals in the languages grammar. These are turned into tokens which is feed into the parser as a stream.
However, most people use lexeme and token interchangeably, and it usually doesn't cause confusion. For you question about converting the int literal, you would want a wrapper class for your AST. Just having a integer alone might not be enough information.


How to write an Antlr4 grammar that matches X number of characters

I want to use Antlr4 to parse a format that stores the length of segments in the serialised form
For example, to parse:
"6,Hello 5,World"
I tried to create a grammar like this
grammar myGrammar;
(LEN ',' TEXT)*;
LEN: [0-9]+;
TEXT: // I dont know what to put in here but it should match LEN number of chars
Is this even possible with Antlr?
A real world example of this would be parsing the messagePack binary format which has several types that serialise the length of the data into the serialised form.
For example there is the str8:
str 8 stores a byte array whose length is upto (2^8)-1 bytes:
| 0xd9 |YYYYYYYY| data |
And str16 type
str16 stores a byte array whose length is upto (2^16)-1 bytes:
| 0xda |ZZZZZZZZ|ZZZZZZZZ| data |
In these examples the first byte identifies the type, then we have 1 byte for str8 and 2 bytes for str16 which contain the length of the data. Then finally there is the data.
I think a rule might look something like this but dont know how to match the right amount of data
str8 : '\u00d9' BYTE DATA ;
str16: '\u00da' BYTE BYTE DATA ;
BYTE : '\u0000'..'\u00FF' ;
DATA : ???
The data format you describe is usually called TLV (tag/type–length–value). TLV cannot be recognised with a regular expression (or even with a context-free grammar) so it's not usually supported by standard tokenisers.
Fortunately, it's easy to tokenise. Standard libraries may exist for particular formats, and some formats even have automated code generators for more efficient parsing. But you should be able to write a simple tokeniser for a particular format in a few lines of code.
Once you have writen the datastream tokeniser, you could use a parser generator like Antlr to build a datastructure from the parse, but it's rarely nevessary. Most TLV-encoded streams are simple sequences of components, although you occasionally run into formats (like Google protobufs or ASN.1) which include nested subsequences. Even with those, the parse is straight-forward (although for both of those examples, standard tools exist).
In any event, using context-free grammar tools like Antlr is rarely the simplest solution, because TLV formats are mostly order-independent. (If the order were fixed, the tags wouldn't be necessary.) Context-free grammars do not have any way of handling a language such as "at most one of A, B, C, D, and E in any order" other than enumerating the alternatives, of which there are an exponential number.

How to also get how many characters read in parse?

I'm using Numeric.readDec to parse numbers and reads to parse Strings. But I also need to know how many characters were read.
For example readDec "52 rest" returns [(52," rest")], and read 2 characters. But there isn't a great way that I can find to know that it read 2 characters.
You could check the string length of show 52, but if the input was 052 that would give you the wrong answer (this solution also wouldn't work for the string parsing which has escape characters). You also could use the length of the post parsed string subtracted from the length of the input string. But this is very inefficient for long strings with many parses.
How can this be done correctly and efficiently (preferably without just writing your own parse)?
With just base, instead of readDec, you can use readDecP from Text.Read.Lex, which uses a ReadP parser:
readDecP :: (Eq a, Num a) => ReadP a
The gather combinator in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP returns the parse result along with the actual characters parsed:
gather :: ReadP a -> ReadP (String, a)
You can run the parser with readP_to_S, which gives back a ReadS parser, which is a function that accepts a string and produces a list of possible parses with the remainder of the string.
readP_to_S :: ReadP a -> ReadS a
type ReadS a = String -> [(a, String)]
An example in GHCi:
> import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (gather, readP_to_S)
> import Text.Read.Lex (readDecP)
> readP_to_S (gather readDecP) "52 rest"
[(("52",52)," rest")]
> readP_to_S (gather readDecP) "0644 permissions"
[(("0644",644)," permissions")]
You can simply check that there is only one valid parse if you want the result to be unambiguous, and then take the length of the first component to find the number of Char code points parsed.
These parsers are fairly limited, however; if you want something easier to use, faster, or able to produce more detailed error messages, then you should check out a more fully featured parsing package such as regex-applicative (regular grammars) or megaparsec (context-sensitive grammars).

How to understand ANTLRWorks 1.5.2 MismatchedTokenException(80!=21)

I'm testing a simple grammar (shown below) with simple input strings and get the following error message from the Antlrworks interpreter: MismatchedTokenException(80!=21).
My input (abc45{r24}) means "repeat the keys a, b, c, 4 and 5, 24 times."
ANTLRWorks 1.5.2 Grammar:
expr : '(' (key)+ repcount ')' EOF;
key : KEY | digit ;
repcount : '{' 'r' count '}';
count : (digit)+;
digit : DIGIT;
DIGIT : '0'..'9';
KEY : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') ;
(abc4{r4}) - ok
(abc44{r4}) - fails NoViableAltException
(abc4 4{r4}) - ok
(abc4{r45}) - fails MismatchedTokenException(80!=21)
(abc4{r4 5}) - ok
The parse succeeds with input (abc4{r4}) (single digits only).
The parse fails with input (abc44{r4}) (NoViableAltException).
The parse fails with input (abc4{r45}) (MismatchedTokenException(80!=21)).
The parse errors go away if I put a space between 44 or 45 to separate the individual digits.
Q1. What does NoViableAltException mean? How can I interpret it to look for a problem in the grammar/input pair?
Q2. What does the expression 80!=21 mean? Can I do anything useful with the information to look for a problem in the grammar/input pair?
I don't understand why the grammar has a problem reading successive digits. I thought my expressions (key)+ and (digit)+ specify that successive digits are allowed and would be read as successive individual digits.
If someone could explain what I'm doing wrong, I would be grateful. This seems like a simple problem, but hours later, I still don't understand why and how to solve it. Thank you.
Further down in my simple grammar file I had a lexer rule for FLOAT copied from another grammar. I did not think to include it above (or check it as a source of the errors) because it was not used by any parser rule and would never match my input characters. Here is the FLOAT grammar rule (which contains sequences of DIGITs):
: ('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')* EXPONENT?
| '.' ('0'..'9')+ EXPONENT?
| ('0'..'9')+ EXPONENT
If I delete the whole rule, all my test cases above parse successfully. If I leave any one of the three FLOAT clauses in the grammar/lexer file, the parses fail as shown above.
Q3. Why does the FLOAT rule cause failures in the parse? The DIGIT lexer rule appears first, and so should "win" and be used in preference to the FLOAT rule. Besides, the FLOAT rule doesn't match the input stream.
I hazard a guess that the lexer is skipping the DIGIT rule getting stuck in the FLOAT rule, even though FLOAT comes after DIGIT in the input file.
I took these two screenshots after Bart's comment below to show the parse failures that I am experiencing. Not that it matters, but ANTLRWorks 1.5.2 will not accept the syntax SPACE : [ \t\r\n]+; regular expression syntax in Bart's kind replies. Maybe the screenshots will help. They show all the rules in my grammar file.
The only difference in the two screenshots is that one input has two sets of multiple digits and the other input string has only set of multiple digits. Maybe this extra info will help somehow.
If I remember correctly, ANTLR's v3 lexer is less powerful than v4's version. When the lexer gets the input "123x", this first 3 chars (123) are consumed by the lexer rule FLOAT, but after that, when the lexer encounters the x, it knows it cannot complete the FLOAT rule. However, the v3 lexer does not give up on its partial match and tries to find another rule, below it, that matches these 3 chars (123). Since there is no such rule, the lexer throws an exception. Again, not 100% sure, this is how I remember it.
ANTLRv4's lexer will give up on the partial 123 match and will return 23 to the char stream to create a single KEY token for the input 1.
I highly suggest you move away from v3 and opt for the more powerful v4 version.

Is it legitimate for a tokenizer to have a stack?

I have designed a new language for that I want to write a reasonable lexer and parser.
For the sake of brevity, I have reduced this language to a minimum so that my questions are still open.
The language has implicit and explicit strings, arrays and objects. An implicit string is just a sequence of characters that does not contain <, {, [ or ]. An explicit string looks like <salt<text>salt> where salt is an arbitrary identifier (i.e. [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*) and text is an arbitrary sequence of characters that does not contain the salt.
An array starts with [, followed by objects and/or strings and ends with ].
All characters within an array that don't belong to an array, object or explicit string do belong to an implicit string and the length of each implicit string is maximal and greater than 0.
An object starts with { and ends with } and consists of properties. A property starts with an identifier, followed by a colon, then optional whitespaces and then either an explicit string, array or object.
So the string [ name:test <xml<<html>[]</html>>xml> {name:<b<test>b>}<b<bla>b> ] represents an array with 6 items: " name:test ", "<html>[]</html>", " ", { name: "test" }, "bla" and " " (the object is notated in json).
As one can see, this language is not context free due to the explicit string (that I don't want to miss). However, the syntax tree is nonambiguous.
So my question is: Is a property a token that may be returned by a tokenizer? Or should the tokenizer return T_identifier, T_colon when he reads an object property?
The real language allows even prefixes in the identifier of a property, e.g. ns/name:<a<test>a> where ns is the prefix for a namespace.
Should the tokenizer return T_property_prefix("ns"), T_property_prefix_separator, T_property_name("name"), T_property_colon or just T_property("ns/name") or even T_identifier("ns"), T_slash, T_identifier("name"), T_colon?
If the tokenizer should recognize properties (which would be useful for syntax highlighters), he must have a stack, because name: is not a property if it is in an array. To decide whether bla: in [{foo:{bar:[test:baz]} bla:{}}] is a property or just an implicit string, the tokenizer must track when he enters and leave an object or array.
Thus, the tokenizer would not be a finite state machine any more.
Or does it make sense to have two tokenizers - the first, which separates whitespaces from alpha-numerical character sequences and special characters like : or [, the second, which uses the first to build more semantical tokens? The parser could then operate on top of the second tokenizer.
Anyways, the tokenizer must have an infinite lookahead to see when an explicit string ends. Or should the detection of the end of an explicit string happen inside the parser?
Or should I use a parser generator for my undertaking? Since my language is not context free, I don't think there is an appropriate parser generator.
Thanks in advance for your answers!
flex can be requested to provide a context stack, and many flex scanners use this feature. So, while it may not fit with a purist view of how a scanner scans, it is a perfectly acceptable and supported feature. See this chapter of the flex manual for details on how to have different lexical contexts (called "start conditions"); at the very end is a brief description of the context stack. (Don't miss the sentence which notes that you need %option stack to enable the stack.) [See Note 1]
Slightly trickier is the requirement to match strings with variable end markers. flex does not have any variable match feature, but it does allow you to read one character at a time from the scanner input, using the function input(). That's sufficient for your language (at least as described).
Here's a rough outline of a possible scanner:
%option stack
/* initial/array context only */
[^][{<]+ yylval = strdup(yytext); return STRING;
/* object context only */
[}] yy_pop_state(); return '}';
[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]* yylval = strdup(yytext); return ID;
[:/] return yytext[0];
[[:space:]]+ /* Ignore whitespace */
/* either context */
[][] return yytext[0]; /* char class with [] */
[{] yy_push_state(SC_OBJECT); return '{';
"<"[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*"<" {
/* We need to save a copy of the salt because yytext could
* be invalidated by input().
char* salt = strdup(yytext);
char* saltend = salt + yyleng;
char* match = salt;
/* The string accumulator code is *not* intended
* to be a model for how to write string accumulators.
yylval = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
/* change salt to what we're looking for */
*salt = *(saltend - 1) = '>';
while (match != saltend) {
int ch = input();
if (ch == EOF) {
yyerror("Unexpected EOF");
/* free the temps and do something */
if (ch == *match) ++match;
else if (ch == '>') match = salt + 1;
else match = salt;
/* Don't do this in real code */
yylval = realloc(yylval, ++length);
yylval[length - 1] = ch;
/* Get rid of the terminator */
yylval[length - yyleng] = 0;
return STRING;
. yyerror("Invalid character in object");
I didn't test that thoroughly, but here is what it looks like with your example input:
[ name:test <xml<<html>[]</html>>xml> {name:<b<test>b>}<b<bla>b> ]
Token: [
Token: STRING: -- name:test --
Token: STRING: --<html>[]</html>--
Token: STRING: -- --
Token: {
Token: ID: --name--
Token: :
Token: STRING: --test--
Token: }
Token: STRING: --bla--
Token: STRING: -- --
Token: ]
In your case, unless you wanted to avoid having a parser, you don't actually need a stack since the only thing that needs to be pushed onto the stack is an object context, and a stack with only one possible value can be replaced with a counter.
Consequently, you could just remove the %option stack and define a counter at the top of the scan. Instead of pushing the start condition, you increment the counter and set the start condition; instead of popping, you decrement the counter and reset the start condition if it drops to 0.
/* Indented text before the first rule is inserted at the top of yylex */
int object_count = 0;
<*>[{] ++object_count; BEGIN(SC_OBJECT); return '{';
<SC_OBJECT[}] if (!--object_count) BEGIN(INITIAL); return '}'
Reading the input one character at a time is not the most efficient. Since in your case, a string terminate must start with >, it would probably be better to define a separate "explicit string" context, in which you recognized [^>]+ and [>]. The second of these would do the character-at-a-time match, as with the above code, but would terminate instead of looping if it found a non-matching character other than >. However, the simple code presented may turn out to be fast enough, and anyway it was just intended to be good enough to do a test run.
I think the traditional way to parse your language would be to have the tokenizer return T_identifier("ns"), T_slash, T_identifier("name"), T_colon for ns/name:
Anyway, I can see three reasonable ways you could implement support for your language:
Use lex/flex and yacc/bison. The tokenizers generated by lex/flex do not have stack so you should be using T_identifier and not T_context_specific_type. I didn't try the approach so I can't give a definite comment on whether your language could be parsed by lex/flex and yacc/bison. So, my comment is try it to see if it works. You may find information about the lexer hack useful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_lexer_hack
Implement a hand-built recursive descent parser. Note that this can be easily built without separate lexer/parser stages. So, if the lexemes depend on context it is easy to handle when using this approach.
Implement your own parser generator which turns lexemes on and off based on the context of the parser. So, the lexer and the parser would be integrated together using this approach.
I once worked for a major network security vendor where deep packet inspection was performed by using approach (3), i.e. we had a custom parser generator. The reason for this is that approach (1) doesn't work for two reasons: firstly, data can't be fed to lex/flex and yacc/bison incrementally, and secondly, HTTP can't be parsed by using lex/flex and yacc/bison because the meaning of the string "HTTP" depends on its location, i.e. it could be a header value or the protocol specifier. The approach (2) didn't work because data can't be fed incrementally to recursive descent parsers.
I should add that if you want to have meaningful error messages, a recursive descent parser approach is heavily recommended. My understanding is that the current version of gcc uses a hand-built recursive descent parser.

Why do we have to reverse the string when converting from infix to prefix

In the first step itself of converting an infix to prefix can someone explain in simple terms why should we reverse the string? Is there any alternative method to convert?
Yes, you are absolutely right that if you have to convert infix to prefix then you have to scan the string from right to left.
Why not from left to right?
If you scan from left to right then you will require future knowledge of operators in the string.
Example 1 :
Infix : 2+3
Prefix : +23
Now, when you convert it from left to right then you should have the knowledge of + that is yet to appear in the string. This looks simple in this particular example, now consider another example given below.
Example 2:
Infix : 2+3*4/5-6*7
Prefix : -+2/*345*67
Now, if you scan from left to right then when you scan 0th index of string then the program should have knowledge of - which is going to appear in 7th index of string which could be a hectic job.
So the safest way to do is to scan the string from right to left.
In the first step itself of converting an infix to prefix can someone explain in simple terms why should we reverse the string?
Without stating which algorithm you're referring to you leave us to guessing, but a simple guess would be:
Read the Prefix expression in reverse order (from right to left)
If the symbol is an operand, then push it onto the Stack. Otherwise if the symbol is an operator, then pop two operands from the Stack and create a string by concatenating the two operands and the operator between them: string = (operand1 + operator + operand2)
And push the resultant string back to Stack
Repeat the above steps until the end of Prefix expression.
At the end stack will have only 1 string i.e resultant string
Note that in step 2 operand1 is the first to be popped.
Obviously why you can't read the string left-to-right is rather obvious in this algorithm: the first you'd read is an operator and you wouldn't have any operands to pop.
The algorithm works because it's kind of transforms it to postfix and uses the algorithm for converting postfix to infix. "Kind of" because in reversing you don't only put the operator after the operand, you also reverse the order of the operands (which is why in step 2 you consider the top operand to be the left operand).
Is there any alternative method to convert?
Yes, as the above algorithm is basically to abstractly evaluate a postfix expression and express it as infix. You can do the same thing directly with a prefix expression.
Output an open parenthesis
Read the first token, if it's an operand output it and we're done. Otherwise:
Convert input prefix expression (recursively using this algorithm)
Output token read in 2
Convert input prefix expression (recursively using this algorithm)
Output an close parenthesis
