What is the most efficient way to stream data between Docker containers - docker

I have a large number of bytes per second coming from a sensor device (e.g., video) that are being read and processed by a process in a Docker container.
I have a second Docker container that would like to read the processed byte stream (still a large number of bytes per second).
What is an efficient way to read this stream? Ideally I'd like to have the first container write to some sort of shared memory buffer that the second container can read from, but I don't think separate Docker containers can share memory. Perhaps there is some solution with a shared file pointer, with the file saved to an in-memory file system?
My goal is to maximize performance and minimize useless copies of data from one buffer to another as much as possible.
Edit: Would love to have solutions for both Linux and Windows. Similarly, I'm interested in finding solutions for doing this in C++ as well as python.

Create a fifo with mkfifo /tmp/myfifo. Share it with both containers: --volume /tmp/myfifo:/tmp/myfifo:rw
You can directly use it:
From container 1: echo foo >>/tmp/myfifo
In Container 2: read var </tmp/myfifo
Drawback: Container 1 is blocked until Container 2 reads the data and empties the buffer.
Avoid the blocking: In both containers, run in bash exec 3<>/tmp/myfifo.
From container 1: echo foo >&3
In Container 2: read var <&3 (or e.g. cat <&3)
This solution uses exec file descriptor handling from bash. I don't know how, but certainly it is possible with other languages, too.

Using simple TCP socket would be my first choice. Only if measurements show that we absolutely need to squeeze the last bit of performance from the system that I would fall back to or pipes or shared memory.
Going by the problem statement, the process seems to be bound by the local CPU/mem resources and that the limiting factors are not external services. In that case having both producer and consumer on the same machine (as docker containers) might bound the CPU resource before anything else - BUT I will first measure before acting.
Most of the effort in developing a code is spent in maintaining it. So I favor mainstream practices. TCP stack has rock solid foundations and it is as optimized for performance as humanly possible. Also it is lot more (completely?) portable across platforms and frameworks. Docker containers on same host when communicating over TCP do not hit wire. If some day the processes do hit resource limit, you can scale horizontally by splitting the producer and consumer across physical hosts - manually or say using Kubernetes. TCP will work seamlessly in that case. If you never gonna need that level of throughput, then you also wont need system-level sophistication in inter process communication.
Go by TCP.


Spark in standalone mode on a single computer : is it worth splitting it in masters and workers through docker containers (or another way)?

I currently own only one computer, and I won't have another.
I run Spark on its CPU cores : master=local[5], using it directly : I set spark-core and spark-sql for dependencies, do quite no other configuration, and my programs start immediately. It's confortable, of course.
But should I attempt to create an architecture with a master and some workers by the mean of Docker containers or minikube (Kubernetes) on my computer ?
Will solution #2 - with all the settings it requires - reward me with better performances, because Spark is truly designed to work that way, even on a single computer,
or will I loose some time, because the mode I'm currently running it, without network usage, without need of data locality will always give me better performances, and solution #1 will always be the best on a single computer ?
My hypothesis is that #1 is fine. But I have no true measurement for that. No source of comparison. Who have experienced the two manners of doing things on a sigle computer ?
It really depends on your goals - if you always will run your Spark code on the single node with local master, then just use it. But if you intend to run your resulting code in the distributed mode on multiple machines, then emulating cluster with Docker could be useful, as you'll get your code running in truly distributed manner, and you'll able to find problems that not always are found when you run your code with the local master.
Instead of direct Docker usage (that could be tricky to setup, although it's still possible), maybe you can consider to use Spark on Kubernetes, for example, via minikube - there is a plenty of articles found by Google on this topic.
Having done testing on this with executor size, the cutover from when it makes sense to use more multiple executors is # CPUs > 32. AWS EMR spark runtime defaults to at least 4 CPUs per executor and Databricks always uses fat executors which means > 32CPUS on the 8xl instances. Your greatest limitation tends to be the JVMs garbage collection which caps the size of the heap. Local mode has a couple performance advantages compared to cluster mode.
full stage code gen has to be run on both the drive and every single executor. For short queries this can add several 100MS per stage.
driver <-> executor communication has latency.
shared memory between driver and executors. This reduces the chance of OOM and reduces the amount of spilling to disk.
People end up choosing to go with multiple executors/instances not because it would be faster than a single instance but because it is the only way to scale up in terms of data volume and parallization. (also for failure recovery)
If you're feeling ambitious there's a performance testing tool called TPC-DS that runs a set of dataprocessing queries against a standardized dataset
Also if you're feeling adventurous the spark code has a script to fire up a mini cluster on minikube if you want a quick and easy way to test this.

Docker design: exchange data between containers or put multiple processes in one container?

In a current project I have to perform the following tasks (among others):
capture video frames from five IP cameras and stitch a panorama
run machine learning based object detection on the panorama
stream the panorama so it can be displayed in a UI
Currently, the stitching and the streaming runs in one docker container, and the object detection runs in another, reading the panorama stream as input.
Since I need to increase the input resolution for the the object detector while maintaining the stream resolution for the UI, I have to look for alternative ways of getting the stitched (full resolution) panorama (~10 MB per frame) from the stitcher container to the detector container.
My thoughts regarding potential solutions:
shared volume. Potential downside: One extra write and read per frame might be too slow?
Using a message queue or e.g. redis. Potential downside: yet another component in the architecture.
merging the two containers. Potential downside(s): Not only does it not feel right, but the two containers have completely different base images and dependencies. Plus I'd have to worry about parallelization.
Since I'm not the sharpest knife in the docker drawer, what I'm asking for are tips, experiences and best practices regarding fast data exchange between docker containers.
Usually most communication between Docker containers is over network sockets. This is fine when you're talking to something like a relational database or an HTTP server. It sounds like your application is a little more about sharing files, though, and that's something Docker is a little less good at.
If you only want one copy of each component, or are still actively developing the pipeline: I'd probably not use Docker for this. Since each container has an isolated filesystem and its own user ID space, sharing files can be unexpectedly tricky (every container must agree on numeric user IDs). But if you just run everything on the host, as the same user, pointing at the same directory, this isn't a problem.
If you're trying to scale this in production: I'd add some sort of shared filesystem and a message queueing system like RabbitMQ. For local work this could be a Docker named volume or bind-mounted host directory; cloud storage like Amazon S3 will work fine too. The setup is like this:
Each component knows about the shared storage and connects to RabbitMQ, but is unaware of the other components.
Each component reads a message from a RabbitMQ queue that names a file to process.
The component reads the file and does its work.
When it finishes, the component writes the result file back to the shared storage, and writes its location to a RabbitMQ exchange.
In this setup each component is totally stateless. If you discover that, for example, the machine-learning component of this is slowest, you can run duplicate copies of it. If something breaks, RabbitMQ will remember that a given message hasn't been fully processed (acknowledged); and again because of the isolation you can run that specific component locally to reproduce and fix the issue.
This model also translates well to larger-scale Docker-based cluster-computing systems like Kubernetes.
Running this locally, I would absolutely keep separate concerns in separate containers (especially if individual image-processing and ML tasks are expensive). The setup I propose needs both a message queue (to keep track of the work) and a shared filesystem (because message queues tend to not be optimized for 10+ MB individual messages). You get a choice between Docker named volumes and host bind-mounts as readily available shared storage. Bind mounts are easier to inspect and administer, but on some platforms are legendarily slow. Named volumes I think are reasonably fast, but you can only access them from Docker containers, which means needing to launch more containers to do basic things like backup and pruning.
Alright, Let's unpack this:
IMHO Shared Volume works just fine, but gets way too messy over time. Especially if you're handling Stateful services.
MQ: This seems like a best option in my opinion. Yes, it's another component in your architecture, but it makes sense to have it rather than maintaining messy shared Volumes or handling massive container images (if you manage to combine 2 container images)
Yes, You could potentially do this, but not a good idea. Considering your use case, I'm going to go ahead and make an assumption that you have a massive list of dependencies which could potentially lead to a conflict. Also, lot of dependencies = larger image = Larger attack surface - which from a security perspective is not a good thing.
If you really want to run multiple processes in one container, it's possible. There are multiple ways to achieve that, however I prefer supervisord.

One docker container per node or many containers per big node

We have a little farm of docker containers, spread over several Amazon instances.
Would it make sense to have fewer big host images (in terms of ram and size) to host multiple smaller containers at once, or to have one host instance per container, sized according to container needs?
The issue here is that we need to decide up-front. I understand that we can decide later using various monitoring stats, but we need to make some architecture and infrastructure decisions before it is going to be used. More over, we do not have control over what content is going to be deployed.
You should read
An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines
and Linux Containers
Resource management in Docker
You need to check how much memory, CPU, I/O,... your containers consume, and you will draw your conclusions
You can easily, at least, check a few things with docker stats and docker top my_container
the associated docs

Docker maximum offline containers

I've read about the limitations on Docker containers, and also on the maximum number of container running, but I'd like to do the following:
Start a container on-the-fly (milliseconds).
In order to do so, I've noticed that I have to create it beforehand; this will save me about 2 seconds each time. This made me wonder:
Is there any limitation to the number of created containers? Do they use any resources?
obviously it uses disk space to store it
does it also preload it in RAM, or not?
related: is the "active" state of the process saved on stopping, or is it the process stopped, and started on start? (if the latter is the case, then why would anyone bother to re-create containers? )
does it have a reserved IP address? And if so, is there a maximum number of private IP addresses Docker will use?
... anything else that might prevent me from having 50,000 containers?
If a container is only created, there is no running process (and nothing is [pre-]cached either). I've also verified that if the container isn't running yet, the NetworkSettings section of docker inspect is blank, so no IP addresses should be allocated in this case. The metadata stored on disk to track the "container object" should be the only impact (and whatever memory the Docker daemon uses at runtime while keeping track of said metadata, which likely includes a copy of the metadata itself).
I've run for i in {0..999}; do docker create --name hello-$i hello-world; done on my local machine to test this, and it completed successfully (although took what seems like an embarrassingly long time to complete, given that it's looking up and writing out the exact same metadata repeatedly).

Is it better to start multiple erlang nodes per machine, or just one per machine?

Preface: When I say "machine" below, I mean either a physical dedicated server, or a virtual private server. When I say "node" I mean, an instance of the erlang virtual machine, of which there could be multiple running as separate processes under a single unix kernel.
I've got a project that involves multiple erlang/OTP applications. The applications will be running together and talking to each other on the same machine. They will all be hitting the disk, using memory and spawning erlang processes. They will also be using network resources because they will be talking to similar machines with the same set of applications running on them in a cluster.
Almost all of this communication is via HTTP. Thus I could separate each erlang OTP application into a separate instance of the erlang VM on the same machine and they could still talk to each other.
My question is: Is it better to have them running all under one erlang VM so that this erlang VM process can allocate access to resources among them, and schedule the execution of the various erlang processes.
Or is it better to have separate erlang nodes on a given server?
If one is better than the other, why?
I'm assuming running all of these apps in a single erlang vm which is given, essentially, full run of the server, will result in better performance. The OS is just managing the disk and ram at the low level, and only has one significant process (the erlang VM) to switch with... and the erlang VM is probably smarter about allocating resources when it has the holistic view of all the erlang processes.
This may be something that I need to test, but I'm not in a position to do so effectively in the near term.
The answer is: it depends.
Advantages of using a single node:
Memory is controlled by a single Erlang VM. It is way easier.
Inter-application communication (if using erlang-messaging) is faster.
Less operating system context switches happens
Advantages of using multiple nodes:
If the system is linking in C code to the VM, death of one node due to a bug in C will not kill the others.
I would go with one VM. Here is why:
dynamic handling of run time queues belonging to schedulers (with varied origin of CPU load its important)
fewer VMs to monitor
better understanding of memory allocation and easier to spot malicious process (can compare all of them at once)
much easier inter app supervision
I wouldn't care about VM crash - you need to be prepared any way. Heart works especially well in the cluster of equal units.
We've always used one VM per application because it's easier to manage.
The scheduler and SMP support in Erlang have come a long way in the past few years, so there isn't as much reason as there used to be to run multiple VMs on the same node.
I Agree with previous answers but there is a case scenario where having multiple nodes per cpu is the answer: When a heavy task hits the node. A task may take multiple minutes to complete and in such case a gen server will hold the node until completion of the task.
