Is there a way to generate a test folder? - ruby-on-rails

I'm pretty new to rails and I created a rails application and deleted my test folder to save space. Now that I want to learn TDD, I want to know if there is a way to generate the test folders. To put simply, a reverse of -T.
rails new [name] -T

Run rails g ... in another folder, and move the test folder over. There's very little in the default tests, so there's no point in making a custom generator for them.
BTW congratulations on deciding to TDD. Minutes of TDD will save you hours of debugging.


How to convert rails app to test files?

I like to create rspec test from working rails 5 app.
It' could be template to work on.
For example:
-scaffold will create test files template which is nice.
-Or simplecov to help increase test ratio (if I understand correctly)
-So if any tools that could run through each line of controller method and re-create each expected/result put in the test file.
Are there any gem or solution ?
Why ask this question?.
I understand this is not a purpose of test. However test is to save time in future and now as well. Many rails app don't have test, and to go back each line of running code will cost again, assuming the app is good at this stage. If we can have all test at this point and use it to control / run for future development that would be good
I found another gem that answer my question
But to use with Rails 5 it need to edit the path that created.

How to generate a dummy app inside an already existing rails engine

I came to work for a company recently that has been working on a specific rails project for a while. Dropped in the middle of the development process, I'm beginning to go back and write tests for the existing code as well as the code currently being produced.
Testing the rails 4 app was easy enough, but once I got to testing the engine, I hit a mental block. After doing my due diligence, I found that most people take an approach like this (, but the common thread I saw in all of these responses was that people were building these apps from scratch, and thus had a dummy app generated for them automatically. I don't have the benefit of being able to generate everything from scratch, and have to work with what I was given, so what
I'd like to know is if there's a way to retroactively generate just the dummy application. Is there something simple I can type into the console and have it generated for me? Or is there a longer, slightly less pretty route? Or would a different strategy be better altogether?
Given that the dummy app is not supposed to be tied to the parent gem except for some vague names, that may do it:
cd some_path_where_your_engine_IS_NOT
rails plugin new YOUR_ENGINE_NAME --mountable --dummy-path=spec/dummy --skip-test-unit
mv YOUR_ENGINE_NAME/spec/dummy /real/path/to/YOUR_ENGINE_NAME/spec
rm -rf YOUR_ENGINE_NAME # cleanup useless cruft
Also, you may be interested in this answer to generate the app with the exact same rails version.
If the engine is within a parent app delete the engine from your Gemfile
Rerun the rails plugin new .. command you used to create the rails engine, but with the --skip parameter. This will create all the files, including dummy that do not exist in your engine, but leave existing files alone.

Ruby on rails without using scaffold and generator?

I am new user to ruby on rails.
I have some question please give the answer as early as possible
1) Is it possible to create web application without using *rails new application_name* command? means creating required folder and file manually?
2) I want to create application without using scaffold and generator, so everything is created manually...I searched but not get a link to do it...
You really should be using rails new (appname) to generate your project directory.
From there, you do not need to generate a scaffold. If you want to go slightly less abstract and create some things manually you can use rails generate resource (resource name).
If you want to go even less abstract then that, you can use rails generate model (model name) and rails generate controller (controller name) and rails generate migration (migration name). Within this level of abstraction, you can specify options such as methods you want the model to have or columns you want the migration to add.
And the least abstract(most manual) would be if you make these files yourself (like actually going in and creating new folders/files for models, controllers, etc.)
So on an order from most abstract to least:
1) generate scaffold
2) generate resource
3) generate model/controller/migration
4) creating the files/folders without rails
Most developers are usually working with the #2, #3, or #4 layers (remember it is always a tradeoff between eliminating a lot of time off by not having to manually create the same code over and over again and flexibility).
rails new app-name creates tons of files and folders which are necessary for the app to run. You would waste tons of time writing them yourself. Read as "reinventing the wheel".
You can simply create a controller and view file. Add the corresponding route. Start the server. Voila. You will have it. Most intro-articles showcase Scaffold to show the power of Rails i.e how much can be achieved with few lines of code.

how would I go about 'starting over from scratch' with Rails tests?

I have an existing Rails app that I built using Rails 3, Mongoid/Mongodb and Devise. The app is running fine. I'd now like to add some tests to it (sure, shoulda done this in the beginning but the learning curve for just Rails was enough...).
I've used several pages to get it going, especially the Rails guide and this blog post about Mongo and Cucumber/Rspec. My concern here is that between all of the "add this to this and such file" that I've done to try and get this working (and it's not) I've made such a mess of things that it might be better to start over from scratch. With the testing portion of the app.
I thought I would just delete the spec and test directories and re-gen the tests but I can't find a command to do that (the regen).
I've built a very simple test (assert true) but I'm getting:
D:/Dev/TheApp/test/test_helper.rb:10:in `<class:TestCase>':
undefined method `fixtures' for ActiveSupport::TestCase:Class (NoMethodError)
I think the real issue here is that I'm using MongoDb and the test architecture in Rails seems to really really want to do ActiveRecord. Not sure if those two are compatible.
Is there a quick way to build a barebones test directory? My short term solution is to just roll back those directories. Hoping for a better solution.
The blank tests are really worthless. If you didn't have tests/specs of value, then just start from scratch. And if you want to start over, you should just delete them and start new.
You could treat your code as "legacy code" as defined by Michael Feathers in Working Effectively with Legacy Code -- that is, code without tests.
Take a look at this getting started with rails testing guide over at 10gen:

How go about writing standalone Ruby ActiveRecord utility in my current rails project?

I have a RoR project on my Windows 7 PC.
I want to create some Ruby code that I can execute from the cmd.exe command line that manipulates the development database (via database.yml) of the project. (I don't want to have to run my utility code via a web page.)
What is the best way to go about pulling this off? (I'm a newbie.)
I can't put the code in the test/ directory because that executes against the test database.
I tried just creating a utility.rb file under app/ but when I run it I get this:
utility.rb:5: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord (NameError)
My standalone file obviously doesn't know about the rest of the rails framework.
Any suggestions?
Rails comes with a utility to do exactly this. Instead of using ruby filename, use script/runner filename (from within the top-level directory for the Rails project), which will automatically load up your Rails environment before running the script.
However, if what you're trying to do is manipulate the database, the right answer is probably to create a migration. Most people assume that migrations are only for changing the structure of your database (adding or removing columns or tables) but they can also be a great way to add seed data or manipulate all the data in the database.
You can write your own rake task which depends on :environment and pass RAILS_ENV=development when executing it.
Nice screencast about it: screencast
