Round button on custom class with UIAppearance - ios

I am trying to apply styles on a custom class using UIAppearance()
class MainStyleButton: UIButton {}
with a code:
let buttonView = MainStyleButton.appearance()
buttonView.backgroundColor = Style.buttonColor
buttonView.layer.cornerRadius = 5
buttonView.layer.borderWidth = 5
buttonView.layer.borderColor = Style.buttonColor.cgColor
It works with color, but unfortunately doesn't make my button round. I would appreciate any tips.
Tested on simulator iPhone X, 8 with iOS 11.2.

I tried replicating your approach and set up a button. I tried to change the button's appearance in a UIViewController during viewDidLoad and also in the AppDelegate during applicationDidFinishLaunching using your code. I additionally tested changing the button type to .custom from the default type .system. None of this seemed to work, I could not override the same attributes that you couldn't.
From Apple's docs I understand that the button type defines its appearance and also which appearance attributes can be overridden:
A button’s type defines its basic appearance and behavior. You specify the type of a button at creation time using the init(type:) method or in your storyboard file. After creating a button, you cannot change its type.
I do not know why the attributes of interest to you are not changeable at this point
However I would like to offer a different approach that I personally use and allows you to change the buttons appearance. Since you already defined your custom class it is much simpler to define corner radius and other attributes that you would like, like so (or you could write a style function with parameters that you can call at any time, to be able to change the appearance based on where the button is used):
class MainStyleButton: UIButton {
override func awakeFromNib() {
layer.borderColor = Style.buttonColor.cgColor
layer.borderWidth = 5
layer.cornerRadius = 5
Or you can instantiate/use an IBOutlet for a system button and do this:
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var myButton: UIButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// not necessary to do this is viewDidLoad, that's just my example
myButton.layer.borderColor = Style.buttonColor.cgColor
myButton.layer.cornerRadius = 5
myButton.layer.borderWidth = 5


The proper way to inherit a CustomViewController with "dependencies"

Recently I wrote an app with one single scene and ViewController. I had to set a custom background picture for the View, which the ViewController manages (i.e. my top view contained the UIImageView). Later on I had to implement some logic in ViewController, so that it properly rotates/changes the picture when the screen is rotated. Also I had to overwrite some properties like preferredStatusBarStyle for the ViewController.
Now I have to implement a couple more scenes / screens in my app and it turns out that they all must have the same design as this currently present screen, so I think it makes sense if I create a CommonViewController which contains this common rotation-related logic for background picture, so that I can inherit all my other ViewControllers from this CommonViewController. The only problem I have is that CommonViewController "requires" that the view it manages has a backgroundPicture: UIView property, which I don't know how to ensure.
If I create a new file CommonViewController together with XIB-file, I can add the backgroundPicture image view in XIB and connect it with code (via regular "control-drag" approach), but apparently this won't work, as there is no guarantee that the views which inherit CommonViewController will have this property. What is the correct way to solve this issue without hacks on iOS in Swift?
Unfortunately I could not find a solution, maybe I've been searching for something wrong. It seems that I somehow need to inherit a CommonViewController for each scene (for each CustomViewController), but also I have to somehow set the top view of each of these controller's to be equal to some CommonView, so that CommonViewController does not crash when I try to access #IBOutlet weak var backgroundPicutre: UIImageView!.
The obvious way would be to define some method or property in the CommonViewController, so that the controllers which inherit it, can implement / override it, but it seems a bit hacky as it still requires copy-pasting in each ViewController which inherits CommonViewController.
How I imagined the solution: I create CustomViewController: CommonViewController, then I create a view controller in my Storyboard and change the "Class" property to "CustomViewController" (in property editor), then I select the view which corresponds to this newly added controller and change the "Class" property to "BackgroundImageView. But I'm not sure if it's the correct way to do (also I doubt thatCustomViewControllerwill properly "connect" itsIBOutletfieldbakcgroundImageViewwith the correspondingUIViewfromBackgroundImageView`, that's why I wanted to ask experts what they think about it.
I think you should define your base controller (CommonViewController) entirely in code, i.e. don't use no xibs / storyboards for the base controller. It doesn't mean you should rid off storyboards / xibs completely. Interface for alll other view controllers except CommonViewController may still be implemented with xibs / storyboards.
In this case CommonViewController implementation may look like this:
import UIKit
class CommonViewController: UIViewController {
// use this property every time you need to
// manipulate backgroundPicture
var backgroundPicture: UIImageView = {
// Replace with your image name
let image = UIImage(named: "BackgroundPicture")!
let imageView = UIImageView()
imageView.image = image
return imageView
override func viewDidLoad() {
// If subclass overrides viewDidLoad()
// it should contain super.viewDidLoad()
// Align backgroundPicture to bounds of superview
// You can remove this code and implement
// your own alignment with frames or Autolayout
backgroundPicture.frame = view.bounds
// Send backgroundPicture to back of the view
// Otherwise backgroundPicture may overlap views added in subclasses
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
// If subclass overrides viewDidLayoutSubviews()
// It should contain super.viewDidLayoutSubviews()
// Align backgroundPicture to bounds of superview
// You can remove this code and implement
// your own alignment with frames or Autolayout
backgroundPicture.frame = view.bounds

Override UI element .enabled property in Swift

I want to override property of UIView class to do extra lines of code each time property value of .enabled is changed. How do I do that?
For example:
There is MyUIView class myClass
There is myClass.enabled property
I want to override this to add next things
Edit subview of type UIView and set background to red colour if enabled/green if disabled.
Edit subview of type UIButton and make it disabled if disabled/enabled if enabled.
The code will look something like this -
class SubClass: UIView {
override var userInteractionEnabled: Bool {
didSet {
// Do the color change and other stuff.
// Use oldValue to access old value
There is much more to explore about this setter and getter.

XCode - Change Default Global Font in Storyboard

Very much like how we can set the Global Tint in Storyboard, Is it possible to set the global font-family as something else?
For example, I want to change the Global/Default Font from System to Source Sans Pro 16pt. However, what I have to do (to my knowledge) is one of the following:
Change font of each label, button, textField, etc. in Storyboard.
Set it via Swift ViewDidLoad Code (like this question) or through extensions as explained in this question
My Problem with (2) is that I do not get Visual Feedbacks like in (1) using storyboards. On the other hand, it is also not very eloquent as I have to manually set it anyway.
So, is there a way to change/set the default Storyboard font?
You can use the Appearance API, to ensure that all controls have the same font (at runtime)
Look at this question as to how to set the font for UIButton with Appearance.
For UILabel and UITextView, do the following. This can be done in AppDelegate application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
let labelAppearance = UILabel.appearance()
labelAppearance.font = UIFont.myFont()
let textFieldAppearance = UITextView.appearance()
textFieldAppearance.font = UIFont.myFont()
The previous solution, however will not update storyboard.
To see the changes visually on storyboard, you can look into the function
Here is an answer that explains how to get it visually updated in storyboard, but for this you will need to use custom classes for your textFields, buttons, etc.
Code Example as per above link:
public class MyUILabel: UILabel {
public override func awakeFromNib() {
public override func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
func configureLabel() {
font = UIFont(name: Constants.DefaultFont, size: 40)

Swift2 override of highlighted/selected doesn't work

I'm creating a custom UIButton class and i'm trying to override the highlighted/selected methods but they aren't called. After a bit of searching i found that this code should be working:
override var highlighted: Bool {
didSet {
if highlighted {
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
} else {
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
I did the same for selected. I also tried using willSet but no luck. I'm using swift2.0. Could that make the difference? Anyone knows why it isn't called?
You're going about this all wrong. No need to subclass. Just call setBackgroundImage:forState: with a black image for one state and a white image for the other.
Issue fixed. Due to the fact that i'm wokrking on an SDK shared library, I had to define the Module of my view controller and the Module of my button class. Once I did those, everything was working fluently.

GPPSignInButton not loading the Google sign in image

I have used GPPSignInButton in xib and then made a outlet connection . After even trying to set the image using the below code it does not set . Any solution on this would helpful
#IBOutlet var signInButton : GPPSignInButton?
override func viewDidLoad() {
signInButton?.colorScheme = kGPPSignInButtonColorSchemeDark
signInButton?.style = kGPPSignInButtonStyleWide
signIn = GPPSignIn.sharedInstance()
signIn?.shouldFetchGoogleUserEmail = true
signIn?.clientID = GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
signIn?.scopes = ["profile"]
signIn?.delegate = self
// signIn?.authenticate()
// signIn?.trySilentAuthentication()
I created a UIButton and set it Custom and then derived it from
GPPSignInButton in Custom class yet I do not have any luck
This is the problem.
When creating your xib, you /must/ use a UIView from the palette - not a UIButton.
If you drag in a UIButton, it will not work correctly.
Delete the button you added, drag in a "View", and set it's custom class to GPPSignInButton, re-connect your outlet, and you'll be fixed.
Do not use this one:
Do use this one:
