guacamole not able to connect neither VNC nor RDP - guacamole

I setup a guacamole server on ubuntu 16.04 Tried to setup a connection to a vnc server on the same machine and always got errors. I tried with RealVNC Xvnc11 TIghtVNC, and even with RDP. no luck. The error messages on log files were:
Creation of WebSocket tunnel to guacd failed: Non-numeric character in element length.
Creation of WebSocket tunnel to guacd failed:
Connection refused (Connection refused)
An internal error has occurred within the Guacamole server
not a valid RFB client
webSocketsHandshake: invalid client header
Any idea what could be?

The problem was that I was saving the VNC connections settings on the GUACAMOLE PROXY PARAMETERS (GUACD). I set port 5901. Which is not the correct guacd port.
I left this empty and everything worked!

for RDP use RDP encryption select option
it worked for me.


Connection Error in Guacamole: The remote desktop server is currently unavailable. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator

I am trying to setup up guacamole in a Digital Ocean Droplet (Ubuntu 18.04). I followed the steps provided in to setup guacamole and used Postgresql to authenticate guacamole by following the instructions provided in
The installation got over and I am able to access the webpage at http://droplet-ip:8080/guacamole, but when I try to connect to a remote machine over RDP I get a connection error stating 'The remote desktop server is currently unavailable. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.'
I have checked the login credentials of the remote device, it's hostip and RDP port number, everything is correct. I am able to login to the machine through Remote Desktop Connection in Windows. I can also login to the same remote machine with same credentials in a perfectly working guacamole setup in another digitalocean droplet.
I have also tried this by installing guacamole using docker by following instructions provided in, but still face the same problem. What am I doing wrong? I would be happy if someone could help me solve this problem
I was finally able to figure out why I was not able to connect to a remote device in Guacamole.
My Digital Ocean Linux droplets had freeRDP already installed. But Guacamole Server 1.3.0 works on freeRDP2. I had to make Guacamole send requests through freeRDP2.
I have enabled SFTP in the connection settings. But somehow the OpenSSH was corrupted in the remote machine resulting in connection error. So, I disabled SFTP. I think guacamole tries to establish RDP and SFTP connection in the very beginning, so even if one of the protocols fail, connection cannot be established. I am not proficient with guacamole so not sure with this point.
After resolving these problems, guacamole was able to send connection request to the remote machine. I checked the status using netstat and the status was SYN_SENT, but there was no response from the remote server. The problem was Firewall.
I allowed the ports for RDP in windows firewall, but the remote machine was in a network which had external firewall. I added the Guacamole Server IP in allowed list for NAT forwarding in the firewall device and finally I was able to establish a connection with the remote machine.

ngrok and docker, failed to complete tunnel connection

i've changed nothing within my setup and ngrok seems to have stopped working for me.
Running ngrok http -host-header=rewrite launch.localhost:80 would usually work just fine.
This is my error:
The connection to was successfully tunneled to your ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local address launch.localhost:80.
Make sure that a web service is running on launch.localhost:80 and that it is a valid address.
The error encountered was: dial tcp: lookup launch.localhost: no such host
If I navigate to launch.localhost the docker server is running just fine.
Not too sure what kind of other information you'd need to help?
For me, it was never running before, but I was getting the same error for
ngrok http -host-header=rewrite launch.local:80
It helped when I changed it to
ngrok http -host-header=launch.local 80

Using data flow with https on cloud foundry

I am trying to deploy a data flow server on Cloud foundry and create a simple app.
Only https end point could be exposed. I cannot enable https using this :
As ssl is managed by cf. How do I make data flow server using https?
I have this error:
dataflow:>app list
Command failed org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "": Connect to [,] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused); nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [,] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
as you already mentioned, you can not enable https at the container level inside cloudfoundry today. The traffic between the router and diego cell is not encrypted (unless you are using IPSEC).
So your dataflow server would not be configured with https, just deploy the server as it is. You should rely on your cloudfoundry install to have an open port at 443 on it's loadbalancer that forwards traffic to the router. Later CF incarnations support certificate placement at the router level.
Now, at the client (dataflow-shell) if you are using a valid certificate you don't need to do anything, but if you have a selfsigned certificate, you need to tell it to accept self-signed certificates, or skip validation all together.

connection failed for: localhost (Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2))

I am using capistrano 2.15.5 for my rails application deployment. I am using localhost for server and have also tried with in place of localhost. After running *cap production deploy:setup* the error that i am getting is: **Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2)**.
After searching for it i found out ECONNREFUSED means the client couldn't make a TCP connection to the server, either because it's down, or its DNS is not resolving..
how to fix this issue?
You have to add your ssh key in server's ssh authorize keys

Connection refused on client and server, both are on MAC

I am using Mac book and having client and server running on same machine. Server opens socket whenever it has to send command to Client. Problem is Client opens socket at startup but whenever server opens on . Ip adress is different. I would like to know if i create tunnel between these 2 sockets. Right now, while in server i am getting "Connection refused" error.
Any help is appreciated.
Just use loopback address for testing your initial socket code. Server bind()s and listen()s on some known port, client connect()s to it. Once you figure out that setup you can move on to routing between real addresses.
