Best practices in setting number of dask workers - dask

I am a bit confused by the different terms used in dask and dask.distributed when setting up workers on a cluster.
The terms I came across are: thread, process, processor, node, worker, scheduler.
My question is how to set the number of each, and if there is a strict or recommend relationship between any of these. For example:
1 worker per node with n processes for the n cores on the node
threads and processes are the same concept? In dask-mpi I have to set nthreads but they show up as processes in the client
Any other suggestions?

By "node" people typically mean a physical or virtual machine. That node can run several programs or processes at once (much like how my computer can run a web browser and text editor at once). Each process can parallelize within itself with many threads. Processes have isolated memory environments, meaning that sharing data within a process is free, while sharing data between processes is expensive.
Typically things work best on larger nodes (like 36 cores) if you cut them up into a few processes, each of which have several threads. You want the number of processes times the number of threads to equal the number of cores. So for example you might do something like the following for a 36 core machine:
Four processes with nine threads each
Twelve processes with three threads each
One process with thirty-six threads
Typically one decides between these choices based on the workload. The difference here is due to Python's Global Interpreter Lock, which limits parallelism for some kinds of data. If you are working mostly with Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, or other numerical programming libraries in Python then you don't need to worry about the GIL, and you probably want to prefer few processes with many threads each. This helps because it allows data to move freely between your cores because it all lives in the same process. However, if you're doing mostly Pure Python programming, like dealing with text data, dictionaries/lists/sets, and doing most of your computation in tight Python for loops then you'll want to prefer having many processes with few threads each. This incurs extra communication costs, but lets you bypass the GIL.
In short, if you're using mostly numpy/pandas-style data, try to get at least eight threads or so in a process. Otherwise, maybe go for only two threads in a process.


are there any limits on number of the dask workers/cores/threads?

I am seeing some performance degradation on my data analysis when I go more than 25 workers, each with 192 threads. Are there any limits on scheduler? there is no load footprint on communication(ib is used) or cpu or ram).
for example initially I have 170K hdf files on the lustrefs:
the code is running slower on 64 workers than 25. looks like the scheduler on initial tasks design phase is very overloaded.
There are many potential bottlenecks. Here are some hints.
Yes, the scheduler is a single process through which all tasks must pass, and it introduces an overhead per task (<1ms) just to manipulate its internal state and send . So, if you have many tasks per second, you will see the overhead take a larger fraction of the total time.
Similarly, if you have a lot of workers, you will have a lot of network traffic for both distribution of tasks and any data shuffling between workers. More workers, more traffic.
Thirdly, python uses a global lock, the GIL, when running code. Even when your tasks are GIL-friendly (e.g., array/dataframe ops), threads may still need the GIL sometimes, and this can cause contention and degraded performance.
Finally, you say you are using lustre, so you have many tasks simultaneously hitting network storage, which will have its own limitations both for metadata access and for data traffic.

How do I allocate same amount of resource for all my tasks deployed on a Celery cluster?

To compare and contrast the performances of three different algorithms in a scientific experiment, I am planning to use Celery scheduler. These algorithms are implemented by three different tools. They may or may not have parallelism implemented which I don't want to make any prior assumption about. The dataset contains 10K data points. All three tools are supposed to run on all the data points; which translates to 30K tasks scheduled by the scheduler. All I want is to allocate the same amount of resources to all the tools, across all the executions.
Assume, my physical Ubuntu 18.04 server is equipped with 24 cores and 96 GB of RAM. Tasks are scheduled by 4 Celery workers, each handling a single task. I want to put an upper limit of 4 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory per task. Moreover, no two tasks should race for the same cores, i.e., 4 tasks should be using 16 cores in total, each scheduled on its own set of cores.
Is there any means to accomplish this setup, either through Celery, or cgroup, or by any other mechanism? I want to refrain from using docker, kubernetes, or any VM based approach, unless it is absolutely required.
Dealing with CPU cores should be fairly easy by specifying concurrency to 6. But limiting memory usage is hard part of the requirement and I believe you can accomplish that by making worker processes be owned by particular cgroup that you specified memory limit on.
An alternative would be to run Celery workers in containers with specified limits.
I prefer not to do this as there may be tasks (or task with particular arguments) that allocate tiny amount of RAM so it would be wasteful if you can't use 4G of RAM while such task runs.
Pity Celery autoscaling is deprecated (it is one of the coolest features of Celery, IMHO). It should not be a difficult task to implement Celery autoscaler that scales up/down depending on memory utilization.

When is it appropriate to increase the async-thread size from zero?

I have been reading the documentation trying to understand when it makes sense to increase the async-thread pool size via the +A N switch.
I am perfectly prepared to benchmark, but I was wondering if there were a rule-of-thumb for when one ought to suspect that growing the pool size from 0 to N (or N to N+M) would be helpful.
The BEAM runs Erlang code in special threads it calls schedulers. By default it will start a scheduler for every core in your processor. This can be controlled and start up time, for instance if you don't want to run Erlang on all cores but "reserve" some for other things. Normally when you do a file I/O operation then it is run in a scheduler and as file I/O operations are relatively slow they will block that scheduler while they are running. Which can affect the real-time properties. Normally you don't do that much file I/O so it is not a problem.
The asynchronous thread pool are OS threads which are used for I/O operations. Normally the pool is empty but if you use the +A at startup time then the BEAM will create extra threads for this pool. These threads will then only be used for file I/O operations which means that the scheduler threads will no longer block waiting for file I/O and the real-time properties are improved. Of course this costs as OS threads aren't free. The threads don't mix so scheduler threads are just scheduler threads and async threads are just async threads.
If you are writing linked-in drivers for ports these can also use the async thread pool. But you have to detect when they have been started yourself.
How many you need is very much up to your application. By default none are started. Like #demeshchuk I have also heard that Riak likes to have a large async thread pool as they open many files. My only advice is to try it and measure. As with all optimisation?
By default, the number of threads in a running Erlang VM is equal to the number of processor logical cores (if you are using SMP, of course).
From my experience, increasing the +A parameter may give some performance improvement when you are having many simultaneous file I/O operations. And I doubt that increasing +A might increase the overall processes performance, since BEAM's scheduler is extremely fast and optimized.
Speaking of the exact numbers – that totally depends on your application I think. Say, in case of Riak, where the maximum number of opened files is more or less predictable, you can set +A to this maximum, or several times less if it's way too big (by default it's 64, BTW). If your application contains, like, millions of files, and you serve them to web clients – that's another story; most likely, you might want to run some benchmarks with your own code and your own environment.
Finally, I believe I've never seen +A more than a hundred. Doesn't mean you can't set it, but there's likely no point in it.

Creating threads within the cluster

I wish to know is there any way that I can create the threads on other nodes without starting the process on the nodes.
For example :- lets say I have cluster of 5 nodes I am running an application on node1. Which creates 5 threads on I want the threads not to be created in the same system but across the cluster lets say 1 node 1 thread type.
Is there any way this can be done or is it more depends on the Load Scheduler and does openMP do something like that?
if there is any ambiguity in the question plz let me know I will clarify it.
Short answer - not simply. Threads share a processes' address space, and so therefore it is extremely difficult to relocate them across cluster nodes. And, if it is possible (systems do exist which support this) then getting them to maintain a consistent state introduces a lot of synchronization and communication overhead which impacts on performance.
In short, if you're distributing an application across a cluster, stick with multiple processes and choose a suitable communication mechanism.
generally, leave threads to vm or engine to avoid very inert locks, focus app or transport, if one, create time (200 hz=5ms heuristic), if 2, repaint, good pattern: eventdrive

Process balancing in Erlang

Does anybody knows if there is a sort of 'load-balancer' in the erlang standard library? I mean, if I have some really simple operations on a really large set of data, the overhead of constructing a process for every item will be larger than perform the operation sequentially. But if I can balance the work in the 'right number' of process, it will perform better, so I'm basically asking if there is an easy way to accomplish this task.
By the way, does anybody knows if an OTP application does some kind of balance load? I mean, in an OTP application there is the concept of a "worker process" (like a java-ish thread worker)?
See modules pg2 and pool.
pg2 implements quite simple distributed process pool. pg2:get_closest_pid/1 returns "closest" pid, i.e. random local process if available, otherwise random remote process.
pool implements load balancing between nodes started with module slave.
The plists module probably does what you want. It is basically a parallel implementation of the lists module, design to be used as a drop-in replacement. However, you can also control how it parallelizes its operations, for example by defining how many worker processes should be spawned etc.
You probably would do it by calculating some number of workers depending on the length of the list or the load of the system etc.
From the website:
plists is a drop-in replacement for
the Erlang module lists, making most
list operations parallel. It can
operate on each element in parallel,
for IO-bound operations, on sublists
in parallel, for taking advantage of
multi-core machines with CPU-bound
operations, and across erlang nodes,
for parallizing inside a cluster. It
handles errors and node failures. It
can be configured, tuned, and tweaked
to get optimal performance while
minimizing overhead.
There is no, in my view, usefull generic load-balancing tool in otp. And perhaps it only usefull to have one in specific cases. It is easy enough to implement one yourself. plists may be useful in the same cases. I do not believe in parallel-libraries as a substitute to the real thing. Amdahl will haunt you forever if you walk this path.
The right number of worker processes is equal to the number of schedulers. This may vary depending of what other work is done on the system. Use,
erlang:system_info(schedulers_online) -> NS
to get the number of schedulers.
The notion of overhead when flooding the system with an abundance of worker processes is somewhat faulty. There is overhead with new processes but not as much as with os-threads. The main overhead is message copying between processes, this can be alleviated with the use of binaries since only the reference to the binary is sent. With eterms the structure is first expanded then copied to the other process.
There is no way how to predict cost of work mechanically without measure it e.g do it. Some person must determine how to partition work for some class of tasks. In load balancer word I understand something very different than in your question.
