How create an iPhone app that just starts a website - ios

How do I create an iPhone app that just starts a website in the default browser?
I'm not looking for a browser inside an app, just goto the pre-programmed website and close the app.
What do I need to get this accomplished?

What you're talking about is homescreen shortcuts you can create out of Safari. Unfortunately to have a native app that just starts the webbrowser is not possible.
Here is how you create a homescreen shortcut:
1. Tap the share button in Safari
2. Tap "Add to Homescreen"
3. Confirm or change shortcut title
4. Done. See the shortcut on your homescreen


Create home screen quick actions that do not open app?

I have home screen quick actions for my iOS 9 app, but I don't need it to open the app. It actually schedule reminders and that's it. Is there a way to make the home screen quick action not to open the app?
Quick actions are designed to be used to quickly navigate to a section of your app, eg on the camera app there is selfie mode, box mode, panorama mode, timelapse mode etc. These are all sections of the app. To the best of my knowledge you cant have a quick action that just runs code without opening the app. Otherwise how will the user know that the code has worked and it has been executed?
This functionality would be cool but i believe it is impossible as of current. The closest you can get is make it so it opens the app to a ViewController that just says "Reminder Scheduled".

Switching between app and broswer ios

There is a scenario where tapping on link open's iOS native browser after which I need to close the browser and switch back to applicatio. Is there any possible way we can do the using Selenium commands.
Consider using sendkeys method to tap at home button twice. Then try to tap at some place in the middle of the screen to get back to previously opened app. That could work, but I have not tried it.
#vignesh You can't switch between different apps in iOS. Currently, appium supports app switching between android apps only.
But you can run you app in background and after specified time it will be foreground.
You can use the following code to move back from the browser.
Just try this out.

Performing a task through a website and going back to an iOS app

I'm developing an iOS 7+ app that I need to offer the option of navigating to a certain web page to let the users to fill in a form there, and after that to come back to the app's view where the user was.
Is it possible to programmatically open Safari with a given url? If it is, I suppose that then there is no way to automatically redirect the user to your app from there... right? Is then a UIWebView the only option? Is it possible to navigate back or dismiss the view with the UIWebView without the need of user interaction?
You can open links in Safari as detailed in this post How to launch safari and open URL from iOS app
I don't believe you can set a 'callback' and have it return to your app on completion, as you have no control over the user once they have exited your app's sandbox.
Opening the link in UIWebView would provide control, as you can utilize the UIWebView callbacks.

Restrict iPad to only one application

I am developing an iPad application & I want to keep use only my application in iPad. User is not able to make any changes with Home button too.
I have tried same thing with "Guided Access". But, it will stop push notification also.
I have tried it with iPhone configuration Utility. But, I am not able to find any
restriction for Home button.
So, anyone have any idea how can I implement it?
You can't disable the Home button from the sandbox.You have to use the physical accessories to stop the Home button action, after opening your application.

Can I start iOS app by pressing home button for any times&

My question:
I have an iOS app, it is minimized, and I want it to start when user press home button three times (or, for example combination of buttons, like "HOME+Volume-" and so on). Can I make it for non-jailbroken devices, only with native iOS functions?
It's not possible to customise iOS like that.
Without jailbraking, apps can only be opened by using custom URL schemes from other apps or by normally tapping on the on the home screen. To have an app open like this you would have to modify the OS and there is no way you can do that without a jailbreak.
Standard OS functionality like pressing the home button multiple times cannot be overridden because Apple is really against modifying any part of way the user interacts with apps or the OS.
Not possible without jailbreak and then it would have to be some sort of preference in the OS settings.
