Why is splitting a Rust's std::collections::LinkedList O(n)? - linked-list

The .split_off method on std::collections::LinkedList is described as having a O(n) time complexity. From the (docs):
pub fn split_off(&mut self, at: usize) -> LinkedList<T>
Splits the list into two at the given index. Returns everything after the given index, including the index.
This operation should compute in O(n) time.
Why not O(1)?
I know that linked lists are not trivial in Rust. There are several resources going into the how's and why's like this book and this article among several others, but I haven't got the chance to dive into those or the standard library's source code yet.
Is there a concise explanation about the extra work needed when splitting a linked list in (safe) Rust?
Is this the only way? And if not why was this implementation chosen?

The method LinkedList::split_off(&mut self, at: usize) first has to traverse the list from the start (or the end) to the position at, which takes O(min(at, n - at)) time. The actual split off is a constant time operation (as you said). And since this min() expression is confusing, we just replace it by n which is legal. Thus: O(n).
Why was the method designed like that? The problem goes deeper than this particular method: most of the LinkedList API in the standard library is not really useful.
Due to its cache unfriendliness, a linked list is often a bad choice to store sequential data. But linked lists have a few nice properties which make them the best data structure for a few, rare situations. These nice properties include:
Inserting an element in the middle in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Removing an element from the middle in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Splitting the list into two lists at an arbitrary position in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Notice anything? The linked list is designed for situations where you already have a pointer to the position that you want to do stuff at.
Rust's LinkedList, like many others, just store a pointer to the start and end. To have a pointer to an element inside the linked list, you need something like an Iterator. In our case, that's IterMut. An iterator over a collection can function like a pointer to a specific element and can be advanced carefully (i.e. not with a for loop). And in fact, there is IterMut::insert_next which allows you to insert an element in the middle of the list in O(1). Hurray!
But this method is unstable. And methods to remove the current element or to split the list off at that position are missing. Why? Because of the vicious circle that is:
LinkedList lacks almost all features that make linked lists useful at all
Thus (nearly) everyone recommends not to use it
Thus (nearly) no one uses LinkedList
Thus (nearly) no one cares about improving it
Goto 1
Please note that are a few brave souls occasionally trying to improve the situations. There is the tracking issue about insert_next, where people argue that Iterator might be the wrong concept to perform these O(1) operations and that we want something like a "cursor" instead. And here someone suggested a bunch of methods to be added to IterMut (including cut!).
Now someone just has to write a nice RFC and someone needs to implement it. Maybe then LinkedList won't be nearly useless anymore.
Edit 2018-10-25: someone did write an RFC. Let's hope for the best!
Edit 2019-02-21: the RFC was accepted! Tracking issue.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but in a linked list, the links of each node have to be followed to proceed to the next node. If you want to get to the third node, you start at the first, follow its link to the second, then finally arrive at the third.
This traversal's complexity is proportional to the target node index n because n nodes are processed/traversed, so it's a linear O(n) operation, not a constant time O(1) operation. The part where the list is "split off" is of course constant time, but the overall split operation's complexity is dominated by the dominant term O(n) incurred by getting to the split-off point node before the split can even be made.
One way in which it could be O(1) would be if a pointer existed to the node after which the list is split off, but that is different from specifying a target node index. Alternatively, an index could be kept mapping the node index to the corresponding node pointer, but it would be extra space and processing overhead in keeping the index updated in sync with list operations.

pub fn split_off(&mut self, at: usize) -> LinkedList<T>
Splits the list into two at the given index. Returns everything after the given index, including the index.
This operation should compute in O(n) time.
The documentation is either:
unclear, if n is supposed to be the index,
pessimistic, if n is supposed to be the length of the list (the usual meaning).
The proper complexity, as can be seen in the implementation, is O(min(at, n - at)) (whichever is smaller). Since at must be smaller than n, the documentation is correct that O(n) is a bound on the complexity (reached for at = n / 2), however such a large bound is unhelpful.
That is, the fact that list.split_off(5) takes the same time if list.len() is 10 or 1,000,000 is quite important!
As to why this complexity, this is an inherent consequence of the structure of doubly-linked list. There is no O(1) indexing operation in a linked-list, after all. The operation implemented in C, C++, C#, D, F#, ... would have the exact same complexity.
Note: I encourage you to write a pseudo-code implementation of a linked-list with the split_off operation; you'll realize this is the best you can get without altering the data-structure to be something else.


Array of references that share an Arc

This one's kind of an open ended design question I'm afraid.
Anyway: I have a big two-dimensional array of stuff. This array is mutable, and is accessed by a bunch of threads. For now I've just been dealing with this as a Arc<Mutex<Vec<Vec<--owned stuff-->>>>, which has been fine.
The problem is that stuff is about to grow considerably in size, and I'll want to start holding references rather than complete structures. I could do this by inverting everything and going to Vec<Vec<Arc<Mutex>>, but I feel like that would be a ton of overhead, especially because each thread would need a complete copy of the grid rather than a single Arc/Mutex.
What I want to do is have this be an array of references, but somehow communicate that the items being referenced all live long enough according to a single top-level Arc or something similar. Is that possible?
As an aside, is Vec even the correct data type for this? For the grid in particular I really want a large, fixed-size block of memory that will live for the entire length of the program once it's initialized, and has a lot of reference locality (along either dimension.) Is there something else/more specialized I should be using?
EDIT:Giving some more specifics on my code (away from home so this is rough):
What I want:
Outer scope initializes a bunch of Ts and somehow collectively ensures they live long enough (that's the hard part)
Outer scope initializes a grid :Something<Vec<Vec<&T>>> that stores references to the Ts
Outer scope creates a bunch of threads and passes grid to them
Threads dive in and out of some sort of (problable RW) lock on grid, reading the Tsand changing the &Ts in the process.
What I have:
Outer thread creates a grid: Arc<RwLock<Vector<Vector<T>>>>
Arc::clone(& grid)s are passed to individual threads
Read-heavy threads mostly share the lock and sometimes kick each other out for the writes.
The only problem with this is that the grid is storing actual Ts which might be problematically large. (Don't worry too much about the RwLock/thread exclusivity stuff, I think it's perpendicular to the question unless something about it jumps out at you.)
What I don't want to do:
Top level creates a bunch of Arc<Mutex<T>> for individual T
Top level creates a `grid : Vec<Vec<Arc<Mutex>>> and passes it to threads
The problem with that is that I worry about the size of Arc/Mutex on every grid element (I've been going up to 2000x2000 so far and may go larger). Also while the threads would lock each other out less (only if they're actually looking at the same square), they'd have to pick up and drop locks way more as they explore the array, and I think that would be worse than my current RwLock implementation.
Let me start of by your "aside" question, as I feel it's the one that can be answered:
As an aside, is Vec even the correct data type for this? For the grid in particular I really want a large, fixed-size block of memory that will live for the entire length of the program once it's initialized, and has a lot of reference locality (along either dimension.) Is there something else/more specialized I should be using?
The documenation of std::vec::Vec specifies that the layout is essentially a pointer with size information. That means that any Vec<Vec<T>> is a pointer to a densely packed array of pointers to densely packed arrays of Ts. So if block of memory means a contiguous block to you, then no, Vec<Vec<T>> cannot give that you. If that is part of your requirements, you'd have to deal with a datatype (let's call it Grid) that is basically a (pointer, n_rows, n_columns) and define for yourself if the layout should be row-first or column-first.
The next part is that if you want different threads to mutate e.g. columns/rows of your grid at the same time, Arc<Mutex<Grid>> won't cut it, but you already figured that out. You should get clarity whether you can split your problem such that each thread can only operate on rows OR columns. Remember that if any thread holds a &mut Row, no other thread must hold a &mut Column: There will be an overlapping element, and it will be very easy for you to create a data races. If you can assign a static range of of rows to a thread (e.g. thread 1 processes rows 1-3, thread 2 processes row 3-6, etc.), that should make your life considerably easier. To get into "row-wise" processing if it doesn't arise naturally from the problem, you might consider breaking it into e.g. a row-wise step, where all threads operate on rows only, and then a column-wise step, possibly repeating those.
Speculative starting point
I would suggest that your main thread holds the Grid struct which will almost inevitably be implemented with some unsafe methods, e.g. get_row(usize), get_row_mut(usize) if you can split your problem into rows/colmns or get(usize, usize) and get(usize, usize) if you can't. I cannot tell you what exactly these should return, but they might even be custom references to Grid, which:
can only be obtained when the usual borrowing rules are fulfilled (e.g. by blocking the thread until any other GridRefMut is dropped)
implement Drop such that you don't create a deadlock
Every thread holds a Arc<Grid>, and can draw cells/rows/columns for reading/mutating out of the grid as needed, while the grid itself keeps book of references being created and dropped.
The downside of this approach is that you basically implement a runtime borrow-checker yourself. It's tedious and probably error-prone. You should browse crates.io before you do that, but your problem sounds specific enough that you might not find a fitting solution, let alone one that's sufficiently documented.

Advantages and disadvantages of linked list/binary trees as structures for storing and searching for data

I need to write up an evaluation of what the advantages and disadvantages are of linked list and binary trees as structures for storing and searching for data. But I'm a little bit lost on what the advantages and disadvantages could be?
Any help would you greatly appreciated, thanks!
Lets think of how a linked list works vs how a binary tree works
For a doubly linked list we have elements like
Head < - > 5 < - > 10 < - > 4 < - > tail
If we want to add an element we can easily add it to the head or tail of the list by pointing our new element at the end point and the value that the endpoint points to and then updating both of those to point to the new element (making sure to correctly assign previous and next) I've glossed over it here but there are lots of good resources available if you search insertion into linked list. This operation has O(1) time complexity. Do some research on insertion into (balanced) binary trees this will take much longer
Now what about searching? In the linked list above if i want to find an element i have to walk through the entire list from one side until i hit the value i want. This leads to O(n) time complexity, however if we have a balanced binary tree we can check if what we are looking for is higher or lower than the value that is ~ in the middle. If its higher we can eleminate the lower half of the numbers. Then we can do the same step with the remaining numbers. This cuts the amount of remaining numbers by ~ half at every step and leads to significantly reduced times.
There are many many ways to evaluate this and they depend on different implementations. My advice to you is to choose which implementation of each you want to focus on compare the time complexity of operations and then consider alternative implementations and what they do to the time complexity of operations.
For binary consider balanced and unbalanced.
For linked list look at doubly linked, singly linked, with and without pointers to tail (essentially stack vs queue)
If you have questions about specific implementations and how they compare let us know and we will do our best to clear that up.

Swift 3 and Index of a custom linked list collection type

In Swift 3 Collection indices have to conform to Comparable instead of Equatable.
Full story can be read here swift-evolution/0065.
Here's a relevant quote:
Usually an index can be represented with one or two Ints that
efficiently encode the path to the element from the root of a data
structure. Since one is free to choose the encoding of the “path”, we
think it is possible to choose it in such a way that indices are
cheaply comparable. That has been the case for all of the indices
required to implement the standard library, and a few others we
investigated while researching this change.
In my implementation of a custom linked list collection a node (pointing to a successor) is the opaque index type. However, given two instances, it is not possible to tell if one precedes another without risking traversal of a significant part of the chain.
I'm curious, how would you implement Comparable for a linked list index with O(1) complexity?
The only idea that I currently have is to somehow count steps while advancing the index, storing it within the index type as a property and then comparing those values.
Serious downside of this solution is that indices must be invalidated when mutating the collection. And while that seems reasonable for arrays, I do not want to break that huge benefit linked lists have - they do not invalidate indices of unchanged nodes.
It can be done at the cost of two additional integers as collection properties assuming that single linked list implements front insert, front remove and back append. Any meddling around in the middle would anyway break O(1) complexity requirement.
Here's my take on it.
a) I introduced one private integer type property to my custom Index type: depth.
b) I introduced two private integer type properties to the collection: startDepth and endDepth, which both default to zero for an empty list.
Each front insert decrements the startDepth.
Each front remove increments the startDepth.
Each back append increments the endDepth.
Thus all indices startIndex..<endIndex have a reflecting integer range startDepth..<endDepth.
c) Whenever collection vends an index either by startIndex or endIndex it will inherit its corresponding depth value from the collection. When collection is asked to advance the index by invoking index(_ after:) I will simply initialize a new Index instance with incremented depth value (depth += 1).
Conforming to Comparable boils down to comparing left-hand side depth value to the right-hand side one.
Note that because I expand the integer range from both sides as well, all the depth values for the middle indices remain unchanged (thus are not invalidated).
Traded benefit of O(1) index comparisons at the cost of minor increase in memory footprint and few integer increments and decrements. I expect index lifetime to be short and number of collections relatively small.
If anyone has a better solution I'd gladly take a look at it!
I may have another solution. If you use floats instead of integers, you can gain kind of O(1) insertion-in-the-middle performance if you set the sortIndex of the inserted node to a value between the predecessor and the successor's sortIndex. This would require to store (and update) the predecessor's sortIndex on your nodes (I imagine this should not be to hard since it is only changed on insertion or removal and it can always be propagated 'up').
In your index(after:) method you need to query the successor node, but since you use your node as index, that is be straightforward.
One caveat is the finite precision of floating points, so if on insertion you the distance between the two sort indices are two small, you need to reindex at least part of the list. Since you said you only expect small scale, I would just go through the hole list and use the position for that.
This approach has all the benefits of your own, with the added benefit of good performance on insertion in the middle.

Splitting and runtime of log n

Sorry, I made a mistake in my earlier question. Because of that I didn't get the answer I wanted.
The teacher told us that every time you divide something by 2, the run-time is likely to be log n. For instance, if we divide an array into two, each time we traverse one of the array, the run-time would be log n. However, we may run into a case with LinkedList where we may be easily misled. For instance, we may have an algorithm to set the nth element of the list to something else by starting from either the head or the tail in order to have a run-time of less than n. Logically, we may think that the run time would be log n, but it's not. Why is that? And how do you determine that?
Do we need to absolutely have splitting to get a run-time of log n? I don't think it makes any logical sense to say the run-time of n when the maximum run-time of the loop is n/2.
I think some concepts need a bit of refining here, because the time complexity is only related to algorithm, not to the size of the data structure you're operating on.
The teacher told us that every time you divide something by 2, the run-time is likely to be log n. For instance, if we divide an array into two, each time we traverse one of the array, the run-time would be log n.
Now, traversing an array, like
for (int i = 0; i < array.size; i++) {
variable = array[i];
runs in O(n): the time needed to perform such an operation varies linearly with the size of the array. You will have O(log n) for operations like a binary search on an array, but you cannot generalize this concept to all array operations, and especially not to those who need to iterate over the array.
Now, this sentence
For instance, we may have an algorithm to set the nth element of the list to something else by starting from either the head or the tail in order to have a run-time of less than n.
leads me to believe that you think that the n as used in big O and what you call the "nth element" are directly related. They aren't. On a linked list your only option to go to element n is to go to the start of the list and follow the links down the element you're looking for (or in the case of a double linked list, go to the start or end depending on the position of the element you're looking for), so this operation has a time complexity of O(n), ie linearly related to the length of the collection.

Does erlang implement record copy-and-modify in any clever way?

-record(foo, {a, b, c}).
I do something like this:
Thing = #foo{a={1,2}, b={3,4}, c={5,6}},
Thing1 = Thing#foo{a={7,8}}.
From a semantic view, Thing and Thing1 are unique entities. However, from a language implementation standpoint, making a full copy of Thing to generate Thing1 would be intensely wasteful. For example, if the record were a megabyte in size and I made a thousand "copies," each modifying a couple of bytes, I've just burned a gigabyte. If the internal structure kept track of a representation of the parent structure and each derivative marked up that parent in a way that indicated its own change but preserved everyone elses' versions, the derivates could be created with a minimum of memory overhead.
My question is this: is erlang doing anything clever - internally - to keep the overhead of the usual erlang scribble;
Thing = #ridiculously_large_record,
Thing1 = make_modified_copy(Thing),
Thing2 = make_modified_copy(Thing1),
Thing3 = make_modified_copy(Thing2),
Thing4 = make_modified_copy(Thing3),
Thing5 = make_modified_copy(Thing4)
...to a minimum?
I ask because there would be a number of changes to the way that I did cross-process communications if this were the case.
The exact workings of the garbage collection and memory allocation is only known to a few. Thankfully, they are very happy to share their knowledge and the following is based on what I have learnt from the erlang-questions mailing list and by discussing with OTP developers.
When messaging between processes, the content is always copied as there is no shared heap between processes. The only exception is binaries bigger than 64 bytes, where only a reference is copied.
When executing code in one process, only parts are updated. Let's analyze tuples, as that is the example you provided.
A tuple is actually a structure that keeps references to the actual data somewhere on the heap (except for small integers and maybe one more data type which I can't remember). When you update a tuple, using for example setelement/3, a new tuple is created with the given element replaced, however for all other elements only the reference is copied. There is one exception which I have never been able to take advantage of.
The garbage collector keeps track of each tuple and understands when it is safe to reclaim any tuple that is no longer used. It might be that the data referenced by the tuple is still in use, in which case the data itself is not collected.
As always, Erlang gives you some tools to understand exactly what is going on. The efficiency guide details how to use erts_debug:size/1 and erts_debug:flat_size/1 to understand the size of the data structure when used internally in a process and when copied. The trace tools also allows you to understand when, what and how much was garbage collected.
The record foo is of arity four (holding four words), but the whole structure is 14 words in size. Any immediate (pids, ports, small integers, atoms, catch and nil) can be stored directly in the tuples array. Any other term which can't fit into a word, such as other tuples, are not stored directly but referenced by boxed pointers (a boxed pointer is an erlang term with a forwarding address to the real eterm ... just internals).
In your case a new tuple of same arity is created and the atom foo and all the pointers are copied from the previous tuple except for index two, a, which points to the new tuple {7,8} which constitutes 3 words. In all 5 + 3 new words are created on the heap and only 3 words are copied from the old tuple the other 9 words are not touched.
Excessively large tuples are not recommended. When updating a tuple, the whole tuple, i.e the array and not the deep content, needs to copied and then updated in other to preserve a persistent data structure. This will also generate increased garbage, forcing the garbage collector to heat up which also hurts performance. The dict and array modules avoids using large tuples for this reason and have a shallow tuple tree instead.
I can definitely verify what people have already pointed out:
a record is just a tuple with the record name as the first element and all the fields just the following tuple element
when an element of a tuple is changed, updating a field in a record in your case, only the top level tuple is new, all the elements are just reused
This works just because we have immutable data. So in your example each time you update a value in a #foo record none of the data in the elements are copied and only a new 4-element tuple (5 words) is created. Erlang will never does a deep copy in this type of operation or when passing arguments in function calls.
In conclusion:
Thing = #foo{a={1,2}, b={3,4}, c={5,6}},
Thing1 = Thing#foo{a={7,8}}.
Here, if Thing is not used again, it will probably be updated in place and copying of the tuple will be avoided, as the Efficiency Guide says. (tuple and record syntax is complied into something like setelement, I think)
Thing = #ridiculously_large_record,
Thing1 = make_modified_copy(Thing),
Thing2 = make_modified_copy(Thing1),
Here the tuples are actually copied every time.
I guess that it would be theoretically possible make an interesting optimization to this. If the compiler could perform escape analysis on the return value of make_modified_copy and detect that the only reference to it is the one returned, in could save this information about the function. When it encounter a call the that function it would know that it is safe to modify the return value in place.
This would only be possible to do on inter module calls, because of the code replace feature.
Maybe one day we will have it.
