NotSerializableException in jenkinsfile - jenkins

I'm working on a jenkinsfile and I'm getting and exception in the third stage:
an exception which occurred:
in field com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.BlockScopeEnv.locals
in object com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.BlockScopeEnv#7bbae4fb
in field com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.ProxyEnv.parent
in object com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.CaseEnv#6896a2e3
in field com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.ProxyEnv.parent
in object com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.BlockScopeEnv#605ccbbc
in field com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.CallEnv.caller
in object com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.FunctionCallEnv#7b8ef914
in field com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.Continuable.e
in object org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.SandboxContinuable#11e73f3c
in field org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThread.program
in object org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThread#b2df9bb
in field org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThreadGroup.threads
in object org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThreadGroup#2b30596a
in object org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThreadGroup#2b30596a
Caused: java.util.regex.Matcher
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.BlockMarshaller.doWriteObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.BlockMarshaller.writeObject(
I've been reading about it and I know I can't create non-serializable variables. So, I think it has to be with this part of my code:
def artifact_name = sh (
script: "ls -b *.jar | head -1",
returnStdout: true
def has_snapshot = artifact_name =~ /-TEST\.jar/
if (has_snapshot) {
//Do something
My question is, how do I define that two variables in order to avoid that exception?

Your problem is this line:
def has_snapshot = artifact_name =~ /-TEST\.jar/
The =~ is the Groovy find operator. It returns a java.util.regex.Matcher instance, which is not Serializable. If Jenkins decides to pause your script after you have stored the result in a local variable that is serialized by Jenkins that is when you get the exception. This can be easily tested by immediately adding a sleep(1) step after your invocation and watch as that same exception is thrown.
To resolve this, you should :
Not store the java.util.regex.Matcher result in CPS transformed code
Move the usage into a #NonCPS annotated method or use the match operator (==~) which returns a boolean (if it fits your use case)

Building on the accepted answer I came up with this solution:
def hello = {
def matcher = ("Hello" =~ /Hello/)
I guess the stability of this is not so good, but I assume the likeliness of this failing to be very low. So if the impact of this code failing is also low it might be reasonable risk management to use this code.
The following seems to fit the case of running in a NonCPS context, but I am not 100% sure. It definitely is working though
#NonCPS def hello = {
def matcher = ("Hello" =~ /Hello/)
hello =
println hello

The accepted answer is certainly correct. In my case, I was trying to parse some JSON from an API response like so:
def parseJson(rawJson) {
return new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(rawJson)
All this does is return a JsonSlurper that can then be used to walk down your JSON structure, like so:
def jsonOutput = parseJson(createIssueResponse)
echo "Jira Ticket Created. Key: ${jsonOutput.key}"
This snippet actually worked fine in my script, but later on in the script, it was using the jsonOutput.key to make a new web request. As stated in the other answer, if the script pauses when you have something stored into a local variable that cannot be serialized, you will get this exception.
When the script attempted to make the web request, it would pause (presumably because it was waiting for the request to respond), and the exception would get thrown.
In my scenario, I was able to fix this by doing this instead:
def ticketKey = parseJson(createIssueResponse).key.toString()
echo "Jira Ticket Created. Key: ${ticketKey}"
And later on when the script attempts to send the web request, it no longer throws the exception. Now that no JsonSlurper object is present in my running script when it is paused, it works fine. I previously assumed that because the method was annotated with #NonCPS that its returned object was safe to use, but that is not true.


Invoke block passed to pipeline step with parameters, from plugin

I'm trying to write a Jenkins plugin that provides Step myStep which expects a block with a single parameter per below
myStep { someParameter -> <user code> }
I've found that BodyInvoker ( retrieved from StepContext.newBodyInvoker() ) provides no facilities to invoke the user provided block with parameters.
Expanding the environment would not be ideal, even though the type of the parameter is serializable ( to/from String ), i'd have to provide additional helpers to carry out this serialization, e.g
myStep { deserialize "${env.value}" <user code> }
do i have any other option to pass a non-string type in to the provided block? would type information of the parameter survive even if i did?
nb: i understand you can return a value from your which will be the return value of the step in the pipeline. It's just that in a related shared pipeline library i'm already heavily leaning in to this pattern of:
withFoo { computedFoo ->
# something with computedFoo
withBar computedFoo { computedBar ->
i prefer this over
computedFoo = withFoo
# something with computedFoo
..then again, i couldn't find any plugins pulling this off.
no matter how close i look at workflow-step-api-plugin this doesn't seem possible today. The options are:
expand the environment context with a string value
add a custom object to the context ( requires access to step context in pipeline )
use a return value

Jenkins Groovy Pipeline org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: No such field found: field groovy.util.Node

I am retrieving an XML file from a remote host and parsing it using XmlParser. The content of the file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Metrics> <Safety> <score>81.00</score> <Percentrules>98.00</Percentrules> </Safety> </Metrics>
I am able to retrieve the score value in the following way when I execute the script outside the Groovy sandbox.
def report = readFile(file: 'Qualitycheck.xml')
def metrics = new XmlParser().parseText(report)
println metrics
double score = Double.parseDouble(metrics.Safety.score[0].value()[0])
However, when I execute the script using SCM I get the following:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: No such field found: field groovy.util.Node
The issue persist even though I have installed the Permissive-Script-Security-Plugin and enabled the plugin using the -Dpermissive-script-security.enabled=no_securityJVM option. Is there something different about this method? No other method is causing issues. Why?
I decided to use XmlSlurper(), and retrieved the value 81.00. However the result was type groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren
def metrics2 = new XmlSlurper().parseText(report)
def score = metrics2.Safety.score
print score
print score.getClass()
=> 81.0098.00
=> groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren
How do I use XmlSlurper to extract the value 81.00 and cast it as double? Will that be a good alternative?
There seems to be some issues with the script sandbox with Node and NodeList field access. You can work around this like the following, its not nice but works at least.
node() {
def xml = readFile "${env.WORKSPACE}/Qualitycheck.xml"
def rootNode = new XmlParser().parseText(xml)
print Double.parseDouble(rootNode.value()[0].value()[0].value()[0])
// Next line if position isnt fixed, can return an array
// if theres more than 1 with structure "Safety.score", [0] at the end takes the first.
print Double.parseDouble(rootNode.find{ == "Safety"}.value().find{ == "score"}.value()[0])
You also need to approve following signatures in the In-process Script Approval section in Manage Jenkins menu.
method groovy.util.Node name
method groovy.util.Node value
method groovy.util.XmlParser parseText java.lang.String
new groovy.util.XmlParser
staticMethod java.lang.Double parseDouble java.lang.String
staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods find java.lang.Object groovy.lang.Closure

I have a Jenkins global variable in a string - how do I evaluate it?

I need to accept all kinds of global Jenkins variables as strings (basically as parameters to ansible like system - a template stored in \vars).
def proof = "\"${params.REPOSITORY_NAME}\""
echo proof
def before = "\"\${params.REPOSITORY_NAME}\""
echo before
def after =
echo after
The result is:
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] echo
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: params for class: Script1
the first echo proves that the param value actually exists.
the second echo is the what the input actually looks like.
the third echo should have emitted asdf instead I get the exception.
Any ideas? I'm hours into this :-(
You may want to check:
groovy: Have a field name, need to set value and don't want to use switch
1st Variant
In case you have: xyz="REPOSITORY_NAME" and want the value of the parameter REPOSITORY_NAME you can simply use:
echo params."$xyz" // will print the value of params.REPOSITORY_NAME
In case if your variable xyz must hold the full string including params. you could use the following solution
def split(string) {
def xyz = "params.REPOSITORY_NAME"
def splitString = split(xyz)
echo this."${splitString[0]}"."${splitString[1]}" // will print the value of params.REPOSITORY_NAME
2nd Variant
In case you want to specify an environment variable name as parameter you can use:
In plain groovy env[params.REPOSITORY_NAME] would work but in pipeline this one would not work inside the sandbox.
That way you first retrieve the value of REPOSITORY_NAME and than use it as key to a environment variable.
Using directly env.REPOSITORY_NAME will not be the same as it would try to use REPOSITORY_NAME itself as the key.
E.g. say you have a job named MyJob with the following script:
assert(params.MyParameter == "JOB_NAME")
echo env."${params.MyParameter}"
assert(env."${params.MyParameter}" == 'MyJob')
This will print the name of the job (MyJob) to the console assuming you did set the MyParameter parameter to JOB_NAME. Both asserts will pass.
Please don’t forget to open a node{} block first in case you want to retrieve the environment of that very node.
After trying all those solutions, found out that this works for my problem (which sounds VERY similar to the question asked - not exactly sure though):

How does variable scoping work when splitting a workflow into smaller chunks?

I have a very long workflow for building and testing our application. So long, in fact, that when we try to load the main workflow script, we get this exception:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid method Code length 67768 in class file WorkflowScript
I am not proud of this. I'm tying to split the workflow into smaller scripts that we load from the main workflow script, but are running into an issue with variable scoping. For example:
def a = 'foo' //some variable referenced in multiple workflow stages
node {
echo a
//... and then a whole bunch of other stages
might become
def a = 'foo' //some variable referenced in multiple workflow stages
node {
git: ...
load 'flowPartA.groovy'
where flowPartA.groovy looks like:
{ ->
node {
echo a
Based on my understanding of the documentation, where flowPartA.groovy is interpreted as a closure, I expect the variable 'a' would remain in scope, but instead, I get an exception to the contrary.
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: a for class: groovy.lang.Binding
Am I missing something about the way workflow interprets the flow scripts? Is there a good way to take a huge workflow that uses many, many parameters and split it into smaller chunks?
You have to define a function in the external groovy and call it passing all required parameters:
def a = 'foo'
node('slave') {
git '…'
def flow = load 'flowPartA.groovy'
And flowPartA.groovy contains:
def echoFromA(String a) {
echo a
return this
See the documentation for more information.

How to fix NotSerializableException error during Jenkins workflow build?

When I run the following code on the Jenkins workflow (Jenkins 1.609.1 ,workflow 1.8) I get error of 'NotSerializableException' (also below).
However, if I move the "build job" outside the "for" scope it works fine (the job is activated). Any ideas why this behavior?
node('master') {
ws('/opt/test) {
def file = "/"
def line = readFile (file)
def resultList = line.tokenize()
for(item in resultList )
build job: 'testjob_1'
Got error:
Running: End of Workflow java.util.ArrayList$Itr
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteFields(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteSerializableObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteFields(
I thnk it is because it's trying to serialize the unserializable item iterator on resultList as soon as it hits the build job step. See here for guidance on use of nonserializable variables:
As a workaround to safely iterate using the workflow plugin, you need to us C-style loops. Try this instead:
for ( int i = 0; i < resultList.size; i++ ) {
According to CloudBees Platform Help page:
By design the pipeline can only keep records of Serializable objects. If you still need to keep an intermediate variable with a non serializable object, you need to hide it into a method and annotate this method with #NonCPS.
So you should transform your code into a function with #NonCPS helper method.
Related Jenkins bug: JENKINS-27421.
