Control the tie-breaking choice for loading chunks in the scheduler? - dask

I have some large files in a local binary format, which contains many 3D (or 4D) arrays as a series of 2D chunks. The order of the chunks in the files is random (could have chunk 17 of variable A, followed by chunk 6 of variable B, etc.). I don't have control over the file generation, I'm just using the results. Fortunately the files contain a table of contents, so I know where all the chunks are without having to read the entire file.
I have a simple interface to lazily load this data into dask, and re-construct the chunks as Array objects. This works fine - I can slice and dice the array, do calculations on them, and when I finally compute() the final result the chunks get loaded from file appropriately.
However, the order that the chunks are loaded is not optimal for these files. If I understand correctly, for tasks where there is no difference of cost (in terms of # of dependencies?), the local threaded scheduler will use the task keynames as a tie-breaker. This seems to cause the chunks to be loaded in their logical order within the Array. Unfortunately my files do not follow the logical order, so this results in many seeks through the data (e.g. seek halfway through the file to get chunk (0,0,0) of variable A, then go back near the beginning to get chunk (0,0,1) of variable A, etc.). What I would like to do is somehow control the order that these chunks get read, so they follow the order in the file.
I found a kludge that works for simple cases, by creating a callback function on the start_state. It scans through the tasks in the 'ready' state, looking for any references to these data chunks, then re-orders those tasks based on the order of the data on disk. Using this kludge, I was able to speed up my processing by a factor of 3. I'm guessing the OS is doing some kind of read-ahead when the file is being read sequentially, and the chunks are small enough that several get picked up in a single disk read. This kludge is sufficient for my current usage, however, it's ugly and brittle. It will probably work against dask's optimization algorithm for complex calculations. Is there a better way in dask to control which tasks win in a tie-breaker, in particular for loading chunks from disk? I.e., is there a way to tell dask, "all things being equal, here's the relative order I'd like you to process this group of chunks?"

Your assessment is correct. As of 2018-06-16 there is not currently any way to add in a final tie breaker. In the distributed scheduler (which works fine on a single machine) you can provide explicit priorities with the priority= keyword, but these take precedence over all other considerations.


How to load a huge model on Dask with limited RAM?

I want to load a model (ANNOY model) on Dask. The size of the model is 60GB and Dask RAM is 2GB only. Is there a way to load the model in distributed manner as well?
If by "load" you mean: "store in memory", then obviously there is no way to do this. If you need access to the whole dataset in memory at once, you'll need a machine that can handle this.
However, you very probably meant that you want to do some processing to the data and get a result (prediction, statistical score...) which does fit in memory.
Since I don't know what ANNOY is (array? dataframe? something else?), I can only give you general rules. For dask to work, it needs to be able to split a job into tasks. For data IO, this commonly means that the input is in multiple files, or that the files have some natural internal structure such that they can be loaded chunk-wise. For example, zarr (for arrays) stores each chunk of a logical dataset as a separate file, parquet (for dataframes) chunks up data into pages within columns within groups within files, and even CSV can be loaded chunkwise by looking for newline characters.
I suspect annoy ( ?) has complex internal storage structure, and you may eed to raise an issue on their repo asking about dask support.

Storing and loading 2d infinite procedurally generated tile based world

I am working on a 2d infinite world generation. It is tile based meaning my terrain is fully made out of squares. You can imagine it like 2d Minecraft (looking at the terrain from above).
I implemented standard chunk system where the terrain gets chopped into small 8x8 tile areas that get loaded and deleted as player moves around the world. This, so far mentioned, works perfectly smooth without any hiccups or lag. I am using Lua and Corona SDK.
The problem:
Since the player will be able to modify the terrain, I need a fast and efficient system of saving chunks in memory once the player loads a new chunk and a system of loading those chunks from memory if they have been loaded previously.
This is where the problem takes place. It needs to read from and save to files (memory) quite often which causes noticeable lag. Making chunks bigger is not an option.
Solutions I tried but all caused lag:
a) First and obvious solution I implemented was to just create a text file for each chunk with tile names as strings. It looked something like this: x12y10.txt and inside the file I just dumped all tile names in order they need to be placed on screen: "Grass Grass Water Sand Sand Sand Grass Grass...". That worked but loading strings was slow so I tried another solution: save tiles as indexes.
b) Saving tiles as their indexes. I paired every tile to a number. Since numbers are shorter, they take less memory and are faster to load. I gave each tile it's own index: Grass -> id 1, Water -> id 2, Sand -> id 3 and so on. This way I only needed to save 1 or 2 chars instead of full string per tile. My txt files looked like this now: "1 1 2 3 3 3 1 1...". This worked better but still caused lag.
c) Next improvement I did was with how chunks are organized in memory. Instead of dumping all the chunks in a single folder, for each x coordinate I made a folder and put all chunks that have that x value in there.
So instead of this:
Folder with all chunks: x0y0.txt, x0y1.txt, x0y2.txt, x1y0.txt, x1y1.txt, x1y2.txt
Inside folder with all chunks I had this:
Folder x0: x0y0.txt, x0y1.txt, x0y2.txt
Folder x1: x1y0.txt, x1y1.txt, x1y2.txt
I am not sure how much this helped for small number of chunks, but I am pretty sure for thousands of chunks, improvement is there.
Possible solutions?
I have some ideas for improvements, but I would like to hear your opinion on the solutions.
a) Saving terrain in binary files?
b) I have read about Minecraft region format, really tried to understand how it works, but did not get it since there is little information about it. So if anyone knows it and could explain their system to me, I would be really grateful.
c) Another faster file format?
d) Is making/accessing many folders slow? Is there a better alternative?
I really feel like this is cs-101 question, but cannot google up any answer right away so quick summary.
All files are just sequences of bytes. If we're talking about reading and writing raw bytes, no format will make 64 bytes appear in memory faster than another.
Text file is a sequence of bytes with slight limitations on their values (well, the limitation is if you want standard text programs to display it). A string "11" (sequence of bits: 110001110001) from a text file won't be loaded faster than sequence of unprintable bits 100000100000 from "binary" file.
Structuring directories at the very least reduces the number of nodes system checks when trying the file you've requested to open. But mechanisms underlying the filesystems are very complex and affected by a lot of factors. The overall guess is that frequent reading even of small files will be slow. And all files carry some stockpiling overhead (system info to keep them tracked and ordered), small files will have lower useful/auxiliary info ratio. I know of at least one 2d project with mutable map that was making hdds growl and grunt before they moved onto bigger files years ago.
You don't have to make chunks bigger, that's different thing, but you can write them into the same file.
Instead of million of files by 64 bytes you can have a single megabyte file (assuming you use a byte per chunk). A million chunks is lot for a player to modify or walk around. If you unpack that data to tables, it will take up more space but you don't have to decipher all the string, only the currently needed bytes. Yes, modifying a megabyte string in lua will cause creation of another megabyte string which is slow, but you don't have to do it every time, or you can split string into smaller ones and modify those. And only do writing when needed. I/O bufferization may even happen without your intervention but again it is usually helpful for big files.
Yes there will be more than a byte of info per tile (2^8 possible states per tile is a lot however), the system stays the same.
The same thing is done for textures, because loading data in a single big chunk in a single big scoop is faster than searching around for tiny bit here and there. Indexing a single long area of memory is also faster than chasing pointers around.
On top of that, you may try to read\write less bytes than you want in the memory. For example by compressing data.
In minecraft chunks are not stored unless they have been visited / modified, otherwise they are generated.
That would leave you a system where only blocks which have been modified by the player would need to be stored, with the un-modified areas being re-generated by using the same random seed, each time.
Creating a hierarchy of modifications ... A chunk is an 8x8 block, create a super-chunk which is 8x8 chunks, and only look for a file, if any of the 8x8 super-chunk has been modified.
Possibly store all of the super-chunk in one file, which would limit the number of files (adding more files does decrease the speed of the system, and also uses space on the system inefficiently).
If you have any spare time-space, perhaps have a cache of the chunks near the player, and pre-load the modified areas which are being approached. This would limit the visible lag required

Processing distributed dask collections with external code

I have input data stored as a single large file on S3.
I want Dask to chop the file automatically, distribute to workers and manage the data flow. Hence the idea of using distributed collection, e.g. bag.
On each worker I have a command line tools (Java) that read the data from file(s). Therefore I'd like to write a whole chunk of data into file, call external CLI/code to process the data and then read the results from output file. This looks like processing batches of data instead of record-at-a-time.
What would be the best approach to this problem? Is it possible to write partition to disk on a worker and process it as a whole?
PS. It nor necessary, but desirable, to stay in a distributed collection model because other operations on data might be simpler Python functions that process data record by record.
You probably want the read_bytes function. This breaks the file into many chunks cleanly split by a delimiter (like an endline). It gives you back a list of dask.delayed objects that point to those blocks of bytes.
There is more information on this documentation page:
Here is an example from the docstring:
>>> sample, blocks = read_bytes('s3://bucket/2015-*-*.csv', delimiter=b'\n')

Sorting 20GB of data

In the past I had to work with big files, somewhere about in the 0.1-3GB range. Not all the 'columns' were needed so it was ok to fit the remaining data in RAM.
Now I have to work with files in 1-20GB range, and they will probably grow as the time will pass. That is totally different because you cannot fit the data in RAM anymore.
My file contains several millions of 'entries' (I have found one with 30 mil entries). On entry consists in about 10 'columns': one string (50-1000 unicode chars) and several numbers. I have to sort the data by 'column' and show it. For the user only the top entries (1-30%) are relevant, the rest is low quality data.
So, I need some suggestions about in which direction to head out. I definitively don't want to put data in a DB because they are hard to install and configure for non computer savvy persons. I like to deliver a monolithic program.
Showing the data is not difficult at all. But sorting... without loading the data in RAM, on regular PCs (2-6GB RAM)... will kill some good hours.
I was looking a bit into MMF (memory mapped files) but this article from Danny Thorpe shows that it may not be suitable:
So, I was thinking about loading only the data from the column that has to be sorted in ram AND a pointer to the address (into the disk file) of the 'entry'. I sort the 'column' then I use the pointer to find the entry corresponding to each column cell and restore the entry. The 'restoration' will be written directly to disk so no additional RAM will be required.
PS: I am looking for a solution that will work both on Lazarus and Delphi because Lazarus (actually FPC) has 64 bit support for Mac. 64 bit means more RAM available = faster sorting.
I think a way to go is Mergesort, it's a great algorithm for sorting a
large amount of fixed records with limited memory.
General idea:
read N lines from the input file (a value that allows you to keep the lines in memory)
sort these lines and write the sorted lines to file 1
repeat with the next N lines to obtain file 2
you reach the end of the input file and you now have M files (each of which is sorted)
merge these files into a single file (you'll have to do this in steps as well)
You could also consider a solution based on an embedded database, e.g. Firebird embedded: it works well with Delphi/Windows and you only have to add some DLL in your program folder (I'm not sure about Lazarus/OSX).
If you only need a fraction of the whole data, scan the file sequentially and keep only the entries needed for display. F.I. lets say you need only 300 entries from 1 million. Scan the first first 300 entries in the file and sort them in memory. Then for each remaining entry check if it is lower than the lowest in memory and skip it. If it is higher as the lowest entry in memory, insert it into the correct place inside the 300 and throw away the lowest. This will make the second lowest the lowest. Repeat until end of file.
Really, there are no sorting algorithms that can make moving 30gb of randomly sorted data fast.
If you need to sort in multiple ways, the trick is not to move the data itself at all, but instead to create an index for each column that you need to sort.
I do it like that with files that are also tens of gigabytes long, and users can sort, scroll and search the data without noticing that it's a huge dataset they're working with.
Please finde here a class which sorts a file using a slightly optimized merge sort. I wrote that a couple of years ago for fun. It uses a skip list for sorting files in-memory.
Edit: The forum is german and you have to register (for free). It's safe but requires a bit of german knowledge.
If you cannot fit the data into main memory then you are into the realms of external sorting. Typically this involves external merge sort. Sort smaller chunks of the data in memory, one by one, and write back to disk. And then merge these chunks.

importing and processing data from a CSV File in Delphi

I had an pre-interview task, which I have completed and the solution works, however I was marked down and did not get an interview due to having used a TADODataset. I basically imported a CSV file which populated the dataset, the data had to be processed in a specific way, so I used Filtering and Sorting of the dataset to make sure that the data was ordered in the way I wanted it and then I did the logic processing in a while loop. The feedback that was received said that this was bad as it would be very slow for large files.
My main question here is if using an in memory dataset is slow for processing large files, what would have been better way to access the information from the csv file. Should I have used String Lists or something like that?
It really depends on how "big" and the available resources(in this case RAM) for the task.
"The feedback that was received said that this was bad as it would be very slow for large files."
CSV files are usually used for moving data around(in most cases that I've encountered files are ~1MB+ up to ~10MB, but that's not to say that others would not dump more data in CSV format) without worrying too much(if at all) about import/export since it is extremely simplistic.
Suppose you have a 80MB CSV file, now that's a file you want to process in chunks, otherwise(depending on your processing) you can eat hundreds of MB of RAM, in this case what I would do is:
while dataToProcess do begin
// step1
read <X> lines from file, where <X> is the max number of lines
you read in one go, if there are less lines(i.e. you're down to 50 lines and X is 100)
to process, then you read those
// step2
process information
// step3
generate output, database inserts, etc.
In the above case, you're not loading 80MB of data into RAM, but only a few hundred KB, and the rest you use for processing, i.e. linked lists, dynamic insert queries(batch insert), etc.
"...however I was marked down and did not get an interview due to having used a TADODataset."
I'm not surprised, they were probably looking to see if you're capable of creating algorithm(s) and provide simple solutions on the spot, but without using "ready-made" solutions.
They were probably thinking of seeing you use dynamic arrays and creating one(or more) sorting algorithm(s).
"Should I have used String Lists or something like that?"
The response might have been the same, again, I think they wanted to see how you "work".
The interviewer was quite right.
The correct, scalable and fastest solution on any medium file upwards is to use an 'external sort'.
An 'External Sort' is a 2 stage process, the first stage being to split each file into manageable and sorted smaller files. The second stage is to merge these files back into a single sorted file which can then be processed line by line.
It is extremely efficient on any CSV file with over say 200,000 lines. The amount of memory the process runs in can be controlled and thus dangers of running out of memory can be eliminated.
I have implemented many such sort processes and in Delphi would recommend a combination of TStringList, TList and TQueue classes.
Good Luck
