I don't find the class NmeaGpsDriver in any androidthings: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.android.things/androidthings
Do you have a jar? or what class I cound used instead?
That class is an extension of the built in GNSS driver. It's in fact available as one of the provided sample drivers on GitHub.
You can import it with:
implementation 'com.google.android.things.contrib:driver-gps:1.0'
I have upgraded a Vaadin 14 app to Vaadin 23.1.3 and now it refuses to start with this error message:
Found app shell configuration annotations in non `AppShellConfigurator` classes.
Please create a custom class implementing `AppShellConfigurator` and move the following annotations to it:
- #Viewport from my.custom.class
However, my class does not have this annotation, it only extends an abstract class with this annoation. But I cannot change the abstract class, because it is a third party lib. So is there a way to tell Vaadin to just ignore this annotation and use the one I provided in the AppShellConfigurator class? Or any other way to get this app to start short of ditching the 3rd party library?
If the problematic class is just an abstract one, You can try creating a custom class with exactly the same structure and name but without the Viewport annotation. Then just import your custom class instead of the one from external package.
For example while using the AppLayoutRouterLayout class from com.github.appreciated:app-layout-addon package You could replace its usage with following class:
import com.github.appreciated.app.layout.component.applayout.AppLayout;
import com.github.appreciated.app.layout.component.router.AppLayoutRouterLayoutBase;
public abstract class AppLayoutRouterLayout<T extends AppLayout> extends AppLayoutRouterLayoutBase<T> {
I want to put a Java class in a Maven artifact that uses the Vaadin #Endpoint annotation (from com.vaadin.flow.server.connect.Endpoint), to use this class in multiple Vaadin projects.
Here is a simple example of such a class:
import com.vaadin.flow.server.connect.Endpoint;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import java.util.Optional;
public class SupportInfoEndpoint {
public Optional<String> getSupportInfo(){
return Optional.of("mailto:support#my.corp");
The Maven artifact includes the source code of the class. What do I have to do so this class is scanned in the using project, by the Vaadin build process, so that
the corresponding TypeScript code for the frontend is generated
the class is included in the Spring-Boot application (so the endpoint is actually available at run time)
Is it possible at all?
Like Erik said, it will be implemented with #9010.
But there is a workaround depending on some restrictions. If you have every class that the endpoint needs in the same jar, you could trigger the typescript generation in same the jar by calling the goal "build-frontend" of vaadin-maven-plugin, then the typescript is generated and it's just a matter of some maven magic to move them to META-INF/resources/frontend (something similar of what is being done here). Then you just can package the endpoints in the jar.
For registering the endpoint in the project, you need to do something similar to what this class is doing, basically a ServiceInitListener that will execute the method registerEndpoint of the EndpointRegistry by using reflection.
Unfortunately it is not currently possible, but it will be once #9010 is implemented.
It is my understanding that it is one of the highest priority features to implement for the Fusion team.
I was migrating a grails2 plugin to the grails3, There is a class
in grails2.x version, I did not find this class in grails3.
Has this class has been replaced with any other class, or it just has been removed?
There are 2 more classes which I did not find in grails3, these are
There is no direct equivalent of GrailsControllerHandlerMapping this area has been refactored and is now implemented as UrlMappingsHandlerMapping
The metaclass package has also been removed as all metaprogramming has been replaced by the use of Traits.
I have an objective-C class with a class extension in the implementation file. This class extension contains a property. When I run doxygen, in the output I don't see the property that was declared in the class extension. I only see the properties declared in the main header file.
I am running doxygen version 1.8.2, which is supposed to support class extensions in objective C. Do you know what I could be doing wrong in terms of configuration?
The extension was not listed under the class name in the class index, but under ClassName(Private), I just missed it.
I've been trying to use Dart's noSuchMethod(), but this code
noSuchMethod(InvocationMirror invocation) {
// ...
results in the following error: cannot resolve class name 'InvocationMirror' from 'MyClass'
It looks like there's no such class as InvocationMirror. Could it be an older version of dart which doesn't have it? The one I have is the stable one from SDK for Mac downloaded just today.
You're observing an inconsistency between specification and implementation (which shouldn't come as a surprise, there are a lot of them). You can use noSuchMethod, at least on Dart VM (don't know about dart2js), but it looks like this: noSuchMethod(String name, List arguments). In the future, when reflection finally comes to Dart, it will change.
You can currently not use the InvocationMirror class as mirror based reflection is not yet implemented in Dart (as mentioned in this article).