when this message come - App is Actively Using your location, UI Changes - ios

The screen in which the message comes on the top side which display as - app is actively using your location.
Main issue is what I have faced when this come when my app is in the background, and I open any other app, what i see is that the UI moves to bottom side.
This issue comes only in ios 11.2.1.


Xamarin - Android white screen when opening external app

Related to this question but seems to be not related to ComposeEmail
Xamarin - White screen on ComposeEmail
If I open an external app and return to the first app, I will have a white screen. No lifecycle events are triggered.
When I push the back button I will be brought to the login screen. App doesn't fully crash as the debugger stays attached. But no errors are shown

How to have no Xamarin.ios spash and no display

This Xamarin.ios app on iPhone must have no splash and no display whatsoever and must leave previous app displayed.
Is is launched by an Objective-C app and it only runs for a short time and then ends itself, leaving screen of the ObjC app always displayed
I need the app that launched it to remain in focus.
I open the ObjC app, which has command buttons
I press button that starts my Xamarin.ios app which should have no display at all
ObjC app button menu remains displayed
Xamarin.ios app runs and then ends itself
ObjC app button menu remains
Please help -- am under the "time gun" .
This is not possible on iOS - if it makes it easier for you you could have whole the time in this world (and not being under the "time gun") and could not solve it unless Apple changes something in future iOS releases which is unlikely.
The closest you could get to it is to record the screenshot of ObjC app before it launches Xamarin.iOS app, send it some way to Xamarin app (the best way would be if they could be the same App Group), put empty splash screen and ensure that it displays just a split of the second and then display your screenshot in the Xamarin app and do whatever you want to do.

Previous screen flashing when restarting the app

Short description of the problem: First time when the app is opened the splash screen appears normally and than it is followed by the home screen. But after the app was closed from taskmanager (double click on home button and swipe up) and opened again, the previous(cached) home screen appears(flashing) for a very short time before the Splash screen appears. I think every iOS app running on iOS 11.4 (ios 9 and 10 not affected) is affected not just mine. As you can see below(slow motion video), I could reproduce it with the Twitter app also - firstly it opens normally and at the second time the problem appears.
My application is suffering constantly from this issue in a predictable way, but the Twitter and other apps are not. They produce this symptom every now and again but than nothing for the following 5-10 try. With normal usage - if I don't terminate the app manually or there are a few app opened between mine is closed and reopened - the problem is not appearing.
The question is, is there a workaround for this issue?
Try adding this line of code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

In iOS 11.2, opening forcefully closed apps, sometimes shows the previously visible view and redirect to the launch screen

In iOS 11.2 application I have noticed an unusual behaviour (opening forcefully closed apps, sometimes shows the previously visible view and redirect to the launch screen), I don't know whether it is bug with OS or something else but it can sometime appear in Google app also.
You can find the related video in below link.
Please help me to figure it out whether it is a feature or bug.
In my opinion, it's rather a bug or just normal behaviour, not a feature. There is some time before the app is dropped from the RAM, used to save some data, e.g. in appWillTerminate, etc., but it should not make an effect like you have observed. From the second hand, maybe device holds the image of how app looks like before the rage quit and shows it up, then freshly opens the app.

iOS App shuts down when notification center and recently used app list are opened

My iOS app simply shuts down when I open notification center while the app is visible and in focus. Same thing happens if I double click the home button to show the recently used apps list.
This would seem to be an application lifecycle issue, but no errors are reported in Xcode.
How should I go about debugging this problem?
