Stack of Plates: Imagine a (literal) stack of plates. If the stack gets too high, it might topple.
Therefore, in real life, we would likely start a new stack when the previous stack exceeds some threshold. Implement a data structure SetOfStacks that mimics this. SetOfStacks should be composed of several stacks and should create a new stack once the previous one exceeds capacity.
SetOfStacks. push () and SetOfStacks. pop() should behave identically to a single stack (that is, pop ( ) should return the same values as it would if there were just a single stack).
Implement a function popAt (int index) which performs a pop operation on a specific substack.
The book solution for pop at index:
public int popAt(int index) {
21 return leftShift (index, true);
22 }
24 public int leftShift(int index, boolean removeTop) {
25 Stack stack = stacks.get(index);
26 int removed_item;
27 if (removeTop) removed_item = stack.pop();
28 else removed_item = stack.removeBottom( );
29 if (stack.isEmpty(» {
30 stacks.remove(index);
31 } else if (stacks.size() > index + 1) {
32 int v = leftShift(index + 1, false);
33 stack . push(v);
34 }
35 return removed_item;
36 }
the explanation of line 32 i nt v = leftShift(index + 1, false); is missing. Can anyone please help me with that?
Well, the leftShift function's objective is to pop from the stack given in the "index" input. After this, it does the adjustment between the other stacks.
So, in line 27 pops the element from the specified stack.
After this, in line 32, it calls itself recursively, giving this time as a first argument the index of the next stack, and as a second false. The first argument indicates that in the next recursive call, it will use the next stack. The second argument, being set as false, means that the required action (pop) has been done, and now only the adjustment is left.
The function when the flag removeTop is set as false does the adjustment as I referred above. The difference, in this case, is that instead of the top element it removes the bottom one from each of the following stacks. This way the needed adjustment is done.
With the term adjustment, I mean the elements that need to be moved from the next stacks to the previous ones each time so as to fill any empty spaces.
I hope it helps.
When printing list of references with ptr_refs, it gives somewhat vague results (at least in iOS). For example I have a sample app with this tiny ViewController class and exactly one outlet reference to a UILabel instance:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var label: UILabel!
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
And here is the listing I get when printing references to the label:
(lldb) ptr_refs 0x102914810
0x0000000281b04630: malloc( 16) -> 0x281b04630
0x0000000283d09f18: malloc( 96) -> 0x283d09ec0 + 88
0x0000000280c18d60: malloc( 64) -> 0x280c18d40 + 32 CFXNotificationNameWildcardObjectRegistration0 bytes after CFXNotificationNameWildcardObjectRegistration
0x000000028192b408: malloc( 32) -> 0x28192b400 + 8 _UILabelStringContent._UILabelContent._defaultAttributesProvider
0x0000000283a3d2f0: malloc( 80) -> 0x283a3d2c0 + 48 CFXNotificationObjcObserverRegistration8 bytes after CFXNotificationObjcObserverRegistration
0x0000000283a3d2f8: malloc( 80) -> 0x283a3d2c0 + 56 CFXNotificationObjcObserverRegistration16 bytes after CFXNotificationObjcObserverRegistration
0x000000010290c070: malloc( 864) -> 0x10290bd20 + 848 TtC13ThreadChecker14ViewController216 bytes after TtC13ThreadChecker14ViewController
0x0000000102d058c0: malloc( 304) -> 0x102d05850 + 112
If this was not just a sample app and it had rather 10-15 outlet references, I would have a hard time trying to figure out which exact reference in my code this line is at - 0x000000010290c070: malloc( 864) -> 0x10290bd20 + 848 TtC13ThreadChecker14ViewController216 bytes after TtC13ThreadChecker14ViewControllerThe.
I also tried the -s option with MallocStackLogging enabled, but when it comes to outlet references, this information is not very helpful.
Provided I have only the address of an object and the listing given by ptr_refs, is there a way to find out which exact variable/field in my code corresponds to the reference in the listing?
Firstly, the names on the right give us some clues, from which you could guess that TtC13ThreadChecker14ViewController is associated with your ViewController class.
_Tt is for target; C is for class; 13 is the length of the "ThreadChecker" string, and your project name is ThreadChecker; 14 is the length of the "ViewController" string, and that is the class. Your ViewController starts at 0x10290bd20.
Secondly, the malloc is at 0x000000010290c070. Notice that 0x000000010290c070 - 0x10290bd20 = 0x350 which is 848 in decimal, so that's why it puts the offset as 848 from the start of "ViewController", i.e., 0x10290bd20 + 848. So this offset, 848, is an important piece of the puzzle.
Thirdly, the next thing to do is figure out what line in the source code is at offset 848. For this, we begin by doing
(lldb) image list
[ 0] 4EB96CD6-42E0-34D8-AB5B-2418F5C55678 0x000000010252c000 /Users/daniel.wong/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testLLDB-eqmuowhdphumqdhcyvcydgrybiue/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Even in this simple example, there might be 200-300 libraries loaded with the app. For the present investigation of your own source code, you can ignore the libraries, only look at the [ 0] (first element in the list).
(in my example, the app is called testLLDB; in yours, you might see ThreadChecker instead of testLLDB).
An important point to note is that image list gives the so-called file address where the addresses you got from Xcode that you used for ptr_refs might be quite different (actual addresses in the simulator or iPhone memory during an actual run when it gets loaded into a part of the RAM), e.g., 0x102914810 in your example. The file address refers to a virtual address as defined by each object file. For the purpose of finding the source code line number with the offset 848, you can work with these file addresses and you now just need one more piece of information, i.e., where is the start of the code for ViewController, so you can take offset 848 from there.
Fourthly, to find the start of the code for ViewController, you can use
(lldb) image dump sections /Users/daniel.wong/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testLLDB-eqmuowhdphumqdhcyvcydgrybiue/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
where we specified only the image of the testLLDB app that we got as the first element of the image list, and not the 100s of libraries after that.
lldb will then give you something like:
Sections for '/Users/daniel.wong/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testLLDB-eqmuowhdphumqdhcyvcydgrybiue/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/' (x86_64):
SectID Type Load Address Perm File Off. File Size Flags Section Name
---------- ---------------- --------------------------------------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------
0x00000100 container [0x0000000000000000-0x0000000100000000)* --- 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 testLLDB.__PAGEZERO
0x00000200 container [0x000000010252c000-0x0000000102532000) r-x 0x00000000 0x00006000 0x00000000 testLLDB.__TEXT
0x00000001 code [0x000000010252d260-0x000000010252fa80) r-x 0x00001260 0x00002820 0x80000400 testLLDB.__TEXT.__text
0x00000002 code [0x000000010252fa80-0x000000010252fb5e) r-x 0x00003a80 0x000000de 0x80000408 testLLDB.__TEXT.__stubs
0x00000003 code [0x000000010252fb60-0x000000010252fce2) r-x 0x00003b60 0x00000182 0x80000400 testLLDB.__TEXT.__stub_helper
0x00000004 data-cstr [0x000000010252fce2-0x00000001025309bf) r-x 0x00003ce2 0x00000cdd 0x00000002 testLLDB.__TEXT.__objc_methname
0x00000005 data-cstr [0x00000001025309c0-0x0000000102531817) r-x 0x000049c0 0x00000e57 0x00000002 testLLDB.__TEXT.__cstring
0x00000006 regular [0x0000000102531820-0x0000000102531b50) r-x 0x00005820 0x00000330 0x00000000 testLLDB.__TEXT.__const
There's more, but for this simple ViewController, these first few sections are enough for our purpose. Look at the first code section, where its range is [0x000000010252d260-0x000000010252fa80). So it is starting from 0x000000010252d260. Here is where we add the offset 848. But we add in hex, so we add 0x350 to 0x000000010252d260 to get 0x000000010252d5b0.
Fifthly and finally, we can see which part of our source code was referencing the label, by:
(lldb) image lookup -a 0x000000010252d5b0 --verbose
Address: testLLDB[0x00000001000015b0] (testLLDB.__TEXT.__text + 848)
Summary: testLLDB`key path getter for testLLDB.ViewController.label : Swift.Optional<__C.UILabel> : testLLDB.ViewController + 80 at <compiler-generated>
Module: file = "/Users/daniel.wong/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testLLDB-eqmuowhdphumqdhcyvcydgrybiue/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/", arch = "x86_64"
CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file = "/Users/daniel.wong/OneDrive - V-Key Pte Ltd/ios/testLLDB/testLLDB/testLLDB/ViewController.swift", language = "swift"
Function: id = {0x10000032e}, name = "key path getter for testLLDB.ViewController.label : Swift.Optional<__C.UILabel> : testLLDB.ViewController", mangled = "$s8testLLDB14ViewControllerC5labelSo7UILabelCSgvpACTK", range = [0x000000010252d560-0x000000010252d5bf)
FuncType: id = {0x10000032e}, byte-size = 8, compiler_type = "() -> ()
Blocks: id = {0x10000032e}, range = [0x10252d560-0x10252d5bf)
LineEntry: [0x000000010252d560-0x000000010252d5c0): /Users/daniel.wong/OneDrive - V-Key Pte Ltd/ios/testLLDB/testLLDB/<compiler-generated>
Symbol: id = {0x000000a4}, range = [0x000000010252d560-0x000000010252d5c0), name="key path getter for testLLDB.ViewController.label : Swift.Optional<__C.UILabel> : testLLDB.ViewController", mangled="$s8testLLDB14ViewControllerC5labelSo7UILabelCSgvpACTK"
Variable: id = {0x100000345}, name = "label", type = "testLLDB.ViewController", location = DW_OP_fbreg(-16), decl = ViewController.swift:18
So we see it is "key path getter for testLLDB.ViewController.label : Swift.Optional<__C.UILabel> : testLLDB.ViewController" at ViewController.swift:18, which is what you were looking for. (ok, for my test view controller, the label is in line 18, as I also had a viewDidLoad that took a few lines; for yours, you should get the appropriate line number for your ViewController).
This post is already too long, but just to add one more little piece of info: those references to your label from CFXNotificationObjcObserverRegistration, that is part of CoreFoundation, so we see that not at references are from our own source code. Many references would often be from system frameworks like CoreFoundation, etc.; if you put your view with the label in a storyboard and add auto layout constraints, for example, the ptr_refs command will additionally give you a number of other references that are related to auto layout, e.g.,
0x000060000049ce48: malloc( 96) -> 0x60000049ce40 + 8 NSContentSizeLayoutConstraint.NSLayoutConstraint._container
0x00006000035db208: malloc( 64) -> 0x6000035db200 + 8 NSLayoutDimension.NSLayoutAnchor._referenceItem
0x00006000035db3c8: malloc( 64) -> 0x6000035db3c0 + 8 NSLayoutDimension.NSLayoutAnchor._referenceItem
0x00006000035e9560: malloc( 64) -> 0x6000035e9540 + 32
I’m trying to make a basic simulation of a 16 bit computer with Swift. The computer will feature
2 registers
That’s all. I have enough knowledge to create these parts visually and understand how they work, but it has become increasingly difficult to make larger components with more inputs while using my current approach.
My current approach has been to wrap each component in a struct. This worked early on, but is becoming increasingly difficult to manage multiple inputs while staying true to the principles of computer science.
The primary issue is that the components aren’t updating with the clock signal. I have the output of the component updating when get is called on the output variable, c. This, however, neglects the idea of a clock signal and will likely cause further problems later on.
It’s also difficult to make getters and setters for each variable without getting errors about mutability. Although I have worked through these errors, they are annoying and slow down the development process.
The last big issue is updating the output. The output doesn’t update when the inputs change; it updates when told to do so. This isn’t accurate to the qualities of real computers and is a fundamental error.
This is an example. It is the ALU I mentioned earlier. It takes two 16 bit inputs and outputs 16 bits. It has two unary ALUs, which can make a 16 bit number zero, negate it, or both. Lastly, it either adds or does a bit wise and comparison based on the f flag and inverts the output if the no flag is selected.
struct ALU {
//Operations are done in the order listed. For example, if zx and nx are 1, it first makes input 1 zero and then inverts it.
var x : [Int] //Input 1
var y : [Int] //Input 2
var zx : Int //Make input 1 zero
var zy : Int //Make input 2 zero
var nx : Int //Invert input 1
var ny : Int //Invert input 2
var f : Int //If 0, do a bitwise AND operation. If 1, add the inputs
var no : Int //Invert the output
public var c : [Int] { //Output
get {
//Numbers first go through unary ALUs. These can negate the input (and output the value), return 0, or return the inverse of 0. They then undergo the operation specified by f, either addition or a bitwise and operation, and are negated if n is 1.
var ux = UnaryALU(z: zx, n: nx, x: x).c //Unary ALU. See comments for more
var uy = UnaryALU(z: zy, n: ny, x: y).c
var fd = select16(s: f, d1: Add16(a: ux, b: uy).c, d0: and16(a: ux, b: uy).c).c //Adds a 16 bit number or does a bitwise and operation. For more on select16, see the line below.
var out = select16(s: no, d1: not16(a: fd).c, d0: fd).c //Selects a number. If s is 1, it returns d1. If s is 0, it returns d0. d0 is the value returned by fd, while d1 is the inverse.
return out
public init(x:[Int],y:[Int],zx:Int,zy:Int,nx:Int,ny:Int,f:Int,no:Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.zx = zx
self.zy = zy
self.nx = nx
self.ny = ny
self.f = f = no
I use c for the output variable, store values with multiple bits in Int arrays, and store single bits in Int values.
I’m doing this on Swift Playgrounds 3.0 with Swift 5.0 on a 6th generation iPad. I’m storing each component or set of components in a separate file in a module, which is why some variables and all structs are marked public. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
So, I’ve completely redone my approach and have found a way to bypass the issues I was facing. What I’ve done is make what I call “tracker variables” for each input. When get is called for each variable, it returns that value of the tracker assigned to it. When set is called it calls an update() function that updates the output of the circuit. It also updates the value of the tracker. This essentially creates a ‘copy’ of each variable. I did this to prevent any infinite loops.
Trackers are unfortunately necessary here. I’ll demonstrate why
var variable : Type {
get {
return variable //Calls the getter again, resulting in an infinite loop
set {
//Do something
In order to make a setter, Swift requires a getter to be made as well. In this example, calling variable simply calls get again, resulting in a never-ending cascade of calls to get. Tracker variables are a workaround that use minimal extra code.
Using an update method makes sure the output responds to a change in any input. This also works with a clock signal, due to the architecture of the components themselves. Although it appears to act as the clock, it does not.
For example, in data flip-flops, the clock signal is passed into gates. All a clock signal does is deactivate a component when the signal is off. So, I can implement that within update() while remaining faithful to reality.
Here’s an example of a half adder. Note that the tracker variables I mentioned are marked by an underscore in front of their name. It has two inputs, x and y, which are 1 bit each. It also has two outputs, high and low, also known as carry and sum. The outputs are also one bit.
struct halfAdder {
private var _x : Bool //Tracker for x
public var x: Bool { //Input 1
get {
return _x //Return the tracker’s value
set {
_x = x //Set the tracker to x
update() //Update the output
private var _y : Bool //Tracker for y
public var y: Bool { //Input 2
get {
return _y
set {
_y = y
public var high : Bool //High output, or ‘carry’
public var low : Bool //Low output, or ‘sum’
internal mutating func update(){ //Updates the output
high = x && y //AND gate, sets the high output
low = (x || y) && !(x && y) //XOR gate, sets the low output
public init(x:Bool, y:Bool){ //Initializer
self.high = false //This will change when the variables are set, ensuring a correct output.
self.low = false //See above
self._x = x //Setting trackers and variables
self._y = y
self.x = x
self.y = y
This is a very clean way, save for the trackers, do accomplish this task. It can trivially be expanded to fit any number of bits by using arrays of Bool instead of a single value. It respects the clock signal, updates the output when the inputs change, and is very similar to real computers.
I want to "translate" a Pine-Script to MQL4 but I get the wrong output in MQL4 compared to the Pine-Script in Trading-view.
I wrote the Indicator in Pine-Script since it seems fairly easy to do so.
After I got the result that I was looking for I shortened the Pine-Script.
Here the working Pine-Script:
// Pinescript - whole Code to recreate the Indicator
study( "Volume RSI", shorttitle = "VoRSI" )
periode = input( 3, title = "Periode", minval = 1 )
VoRSI = rsi( volume, periode )
plot( VoRSI, color = #000000, linewidth = 2 )
Now I want to translate that code to MQL4 but I keep getting different outputs.
Here is the MQL4 code I wrote so far:
// MQL4 Code
input int InpRSIPeriod = 3; // RSI Period
double sumn = 0.0;
double sump = 0.0;
double VoRSI = 0.0;
int i = 0;
void OnTick() {
for ( i; i < InpRSIPeriod; i++ ) {
// Check if the Volume is buy or sell
double close = iClose( Symbol(), 0, i );
double old_close = iClose( Symbol(), 0, i + 1 );
if ( close - old_close < 0 )
// If the Volume is positive, add it up to the positive sum "sump"
sump = sump + iVolume( Symbol(), 0, i + 1 );
// If the Volume is negative, add it up to the negative sum "sumn"
sumn = sumn + iVolume( Symbol(), 0, i + 1 );
// Get the MA of the sump and sumn for the Input Period
double Volume_p = sump / InpRSIPeriod;
double Volume_n = sumn / InpRSIPeriod;
// Calculate the RSI for the Volume
VoRSI = 100 - 100 / ( 1 + Volume_p / Volume_n );
// Print Volume RSI for comparison with Tradingview
Print( VoRSI );
// Reset the Variables for the next "OnTick" Event
i = 0;
sumn = 0;
sump = 0;
I already checked if the Period, Symbol and timeframe are the same and also have a Screenshoot of the different outputs.
I already tried to follow the function-explanations in the pine-script for the rsi, max, rma and sma function but I cant get any results that seem to be halfway running.
I expect to translate the Pine-Script into MQL4.
I do not want to draw the whole Volume RSI as a Indicator in the Chart.
I just want to calculate the value of the Volume RSI of the last whole periode (when new candel opens) to check if it reaches higher than 80.
After that I want to check when it comes back below 80 again and use that as a threshold wether a trade should be opened or not.
I want a simple function that gets the Period as an input and takes the current pair and Timeframe to return the desired value between 0 and 100.
Up to now my translation persists to provide the wrong output value.
What am I missing in the Calculation? Can someone tell me what is the right way to calculate my Tradingview-Indicator with MQL4?
Q : Can someone tell me what is the right way to calculate my Tradingview-Indicator with MQL4?
Your main miss of the target is in putting the code into a wrong type of MQL4-code. MetaTrader Terminal can place an indicator via a Custom Indicator-type of MQL4-code.
There you have to declare so called IndicatorBuffer(s), that contain pre-computed values of the said indicator and these buffers are separately mapped onto indicator-lines ( depending on the type of the GUI-presentation style - lines, area-between-lines, etc ).
In case you insist on having a Custom-Indicator-less indicator, which is pretty legal and needed in some use-cases, than you need to implement you own "mechanisation" of drawing lines into a separate sub-window of the GUI in the Expert-Advisor-code, where you will manage all the settings and plotting "manually" as you wish, segment by segment ( we use this for many reasons during prototyping, so as to avoid all the Custom-Indicator dependencies and calling-interface gritty-nitties during the complex trading exosystem integration - so pretty well sure about doability and performance benefits & costs of going this way ).
The decision is yours, MQL4 can do it either way.
Q : What am I missing in the Calculation?
BONUS PART : A hidden gem for improving The Performance ...
In either way of going via Custom-Indicator-type-of-MQL4-code or an Expert-Advisor-type-of-MQL4-code a decision it is possible to avoid a per-QUOTE-arrival re-calculation of the whole "depth" of the RSI. There is a frozen-part and a one, hot-end of the indicator line and performance-wise it is more than wise to keep static records of "old" and frozen data and just update the "live"-hot-end of the indicator-line. That saves a lot of the response-latency your GUI consumes from any real-time response-loop...
I am writing an MQL4 Custom Indicator that would tell how many bars ago a particular set of moving averages crossed.
To be specific, I want the output to show me that
"The 20 period MA( .. PRICE_OPEN ) is below MA( .. PRICE_CLOSE ) for the past 10 bars".
in a form of an int number.
double ma1 = iMA( Symbol(), 10080, 20, 0, 0, PRICE_OPEN, 0 );
double ma2 = iMA( Symbol(), 10080, 20, 0, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 );
I want to find out that ma1 has been above or below ma2 for how many bars since the current bar.
MQL4 Custom Indicator design is a bit schizophrenic task with 2 parts
Once decided to design a Custom Indicator, one has to pay attention to both sides of the coin.
MQL4 code has a non-trivial signature for a caller-side( normally an
Expert Advisor or a Script type of MQL4 code )and
Custom Indicator, on it's own, operates in a special mode, where it calculates & store it's values into one or more arrays called IndexBuffer-s.
Phase I.: design Caller-side interface ( what all do we need to set / receive ? )
Phase II.: design Custom Indicator implementation side
This way, the given indicator shall
set just one parameter: a period ... 20
receive just one int a value of days { +:above | 0: xoss | -: under }
Phase I. : Design Caller-side interface
Given the above parametrisation and the MQL4 concept of Custom Indicator construction, the following universal template ( recommended to be routinely maintained as a commented section right in CustomIndicator-file ) reflects details needed for the Caller-side interface ( which one benefits from by just a copy-paste mechanics, while the implementation-integrity responsibility is born by the CustomIndicator maintainer ):
// CALL-er SIDE INTERFACE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// #define sIndicatorPathNAME "#AliceInTheWonderlands_msMOD_0.00"
// //_____________________________________INPUT(s)
// // iMA_PERIOD:
// extern int iMA_PERIOD = 20;
// //_____________________________________OUTPUT(s):
// #define iOutputDoubleUpOrDnBUFFER 0
// //_____________________________________CALL-SIGNATURE:
// double iCustom( _Symbol, // string symbol, // symbol: Symbol name on the data of which the indicator will be calculated. NULL means the current symbol.
// PERIOD_W1, // int timeframe, // timeframe
// sIndicatorPathNAME, // string name, // path/name of the custom indicator compiled program: Custom indicator compiled program name, relative to the root indicators directory (MQL4/Indicators/). If the indicator is located in subdirectory, for example, in MQL4/Indicators/Examples, its name must be specified as "Examples\\indicator_name" (double backslash "\\"must be specified as separator instead of a single one).
// iMA_PERIOD, // ...[1] ..., // custom indicator [1]-st input parameter
// <<N/A>>, // ...[2+] // custom indicator further input parameters (if necessary)
// iOutputDoubleUpOrDnBUFFER, // int mode, // line index: Line index. Can be from 0 to 7 and must correspond with the index, specified in call of the SetIndexBuffer() function.
// i // int bar_shift // shift
// );
// ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Typical Expert Advisor call looks like this:
int anIndicatorVALUE = iCustom( _Symbol,
if ( 0 > anIndicatorVALUE ) // on "line" under for <anIndicatorVALUE> [PERIOD]-s
{ ...
Phase II. : Design Custom Indicator implementation side
Preset an overall capacity
#property indicator_buffers 1 // compile time directive
Allocate memory for IndexBuffer(s) needed
IndicatorBuffers( 1 ); // upper limit of 512 is "far" enough
Declare IndexBuffer
double UpOrDnBUFFER[]; // mandatory to be a double
Associate IndexBuffer with an index
SetIndexBuffer( 0, UpOrDnBUFFER ); // index 0: UpOrDnBUFFER[]
ArraySetAsSeries( UpOrDnBUFFER, True ); // reverse AFTER association
The core logic of any Custom Indicator is inside an OnCalculate() function, where you
- implement desired calculusand- store resulting values into respective cells of the UpOrDnBUFFER[];
Writing a fully fledged code upon request is not the key objective of StackOverflow, but let me sketch a few notes on this, as Custom Indicator implementation side requires a bit practice:
because Custom Indicator OnCalculate() operates "progressively", so do design your calculation strategy & keep in mind the state-less-ness between "blocks" of forward-progressive blocks of calculations.
as given, crosses are tri-state system, so watch issues on cases, where decisions are made on a "live" bar, where the state { above | cross | under } may change many times during the bar-evolution.
I wrote a custom indicator Speed.mq4 as follows:
double SpeedBuffer[]; // a Custom Indicator BUFFER
int OnInit() {
SetIndexBuffer( 0, SpeedBuffer ); // an access INDEX 0->BUFFER
int OnCalculate( const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime &time[],
const double &open[],
const double &high[],
const double &low[],
const double &close[],
const long &tick_volume[],
const long &volume[],
const int &spread[]
) {
int start;
if ( prev_calculated == 0 ) start = 1;
else start = prev_calculated - 1;
for ( int i = start; i < rates_total - 1 ; i++ ) { // CPU-WASTED BY AN INEFFICIENT BACK-STEPPING IN TIME
double curTypical = typical( high[i], low[i], close[i] );
double prevTypical = typical( high[i+1],low[i+1],close[i+1] ); // CPU-WASTED, NO NEED TO RECALC ...
double curSpeed = curTypical - prevTypical;
SpeedBuffer[i] = curSpeed;
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
return( rates_total );
The indicator works fine in the application and the chart is plotted correctly.
When I try retrieving the last value in the ExpertAdvisor I always receive the same value:
double speed = iCustom( NULL, 0, "Speed", 2, 0, 0 );
Print( "speed is: " + speed );
speed is: 2147483647
It's always the same number. I'm not sure where's the problem.
from the Print in the indicator I can see the values are calculated correctly. but when I use iCustom I receive only that value.
MQL4 Custom Indicator iCustom() mechanics
MQL4 and even the New-MQL4 ( sometime called an MQL4.5 ) use a rather complicated interfacing model to handle Expert Advisor call / Custom Indicator computations.
A first thing to realise is, that iCustom() is not a call to a function, but rather a method, that indirectly "asks" a by-a-filename referred Custom Indicator to retrieve one, specific, value from a "pre-calculated" DataSTORE.
While it may sound complicated, it is the very nature of a CPU-efficient calculation factory, that the Custom Indicators were designed for in the early days of MQL4 world.
iCustom() is thus just a syntax-sugar to initiate the retrieval method, that gets the relevant piece of pre-calculated value back into the hands of Expert Advisor.
Custom Indicators put all the pre-calculated values into BUFFER(s), co-aligned with the TimeSeries style of ordering the DataSTORE cells ( [0] == "Now, the current Bar", going forwards [1], [2], [3], ... deeper and deeper back into the history )
The iCustom() passes the shift value, as a number of bars -- i.e. how deep into the history the retrieving method has to go, so as to pick the requested value from the respective BUFFER, and also the BUFFER identification INDEX ( 0 in our case above, as there is just a single BUFFER, with INDEX == 0 ). This is used for the sake of the EA being fully agnostic of the Custom Indicator internal variable names et al.
Just ask which BufferINDEX for which BarNUMBER one wants the value to be read from.
The Buffer is the one, who is to be blamed for the (wrong) value
The first line of the code says:
double SpeedBuffer[]; // a Custom Indicator BUFFER
If not handled otherwise in OnInit(){} all cells in the SpeedBuffer will have
Empty value in an indicator buffer has by default this value == 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) as has been objected above.
One may state in OnInit(){ ArrayInitialize( SpeedBuffer, 0.123456 ); } to have any other value for a cell-initialisation ( that for a TimeSeries-alligned BUFFERs happens upon each new-Bar event ( all cells get reshuffled by one backwards & cell[0] becomes "empty", pre-loaded with a default value discussed here ) ).
One may also add a step in an indicator OnCalculate(){ ... SpeedBuffer[0] = -9.87654; ...} so as to avoid leaving the cell[0] in a context-inconsistent state, not in a "just"-initialised state / value.
Caller-side interface ( how to reduce a risk on a weak-integration interface )
Nevertheless, the responsibility of the value retrieval is on the Expert Advisor side, as it fills the parameters of the iCustom() interface-proxy.
One may use preventive steps as shown in >>>
to minimise a risk of improper parameters ordering / values once calling an external Custom Indicator(s) to retrieve a set of values.
This simple method may save you literally tens of man*days of testing/debugging once a rich-extern-parametrised Custom Indicator with several indicator buffers has fallen into suspects due to serving "wrong" numbers ( just due to iCustom() call parameters being "invisibly" out of proper order/context )
Another thing to keep in mind when a custom indicator shows different values on the chart then are reported to the ExpertAdvisor, is that the execution flow through OnCalculate() needs to be different for an ExpertAdvisor than it is for a chart; specifically, the chart initially kicks off a call to OnCalculate() with prev_calculated = 0, whereas an EA (whether run with Strategy Tester or live) will always have prev_calculated = rates_total-1, so that the number of bars to compute the indicator value for is rates_total - prev_calcualted = 1 (ie. just the current bar).
You do account for this in your code, by setting start, but in general for a complicated indicator (that often involves referencing more than just the previous bar) one needs to be mindful of this difference and never assume that if the indicator looks good on the chart that means it's actually working. It needs to be tested separately with an EA.
I reviewed my code and finally figured that:
double speed=iCustom(NULL,0,"Speed",2,0,0);
was using the last value, which was not yet calculated by the custom indicator,
changing it to:
double speed=iCustom(NULL,0,"Speed",2,0,1);
did the trick.