Docker compose deployment - docker

I have a question about docker compose. I am new to docker and I can't figure out the "right" flow for deployment.
Lets assume we have a "Dockerfile" which contain a steps to build an image from project source files.
And we have a "docker-compose.yml" which is actually building this "Dockerfile" along with 2 more services.
It is not important here but lets say they are, nginx, webapi (actual project) and mongodb.
So, if i will run "docker compose up" on my machine - it will create 3 images (webapi, nginx, mongodb) and run them. Everything is perfect here.
Questions is, what i need to do to get it deployed to production. What i have tried:
I can checkout git on production server and run "docker compose up" and it will work. But i think this is not the way to go - use of production server to build projects seems silly.
I can run "docker compose build" locally, get 3 images, push them to docker repository, go to production download images from repository and start them one by one. In this case I don't see a point in "docker compose" at all, I am loosing the way to easily define volumes and relation between images, which I can do with docker compose. It will also require a lot of manual activity, or some custom scripts to automate it.
It seems like, there is a way to use "docker machine" to connect to remote server and use "docker compose up", but I was not able to make it work. For some reasons it was not possible to connect from Windows to a remote docker on Linux.
Before going further with that option I need to understand/confirm, it case of remote docker, and "docker compose up", where the build will happen? And if I have a few volumes defined in "docker-compose.yml" are they going to be created on local machine or on remote?

For my project I went with option that resembles your second proposal but bit more automatic. The CI is doing the docker build webapi as this is the only part of my system that is actually build from sources. Ci is also doing docker push to my private repository. Next step is running docker-compose up on production. The compose is not building the webapi it is only configuring it so rather than using build section its using image. Docker compose is also configuring other services that are required (nginx, mongo) and networks for them to communicate. Even if you have custom image creation for other services you do not require full dev environment to create them. For full automation you can do docker machine to remotely execute it. Note that docker will not update images if they are already downloaded on docker-compose up execution you need to docker pull them.


Docker in Docker, Building docker agents in a docker contained Jenkins Server

I am currently running a Jenkins with Docker. When trying to build docker apps, i am facing some doubt on if i should use Docker in Docker (Dind) by binding the /var/run/docker.sock file or by installing another instance of docker in my Jenkins Docker. I actually saw that previously, it was discouraged to use something else than the docker.sock.
I don't actually understand why we should use something else than the docker daemon from the host apart from not polluting it.
sources :
Best solution for "jenkins in docker container needs docker" case is to add your host as a node(slave) in jenkins. This will make every build step (literally everything) run in your host machine. It took me a month to find perfect setup.
Mount docker socket in jenkins container: You will lose context. The files you want to COPY inside image is located inside workspace in jenkins container and your docker is running at host. COPY fails for sure.
Install docker client in jenkins container: You have to alter official jenkins image. Adds complexity. And you will lose context too.
Add your host as jenkins node: Perfect. You have the contex. No altering the official image.
Without completely understanding why you would need to use Docker in Docker - I suspect you need to meet some special requirements considering the environment in which you build the actual image, may I suggest you multistage building of docker images? You might find it useful as it enables you to first build the building environment and then build the actual image (hence the name 'multistage-building). Check it out here:

How to "docker push" to dynamic insecure registries?

OS: Amazon Linux (hosted on AWS)
Docker version: 17.x
Tools: Ansible, Docker
Our developers use Ansible to be able to spin up individual AWS spot environments that get populated with docker images that get built on their local machines, pushed into a docker registry created on the AWS spot machine, then pulled down and run.
When the devs do this locally on their Macbooks, ansible will orchestrate building the code with sbt, spin up an AWS spot instance, run a docker registry, push the image into the docker registry, command the instance to pull down the image and run it, run a testsuite, etc.
To make things better and easier for non-devs to be able to run individual test environments, we put the ansible script behind Jenkins and use their username to let ansible create a domain name in Route53 that points to their temporary spot instance environment.
This all works great without the registry -- i.e. using JFrog Artifactory to have these dynamic envs just pull pre-built images. It lets QA team members spin up any version of the env they want. But now to allow it to build code and push, I need to have an insecure registry and that is where things fell apart...
Since any user can run this, the Route53 domain name is dynamic. That means I cannot just hardcode in daemon.json the --insecure-registry entry. I have tried to find a way to set a wildcard registry but it didnt seem to work for me. Also since this is a shared build server (the one that is running the ansible commands) so I dont want to keep adding entries and restarting docker because other things might be running.
So, to summarize the questions:
Is there a way to use a wildcard for the insecure-registry entry?
How can I get docker to recognize insecure-registry entry without restarting docker daemon?
So far I've found this solution to satisfy my needs, but not 100% happy yet. I'll work on it more. It doesn't handle the first case of a wildcard, but it does seem to work for the 2nd question about reloading without restart.
First problem is I was editing the wrong file. It doesn't respect /etc/sysconfig/docker nor does it respect $HOME/.docker/daemon.json. The only file that works on Amazon Linux for me is /etc/docker/daemon.json so I manually edited it and then tested a reload and verified with docker info. I'll work on this more to programmatically be able to insert entries as needed, but the manual test works:
sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
sudo systemctl reload docker.service
docker info

Is git pull, docker-compose build and docker-compose up -d a good way to deploy complete solution on an empty machine

Recently, we just finished web application solution using Docker. (The actual solution is hosted in private repository. This example just a quick glance on how our project structure looks like)
We plan to purchase 1 empty Linux machine on deploy on it. We might purchase more machines in the future but with current traffic right now, 1 machine will be sufficient.
My plan for deployment on the single empty machine is
git pull <from private code repository>
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Since we are going to deploy to multiple machines in near future, I was wondering, is this a common practice to deploy docker application into a fresh empty machine?
Is there anything we can utilize from , without requiring us to perform git pull during deployment stage?
You don't want to perform git pull in each machine - your intuition is correct.
Instead you want to use remote docker registry (as docker hub for example).
So the right flow, each time your source code (git repo) is changed:
git pull from all relevant repos.
docker-compose build to build all relevant images.
docker-compose push to push all images (diff) to remote registry.
docker-compose pull in your production machines, to get the latest updated images.
docker-compose up to start all containers.
First 3 steps should be done in your CI machine (for example, as a jenkins job). Steps 4-5 in your production machines.
EDIT: one thing to consider. I think build via docker-compose is bad. Consider building directly by docker build -f Dockerfile -t repo/image:tag . and in docker-compose just specify the image name.
My opinion is you should not BUILD images on production machines. Because the image might be different than you would expect and you should limit yourself what you do on production machines.. With that being said, i would recommend:
updating the code on your local computer (development)
when you push code to git, you should use some software to build
your images from your push. For example Gitlab-CI (Continuous
integration tool)
gitlab-ci will build the image, then it could run some tests on that
image, and then deploy it to production (this build image)
On you production machine just do docker-compose pull &&
docker-compose up -d and that is it.
I strongly recommend to build images on other machine than production machines, and use some CI tool to test your images before deploying. For example
Deploying it on a fresh machine or the other way around would be fine.
The best way to go around is to make a private repo on and push your images there.
Building and shipping the image
git pull
docker build
docker login
docker push repo/image
Pulling the shipped image and deploying
docker login on the server
docker pull repo/image
docker-compose up -d
Though i would recommend you to look at container scheduling using kubernetes and setting up your CI/CD stack with jenkins to automate this process, in case something bad happens it can be a life saver.

Docker backup container with startup parameters

Im facing the same problem since months now and i dont have an adequate solution.
Im running several Containers based on different images. Some of them were started using portainer with some arguments and volumes. Some of them were started using the CLI and docker start with some arguments and parameters.
Now all these settings are stored somewhere. Because if i stop and retart such a container, everything works well again. but, if i do a commit, backup it with tar and load it on a different system and do a docker start, it has lost all of its settings.
The procedure as described here: does not work in my case.
Now im thinking about to write an own web application which will create me some docker compose files based on my setting rather than to just do a docker start with the correct params. This web application should also take care of the volumes (just folders) and do a incremental backup of them with borg to a remote server.
But actually this is only an idea. Is there a way to "extract" a docker compose file of a running containter? So that i can redeploy a container 1:1 to an other server and just have to run docker run mycontainer and it will have the same settings?
Or do i have to write my web app? Or have i missed some page on google and there is already such a solution?
Thank you!
To see the current configuration of a container, you can use:
docker container inspect $container_id
You can then use those configurations to run your container on another machine. There is no easy import/export of these settings to start another container that I'm aware of.
Most people use a docker-compose.yml to define how they want a container run. They also build images with a Dockerfile and transfer them with a registry server rather than a save/load.
The docker-compose.yml can be used with docker-compose or docker stack deploy and allows the configuration of the container to be documented as a configuration file that is tracked in version control, rather than error prone user entered settings. Running containers by hand or starting them with a GUI is useful for a quick test or debugging, but not for reproducibility.
You would like to backup the instance but the commands you're providing are to backup the image. I'd suggest to update your Dockerfile to solve the issue. In case you really want to go down the saving the instance current status, you should use the docker export and docker import commands.
NOTE: the docker export does not export the content of the volumes anyway, I suggest you to should refer to

Gitlab Continuous Integration on Docker

I have a Gitlab server running on a Docker container: gitlab docker
On Gitlab there is a project with a simple Makefile that runs pdflatex to build pfd file.
On the Docker container I installed texlive and make, I also installed docker runner, command:
curl -sSL | sh
the .gitlab-ci.yml looks like follow:
script: &build_script
- make
stage: test
- Documentation Build
script: *build
The job is stuck running and a message is shown:
This build is stuck, because the project doesn't have any runners online assigned to it
any idea?
The top comment on your link is spot on:
"Gitlab is good, but this container is absolutely bonkers."
Secondly looking at gitlab's own advice you should not be using this container on windows, ever.
If you want to use Gitlab-CI from a Gitlab Server, you should actually be installing a proper Gitlab server instance on a proper Supported Linux VM, with Omnibus, and should not attempt to use this container for a purpose it is manifestly unfit for: real production way to run Gitlab.
Gitlab-omnibus contains:
a persistent (not stateless!) data tier powered by postgres.
a chat server that's entire point in existing is to be a persistent log of your team chat.
not one, but a series of server processes that work together to give you gitlab server functionality and web admin/management frontend, in a design that does not seem ideal to me to be run in production inside docker.
an integrated CI build manager that is itself a Docker container manager. Your docker instance is going to contain a cache of other docker instances.
That this container was built by Gitlab itself is no indication you should actually use it for anything other than as a test/toy or for what Gitlab themselves actually use it for, which is probably to let people spin up Gitlab nightly builds, probably via kubernetes.
I think you're slightly confused here. Judging by this comment:
On the Docker container I installed texlive and make, I also installed
docker runner, command:
curl -sSL | sh
It seems you've installed docker inside docker and not actually installed any runners? This won't work if that's the case. The steps to get this running are:
Deploy a new gitlab runner. The quickest way to do this will be to deploy another docker container with the gitlab runner docker image. You can't run a runner inside the docker container you've deployed gitlab in. You'll need to make sure you select an executor (I suggest using the shell executor to get you started) and then you need to register the runner. There is more information about how to do this here. What isn't detailed here is that if you're using docker for gitlab and docker for gitlab-runner, you'll need to link the containers or set up a docker network so they can communicate with each other
Once you've deployed and registered the runner with gitlab, you will see it appear in http(s)://your-gitlab-server/admin/runners - from here you'll need to assign it to a project. You can also make it as "Shared" runner which will execute jobs from all projects.
Finally, add the .gitlab-ci.yml as you already have, and the build will work as expected.
Maybe you've set the wrong tags like me. Make sure the tag name with your available runner.
- Documentation Build # tags is used to select specific Runners from the list of all Runners that are allowed to run this project.
