Latex: \printglossaries not working on Mac? - latex

I want to implement
a simple glossary. I have the following example:
description={Is a mark up language specially suited
for scientific documents}
description={Mathematics is what mathematicians do}
\title{How to create a glossary}
\author{ }
\date{ }
The \Gls{latex} typesetting markup language is specially suitable
for documents that include \gls{maths}.
I use TexPad on Mac.
The \printglossaries command doesn't work. I don't get errors and it does not print the glossaries. Does someone has an idea why?
This is the .pdf I get: GlossariesTest.pdf

This minimal example works for me:
description={is a mark up language specially}
The \Gls{latex} typesetting markup language.
Note that I used \makenoidxglossaries and \printnoidxglossaries instead of \makeglossaries and \printglossaries. If I read table 1 on page 17 of the Glossaries Beginner's Guide correctly, you need to run makeglossaries, xindy or such for the commands you used.
With this input
description={is a mark up language specially}
The \Gls{latex} typesetting markup language.
I need to run pdflatex test.tex, then makeglossaries test, and another pdflatex test.tex to get the glossary printed.


Capitalize journal title for apa in Latex

I am using overleaf to put together my references that follow the apa 7th edition. The journal titles however are not capitalized. How do I correct that? Note that I tried the method suggested in this post Capitalize journal name in latex but it didn't work for me.
Here is a minimal reproducible example:
\parencite{golinkoff1979comparison} said this
My refs.bib here
title={A comparison of fathers' and mothers' speech with their young children},
author={Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick and Ames, Gail Johnson},
journal={Child development},
The reference prints this:
This is a cross post:
Same method as in the post you linked to:
\shorttitle{short title}
title={A comparison of fathers' and mothers' speech with their young children},
author={Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick and Ames, Gail Johnson},
journal={Child development},
\parencite{golinkoff1979comparison} said this

Use Biblatex to get an overview of the keywords from my sources

Hi I'm using LaTeX to write a literature review and BibLaTeX to print my sources and bibliography.
I would like to get an overview of all the keywords used in the articles I have gathered so far.
Since I have them all in a .bib file I figured that there probably is some easy way to get all the keywords from there that utilises BibLaTeX and the BibTeX-format of the file with the info.
From what I can gather BibLaTeX has the support for using keywords to sort the bibliography, or include/exclude certain sources based on keywords, but I can't find if or how I can print other information from the .bib than the full source. I've found \printfield in the documentation but it's not recognised when I use it in my document, even though the \textcite and the \printbibliography works fine so I'm guessing I'm using it wrong. Here's how I've tried to use it:
\section*{Citation examples}
I hope my question is clear enough.
Thank you.
Based on this question you could use one of the packages for index creation, e.g. imakeidx:
title={The Integrative Future Of Taxonomy},
author={Padial, J.M. and Miralles, A. and la Riva, I.D. and Vences, M.},
journal={Frontiers in Zoology},
note={Cited by 4},
publisher={Some Publishing},
keywords={biology, taxonomy},
title={The Integrative Future Of Taxonomy},
author={Padial, J.M. and Miralles, A. and la Riva, I.D. and Vences, M.},
journal={Frontiers in Zoology},
note={Cited by 4},
publisher={Some Publishing},
keywords={math, taxonomy},
\makeindex[name=keywords, title=List of Keywords]

affiliations and corresponding author comment as footnotes on latex article

I am trying to use the LaTeX article document class to create a simple paper with the authors listed on the title page with their (potentially multiple repeating) affiliations as numeric footnotes and other author comments as symbolic footnotes. For example, I want something like
However, I haven't been able to make this happen despite trying multiple different solutions. Is there a simple way to do this?
I have tried using the bigfoot package to create multiple different types of footnotes combined with footmisc with the multiple option to get multiple footnote markers with commas between them, but I end up with superposed markers and no footnotes. My minimal latex document is:
\title{My title}
David Kaplan\footnoteAAffil{A University}\footnoteAAffil{Another University}\footnoteANote{Corresponding author}\footnoteANote{Equal contributors}
Prince Charming\FootnotemarkAAffil{2}\FootnotemarkANote{2}
And the output I get is:
One possibility is to switch to the amsart class and then using the amsaddr package:
\title{My title}
\author{David Kaplan $^{1,2,\ast,\dagger}$}
\address{$^1$A University}
\address{$^2$Another University}
\address{$^{\ast}$Corresponding author}
\address{$^{\dagger}$Equal contributors}
\author{Prince Charming $^{1,\dagger}$}
With help from others, I posted a solution to this question here. For completeness, I am copying the solution below:
\documentclass{article} % <---- No titlepage
\title{My title}
%\usepackage[dont-mess-around]{fnpct} % <---- I decided not to use fnpct, but rather put in the commas by hand
% Hook into the \thanks command for the article class to print the footnotes
\def\thanksAAffil#1{% <--- These %'s are necessary for spacing
\protect\footnotetextAAffil[\the \c#footnoteAAffil]{#1}}%
\protect\footnotetextANote[\the \c#footnoteANote]{#1}}%
\author{% <---- Not sure if these %'s are necessary, but can't hurt
David Kaplan%
\thanksAAffil{A University}$^{,}$\thanksAAffil{Another University}$^{,}$%
\thanksANote{Corresponding author}$^{,}$\thanksANote{Equal contributors}%
, %
Prince Charming%
\footnotemarkAAffil[2]$^{,}$\thanksAAffil{Still another university}$^{,}$\footnotemarkANote[2]$^{,}$%
\thanksANote{Another note}%
, %
Mohamed Ali%
\thanksAAffil{I am the greatest U.}%
This is the abstract.
More Text

\maketitle to use several times with combine in LaTeX

I am trying to make a .tex template for a book of abstracts for the conference. I want the template to be compilable, so the participants are able to see their abstracts separately before submitting. Moreover I want to use the files to compile the book of abstracts with table of contents and titles.
So, I have master file
\coltocauthor{Crist\'{o}bal Josevich Junta, Fyodor Simeonovich Kivrin}
\coltoctitle{Title of the first abstract}
\coltocauthor{Roman Oyra-Oyra}
\coltoctitle{Title of the second abstract}
And two imported files are:
\title{Title of the first abstract}
\author[1]{Crist\'{o}bal Josevich Junta}
\author[2]{Fyodor Simeonovich Kivrin}
\affil[1]{Department of the Meaning of Life}
\affil[2]{Department of Linear Happiness}
Text of the first abstract.
\title{Title of the second abstract}
\author[1]{Roman Oyra-Oyra}
\affil[1]{Laboratory of the most unexpected sciences}
Text of the second abstract.
The problem is the second \maketitle does not print authors names and their affiliation.
I have tried using redefined \settitle instead of \maketitle
it did not help.
Also, I tried titling package, which led to no change.
I want \maketitle to print the names and affiliations or to find out the better way to automatically make titles for each abstract.

Temporarily changing document class in LaTeX/resetting pdfLaTeX

How can I temporarily cause pdfLaTeX to forget everything that I've told it and start with a new document class?
I've modified the example environment from the lshort document:
\begingroup% Lets Keep the Changes Local
\immediate\openout \examplesx#out \jobname.exa
and it mostly works, but I want to be able to do something like
and have it show up as a section in a box. I also would like it to typeset lists using the standard article style, even if I use it in beamer
I think that the easiest way of doing this is to compile some small document and then include the resultant pdf as an image into the larger document. Much simpler even if not exactly what you want. I have done this to show, in a Beamer presentation, what LaTeX articles look like.
Of course if its a REALLY simple document (e.g., a simple block of text) that you want to have inside beamer, I could recommend that you mimic the document with a TikZ "picture" that contains some text.
Maybe another approach: instead of trying to typeset things in beamer as if they would be done in article, simply typeset them with the article document class and include the result the in the beamer document.
With tcolorbox this can be done automatically:
% !TeX program = txs:///arara
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: on, interaction: nonstopmode, shell: yes}
comment only,
pdf comment,
compilable listing,
run pdflatex,
\section{Section Title}
