Connecting Rails to AWS MySQL database - ruby-on-rails

I've recently created a rails app. I pushed the initial files onto github.
My problem is that I want to connect my rails app to AWS in order to use a MySQL database. I keep seeing tutorials on EC2 and Beanstalk, but I am not sure which one I should use. I have all the drivers needed for ruby through the gem installations.
I'm looking to figure out the main differences between Beanstalk and created a MySQL instance as well as what to put in my database.yml file in my rails app to connect to a database. Thank you in advance!

Just to give an idea, after you provision/create your instance on AWS (EC2 or wherever), you will then push your app's code to that remote server somewhere. You can do it manually via scripts, or you can use Capistrano for this. Once your app is deployed to the server, you need to connect to the server via SSH and manually edit the config/database.yml file to point to the staging/production MySQL database. (I'm generalizing, but I think you just need a step in the right direction.)


Are all my Ruby files in my Rails project stored on the server I specify? (eg. Puma, Webrick)

When I enter a URL into my browser, and it sends a request to the server (in this case, the host is, are all my Rails files stored at this host?
How does Puma come into play? I understand Puma to be a web server and I've included its gem. What is the distinction here between the host and Puma?
Does Heroku have a bunch of physical computers somewhere, that house my literal .rb files?
Visual of my question
It depends on the files, but pretty much the answer is yes. Heroku pulls down your app from the git repository specified (or you push it to Heroku's git repository) and Heroku has all the files from that. Without a security exploit, no one is able to access their source.
You can think of a Heroku Dyno as a Linux server with the complete Rails application. When it is launched for the first time, a linux server is built and the Rails application copied to it and the app server launched.
You code actually lives in the Github repository you have linked to Heroku. Persistant data is stored either in the database or an external file service such as S3.
It is possible to run commands on the Dynos using heroku run

How do I deploy my rails app to Heroku using an existing SQL database?

I have an existing MySQL database and would like to build a Rails app on top of it. How do I deploy my app to Heroku but still use my existing database instead of the default PostgreSQL database?
Rephrasing the question slightly (formerly, it was "Is it possible to deploy...").
Yes. You can configure your application any way you like including specifying a non-Heroku database in your config file, and including using the default Heroku paradigm of using environment variables for config but with manually set database URLs in the environment variables.
You can either continue hosting your MySQL database separately, or migrate your data to a MySQL database hosted within the Heroku platform, like ClearDB (provided as a Heroku add-on).
Yes, although Heroku recommends that you use PostgreSQL, it is possible to migrate MySQL to Postgres with their service. They have an article in their docs for just such a scenario:
They recommend you first install the gem
If your needs are MySQL specific and you have to use heroku clearDB has and addon that you can use with your heroku app.

Is it possible to connect single Heroku-RedisToGo from 2 different Heroku instances?

I have one Rails instance and another Node.js instance. The plan is to publish information from the Rails project using Redis's pubsub and subscribe by the Node.js program. The node.js program will publish the information to other clients through web sockets (or long polls).
The whole thing is working perfectly while deployed in combination of remote linux machines. On Heroku, Redis To Go is added as an add-on with the Rails instance. Redis can be connected and working fine from this instance.
But I am not getting how to reach to this Redis add-on from the Node.js instance. I've added REDISTOGO_URL from the environment of Rails instance to the environment of Node.js, but it's not working. Sample errors I'm getting (from logs and REPL) are
==> Error: Connection in pub/sub mode, only pub/sub commands may be used
==> false
Can somebody please show me a way how to accomplish this?
Yes, all you have to do is set the heroku config value similar to:
'heroku config:add REDISTOGO_URL=[your redis togo url]'
Heroku will then add your config var and restart your app.
You can check to make sure it's added correctly by doing a 'heroku config' on both repositories and comparing them.

Use Heroku DB into Engine Yard

I am using postgresql database for my Heroku Application.
I have very large database on AmazonAws as heroku not providing the Postgresql Database.
Now my client want to switch to EngineYard from Heroku.
Can i use same database (w/o taking backup and then reload) for my application on the EngineYard?
How can i use or steps for using the Existing AmazonAws Database with the new EngineYard Application.
You can, but only if you are using a dedicated database. From the Heroku database FAQ
Shared Database
No, connecting to your database from machines outside of Heroku is not
supported. We recommend that you encapsulate data access in an API to
manipulate it.
Dedicated Database
It's possible to connect to our dedicated databases using our
pg:ingress feature. Please see using the PG console for more
The database connection string is available in the DATABASE_URL config. You can run
$ heroku config --long
to view it. However, it won't probably work if you use a shared database because it seems connection is restricted to the Heroku net.
Surely this is just a case of getting the correct connection credentials for the DB regardless of where it's hosted?
For instance, if the DB is on Heroku, then ENV['DATABASE_URL'] give you everything you need. All these details then go in your database.yml as normal (assuming you're using ActiveRecord)
For the record, Heroku do provide Postgres and it's part of their core business.

Rails app won't connect to PostgreSQL

I'm coming from the PHP/MySQL world, trying to set up a Rails/PostgreSQL app. It doesn't seem to want to connect and I'm having a hard time pinning down the cause of the problem. Are there certain troubleshooting steps I can take to figure out what's going wrong?
Update: the problem is not with PostgreSQL. I can connect to PostgreSQL via the command line, remotely via an IDE, and via a PHP script. I just can't seem to connect to it through this Rails app.
First I'd start with the actual database.yml file to make sure i have all the right user and password information.
I'd also make sure i ran whatever it is you do to make postgres start it's server, so that connections can be established. (Whether you use a psql start or it starts when you start your dev env. So only you can answer that one).
Is the database created?
Can i connect through console? rails console shouldn't give an error.
Do you have the correct postgres gem installed and is that in your bundle file (or environment.rb file)?
