what does firebase_screen_class mean - ios

I'm now using Firebase Analytics to analyze the data about an app and I'm quite new to this field. In the bigquery, I found that under the session_start event field, there is a subfield called firebase_screen_class and there are some subclass like FirstViewController, UIAlertController, preferencetableviewCotroller, PagescrollviewController.
I tried to figure out what these mean and knew that these are relevant to the IOS app development. Is there anyone can help me better understand these terms or give me some helpful links for me to learn myself?

Let's suppose you're looking at the automatic screen_view event that firebase tracks for you.
firebase_screen_class is the name of the class that triggered it.
It will be something like "MyClassViewController" for iOS and "MyClassActivity" for Android.
You can find more info here.


iOS - How to find/debug a system function in contacts app

The title might be weird but I try my best to explain my concern.
Upfront: I have little knowledge in programming but I'm willing to learn and understand this whole topic.
I would like to know how I can get an inside look into a function of Apples "Contacts" App or better a function this app provides.
E.G: If you enter a new contact with mobile phone number or email address and you save the inputs, the contacts app automatically responds if this user is able to receive Facetime calls. A new slider appears like a dropdown and you can chose to call via Facetime.
My approach is to have a script where I can enter the number/email and to get a response if Facetime is available or not.
I'm not asking for someone to give my a code example or something. I'm just interested how to approach this task. I would appreaciate if someone can give my a hint in the right direction.
Thank you.

Parse detecting db changes

I am using Parse in my iOS App and was wondering if it had a way for my app to get notified when a db change is made. I saw some outdated documentation that indicated there was a Parse.Cloud function but it does not seem to exist.
More recently I saw something about Parse.observeValue but cannot find any example of how to use it and I cannot seem to get it to work.
Does anyone in the Parse community know anything about this and maybe have a code snippet that shows how to perform such a function?
I have a table that keeps comments for users and I wanted to get notified when a comment is made. For example, if user 1 adds a comment on their device I was hoping that user 2 could get a notification so the the app for user 2 could reload any new comments.
Hope this makes sense... as usual any help is greatly appreciated!!
Parse provides afterSave triggers in cloud code. Those, in conjunction with push notifications would provide -- with a little latency -- a way to detect db change at the client.
If you really need this to work comprehensively and fast, I think the best alternative is google firebase.

JSON Response with API.AI

I've been searching high and low on how to make use of Webhook in API.AI. I'm new to API.AI in general.
My objective is to integrate API.AI into my Swift Application which i have already done. I want to get a JSON Object from a webpage and use those data to manually add them as Entities/Intents/Response/etc by sending back a request to API.AIand then create them.
Tried posting on DialogFlow forums but i guess it's pretty inactive.
The whole workflow is..
Integrating API.AI into my Swift Application for users to use.
I have the base of the AI now.. Intents lead to Entities in a sense whereby users ask for a type of study, and an Entity [Studies] is triggered, so meaning from the Intent 'asking for a type of study' the response would be like Science, or something. This reply i want to get it from the JSON that i mentioned above, from a webpage. Is there any way to actually set these responses? Create entities etc, with my Swift Codes.
I hope it's clear enough.. And hope that anyone can point me in a direction as i can't seem to find any articles or somewhere to follow on it?
May be its late for answering this question, but few days back, I came across a similar situation. I countered it and wrote a tutorial series for the same. Here's the link for tutorial. It might be useful for those who are looking to use API.AI, or want to integrate it in iOS project.
Building a Chat Bot having AI is easy

Method of integrating a certain persons Twitter account into iOS App

In my app so far, I have to implement all the Twitter posts from a certain individual into a table view, and it automatically updates when the person tweets a certain post. Is it possible to mention a certain individual e.g. #John.. If it is possible, how can I do it? If not just let me know and I will delete this question as it could be too ambitious. Thanks!
I don't quite understand what you mean. I do a little!
There is a quick and easy way of doing this! One easy way is to use Twitters own SDK called Fabric. See Here
See this link for the timeline stuff and integration to your app Documentation
This should help you out!
P.S. Let me know how you get on!

Calendar needs cannot be meet?

My needs are reasonably simple but I cannot seem to find a working solution. Any help is greatly appreciated. I don't want to start implementing something from scratch if I can use a open source solution that is well stablished and I can eventually contribute in some way.
My Requirements
1- I need to have all events stored in the database so I can fetch them (and their content) with a background process for manipulation. I will process all events once/twice a day for any given day. Processing mainly consists of sending out reminders etc.
2- I need to allow recurring events.
3- I need custom forms and application specific custom fields for all events.(this seemed to leave google calendar out)
4- UI needs to display events depending on user logged in.
5- all day events not required
What I have looked at so far:
FullCalendar: Seems the most plausible although I haven't yet figured out how to accomplish #3 above.
event_calendar: I have no idea how to implement recurring events efficiently using this solution. It seems like I would have to implement it from scratch using iCal's standards etc. Does not sound like fun. Any suggestions here?
Ice_Cube: This would potentially help with the event_calendar recurring event implementation.
I have not worked with calendars before so I might be missing something really simple. Please let me know your thoughts.
Env: Rails 3.1, looking for gem/plugin/JQuery solution. If not found will try to implement from scratch. =) Thank you for your help.
Check dhtmlxScheduler, it solves all above requirements.
Also, there is a ROR integration sample
