Ruby: Inserting records to existing rails database using non-rails script - ruby-on-rails

I have a rails app that only allows users to search and view the contents of its (MySQL) database. To add records to the database, I'd like to run a ruby script automatically twice a day which generates the contents of the database and then updates the db. Is this possible, or does my script have to be a part of the rails web app?

Just to lead you in the right direction - you can use a Rake task for this. These are usually put in the lib/tasks directory.
It's a good idea to separate non-web related things such as seeding or updating a database. If this is a scheduled job, you can use whenever to hook the rake task to cron.

Solved this using rails runner command


Where do I put a recurring script that updates database from api in rails

I have a Rails app set up with a model Account that should be updated every morning with data coming from an external API I'm calling (a CRM). Basically either I create new accounts in my app that I find in the CRM and some of the fields that are mapped with my columns, either I find the account if it already exists and I update it.
So far, I've been putting this code into the seeds.rb file and from Heroku, where the app is hosted, I set up a scheduler with the command : rails db:seed that runs periodically.
My issue is that I'm sure there is a better way of doing this. I've read about rake tasks but I did not quite understand how that applied to my case. Otherwise I thought of putting my method in the models/account.rb file as a self method. But I don't really know how I can invoke it in a rake command to allow me to set up a scheduler in Heroku.
Any idea on where would be the best place to put this method, and how to call it from command line?
Thanks in advance.
You can create a script directory in your project, and put your script from db/seeds.rb into this directory, maybe called update_accounts.rb. Then you can run it with
rails runner script/update_accounts.rb
and schedule that task in heroku. More info about rails runner here.
I would suggest using a background processor such as Sidekiq:
Once using Sidekiq, you need a scheduler like to make sure it happens periodically as you require.
This will become easier to maintain as your application grows and you need more workers. It also moves your scheduling into version control.

How to manage schema in a different database from within a rails app

I have a simple Rails app which populates into a certain database and there are few migration scripts. I would like to create a different set of model classes and actually migrate the schema pertaining to those files into a different database. How should we do that? Will I be able to do this from the same rails app?
Well, change the database name in database.yml , then follow the usual steps,
bundle exec rake db:setup should do the work.
Or you could create a seperate database_2.yml and then make a database.rake file and follow the steps here

How to handle one-off deployment tasks with capistrano?

I am currently trying to automate the deployment process of our rails app as much as possible, so that a clean build on the CI server can trigger an automated deployment on a test server.
But I have run into a bit of a snag with the following scenario:
I have added the friendly_id gem to the application. There's a migration that creates all the necessary tables. But to fill these tables, I need to call a rake task.
Now, this rake tasks only has to be called once, so adding it to the deployment script would be overkill.
Ideally, I am looking for something like migrations, but instead of the database, it should keep track of scripts that need to be called during a deployment. Does such a beast already exist?
Looks like after_party gem does exactly what you want.
I can't think of anything that does exactly what you want, but if you just need to be able to run tasks on remote servers in a one off fashion you could always use rake through capistrano.
There's an SO question for that here: How do I run a rake task from Capistrano?, which also links to this article
Edit: I wonder if it's possible to create a migration which doesn't do any database changes, but just invokes a rake task? Rake::Task["task:name"].invoke. Worth a try?
I would consider that running that rake task is part of the migration to using friendly_id. Sure, you've created the tables, but you're not done yet! You still have to do some data updates before you've truly migrated.
Call the rake task from your migration. It'll update the existing data and new records will be handled by your app logic in the future.

How go about writing standalone Ruby ActiveRecord utility in my current rails project?

I have a RoR project on my Windows 7 PC.
I want to create some Ruby code that I can execute from the cmd.exe command line that manipulates the development database (via database.yml) of the project. (I don't want to have to run my utility code via a web page.)
What is the best way to go about pulling this off? (I'm a newbie.)
I can't put the code in the test/ directory because that executes against the test database.
I tried just creating a utility.rb file under app/ but when I run it I get this:
utility.rb:5: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord (NameError)
My standalone file obviously doesn't know about the rest of the rails framework.
Any suggestions?
Rails comes with a utility to do exactly this. Instead of using ruby filename, use script/runner filename (from within the top-level directory for the Rails project), which will automatically load up your Rails environment before running the script.
However, if what you're trying to do is manipulate the database, the right answer is probably to create a migration. Most people assume that migrations are only for changing the structure of your database (adding or removing columns or tables) but they can also be a great way to add seed data or manipulate all the data in the database.
You can write your own rake task which depends on :environment and pass RAILS_ENV=development when executing it.
Nice screencast about it: screencast

Running DB Migrations from application

I have a rails application where each user has a separate database. (taking Joel Spolsky's advice on this). I want to run DB migrations from the rails application to create a new database and tables for this user.
What is the easiest way to do this?
Maybe the db migration is not the best for this type of thing. Thanks!
It would be nice if it could be a completely automated process. The following process would be ideal.
A user signs up on our site to use this web app
Migrations are run to create this users database and get tables setup correctly
Is there a way of calling a rake task from a ruby application?
To answer part of your question, here's how you'd run a rake task from inside Rails code:
require 'rake'
load 'path/to/task.rake'
Mind you, I have no idea how (or why) you could have one database per user.
We use seperate configuration files for each user. So in the config/ dir we would have roo.database.yml which would connect to my personal database, and I would copy that over the database.yml file that is used by rails.
We were thinking of expanding the rails Rakefile so we could specify the developer as a environment variable, which would then select a specfic datbase configuration, allowing us to only have one database.yml file. We haven't done this though as the above method works well enough.
Actually I have discovered a good way to run DB migrations from an application:
