Token with different interpretations (i.e. keyword and identifier) - parsing

I am writing a grammar with a lot of case-insensitive keywords in ANTLR4. I collected some example files for the format, that I try to test parse and some use the same tokens which exist as keywords as identifiers in other places. For example there is a CORE keyword, which in other places is used as a ID for a structure from user input. Here some parts of my grammar:
fragment A : [aA]; // match either an 'a' or 'A'
fragment B : [bB];
fragment C : [cC];
IDSTRING: [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*;
The error thrown then is line 7982:8 mismatched input 'core' expecting IDSTRING, as the user input is intended as IDSTRING, but always eaten by the keyword rule. In the input it exists both as keyword and as id like this:
MACRO oa12f01
CLASS CORE ; #here it is a KEYWORD
SITE core ; #here it is a ID
Is there a way I can let users use some keywords as identifiers by changing my grammar somehow like "casting" the token to IDSTRING for conjunctive rules like this or is this a false hope in not hand written parsers?

You can simply list the keywords that are allowed as identifiers as alternatives in the id rule:
id: IDSTRING | CORE | ... ;


What is the best way to handle overlapping lexer patterns that are sensitive to context?

I'm attempting to write an Antlr grammar for parsing the C4 DSL. However, the DSL has a number of places where the grammar is very open ended, resulting in overlapping lexer rules (in the sense that multiple token rules match).
For example, the workspace rule can have a child properties element defining <name> <value> pairs. This is a valid file:
workspace "Name" "Description" {
properties {
xyz "a string property"
nonstring nodoublequotes
The issue I'm running into is that the rules for the <name> and <value> have to be very broad, basically anything except whitespace. Also, properties with spaces with double quotes will match my STRING token.
My current solution is the grammar below, using property_element: BLOB | STRING; to match values and BLOB to match names. Is there a better way here? If I could make context sensitive lexer tokens I would make NAME and VALUE tokens instead. In the actual grammar I define case insensitive name tokens for thinks like workspace and properties. This allows me to easily match the existing DSL semantics, but raises the wrinkle that a property name or value of workspace will tokenize to K_WORKSPACE.
grammar c4mce;
workspace : 'workspace' (STRING (STRING)?)? '{' NL workspace_body '}';
workspace_body : (workspace_element NL)* ;
workspace_element: 'properties' '{' NL (property_element NL)* '}';
property_element: BLOB property_value;
property_value : BLOB | STRING;
BLOB: [\p{Alpha}]+;
STRING: '"' (~('\n' | '\r' | '"' | '\\') | '\\\\' | '\\"')* '"';
NL: '\r'? '\n';
WS: [ \t]+ -> skip;
This tokenizes to
[#9,62:80='"a string property"',<STRING>,3:12]
This is all fine, and I suppose it's as much as the DSL grammar gives me. Is there a better way to handle situations like this?
As I expand the grammar I expect to have a lot of BLOB tokens simply because creating a narrower token in the lexer would be pointless because BLOB would match instead.
This is the classic keywords-as-identifier problem. If you want that a specific char combination, which is lexed as keyword, can also be used as a normal identifier in certain places, then you have to list this keyword as possible alternative. For example:
property_element: (BLOB | K_WORKSPACE) property_value;
property_value : BLOB | STRING | K_WORKSPACE;

Make lexer consider parser before determining tokens?

I'm writing a lexer and parser in ocamllex and ocamlyacc as follows. function_name and table_name are same regular expression, i.e., a string containing only english alphabets. The only way to determine if a string is function_name or table_name is to check its surroundings. For example, if such a string is surrounded by [ and ], then we know that it is a table_name. Here is the current code:
In lexer.mll,
... ...
let function_name = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']+
let table_name = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']+
rule token = parse
| function_name as s { FUNCTIONNAME s }
| table_name as s { TABLENAME s }
... ...
In parser.mly:
... ...
... ...
As I wrote | function_name as s { FUNCTIONNAME s } before | table_name as s { TABLENAME s }, the above code failed to parse [haha]; it firstly considered haha as a function_name in the lexer, then it could not find any corresponding rule for it in the parser. If it could consider haha as a table_name in the lexer, it would match [haha] as a table in the parser.
One workaround for this is to be more precise in the lexer. For example, we define let table_name_with_brackets = '[' ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']+ ']' and | table_name_with_brackets as s { TABLENAMEWITHBRACKETS s } in the lexer. But, I would like to know if there is any other options. Is it not possible to make lexer and parser work together to determine the tokens and the reduction?
You should avoid trying to get the lexer to do the parser's work. The lexer should just identify lexemes; it should not try to figured out where a lexeme fits into the syntax. So in your (simplified) example, there should be only one lexical type, name. The parser will figure it out from there.
But it seems, from the comments, that in the unsimplified original, the two patterns are overlapping rather than identical. That's more annoying, although it's only slightly more complicated. Basically, you need to separate out the common pattern as one lexical type, and then add the additional matches as one or two other lexical types (depending on whether or not one pattern is a strict superset of the other).
That might not be too difficult, depending on the precise relationship between the two patterns. You might be able to find a very simple solution by writing the patterns in the correct order, for example, because of the longest match rule:
If several regular expressions match a prefix of the input, the “longest match” rule applies: the regular expression that matches the longest prefix of the input is selected. In case of tie, the regular expression that occurs earlier in the rule is selected.
Most of the time, that's all it takes: first define the intersection of the two patterns as a based lexeme, and then add the full lexical patterns of each contextual type to provide additional matches. Your parser will then have to match name | function_name in one context and name | table_name in the other context. But that's not too bad.
Where it will fail is when an input stream cannot be unambiguously divided in lexemes. For example, suppose that in a function context, a name could include a ? character, but in a table context the ? is a valid postscript operator. In that case, you have to actively prevent foo? from being analysed as a single token in the table context, which means that the lexer does have to be aware of parser context.

The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: INT,STRING

Trying a simple Grammar on antlr. it should parse inputs such as L=[1,2,hello].
However, antlr is producing this error: The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: INT,STRING.Any Help?
grammar List;
decl: ID '=[' Inside1 ']'; // Declaration of a List. Example : L=[1,'hello']
Inside1: (INT|STRING) Inside2| ; // First element in the List. Could be nothing
Inside2:',' (INT|STRING) Inside2 | ; //
EDIT: The updated Grammar. The error remains with INT Only.
grammar List;
decl: STRING '=[' Inside1 ']'; // Declaration of a List. Example : L=[1,'hello']
Inside1: (INT|'"'STRING'"') Inside2| ; // First element in the List. Could be nothing
Inside2:',' (INT|'"'STRING'"') Inside2 | ; //
Your ID pattern matches everything that would be matched by INT or STRING, making them irrelevant. I don't think that's what you want.
ID shouldn't match tokens starting with a digit; 42 is not an identifier. And your comment implies that STRING is intended to be a string literal ('hello') but your lexical pattern makes no attempt to match '.

ANTLR: Help on Lexing Errors for a custom grammar example

What approach would allow me to get the most on reporting lexing errors?
For a simple example I would like to write a grammar for the following text
(white space is ignored and string constants cannot have a \" in them for simplicity):
myvariable = 2
myvariable = "hello world"
Group myvariablegroup {
myvariable = 3
anothervariable = 4
Catching errors with a lexer
How can you maximize the error reporting potential of a lexer?
After reading this post: Where should I draw the line between lexer and parser?
I understood that the lexer should match as much as it can with regards to the parser grammar but what about lexical error reporting strategies?
What are the ordinary strategies for catching lexing errors?
I am imagining a grammar which would have the following "error" tokens:
GROUP_OPEN: 'Group' WS ID WS '{';
EMPTY_GROUP: 'Group' WS ID WS '{' WS '}';
EQUALS: '=';
GROUP_ERROR: 'Group' .; // the . character is an invalid token
// you probably meant '{'
GROUP_ERROR2: .'roup' ; // Did you mean 'group'?
STRING_CONSTANT_ERROR: '"' .+; // Unterminated string constant
ID: [a-z][a-z0-9]+;
WS: [ \n\r\t]* -> skip();
There are clearly some problems with your approach:
You are skipping WS (which is good), but yet you're using it in your other rules. But you're in the lexer, which leads us to...
Your groups are being recognized by the lexer. I don't think you want them to become a single token. Your groups belong in the parser.
Your grammar, as written, will create specific token types for things ending in roup, so croup for instance may never match an ID. That's not good.
STRING_CONSTANT_ERROR is much too broad. It's able to glob the entire input. See my UNTERMINATED_STRING below.
I'm not quite sure what happens with SINGLE_TOKEN_ERRORS... See below for an alternative.
Now, here are some examples of error tokens I use, and this works very well for error reporting:
: '"' ('\\' ["\\] | ~["\\\r\n])*
: '/*' ('*' ~'/' | ~'*')*? EOF -> channel(HIDDEN)
// This should be the LAST lexer rule in your grammar
: .
Note that these unterminated tokens represent single atomic values, they don't span logical structures.
Also, UNKNOWN_CHAR will be a single char no matter what, if you define it as .+? it will always match exactly one char anyway, since it will be trying to match as few chars as possible, and that minimum is one char.
Non-greedy quantifiers make sense when something follows them. For instance in the expression .+? '#', the .+? will be forced to consume characters until it encounters a # sign. If the .+? expression is alone, it won't have to consume more than a single character to match, and therefore will be equivalent to ..
I use the following code in the lexer (.NET ANTLR):
partial class MyLexer
public override IToken Emit()
CommonToken token;
RecognitionException ex;
switch (Type)
Type = STRING;
token = (CommonToken)base.Emit();
ex = new UnterminatedTokenException(this, (ICharStream)InputStream, token);
ErrorListenerDispatch.SyntaxError(this, UNTERMINATED_STRING, Line, Column, "Unterminated string: " + GetTokenTextForDisplay(token), ex);
return token;
token = (CommonToken)base.Emit();
ex = new UnterminatedTokenException(this, (ICharStream)InputStream, token);
ErrorListenerDispatch.SyntaxError(this, UNTERMINATED_COMMENT_INLINE, Line, Column, "Unterminated comment: " + GetTokenTextForDisplay(token), ex);
return token;
return base.Emit();
// ...
Notice that when the lexer encounters a bad token type, it explicitly changes it it to a valid token, so the parser can actually make sense of it.
Now, it is the job of the parser to identify bad structure. ANTLR is smart enough to perform single-token deletion and single-token insertion while trying to resynchronize itself with an invalid input. This is also the reason why I'm letting UNKNOWN_CHAR slip though to the parser, so it can discard it with an error message.
Just take the errors it generates and alter them in order to present something nicer to the user.
So, just make your groups into a parser rule.
An example:
Consider the following input:
Group ,ygroup {
Here, the , is clearly a typo (user pressed , instead of m).
If you use UNKNOWN_CHAR: .; you will get the following tokens:
Group of type GROUP
, of type UNKNOWN_CHAR
ygroup of type ID
{ of type '{ '
The parser will be able to figure out the UNKNOWN_CHAR token needs to be deleted and will correctly match a group (defined as GROUP ID '{' ...).
ANTLR will insert so-called error nodes at the points where it finds unexpected tokens (in this case between GROUP and ID). These nodes are then ignored for the purposes of parsing, but you can retrieve them with your visitors/listeners to handle them (you can use a visitor's VisitErrorNode method for instance).

Need keywords to be recognized as such only in the correct places

I am new to Antlr and parsing, so this is a learning exercise for me.
I am trying to parse a language that allows free-format text in some locations. The free-format text may therefore be ANY word or words, including the keywords in the language - their location in the language's sentences defines them as keywords or free text.
In the following example, the first instance of "JOB" is a keyword; the second "JOB" is free-form text:
I have tried the following grammar, which avoids defining the language's keywords in lexer rules.
grammar Test;
test1 : 'JOB' EQ OPAREN (utext) CPAREN ;
COMMA : ',' ;
OPAREN : '(' ;
CPAREN : ')' ;
EQ : '=' ;
UNQUOTEDTEXT : ~[a-z,()\'\" \r\n\t]*? ;
SPC : [ \t]+ -> skip ;
I was hoping that by defining the keywords a string literals in the parser rules, as above, that they would apply only in the location in which they were defined. This appears not to be the case. On testing the "test1" rule (with the Antlr4 plug-in in IDEA), and using the above example phrase shown above - "JOB=(JOB)" (without quotes) - as input, I get the following error message:
line 1:5 mismatched input 'JOB' expecting UNQUOTEDTEXT
So after creating an implicit token for 'JOB', it looks like Antlr uses that token in other points in the parser grammar, too, i.e. whenever it sees the 'JOB' string. To test this, I added another parser rule:
test2 : 'DATA' EQ OPAREN (utext) CPAREN ;
and tested with "DATA=(JOB)"
I got the following error (similar to before):
line 1:6 mismatched input 'JOB' expecting UNQUOTEDTEXT
Is there any way to ask Antlr to enforce the token recognition in the locations only where it is defined/introduced?
What you have is essentially a Lake grammar, the opposite of an island grammar. A lake grammar is one in which you mostly have structured text and then lakes of stuff you don't care about. Generally the key is having some lexical Sentinel that says "enter unstructured text area" and then " reenter structured text area". In your case it seems to be (...). ANTLR has the notion of a lexical mode, which is what you want to to handle areas with different lexical structures. When you see a '(' you want to switch modes to some free-form area. When you see a ')' in that area you want to switch back to the default mode. Anyway "mode" is your key word here.
I had a similar problem with keywords that are sometimes only identifiers. I did it this way:
OnlySometimesAKeyword : 'value' ;
: Identifier // defined as usual
| maybeKeywords
: OnlySometimesAKeyword
// ...
In your parser rules simply use identifier instead of Identifier and you'll also be able to match the "maybe keywords". This will of course also match them in places where they will be keywords, but you could check this in the parser if necessary.
