How to reproduce watchOS closing activity ring animation with sparks on iOS? - ios

How to best reproduce the closing activity ring animation from watchOS 4 on iOS? Im particularly interested in the rotating sparkling effect.
Here a still frame of the animation I'm talking about:
and here is a video of it.
Is it possible to implement something like this with Core Animation?

Here at the university of science in zürich in the usability lab, we use:
sketch or illustrator or for designing the svg sketches.
than we import it in after effects or in for animating
and export it as .json for airbnbs animations library Bodymovin or also known as Lottie. Therefor are libraries for web, android and ios available.
The advantage of this solution over #bryanjclark "exported it as a series of images" is that the animation is sharp in every resolution (svg), it is only one .json file and you have the full control over its speed and frames.
Otherwise if you really want to do it with code only, give a look at this Article, done with OpenGL ES2.0.
Or with the AnimationCore example in this SO Answer.

I’m nearly-certain that is a pre-rendered animation, not something generated on-device. (If it is generated on-device, it’s not something you’d have API access).
I’d bet that:
a designer worked it up in a tool like AfterEffects,
exported it as a series of images,
then the developers implemented it using something like WKImageAnimatable
You can see other developers using WKImageAnimatable to build gorgeous animations in their WatchKit apps - for example, Cultured Code’s app Things (watch the video there!) has some really terrific little animation flourishes that (almost-definitely) use WKImageAnimatable under-the-hood!


Apple's AVCamera Night Mode

I've been building a camera app using the AVFoundation and wanted to add NightMode support to it.
Apple features a stunning implementation for this, more about it can be read here:
Now, the only "properties" I can find about "night mode" would be low-light boost, which only seems to be an iPhone 5 feature
I'd like to take advantage of the apple native night mode and implement it into my camera app. Is there any way to do so? Is this a feature that might be added to the SDK within the next releases? Did I miss something in the SDK?
Well, some time ago I tried to replicate what Apple calls NightMode.
Of course, there is any reference inside AVFoundation as occurs with HDR or SmartHDR.
The point is, what does NighMode do? How Apple archive this "effect"?
Answering this questions points out why there is anything inside AVFoundation.
They basically blend multiple exposures replicating what in Photography is called "Long Exposure". The only way to do so would be to extract frame per frame from didOutputSampleBuffer and than find a (good) way to blend.
Of course there is a lot more involved, since each frame of the buffer is already pre-worked by isp.

Implementing Perfectly Timed Animations

Creating Perfectly "up to spec" Animations
I'm working with a designer right now that likes to work a lot with After Effects. They create beautiful, well timed animations that look great, but I'm having trouble actually implementing the designs.
I can make everything look perfect, as in everything is the right size, shape, color, etc., but I can't get the movements to feel perfect, like they are in the spec. I can try my best to eyeball it, and tweak my animation parameters until things look close enough to the original design, but this isn't very satisfying. All of that tweaking and recompiling is super time consuming, and not very fun, and in the end things don't always feel correct as I can only approximate the timing functions.
Are there any tools that make implementing After Effects animations in iOS easier?
I would suggest that you take a look at my animation library for iOS. iOS Animation Examples With this native library you can import Quicktime video data using the Animation codec and convert that data with exact timing already defined by the animators. This ability to export directly from After Effects can really save you a lot of time.

What options for decent particle effects engines do I have for iOS?

The core question is "what are my options for decent particle effects in an iOS app?"
I wrote an iPad app where I wanted to use a large amount of UIKit objects in the UI and just keep to a native iPad codebase feel. However I wanted nice particle effects, so instead of going with cocos2d and distancing myself from using native objects directly, I wrote my own particle effects engine utilizing quartz. It works, but the performance is very underwhelming.
Do I have to go with an openGL ES solution to get any good performance at all (openGL and uikit view don't play nicely together); Are there any libraries out there that will let me simply add a UIView that contains the particle effects systems layered in my app as I see fit to place it (pretty much what I've tried to do with pretty bad performance)?
(Forgive me if my usage/knowledge of GL is rusty; I've been out of sight for a few months and do not have a strong handle on it.)
I believe they've added particle effects to Core Animation as of iOS 5. Try this video or look up CAEmitterLayer.

Language/Program for simple 2D animation

I want to write something like this: I mean, I want to have 2D gaming space, but to have stylized as 3D, so my characters will move on the surface, but will have nice 3D effect. I wounder if Flash/ActionScript will do? Any other suggestions?
Flash and Actionscript can definitely accomplish this. There are at least 2 ways to accomplish the 3D look in 2D space.
The easiest is to do as #Blender said in the comments. Render some 3D images and bring them into flash. There are easy tools in flash to create animated sprites, including a native movieClip class, that has a timeline to play back frame-based animation.
But there is also full 3D in flash. You can bring low-polygon 3D models into flash easily using free and open source libraries such as Away3d ( and papervision ( Presently, flash player 10 has runs slowly when using these libraries.
But Adobe is about to release a new version of the player (version 11) that supports open GL for 3D and has significant performance improvements.
Away3D and papervision have already developed version of their libraries to support the new beta player and openGL.
So to summarize, yes - flash can make a game like that. It is currently the best way to develop games that are intended to be played in a browser. Because at least for the time being it has the most widespread support, and is stable between platforms and browsers.
Your example is pretty much entirely 2D: it just uses effects like shadows, animation and parallax scrolling between layers to achieve a (mildly) 3D effect.
As Plastic Sturgeon and Blender have pointed out, Blender might help for creating your assets - but it has a pretty steep learning curve, and you might be more comfortable 'faking it' in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop if you've used those before.
Once you've created your assets, you need a platform to put together your gameplay: Flash is one possibility, but you could also look at Unity3D, which has good support for 2D and 3D, and has a browser plug-in if you want to make your game web-based.
If you're looking for a java-based solution, you could try Processing, which is cross-platform, and can export to javascript for web deployment. It's not exactly designed as a gaming environment, but it might do the trick - and it's free.
Hope this helps.

Animated 2d Map Desktop Widget

I need to animate some vector icons smoothly moving about a 2d map. I have time-lat/lng pairs forming tracks. Down the road I would really like to be able to convey various GIS data like topography and roads on the map along with my smoothly animated icons.
Any suggestions on what to use? I find things like Quantum GIS but it seems geared to generating static maps. I've tried messing around with KML but I cannot find any way to make things move smoothly: marker icons clearly bounce along the waypoints even when I space them very closely.
EDIT: clarified I'm interested in a desktop widget
Animation options are limited in GIS as far as I am aware.
ESRI's ArcObjects could be used to create animations - see this chapter in the online help:
and these examples (however none have vectors moving around):
ESRI software is expensive to purchase, and users would also need the software if you wanted to provide more than an exported video.
You are probably best working with WPF (is this widget for Windows?), Silverlight, or Flash. ESRI have a Silverlight example here:
There is also the following collection of WPF classes for the OpenSource SharpMap:
However it seems very much in beta at this stage.
Alternatively it may be easier to use GIS software solely to provide a background image, and do all the animation elsewhere.
I would say, try this animation code for Google Earth; however, try emailing the osgeo or qgis userlists and they'll guide you
