How to install and run PyPy on beaglebone black? - beagleboneblack

I have been stuck with this for some time now. Everytime I run ./pypy I get the error:
./pypy: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/ file too short
I need PyPy for its JIT compiler can you guide me here? My system runs on AM335x (Beaglebone balck).


Beaglebone u-boot: cross compiler failed to install

I am following this link to enable automatic boot from SD card. After trying to install Linaro, I check for the GCC version:
${CC}gcc --version
It gives me this error:
bash: /home/debian/Desktop/gcc-linaro-6.4.1-2017.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc: No such file or directory
I search around, and this link suggests using:
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
That then gives me this error:
unable to locate package gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
This link suggests using this instead:
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi
I have not finished that process yet. However, there are so many things I do not understand so far. Beaglebone Black is a 32-bit system, why does the official u-boot guide point to a 64-bit version of Linaro? The image I got is Debian Jessie 8.9 off the official site. Is there a guide for u-boot at such starting point? Thanks.
OK, I figured this out. The first part of the guide (before HDMI) is done on a computer with which you will flash your SD card. After that, you boot into the BBB and do the rest. This ambiguity kills me.

Can not run lua script from Fceux emulator usnig torch

I am using Fceux 2.2.3 emulator and i am trying to run a lua script using torch while playing super mario bros. When i load the script i face this error
Lua thread bombed out: error loading module 'libpaths' from file
/home/antonis/torch/install/lib/lua/5.1/ undefined
symbol: lua_gettop
I looked in the specific folder in the path and the is there.
What this error means?
You need to build tha latest FCEUX from source ( using the option to use system libraries. Then you specify LuaJIT (install it first) in the SContruct file and install. After that, install torch on your system. It will be available to FCEUX through "require 'torch'". That is the way I did it (right now, tbh), but you could probably install Torch first and then link its own LuaJIT files to FCEUX.

Error installing llvm and clang from source in Linux

I am trying to install clang from source following the instructions as given in ( Steps 1-4 and 7) in Ubuntu 14.04
Inside the build directory , I ran make which succeeded. I wasn't sure what to do after that , so I ran make install inside the build directory, following which I got this cmake error:
There is no executable named clang in /build/bin folder anyway, but I can find others like clang-check, clang-query, etc. What's going wrong?
PS: My main requirment is to experiment with alpha security checkers of clang analyzer and also write my own checker later.

unable to run opencv with cuda 7.0

I have tried to build and run OpenCV on Ubuntu 14.04. I have previously installed CUDA 7.0 (which is working perfectly with other programs) and when I try to run openCV (opencv_traincascade) I get the following error:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If I understand correctly, OpenCV expects CUDA v6.5 which is not installed. Does anyone know how to install OpenCV with CUDA 7.0?
try to find, use find or locate command, make sure it exists or link to the file exists.
then add path to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile(or sth else, I add it to bashrc on Ubuntu), like:
if you change your path to install cuda, use your real path instead.

Xilinx error while compiling hello world, missing library - Ubuntu 14.04

I'm am pretty new with Xilinx, so it might be a simple problem.
I'm am trying to make a program written in c, with the editor xsdk for a microblaze, I'm am running Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit.
When I'm trying to compile the c program i comes with an error:
error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
make: *** [src/helloworld.o] Error 1
The program I'm trying to compile is the standard example hello world, so this should not course any problems.
Any help would be appreciated
It seems like installing the package rpm fixed the problem - honestly i don't know why.
