Using to create a list of odd numbers - f#

My professor is having us create a series of functions relating to approximating pi and e based on continuing fractions. In order to set this up, he is having us create a function that takes an integer and maps that many odd numbers squared, starting from 1. For instance, here is the desired behavior:
oddSquares 6;;
val it : int list = [1.0; 9.0; 25.0; 49.0; 81.0; 121.0]
I can see that one mapping will likely be used to square all the values in the list, but I can't figure out a way to map the number to a list of numbers. I don't want to ask anybody to write code for me, but methodically, what am I trying to do when I'm assembling the base list?
It feels like the best method is to work backwards, starting from the base number of 6 terms. We then evaluate the 6th odd term (11, or 2x-1 practically), but then require some method of recursion to continue to evaluate smaller values of oddSquares. I also think this is against the spirit of trying to map the number into these values. Can someone give me some guidance as to the first translation from the number into the list form?

F# offers special neat syntax for creating lists of successive numbers:
let oneToSix = [1..6]
This is a special case of something called "list comprehension". They can be more complex than just successive numbers - they can include multiple generators, filters, projections, Cartesian products, etc. In particular, your whole task of generating first N odd numbers can be expressed as one list comprehension. However, since you explicitly asked not to write the code for you, I won't.


What does it mean for a fact used in Isabelle to have a number after the name?

Most of the proofs suggested by Sledgehammer use this notation of number inside of parentheses:
by (smt (z3) ApplyAllResult.distinct(1)
What does it mean for the fact to have such number?
Isabelle permits the use of fact lists indexed by a natural number starting with 1. Given a fact list fs and an index i, you can access an individual fact from the list by using the syntax fs(i). You can also select multiple facts from the list using multiple indexes (e.g., fs(1,3)), ranges (e.g. fs(2-5), fs(3-)) or a combination of both (e.g., fs(2,4-6)).
Examples of predefined fact lists are assms (which contains the assumptions of a theorem) and f.simps (which contains the equations defining function f).

Manipulating Unbounded Integers using custom data structure

Full disclosure, my question is pertaining to a project I am working on for my Data Structures class. I know this is usually frowned upon, but I am hoping it may be okay due to the fact that I have the data structure itself done and I'm just seeking assistance in creating a method.
The project is to implement a custom data structure to represent unbounded integers using a custom linked list. I cannot use the BigInteger nor LinkedList classes. I implemented the data structure using the IntNode class provided from the project.
The class takes in a string of numbers, breaks it into 3 character chunks, converts those chunks into integers and stores each chunk in a custom "linked list" of IntNode objects.
For example: 123456789123 represented as 4 IntNodes, <123> <456> <789> <123>
The method I am having difficulty implementing is:
UnboundedInt multiply (UnboundedInt )
A method that multiplies the current UnboundedInt with a passed in one. The return is a new UnboundedInt.
There is also an 'add' method which was easy to implement and I do realize I could use to handle multiplication by looping the 'add' method as many times as one of the UnboundedInt objects, however, how would I handle the loop variable when it, itself, breaches the limit of an integer?
I do realize I could use to handle multiplication by looping the 'add' method as many times as one of the UnboundedInt objects
That's not going to be the answer, because it would be too slow if either operand is non-trivial.
There is also an 'add' method which was easy to implement
That's good, because that's going to be part of the solution.
How did you implement that?
Probably following the steps you would do if you had to do it on paper.
You can implement multiplication the same way.
How do you multiply two numbers on paper?
You multiply the number on the left with each digit on the right, one by one.
After you have the multiples by one digits, you add them.
For example, let's say you were to multiply 123456789123 with 234. It would go like this:
123456789123 * 234
+ 493827156492
Multiplying an IntNode by 1-digit numbers should be easy,
and you already have the implementation of add, so the complete solution is not far away. To sum it up, what you still need to implement:
Multiply by a 1-digit number
Multiply by 10
Combine the above two to compute the total

Is there a clear algorithm for sorting/ordering the loops in an X12 file?

Even though loops are kind of a logical concept in X12 (not directly physically represented in the text), every transaction set defines a set of loops that it can contain, including identifiers for the loops and an ordering for them. My question is, what is the rule for sorting loops, generically? Is there a concise set of rules that can be expressed in some code that should be able to take a collection of loops (with known identifiers such as 1000A, 2300BB, etc) and properly sort them?
The context of my question is that I'm working on a general-purpose library that applications will use to construct a model of an X12 document/transaction-set (and write out the text such a model represents). It has objects to represent Elements, Segments, and Loops. Ordering of Segments in a particular Loop is easy, they're dictated by the Implementation Guides. But I'm trying to get Loop ordering (within a Transaction Set) to work generically; that's what I'm asking about
It seems that the general rule is that Loops are ordered based on their identifiers using the numeric portion as the primary sort key, with the alpha portion as the secondary sort key. Of course hierarchical loops contained in others will be placed before and loops following the parent in that sort order (eg: 1000A, 2000A, 2010A, 2010B, 2100, 2300 - where 2010A and 2010B are children of 2000A).
I understand that the spec and Implementation Guides contain all of this info; I'm looking for the all-encompassing rule about loop ordering (not Segment ordering). Is there any concise way to express the rule algorithmically? Is there even a hard-and-fast rule at all?
As I mentioned in my comments, the standard has a loop value. Take a look at my screenshot of the Liaison Dictionary Viewer. The CLM segment has a LOOP value of 100. The segments underneath are children of the CLM segment (extended tag). Any "order" can be defined arbitrarily by the partner, or can be in any (undefined) order provided the data is qualified. But that loop can occur 100 times max and can have repeating segments inside the loop value.
The implementation guide will give you the correct order your partner wants them in. It seems like you're writing your own syntax validation engine though.

How to get a % difference of two NSStrings

I'm thinking this may be impossible to do resonably, but I figured I would take a shot at it. So lets say I have two NSStrings. One is #"Singin' In The Rain" and the other is #"Singing In The Rain". These strings are very similar, but have a small difference. I'm trying to find a way where I could write something like the following:
NSString *stringOne = #"Singin' In The Rain";
NSString *stringTwo = #"Singing In The Rain";
float dif = [stringOne differenceFrom:stringTwo];
//dif = .9634 or something like that
One project that I did find similar to this was taken from the previous similar question on Stack Overflow: Check if two NSStrings are similar. However, this simply returns a BOOL which isn't as accurate as I need it to be. I also tried looking into the compare: documentation for NSString but it all looked too basic. Another similar thing I found is at However, this gives varying results, even saying two of the same string are different occasionally. Any advice would be much appreciated.
The question is a little vague, but I would assume that the most satisfactory results will come from using NSLinguisticTagger. If you parse each for tags with the NSLinguisticTagSchemeLexicalClass scheme then your string will be broken down into verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. In your example, even if you weren't spotting that singin' and singing are the same, you'd spot the other three words are the same and that the thing at the end is a noun, so they're both about doing something in the same thing.
It'd probably be wise to use something like a BK-Tree to compare individual words where you suspect there may be a match (a noun obviously doesn't match an adverb but two nouns may match even if spellings differ).
Another off the wall suggestion:
The source, and hence the algorithm, for diff and similar programs is easily available. These compare input on a line-by-line basis and detect insertions, deletions and changes.
When comparing text strings for "closeness" then the insertion, deletion or changing of words seems as good a measure as any.
Break each string into "words" (white space separated should be sufficient).
Compare the two lists using the diff algorithm, treating each "word" as a "line", use a re-sync length of 1 (the number of "lines" that need to be the same to treat the two inputs as back in sync)
Calculate the "closeness" as the number of insertions/deletions/changes compared to the total word count.
For the two example strings this would give 1:4 changes or 75% similar.
If you want greater granularity for each change split the two words into characters and repeat the algorithm giving you a fraction the word is similar by (as opposed to the whole word).
For the two example strings this would give 3 6/7 words out of 4, or 96% similar.
I'd recommend dynamic time warping for such comparisons:
This will however return distance between two strings (so you'll get 0 for identical), but this the best starting point I can think of.

Comparing arrays elements in Erlang

I'm trying to learn how to think in a functional programming way, for this, I'm trying to learn Erlang and solving easy problems from codingbat. I came with the common problem of comparing elements inside a list. For example, compare a value of the i-th position element with the value of the i+1-th position of the list. So, I have been thinking and searching how to do this in a functional way in Erlang (or any functional language).
Please, be gentle with me, I'm very newb in this functional world, but I want to learn
Thanks in advance
Define a list:
L = [1,2,3,4,4,5,6]
Define a function f, which takes a list
If it matches a list of one element or an empty list, return the empty list
If it matches the first element and the second element then take the first element and construct a new list by calling the rest of the list recursivly
Otherwise skip the first element of the list.
In Erlang code
f ([]) -> [];
f ([_]) -> [];
f ([X, X|Rest]) -> [X | f(Rest)];
f ([_|Rest]) -> f(Rest).
Apply function
This should work... haven't compiled and run it but it should get you started. Also in case you need to do modifications to it to behave differently.
Welcome to Erlang ;)
I try to be gentle ;-) So main thing in functional approach is thinking in terms: What is input? What should be output? There is nothing like comparing the i-th element with the i+1-th element alone. There have to be always purpose of it which will lead to data transformation. Even Mazen Harake's example doing it. In this example there is function which returns only elements which are followed by same value i.e. filters given list. Typically there are very different ways how do similar thing which depends of purpose of it. List is basic functional structure and you can do amazing things with it as Lisp shows us but you have to remember it is not array.
Each time you need access i-th element repeatable it indicates you are using wrong data structure. You can build up different data structures form lists and tuples in Erlang which can serve your purposes better. So when you face problem to compare i-th with i+1-th element you should stop and think. What is purpose of it? Do you need perform some stream data transformation as Mazen Harake does or You need random access? If second you should use different data structure (array for example). Even then you should think about your task characteristics. If you will be mostly read and almost never write then you can use list_to_tuple(L) and then read using element/2. When you need write occasionally you will start thinking about partition it to several tuples and as your write ratio will grow you will end up with array implementation.
So you can use lists:nth/2 if you will do it only once or several times but on short list and you are not performance freak as I'm. You can improve it using [X1,X2|_] = lists:nthtail(I-1, L) (L = lists:nthtail(0,L) works as expected). If you are facing bigger lists and you want call it many times you have to rethink your approach.
P.S.: There are many other fascinating data structures except lists and trees. Zippers for example.
