Jenkins failing to clone Bitbucket links during Rspec Puppet unit tests - jenkins

I'm trying to set up a Jenkins build to clone a Bitbucket link and run unit tests I've written against some Puppet modules. I've got Jenkins set up with an SSH keypair and have verified that it can clone the Bitbucket repository initially, but when the unit tests run and clone separate modules as part of the test, I get an error that the public key does not work.
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I've verified that the build is running under the Jenkins user and that the keys are in the .ssh directory, what else can I try to fix it?

I was able to fix it by logging into the Jenkins Docker instance and using the SSH keypair from there instead of the one on the Jenkins server hosting the instance. It worked completely after I did this.


Using Remote Repos in Jenkins

I've successfully connected to a Bitbucket repository within my Jenkins job. My issue is that I haven't been able to find any information about how to access/use the files that the repository contains. I added an "Execute Shell" step after connecting the repo, but don't know where the files the repo contains are. I tried cd'ing into /NameOfRepo/NameOfSubfolder but it says the file/directory does not exist in the console output when I run the job. Where does Jenkins store files it has gained access to that live in a remote repository? Do I need to use shell commands to clone my repo to a specific location?

How to include code from another repository in gitlab registry?

I have a shared registry (a docker image with tools installed for running my code) which is used by multiple repositories. I have created a new repository called LuaServer, which uses code from another repository called LuaDB. In LuaServer I have created a test which requires the code from LuaDB, this test is run in a pipeline on GitLab CI/CD in said shared registry. I get an error during the execution of this test, stating the following:
spec/serializer_spec.lua:36: module 'luadb.manager.AST' not found:No LuaRocks module found for luadb.manager.AST
Now I tried to directly clone the repository and set it up in the registry (a docker image basically which now has LuaDB), which did not seem to work as the error stays the same. Then I tried to include LuaDB as a submodule for LuaServer, but this still did not solve my problem. Is there a way to work this out?
Try using curl to get files from gitlab repo (check gitlab api)
Gitlab CI/CD pipeline when using it's runner (gitlab shared runners or custom runners) they use a default path that exists on $CI_PROJECT_DIR env variable. so you can clone you code (luaDB) under $CI_PROJECT_DIR/your_existing_code_luaserver

Dockerhub automated build: BitBucket repository with private submodules

I have a private BitBucket repository that stores my Dockerfile. This repository has two other private BitBucket repositories as git submodules. I setup an automated build process on Docker hub and added the public SSH key to my three private repositories on BitBucket. However, when the build runs, it successfully connects to the main private repository on BitBucket but fails when trying to get the submodules. I see the following error in the log file:
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
It seems like the build agent is trying to access the submodules via HTTPS, and obviously, fails as there is no web access setup.
Am I missing something or is it a limitation that I'll have to live with for the moment?
I figured it out. My .gitmodules had an HTTPS URL for that particular repository. I edited the .gitmodules file and changed the URL to SSH. Seems like it is building now :-)

SSH errors with Jenkins git plugin

There are lots of question on here about Permission denied (publickey) errors when using the Jenkins git plugin.
Can someone explain the authentication flow this plugin uses to check out a repository? I can't find a good description on the plugin page.
I want to just SSH into the build slave, checkout the repository there, then run my job, but clearly that is not how it works.
I guess I could add my credentials to the jenkins master, but I dont want any code there. I want it on my build slave.
Issue has nothing to do with git really. As their documentation states, it relies on git runtime which in its turn relies on system environment when it comes to secure connections. Ssh requires client to have valid key to connect and fails to that message if client does not provide one. Without any additional actions, key is not injected into environment, so client could not provide any valid key.
What you actually can use is ssh agent plugin. That allows to add key to ssh-agent on slave that will be catched up by git.

running builds on slave nodes gives me Could not find a suitable ssh-agent provider error

When I try to run my build on a slave node using jenkins I get the following error:
Could not find a suitable ssh-agent provider
Does anyone know why and how I can avoid the error?
Assuming you've installed Windows Git on Windows slave, it comes with ssh-agent binary (e.g. C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin). Try adding its path to system variable PATH.
Alternatively generate personal API token (OAuth) for that GitHub user and specify along with your repository address, e.g.
git clone
If you have Windows slave and SSH Credentials plugin that is because Windows doesn't provide ssh-agent. If you're using SSH Credentials plugin for provide key to git to check out a repo in comand-line step, you can provide key to git client on each agent (because git have ssh-agent). If your case not that I supposed, you need to follow steps described here in second comment.
