How to distinguish Jenkins credentials - jenkins

Using Jenkins to create a freestyle project, when setting the repositories it asks to specify from Credentials, just like the following image shows.
But how do people distinguish these credentials from all stars?

Its normally distinct using combination of Username & Description provided during creation of credential
In the dropdown it will appear as follows

If access through items menu, click the small hidden triangle beside job name (you need to hover near the name to show the hidden triangle) will show Credentials action
Or access the left menu Credential option after clicking the job name
Will lead to the same page. These credentials page is different from System Config -> Credentials is the credentials only for that job. Normally the ID will help you to distinguish the credentials, however, sometimes people (like me) didn't know it works this way. Then Jenkins would generate a random meaningless string to identify them, which can't help normal human to separate them with certainty.
After clicking the link in Domain column, the description will be shown there, and you can also update it from that page.


SpecFlow: To run feature file with multiple scenarios several times with different parameters

I'm wondering why we can run Scenario several times with different parameters but cannot run whole feature file with different parameters.
Our feature files consists of many scenarios and feature file corresponds to Test Case, but when we need to run the same feature file, but with different parameter(s) then whole feature file has to be duplicated... Is there any possibility to parametrize whole feature file?
I don't know whether you are aware of the Scenario Outline.
The Scenario Outline keyword can be used to run the same Scenario
multiple times, with different combinations of values
Copying and pasting scenarios to use different values quickly becomes tedious and repetitive as shown in the below example:
Scenario: Successful Login with Valid Credentials
Given User is at the Home Page
And Navigate to LogIn Page
When User enter "testuser_1" and "Test#123"
And Click on the LogIn button
Then Successful LogIN message should display
Scenario: Successful Login with Valid Credentials
Given User is at the Home Page
And Navigate to LogIn Page
When User enter "testuser_2" and "Test#153"
And Click on the LogIn button
Then Successful LogIN message should display
We can collapse these two similar scenarios into a Scenario Outline.
Scenario outlines allow us to more concisely express these scenarios through the use of a template with < > - delimited parameters:
Scenario Outline: Successful Login with Valid Credentials
Given User is at the Home Page
And Navigate to LogIn Page
When User enter <username> and <password>
And Click on the LogIn button
Then Successful LogIN message should display
| username | password |
| testuser_1 | Test#123 |
| testuser_2 | Test#153 |
A Scenario Outline must contain an Examples (or Scenarios) section. Its steps are interpreted as a template which is never directly run. Instead, the Scenario Outline is run once for each row in the Examples section beneath it (not counting the first header row).
The steps can use <> delimited parameters that reference headers in the examples table. Cucumber will replace these parameters with values from the table before it tries to match the step against a step definition.

Jenkins - Show "Advanced" job parameters from drop down / advanced button

I have a Jenkins job where some parameters are optional but if they are changed they can fail the job almost instantly.
I added useful information next to each parameter, wrote "DO NOT CHANGE" next to those which are sensitive and even explained to the users to don't touch anything unless they know what they are doing. Unfortunately, that doesn't help; People are still changing values and the job fails.
Hiding the parameters completely (for example, with the use of the "Hidden Parameter plugin") is not an option because I still want to give access to the more advanced users, but keep the everyday users away.
Is there a way to hide the advanced parameters (by use of a drop down ["Basic/Advanced"] or maybe an "Advanced..." button that'll show the parameters?

Concept for a grails app

I am working on a Grails project, its an accounting project. We have multiple clients and they can have multiple types of accounts. I have to create the 'create' page for client, there should be a way to add multiple types of account to the client.
So I was thinking of making a drop-down list with account types and few text boxes to enter account name and other info about account. Also, as a client can have multiple accounts, so I want to create a 'add' button, when clicked it would display a new row to add a new client. I have done this kind of UI before using javascript but in this case, as there is a drop-down list and other components, I think it would be very hard and may not work.
I was thinking of creating a partial view which would render each time user clicked the 'add' button with additional row, problem with this would be during validation errors, edit page and i would also have to pass all values each time user clicks 'add' button.
Is there any other for doing this?
For the template approach you must use ajax if you don't want to carry on the params that the user has already set.
It is possible to make new drop-down lists appear (or any group of elements inside a <div>) when a user clicks a button, since Grails already comes with jQuery you might want to take a look at the .clone() method.
The problem with the two listed approeaches is that it will be possible to have duplicates.
Now, another option is to use checkboxes, so you can check just the type of account you want.
But to be honest it does seems a bit odd or even inapropiate to let the user choose the type of account he wants with such freedom.

Sharepoint 2007: User name changed in ActiveDirectory. Old name still shown at top right of portal page

I now have 2 users whose names are not correctly displayed in the 'welcome' menu at the top right of the page.
The first user married and her surname changed. The new name was entered in ActiveDirectory but her maiden name is still displayed.
In the second case, a LAN id was reallocated to a new department member. The name of the previous user is displayed in the portal.
The AD synchronising appears to be running every night and I can see no errors there. The AD entries for the 2 users appears correct and no hint of the previous data.
What else can I do to force an update of the user information?
I have experenced this before, on the Microsoft blogs there is this helpful post
I hope it helps you
This kind of information is stored in the content database's UserInfo table. This article may be useful to you.
Keep in mind that changing the data in the UserInfo table directly is not supported. If you still want to edit this manually, you'll have to use the object model.
No need to change data directly OR manually update the SQL table.
When you remove the user from any group, this also removes the user from the userInfo table in the Microsoft SQL Server database.
When you re-add the user, the user's information is automatically updated in this table.
check the effective permission of user/group by accessing the portal URL link, click on site actions --> site settings -->check effective permissions
make sure to note down the effective permission for user/group without fail
click on all people link above site permissions and search for the user/group name which should still be displaying old name
remove the user/group name from all people
add the user/group name to the required group as per note done in step no. 2
now if user close the browser (refresh the page) and re-login new diaply name would be displayed

Assigning Fogbugz cases programmatically

I want to write an application that assigns Fogbugz cases programmatically, how would I accomplish this? Is it possible to achieve this given any of the following scenarios:
The user enters text in my
application's input field and the
Fogbugz report is opened in the
browser where the "note" field is
populated with the text from the user
The fogbugz report is assigned to the
specified user in the application
without the browser even being opened
i.e. the report is stored directly in
the DB.
I'm planning to add default values to the other fields as well so I would assume the process would be the same for adding text to the "note" field.
You can do this with the Fogbugz API. See the heading "Editing Cases" for the specifics on how to edit a case (which includes creating a new one). It's a little complicated (or perhaps just oddly designed) but, as I remember, you basically have to call cmd=new if you want to create a new case, supply your text in the 's' parameter and set the ixPersonAssignedTo to the correct person. For an existing case, use cmd=edit.
This is possible both with a regular form posted to your Fogbugz installation and some server side code that calls the API.
You might want to write a plugin for FB and allow others to use it. (share it or sell it)
