Docker for Windows exits with code 127 when building image - docker

When I try to build this Docker-Image, I get the following error:
FROM java:8
ADD . /app
RUN ./gradlew build
CMD ./gradlew bootRun
When I just build the app with "gradlew build" it runs and when I try to run this Docker Image with a Mac, it works too, just not for windows

This is not a great answer, but what I found is that when Windows mounts files into Docker from Windows, it leaves Windows-like line endings on the mounted files. A janky way to solve it in your Dockerfile would be to install dos2unix in the container and add a
RUN dos2unix gradlew
prior to executing your build process. Unfortunately, this is a TERRIBLE solution. Hopefully Docker for Windows on WSL2 that is supposed to release soon will solve this better but for now you are stuck with this janky solution.

gradlew must be marked as executable.
chmod +x gradlew
Mac and Linux share permissions scheme but Windows needs to use a virtual FS so it copies files with default permissions - 644 and you need 755.


Docker - dotnet build can't find file

I am trying to make my application work in a Linux container. It will eventually be deployed to Azure Container Instances. I have absolutely no experience with containers what so ever and I am getting lost in the documentation and examples.
I believe the first thing I need to do is create a Docker image for my project. I have installed Docker Desktop.
My project has this structure:
The contents of my Dockerfile is as follows.
#Use Ubuntu Linux as base
FROM ubuntu:22.10
#Install dotnet6
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y dotnet6
#Install LibreOffice
RUN apt-get -y install default-jre-headless libreoffice
#Copy the source code
WORKDIR /MyProject
COPY . ./
#Compile the application
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o /compiled
#Expose port 80
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "/compiled/MyProject.Api.dll"]
#ToDo: Split build and deployment
Now when I try to build the image using command prompt I am using the following command
docker build - < Dockerfile
This all processed okay up until the dotnet publish command where it errors saying
Specify a project or solution file
Now I have verified that this command works fine when run outside of the docker file. I suspect something is wrong with the copy? Again I have tried variations of paths for the WORKDIR, but I just can't figure out what is wrong.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you SiHa in the comments for providing a solution.
I made the following change to my docker file.
Then I use the following command to build.
docker build -t ImageName -f FileName .
The image now creates successfully. I am able to run this in a container.

Quarkus native executable built on Windows not running inside a Docker container

First, I build a Quarkus native image, everything seems to be fine. When I try to run it, I get the following error:
standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: no such file or directory
This is the Dockerfile:
FROM alpine:3.15
WORKDIR /deployment/
COPY native/*-runner /deployment/app
RUN chmod 775 /deployment
USER 1001
ENTRYPOINT [ "./app",""]
I'm on a Windows machine and the command used to generate the native executable (the *-runner file) is:
mvn package -Pnative -Dquarkus.package.type=native -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, after browsing similar issues, some were solved with the -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true flag, but it didn't work in my case. Thank you !
The problem was in the Dockerfile, I was using alpine:3.15 as base image.
After reading the guide again, this fixed the problem:

How to copy a file from the host into a container while starting?

I am trying to build a docker image using the dockerfile, my purpose is to copy a file into a specific folder when i run the "docker run" command!
this my dockerfile code:
FROM openjdk:7
WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp
CMD ["/usr/src/myapp"]
CMD ls /usr/src/myapp
After building my image without any error (using the docker build command), i tried to run my new image:
docker run myjavaimage
i got this error: ** cp: missing destination file operand after ‘’ **
How can i resolve this? thx
I think you want this Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:7
WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp
RUN javac
ENV CLASSPATH=/usr/src/myapp
CMD java MainClass
When you docker build this image, it COPYs your Java source file from your local directory into the image, compiles it, and sets some metadata telling the JVM where to find the resulting .class files. Then when you launch the container, it will run the single application you've packaged there.
It's common enough to use a higher-level build tool like Maven or Gradle to compile multiple files into a single .jar file. Make sure to COPY all of the source files you need in before running the build. In Java it seems to be common to build the .jar file outside of Docker and just COPY that in without needing a JDK, and that's a reasonable path too.
In the Dockerfile you show, Docker combines ENTRYPOINT and CMD into a single command and runs that command as the single main process of the container. If you provide a command of some sort at the docker run command, that overrides CMD but does not override ENTRYPOINT. You only get one ENTRYPOINT and one CMD, and the last one in the Dockerfile wins. So you're trying to run container processes like
# What's in the Dockerfile
cp /bin/sh -c "ls /usr/src/myapp"
# Via your docker run command
As #QuintenScheppermans suggests in their answer you can use a docker run -v option to inject the file at run time, but this will happen after commands like RUN javac have already happened. You don't really want a workflow where the entire application gets rebuilt every time you docker run the container. Build the image during docker build time, or before.
Two things.
You have used CMD twice.
CMD can only be used once, think of it as the purpose of your docker image. Every time a container is run, it will always execute CMD if you want multiple commands, you should use RUN and then lastly, used CMD
FROM openjdk:
WORKDIR /usr/src/
RUN /usr/src/myapp
RUN ls /usr/src/myapp
Copying stuff into image
There is a simple command COPY the syntax being COPY <from-here> <to-here>
Seems like you want to run myjavaimage so what you will do is
COPY /path/to/myjavaimage /myjavaimage
CMD myjavaimage
Where you see the arrows, I've just written dummy code. Replace that with the correct code.
Also, your Dockerfile is badly created.
ENTRYPOINT -> not sure why you'd do "cp", but it's an actual entrypoint. Could point to the root dir of your project or to an app that will be run.
Don't understand why you want to do ls /usr/src/myapp but if you do want to do it, use RUN and not CMD
Best way to debug docker containers are in interactive mode. That means ssh'ing in to your container, have a look around, run code, and see what is the problem.
Run this: docker run -it <image-name> /bin/bash and then have a look inside and it's usually the best way to see what causes issues.
This stackoverflow page perfectly answers your question.
COPY foo.txt /data/foo.txt
# where foo.txt is the relative path on host
# and /data/foo.txt is the absolute path in the image
If you need to mount a file when running the command:
docker run --name=foo -d -v ~/foo.txt:/data/foo.txt -p 80:80 image_name

How to build a Docker image for Spring Boot application without the JAR at hand

I have followed these tutorials to build Docker image for my Spring Boot application, which uses Maven as build tool.
I am using boot2docker VM on top of Windows 10 machine, cloning my project to the VM from my Bitbucker repository.
I understand the instructions told, but, I failed to build a proper Docker image. Here's the things I tried.
Use the Spotify maven plugin for Dockerfile. Try to run ./mvnw to build the JAR as well as the Docker image. But, I don't have Java installed in the boot2docker. So the Maven wrapper ./mvnw cannot be run.
I tried to build the JAR through Dockerfile, which is based on the openjdk:8-jdk-alpine image. I added RUN ./mvnw package instruction in the Dockerfile. Then run docker build -t <my_project> . to build Docker image.
It fails at the RUN instruction, claiming /bin/sh: mvnw: not found
The command '/bin/sh -c mvnw package' returned a non-zero code: 127
My Dockerfile, located in the directory where the mvnw is located:
RUN ./mvnw package
ARG JAR_FILE=target/myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-jar","/app.jar"]
For 1, I need to have Java installed in the OS where the Docker engine resides. But I think it's not a good practice coz this lowers the portability.
For 2, first, I don't know how to run ./mvnw successfully in Dockerfile. Second, I'm not sure if it is a good practice to build the Spring Boot JAR through Dockerfile, coz I don't see any "Docker for Spring Boot" tutorial to tell to do so.
So, what is the best practice to solve my situation? I'm new to Docker. Comments and answers are appreciated!
You can install maven and run the compile directly in the build. Typically this would be a multi-stage build to avoid including the entire jdk in your pushed image:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine as build
RUN apk add --no-cache maven
COPY . /java
RUN mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-jar","/java/target/myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
The above is a stripped down version of a rework from the same example that I've done in the past. You may need to adjust filenames in your entrypoint, but the key steps are to install maven and run it inside your build.
From your second example I think you are misunderstanding how Docker builds images. When Docker executes RUN ./mvnw package, the file mvnw must exist in the file system of the image being built, which means you should have an instruction like COPY mvnw . in a previous step - that will copy the file from your local filesystem into the image.
You will likely need to copy the entire project structure inside the image, before calling ./mvnw, as the response from #BMitch suggests.
Also, as #BMitch said, to generate a small-sized image it's normally recommended to use a multi-stage build, where the first stage installs every dependency but the final image has only your JAR.
You could try something like below:
# First stage: build fat JAR
# Select base image.
# (The "AS builder" gives a name to the stage that we will need later)
# (I think it's better to use a slim image with Maven already installed instead
# than ./mvnw. Otherwise you could need to give execution rights to your file
# with instructions like "RUN chmod +x mvnw".)
FROM maven:3.6.3-openjdk-8-slim AS builder
# Set your preferred working directory
# (This tells the image what the "current" directory is for the rest of the build)
WORKDIR /opt/app
# Copy everything from you current local directory into the working directory of the image
COPY . .
# Compile, test and package
# (-e gives more information in case of errors)
# (I prefer to also run unit tests at this point. This may not be possible if your tests
# depend on other technologies that you don't whish to install at this point.)
RUN mvn -e clean verify
# Second stage: final image containing only WAR files
# The base image for the final result can be as small as Alpine with a JRE
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
# Once again, the current directory as seen by your image
WORKDIR /opt/app
# Get artifacts from the previous stage and copy them to the new image.
# (If you are confident the only JAR in "target/" is your package, you could NOT
# use the full name of the JAR and instead something like "*.jar", to avoid updating
# the Dockerfile when the version of your project changes.)
COPY --from=builder /opt/app/target/*.jar ./
# Expose whichever port you use in the Spring application
# Define the application to run when the Docker container is created.
# (Optionally, you could define a file "" that can have a more complex
# startup logic.)
# (Setting "" when running Spring applications is good for security
# reasons.)
ENTRYPOINT java -jar /opt/app/*.war

Source files are updated, but CMD does not reflect

I'm new to docker and am trying to dockerize an app I have. Here is the dockerfile I am using:
FROM golang:1.10
WORKDIR /go/src/
ADD . .
RUN curl | sh
RUN dep ensure
CMD ["go", "run", "cmd/pkg/main.go"]
The issue I am running into is that I will update source files on my local machine with some log statements, rebuild the image, and try running it in a container. However, the CMD (go run cmd/pkg/main.go) will not reflect the changes I made.
I looked into the container filesystem and I see that the source files are updated and match what I have locally. But when I run go run cmd/pkg/main.go within the container, I don't see the log statements I added.
I've tried using the --no-cache option when building the image, but that doesn't seem to help. Is this a problem with the golang image, or my dockerfile setup?
UPDATE: I have found the issue. The issue is related to using dep for vendoring. The vendor folder had outdated files for my package because dep ensure was pulling them from github instead of locally. I will be moving to go 1.1 which support to go modules to fix this.
I see several things:
According to your Dockerfile
Maybe you need a dep init before dep ensure
Probably you need to check if main.go path is correct.
According to docker philosophy
In my humble opinion, you should create an image with docker build -t <your_image_name> ., executing that where your Dockerfile is, but without CMD line.
I would execute your go run <your main.go> in your docker run -d <your_image_name> go run <cmd/pkg/main.go> or whatever is your command.
If something is wrong, you can check exited containers with docker ps -a and furthermore check logs with docker logs <your_CONTAINER_name/id>
Other way to check logs is access to the container using bash and execute go run manually:
docker run -ti <your_image_name> bash
# go run blablabla
