How do people have mobile apps that display maps with no logo - ios

I have had a look at a bunch of different map APIs and all the ones I have found require you to display their logo
I have had a look on the IOS app store and there are loads of apps that display a map without any logo
Does anyone know how this is done?
I have noticed the Apple mapkit doesnt require a logo but that one doesnt allow you to customize the map much visually.
All that I have seen on the app store have a different design to what mapkit provides and no logo.

Apple's MapKit allows you to customize the map visually by using the class MKTileOverlay.
Basically what you have to do is init that class with the URL of a Tile server and then add the overlay to the map view.
let myOverlay = MKTileOverlay(URLTemplate: /*Tiles server URL*/)
myOverlay.canReplaceMapContent = true
Here you can check some free tiles servers:


Define custom navigation paths in Google Maps

I am trying to implement something like Google's indoor maps feature, locally in my iOS app, using GroundOverlays. I could easily get the overlay part done by overlaying a .png image at some position in the map, using the API. I could also implement a custom floors switcher, just like Google's one, so it changes the floor overlay image. However, I still miss the ability to navigate in the native indoor maps. How can I define custom navigation paths in that region so when user navigates between two points inside it, the calculated path gets generated with respecting them?

Make MapView display normal Apple Maps when I don't have a tile in my MKTileOverlay set

I am working on an iOS map that uses a "custom" map, stored completley in my application so it can always be accessed offline. I am using a custom MKTileOverlay URL to my local file store to make this happen, etc.
However, as my application's map only covers a small geographic area, I would like to have have the MapView display the standard Apple Map in such cases. When I overlay the map and set "canReplaceMapContent" to true, I just get a blank white space for map tiles that aren't present.
I don't really want to set canReplaceMapContent to FALSE, because most of the time a user will be using my (custom) map, so I wouldn't want the overhead of rendering the Apple map that would be completely covered.
Is there any way I can return a "nil" to a function or something to tell MapKit to not use the TileOverlay, and just use the regular Apple map instead?
No, but here's an idea: have two MKMapViews with the same frame, one with your custom map and canReplaceMapContent = YES and the other without and NO. You can hide one and show the other, transferring annotations if necessary, and you might be able to produce a convincing swap.

Show annotation like iPhone maps application when zoom MKMapview

I'm developing a iOS Map application. My concern is when user zoom In/ zoom out the map by default there are couple of places(like it will show some coffee shops,restaurants,etc... with respective icons for each) will be highlighting based on the location/region user perform zoom . In iPhone menu Maps application When user tap on any of those icons, it will show annotation with the name of place user tapped and the reviews of that place (like coffee shop,restaurant,etc..). If the same tap perform on my iOS application I'm not able to see any annotation and it will like disable not taking any actions. Can any one please help me on how can I show annotation like the way how iPhone menu Maps application showing?
Thanks in advance,
I'm sorry but that won't be possible ! Apple didn't allow developers to get their hands on these features.
As you can see in another application from Apple : Find My Friends, nothing would happen if you tap on these native annotations.
You can only play with these annotations in the native Apple Maps application.

Map Navigator for iOS

(I'm not a iOS dev, just need to know it for a concept) is it possible to have a navigation system the same like the maps app have it whitout leaving the my own map-app that uses the google maps inside. And will it be possible to use the turnbyturn navigation in iOS6 and the new Vector map inside of my own map-app?
You will have to use the official Maps app for turn-by-turn. You can draw paths on the MKMapView but would need to supply your own data.

grabbing a screenshot from gmaps4rails

So yeah we're trying to display a pretty small version of the map and all the user interface elements were getting in the way.. and we realized a screenshot would probably be just fine, so just wondering if it's possible to generate a screenshot of a map position and just have it display as an image instead of an interactable map.
You can use Google Static Maps to show a non-interactive map without user interface controls (zooming buttons etc.)
As they return an image file it is easy to cache. Please note that Google does not allow caching of maps due to copyright reasons of the map owner, but probably caching is not necessary with the static map.
