Rails join array inside map without escaping - ruby-on-rails

I have an array of hashes that I map into a string
array_of_hashes = [{
:me => 'happy',
:you => 'notsohappy',
:email => [
{"Contact"=>"", "isVerified"=>"1"},
{"Contact"=>"me#example.com", "isVerified"=>"1"},
{"Contact"=>"you#example.com", "isVerified"=>"1"}
},{another instance here...}]
Now I want to convert this to a new array that will give me:
["happy", "notsodhappy", "me#example.com", "you#example.com"]
I need to map and reject empty email addresses in the "email" array of hashes.
So far I tried:
array_of_hashes.map{|record| [
record['email'].map { |email| email['Contact']}.reject { |c| c.empty? }.join('", "')
] }
But this returns ["happy", "notsohappy", "me#example.com\", \"you#example.com"]
The quotes are escapes even if I add .html_safe after the .join
In short, it's insisting to keep the joined array a single string. I need it split to separate strings... as many as are in the array.
I need to get rid of these quotes because I am trying to export the array as CSV and so far it's not splitting the email addresses to separate columns.

array_of_hashes.map do |h|
[h[:me], h[:you]].push(
h[:email].map {|e|e["Contact"]}.reject(&:empty?)
# => [["happy", "notsohappy", "me#example.com", "you#example.com"], ...]

results = []
array_of_hashes.each do |hash|
single_result = []
single_result << hash[:me]
single_result << hash[:you]
hash[:email].each do |email|
single_result << email["Contact"] if email["Contact"].present?
results << single_result
return results
This will results : -
2.3.1 :091 > results
=> [["happy", "notsohappy", "me#example.com", "you#example.com"], ["happy", "notsohappy", "me#example.com", "you#example.com"], ["happy", "notsohappy", "me#example.com", "you#example.com"]]


Ruby: Passing down key/value after transforming objects in array

Given data:
data = [
{"id":14, "sort":1, "content":"9", foo: "2022"},
{"id":14, "sort":4, "content":"5", foo: "2022"},
{"id":14, "sort":2, "content":"1", foo: "2022"},
{"id":14, "sort":3, "content":"0", foo: "2022"},
{"id":15, "sort":4, "content":"4", foo: "2888"},
{"id":15, "sort":2, "content":"1", foo: "2888"},
{"id":15, "sort":1, "content":"3", foo: "2888"},
{"id":15, "sort":3, "content":"3", foo: "2888"},
{"id":16, "sort":1, "content":"8", foo: "3112"},
{"id":16, "sort":3, "content":"4", foo: "3112"},
{"id":16, "sort":2, "content":"4", foo: "3112"},
{"id":16, "sort":4, "content":"9", foo: "3112"}
Got the contents concatenated by their sort and ids with:
formatted = data.group_by { |d| d[:id]}.transform_values do |value_array|
value_array.sort_by { |b| b[:sort] }
.map { |c| c[:content] }.join
puts formatted
#=> {14=>"9105", 15=>"3134", 16=>"8449"}
I know that foo exists inside value_array but wondering how can I include foo to exist inside the formatted variable so I can map through it to get the desired output or if it's possible?
Desired Output:
{"id":14, "concated_value":"9105", foo: "2022"},
{"id":15, "concated_value":"3134", foo: "2888"},
{"id":16, "concated_value":"8449", foo: "3112"}
Since :foo is unique to :id. You can do this as follows:
data.group_by {|h| h[:id]}.map do |_,sa|
sa.map(&:dup).sort_by {|h| h.delete(:sort) }.reduce do |m,h|
m.merge(h) {|key,old,new| key == :content ? old + new : old }
end.tap {|h| h[:concated_value] = h.delete(:content) }
#=> [
# {"id":14, foo: "2022", "concated_value":"9105"},
# {"id":15, foo: "2888", "concated_value":"3134"},
# {"id":16, foo: "3112", "concated_value":"8449"}
# ]
First we group by id. group_by {|h| h[:id]}
Then we dup the hashes in the groups (so as not to destory the original). map(&:dup)
Then we sort by sort and delete it at the same time. .sort_by {|h| h.delete(:sort) }
Then we merge the groups together and concatenate the content key only.
m.merge(h) {|key,old,new| key == :content ? old + new : old }
Then we just change the key for content to concated_value tap {|h| h[:concated_value] = h.delete(:content) }
We can use first value from value_array to get our :id & :foo values
formatted = data.group_by { |d| d[:id]}.values.map do |value_array|
concated_value = value_array.sort_by { |b| b[:sort] }
.map { |c| c[:content] }.join
value_array.first.slice(:id, :foo)
.merge concated_value: concated_value
I think this is a good usecase for reduce, since after grouping you need first to get rid of the ID in the resulting [ID, VALUES] array from group_by and just return a reduced version of the VALUES part - this can all be done without any ActiveSupport etc. dependencies:
.group_by{ |d| d[:id] } # Get an array of [ID, [VALUES]]
.reduce([]) do |a, v| # Reduce it into a new empty array
# Append a new hash to the new array
a << {
id: v[1].first[:id], # Just take the ID of the first entry
foo: v[1].first[:foo], # Dito for foo
concatenated: v[1]
.sort_by{ |s| s[:sort] } # now sort all hashes by its sort key
.collect{ |s| s[:content] } # collect the content
.join # and merge it into a string
[{:id=>14, :foo=>"2022", :concatenated=>"9105"},
{:id=>15, :foo=>"2888", :concatenated=>"3134"},
{:id=>16, :foo=>"3112", :concatenated=>"8449"}]
I had some other approach in mind when i started to write the previous solution, reduce was not really necessary, since the size of the array after group_by does not change, so a map is sufficient.
But while rewriting the code, i was thinking that creating a new hash with all the keys and copying all the values from the first hash within VALUES was a bit too much work, so it would be easier to just reject the overhead keys:
keys_to_ignore = [:sort, :content]
.group_by{ |d| d[:id] } # Get an array of [ID, [VALUES]]
.map do |v|
.first # Take the first hash from [VALUES]
.merge({'concatenated': v[1] # Insert the concatenated values
.sort_by{ |s| s[:sort] } # now sort all hashes by its sort key
.collect{ |s| s[:content] } # collect the content
.join # and merge it into a string
.select { |k, _| !keys_to_ignore.include? k }
[{:id=>14, :foo=>"2022", :concatenated=>"9105"},
{:id=>15, :foo=>"2888", :concatenated=>"3134"},
{:id=>16, :foo=>"3112", :concatenated=>"8449"}]
Online demo here
This will work even without Rails:
$irb> formatted = []
$irb> data.sort_by!{|a| a[:sort]}.map {|z| z[:id]}.uniq.each_with_index { |id, index| formatted << {id: id, concated_value: data.map{|c| (c[:id] == id ? c[:content] : nil)}.join, foo: data[index][:foo]}}
$irb> formatted
[{:id=>14, :concated_value=>"9105", :foo=>"2022"},
{:id=>15, :concated_value=>"3134", :foo=>"2888"},
{:id=>16, :concated_value=>"8449", :foo=>"3112"}]
data.sort_by { |h| h[:sort] }.
each_with_object({}) do |g,h| h.update(g[:id]=>{ id: g[:id],
concatenated_value: g[:content].to_s, foo: g[:foo] }) { |_,o,n|
o.merge(concatenated_value: o[:concatenated_value]+n[:concatenated_value]) }
#=> [{:id=>14, :concatenated_value=>"9105", :foo=>"2022"},
# {:id=>15, :concatenated_value=>"3134", :foo=>"2888"},
# {:id=>16, :concatenated_value=>"8449", :foo=>"3112"}]
This uses the form of Hash#update (aka merge!) that employs a block to determine the values of keys (here the value of :id) that are present in both hashes being merged. See the doc for the description of the three block variables (here _, o and n).
Note the receiver of values (at the end) is the following.
{ 14=>{ :id=>14, :concatenated_value=>"9105", :foo=>"2022" },
15=>{ :id=>15, :concatenated_value=>"3134", :foo=>"2888" },
16=>{ :id=>16, :concatenated_value=>"8449", :foo=>"3112" } }

Ruby convert all values in a hash to string

I have the following snippet of code to fetch certain columns from the db:
#data = Topic.select("id,name").where("id in (?)",#question.question_topic.split(",")).map(&:attributes)
In the resulting Array of Hashes which is :
#data = [ { "id" => 2, "name" => "Sports" }]
To be changed to:
#data = [ { "id" => "2", "name" => "Sports" }]
I want to convert "id" to string from fixnum. Id is integer in the db. What is the cleanest way to do this?
Note: After using .map(&:attributes) it is not an active record relation.
You can do it with proper map usage:
topics = Topic.select("id,name").where("id in (?)",#question.question_topic.split(","))
#data = topics.map do |topic|
'id' => topic.id.to_s,
'name' => topic.name
What you're looking for is simply
#data.each { |obj| obj["id"] = obj["id"].to_s }
There isn't really a simpler way (I think that's straightforward enough anyway).
Going by the title which implies a different question - converting every value in the hash to a string you can do this:
#data.each do |obj|
obj.map do |k, v|
{k => v.to_s}
Just leaving that there anyway.
You can use Ruby's #inject here:
#data.map do |datum|
new_datum = datum.inject({}) do |converted_datum, (key, value)|
converted_datum[key] = value.to_s
This will work to convert all values to strings, regardless of the key.
If you are using Rails it can be even cleaner with Rails' #each_with_object:
#data.map do |datum|
datum.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), converted_datum|
converted_datum[key] = value.to_s
This will iterate all the key names in the hash and replace the value with the #to_s version of the datum associated with the key. nil's converted to empty strings. Also, this assumes you don't have complex data within the hash like embedded arrays or other hashes.
def hash_values_to_string(hash)
hash.keys.each {|k| hash[k]=hash[k].to_s}; hash

Ruby array of hash. group_by and modify in one line

I have an array of hashes, something like
[ {:type=>"Meat", :name=>"one"},
{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"two"},
{:type=>"Fruit", :name=>"four"} ]
and I want to convert it to this
{ "Meat" => ["one", "two"], "Fruit" => ["Four"]}
I tried group_by but then i got this
{ "Meat" => [{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"one"}, {:type=>"Meat", :name=>"two"}],
"Fruit" => [{:type=>"Fruit", :name=>"four"}] }
and then I can't modify it to leave just the name and not the full hash. I need to do this in one line because is for a grouped_options_for_select on a Rails form.
array.group_by{|h| h[:type]}.each{|_, v| v.replace(v.map{|h| h[:name]})}
# => {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
Following steenslag's suggestion:
array.group_by{|h| h[:type]}.each{|_, v| v.map!{|h| h[:name]}}
# => {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
In a single iteration over initial array:
arry.inject(Hash.new([])) { |h, a| h[a[:type]] += [a[:name]]; h }
Using ActiveSuport's Hash#transform_values:
array.group_by{ |h| h[:type] }.transform_values{ |hs| hs.map{ |h| h[:name] } }
#=> {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
array = [{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"one"}, {:type=>"Meat", :name=>"two"}, {:type=>"Fruit", :name=>"four"}]
array.inject({}) {|memo, value| (memo[value[:type]] ||= []) << value[:name]; memo}
I would do as below :
hsh =[{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"one"}, {:type=>"Meat", :name=>"two"}, {:type=>"Fruit", :name=>"four"}]
p Hash[hsh.group_by{|h| h[:type] }.map{|k,v| [k,v.map{|h|h[:name]}]}]
# >> {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
#ArupRakshit answer, slightly modified (the function has been added for sake of clarity in the final example):
def group(list, by, at)
list.group_by { |h| h[by] }.map { |k,v| [ k , v.map {|h| h[at]} ] }.to_h
sample =[
{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"one", :size=>"big" },
{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"two", :size=>"small" },
{:type=>"Fruit", :name=>"four", :size=>"small" }
group(sample, :type, :name) # => {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
group(sample, :size, :name) # => {"big"=>["one"], "small"=>["two", "four"]}
Please, notice that, although not mentioned in the question, you may want to preserve the original sample as it is. Some answers kept provision on this, others not as.
After grouping (list.group_by {...}) the part that does the transformation (without modifying the original sample's values) is:
.map { |k,v| [ k , v.map {|h| h[at]} ] }.to_h
Some hints:
iterating the pairs of the Hash of groups (first map), where
for each iteration, we receive |group_key, array] and return an Array of [group_key, new_array] (outer block),
and finally to_h transforms the Array of Arrays into the Hash (this [[gk1,arr1],[gk2,arr2]...] into this { gk1 => arr1, gk2 => arr2, ...})
There is one missing step not explained at step (2) above. new_array is made by v.map {|h| h[at]}, which justs casts the value at of each original Hash (h) element of the array (so we move from Array of Hashes to an Array of elements).
Hope that helps others to understand the example.

Ruby - "can't convert Symbol into Integer" when try to access data in array

Here's a sample of array:
{:upc=>"51857195821952", :product_id=>"1234", :name=>"name", :price=>" $15 ", :color=>"green", :size=>"L", :description=>"descr"},
{:upc=>"352353wegs", :product_id=>"456", :name=>"name2", :price=>"$21", :color=>"black", :size=>"S", :description=>"descr"}, # ...
And here as I am trying to fetch data from that array:
#array.each do |p|
product = Product.new
product.sku = p[0]
product.name = p[1][0][:name] #can't convert Symbol into Integer
price = p[1].select{ |pr| !pr[:price].nil? and pr[:price] != "0" }.min_by{ |i| i[:price].to_f }[:price]
product.price = "%.2f" % (price.to_f)
Every time I try to fetch data from the array, I get on the line product.name = the error can't convert Symbol into Integer.
What is wrong in this case? I spent a part of afternoon on this issue, but unfortunately I still cannot figure out it...
Thanky you
Your #array is actually a hash. It is formated like following:
'name1' => [{:upc => "..."},{:upc => "..."}],
'name2' => [{:upc => "..."},{:upc => "..."}],
Since it is a Hash, you can use 2 arguments in the each (works for map also) method (one for the key, the other for the value):
#array.each do |name, array|
product = Product.new
product.sku = name # returns "C1"
array.each do |data|
The fundamental problem is that the sample array you showed above is not actually an array. It's a hash with key-value pairs. Therefore, your code like p[0] or p[1][0] doesn't make sense because a hash doesn't have index like array. Hash is not ordered. Hashes values are accessed with a "key" rather than an "index" like array.
Iterating through key-value pairs of a hash is done something like this.
1.9.3p194 :001 > x = {:x => 10, :y => 9, :z => 10}
=> {:x=>10, :y=>9, :z=>10}
1.9.3p194 :002 > x.each do |key, value|
1.9.3p194 :003 > puts "#{key} : #{value}"
1.9.3p194 :004?> end
x : 10
y : 9
z : 10
=> {:x=>10, :y=>9, :z=>10}
It looks like you may be confusing Arrays and Hashes a bit.
Given this:
#array = {"C1"=>[
{:upc=>"51857195821952", :product_id=>"1234", :name=>"name", :price=>" $15 ", :color=>"green", :size=>"L", :description=>"descr"},
{:upc=>"352353wegs", :product_id=>"456", :name=>"name2", :price=>" $21 ", :color=>"black", :size=>"S", :description=>"descr"}
] }
Then #array.class.name is Hash
You can get the actual array by accessing it like so:
#actual_array = #array["C1"]
Then, #actual_array.class.name will be Array
So, taking this approach and re-writing:
#array = {"C1"=>[
{:upc=>"51857195821952", :product_id=>"1234", :name=>"name", :price=>" $15 ", :color=>"green", :size=>"L", :description=>"descr"},
{:upc=>"352353wegs", :product_id=>"456", :name=>"name2", :price=>" $21 ", :color=>"black", :size=>"S", :description=>"descr"}
] }
#actual_array = #array["C1"]
#actual_array.each do |p|
puts p[:name]
If you do this, you'll find that the value of the :name element will be printed neatly out.

what is the best way to convert a json formatted key value pair to ruby hash with symbol as key?

I am wondering what is the best way to convert a json formatted key value pair to ruby hash with symbol as key:
{ 'user': { 'name': 'foo', 'age': 40, 'location': { 'city' : 'bar', 'state': 'ca' } } }
{ :user=>{ :name => 'foo', :age =>'40', :location=>{ :city => 'bar', :state=>'ca' } } }
Is there a helper method can do this?
using the json gem when parsing the json string you can pass in the symbolize_names option. See here: http://flori.github.com/json/doc/index.html (look under parse)
>> s ="{\"akey\":\"one\",\"bkey\":\"two\"}"
>> JSON.parse(s,:symbolize_names => true)
=> {:akey=>"one", :bkey=>"two"}
Leventix, thank you for your answer.
The Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(h)) method probably has the most integrity of the various methods because it preserves the original key types recursively.
This is important in case you have a nested hash with a mix of string and symbol keys and you want to preserve that mix upon decode (for instance, this could happen if your hash contains your own custom objects in addition to highly complex/nested third-party objects whose keys you cannot manipulate/convert for whatever reason, like a project time constraint).
h = {
:youtube => {
:search => 'daffy', # nested symbol key
'history' => ['goofy', 'mickey'] # nested string key
Method 1: JSON.parse - symbolizes all keys recursively => Does not preserve original mix
JSON.parse( h.to_json, {:symbolize_names => true} )
=> { :youtube => { :search=> "daffy", :history => ["goofy", "mickey"] } }
Method 2: ActiveSupport::JSON.decode - symbolizes top-level keys only => Does not preserve original mix
ActiveSupport::JSON.decode( ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(h) ).symbolize_keys
=> { :youtube => { "search" => "daffy", "history" => ["goofy", "mickey"] } }
Method 3: Marshal.load - preserves original string/symbol mix in the nested keys. PERFECT!
Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(h) )
=> { :youtube => { :search => "daffy", "history" => ["goofy", "mickey"] } }
Unless there is a drawback that I'm unaware of, I'd think Method 3 is the way to go.
There isn't anything built in to do the trick, but it's not too hard to write the code to do it using the JSON gem. There is a symbolize_keys method built into Rails if you're using that, but that doesn't symbolize keys recursively like you need.
require 'json'
def json_to_sym_hash(json)
json.gsub!('\'', '"')
parsed = JSON.parse(json)
def symbolize_keys(hash)
hash.inject({}){|new_hash, key_value|
key, value = key_value
value = symbolize_keys(value) if value.is_a?(Hash)
new_hash[key.to_sym] = value
As Leventix said, the JSON gem only handles double quoted strings (which is technically correct - JSON should be formatted with double quotes). This bit of code will clean that up before trying to parse it.
Recursive method:
require 'json'
def JSON.parse(source, opts = {})
r = JSON.parser.new(source, opts).parse
r = keys_to_symbol(r) if opts[:symbolize_names]
return r
def keys_to_symbol(h)
new_hash = {}
h.each do |k,v|
if v.class == String || v.class == Fixnum || v.class == Float
new_hash[k.to_sym] = v
elsif v.class == Hash
new_hash[k.to_sym] = keys_to_symbol(v)
elsif v.class == Array
new_hash[k.to_sym] = keys_to_symbol_array(v)
raise ArgumentError, "Type not supported: #{v.class}"
return new_hash
def keys_to_symbol_array(array)
new_array = []
array.each do |i|
if i.class == Hash
new_array << keys_to_symbol(i)
elsif i.class == Array
new_array << keys_to_symbol_array(i)
new_array << i
return new_array
Of course, there is a json gem, but that handles only double quotes.
Another way to handle this is to use YAML serialization/deserialization, which also preserves the format of the key:
YAML.load({test: {'test' => { ':test' => 5}}}.to_yaml)
=> {:test=>{"test"=>{":test"=>5}}}
Benefit of this approach it seems like a format that is better suited for REST services...
The most convenient way is by using the nice_hash gem: https://github.com/MarioRuiz/nice_hash
require 'nice_hash'
my_str = "{ 'user': { 'name': 'foo', 'age': 40, 'location': { 'city' : 'bar', 'state': 'ca' } } }"
# on my_hash will have the json as a hash
my_hash = my_str.json
# or you can filter and get what you want
vals = my_str.json(:age, :city)
# even you can access the keys like this:
puts my_hash._user._location._city
puts my_hash.user.location.city
puts my_hash[:user][:location][:city]
If you think you might need both string and symbol keys:
