How to change caption of drilldown button at the top right of sunburst chart in highcharts? - highcharts

Can anyone tell me how to change caption of drilldown button at the top right of sunburst chart in highcharts? Please look at the image attached.

Found the answer by looking at the source code of sunburst.js.
series: [{
type: "sunburst",
data: data,
allowDrillToNode: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
drillUpButton: {
text: "< Back"
drillUpButton property changes the text of the drill up button in Sunburst chart in highcharts.


How to hide series name and color displaying at the bottom of the highchart?

I've highlighted the content to be removed from displaying in my chart
You are looking for legend.enabled. Just add this to your chart:
legend: {
enabled: false
See example.

How to fix hidden dataLabel in highcharts?

Please take a look at JSFIDDLE. Here, the green bar doesn't display any value. I know adding overflow:"none", crop:false will display the value. But it goes out of plotting area, sometimes for larger numbers it overlaps title. I would like to get green bar value (ONLY) inside the bar instead of hiding the value.
For particular column (i.e green column) label value to be inside, you can add attribute inside: true in data .Refer dataLabels.inside for more info
series: [{
color: colors[0],
showInLegend: false,
data: [{
....//first value
, {
y: 3500,
name: 'Second',
color: colors[1],
dataLabels: {
inside: true //labels will be inside column
},... // third and remaining
Fiddle demonstration

Display labels in Highcharts 3D scatter plot

I use Highcharts to visualize 3D charts in my project. Particularly I am interested in showing a 3D scatter plot like this. Below the chart you can see the options as well as the respective jsFiddle.
Is there a possibility to display a label with every point's name always i.e. that hovering is not required?
Within the series you can enable the datalabels like this:
series: [{
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
then you could use the formatter to customise the text to be displayed:
series: [{
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function () {
return this.point.x;

Highcharts chart moves up from x-axis on drill down

I am using Highcharts to draw a chart of my data.When I am having a column chart and when I drill down in it, after drill down the chart moves up from the x-axis. This is the x-axis and y-axis settings:
xAxis: {
labels: {
rotation: -20,
align: 'right'
yAxis: {
min: 0
Let me know if anybody has any solution for this.
PLease update the version of the highcharts to 4.0.4, because the previous one had some bugs. It worked for me.

legend overwrites chart

I have a highstock chart with many series. I placed the legend with series names below the chart. The problem is that I cannot know in advance which is the height of the legend, and sometimes it happens to be soo large that it overwrites the graph above.
Is it possible to adapt the size of the graph to the size of the legend in javascript code? Best solution for me would be to keep fixed the size of the graph and enlarge the height of enclosing element.
a jsfiddle which resembles my situation:
var chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container'
legend: {
enabled: true,
rangeSelector: {
selected: 1
series: [{
name: 'ADBE',
data: ADBE
}, {
name: 'MSFT',
data: MSFT
I would like to have the legend below the navigator. I can obtain this by fixing some margins and offsets in the elements, but then the layout breaks if the legend becomes too tall.
You can set maxHeight for the legend, and add fixed margin to make some space for that legend.
