Could not parse .travis.yml - docker

I'm trying to create CI pipeline with GitHub, Travis CI and AWS ECS. When I'm push commit to master branch, I'm getting error in travis CI: 'Could not parse .travis.yml'. I can't figure out, where is the problem. Travis dosen't provide more information about error.
There is a code, which I'm using:
language: csharp
dist: trusty
sudo: required
mono: none
dotnet: 2.0.0
- master
- chmod -R a+x scripts
- ./scripts/
- ./scripts/
- ./scripts/
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet publish ./BookMeMobi2 -c Release -o ./bin/Docker
pip install --user awscli
eval $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region eu-central-1)
docker build -t bookmemobi2 .
docker ps
docker tag bookmemobi2:latest
docker push
I don't know where is the problem. Could you help me?

Use yamllint, which you can install, or just copy&paste to a web-based version.
With the example in the question, I get:
(<unknown>): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 7 column 1
There's a tab on line 7. See "".

I had a similar problem. In my case I was using python to launch a couple of scripts. I placed them one after the other with a hyphen at the beginning, exactly as you. So I searched to found out that I could place all of them in one line with "&" between each script and I got rid of the hyphen.
What I had:
- python
- python
- python
- python
Changed to :
script: python & python & python & python
In your case you could try :
script: ./scripts/ & ./scripts/ & ./scripts/
or something like this :
script: sh ./scripts/ & sh ./scripts/ & sh ./scripts/
And see how it works out.

The travis cli tool has a linter
gem install travis
However, it only gives warnings for the example. Also, it currently does not work with all features, for example stages.
$ travis lint
Warnings for .travis.yml:
[x] unexpected key mono, dropping
[x] unexpected key dotnet, dropping


Azure Pipelines: GraalVM Docker image build best practice

I'm currently doing some research on how to use GraalVM in our project which by now contains an array of Micronaut apps.
I've followed this Micronaut article:
using Micronaut 3.5.2, JDK 17 and Kotlin.
Everything is working as expected on localhost (Ubuntu 20.04) when building the Docker image by using
mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native and running the app using
docker run --publish 8080:8080 graal-test
Now I'm trying to figure out how to build GraalVM Docker images in Azure Pipelines without installing prerequisites for every build. There seems to be very little information about how to do this.
I'm able to run a successful build by adding these two script build steps. task.prependpath is in effect in next build step, hence two separate script steps.
- script: |
curl -Lo graalvm-archive.tar.gz
tar -xzf graalvm-archive.tar.gz
echo '##vso[task.prependpath]$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/graalvm-ce-java17-22.1.0/bin'
- script: |
gu install native-image
sudo apt-get install build-essential libz-dev zlib1g-dev
native-image --version
Docker image build step.
# Build Docker image
- task: Maven#3
displayName: 'Build Docker'
goals: 'package'
options: '-Pgraalvm -Dpackaging=docker-native$(yourImageNameVar):$(yourImageTagVar) -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true --batch-mode'
javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
The resulting image has approx. virtual size 30MiB in GCR, and app startup time is less than 40ms in GKE.
Closest so far is this
The azure pipelines ubuntu 20.04 images recently added Graal CE
Unfortunately, the embedded link is broken.
Any hints on how to do this, will be highly appreciated.
We managed to build 1 out of 5 Micronaut apps tested so far with GraalVM. There seems to be some issues with Kotlin and GraalVM.
Here's the non-broken link:
I hope this helps. I did notice on the issue that the CI pipeline support for GraalVM is not yet in place, but the VMs themselves are available on the Ubuntu image.

Chaining Dockerfiles - after FROM, running npm no longer works?

I'm experimenting with docker. I have a simple dockerfile, which includes java and node.
It's published to dockerhub. Now, I'd like to build an application downstream
FROM quafadas/scala-mill:latest
RUN java -version
#This doesn't work :-(.
RUN npm --version
The command RUN npm --version works in the base image linked above, but apparently, not when I'm building on top of it using the FROM directive. Is anyone able to help me understand why?
/bin/sh: npm: command not found
The command '/bin/sh -c npm --version' returned a non-zero code: 127
enter code here
There seem to have been a few recent commits to the repo which has apparently fixed the issue! I was able to build and run the Dockerfile to get the npm version without any issues!
In case you need additional modules (such as npm) to be installed on a base image that doesn't provide it, use a multi-stage Dockerfile with different FROM commands to get your necessary dependencies onto a single Dockerfile and a docker image later. Reference.

why is my outdir from my kcov command always empty?

so, i need to integrate kcov in my gitlab-ci to see code coverage on a test executable executable. the documentation from kcov states that i need to run "kcov /path/to/outdir ./myexec" to generate a report in an html file. however, even if the command succedes, /path/to/outdir is still empty and i dont know why since the tests pass and kcov returns no errors
here is the .gitlab-ci.yml:
stage: coverage
- Build
- mkdir build/test/kcov
- cd build/test
- kcov --include-path=../../src /kcov ./abuse-test
- cd kcov
- ls
- TP3/build
- TP3/src
my test exec is abuse-test, it is generated via cmake->make and is in a folder called TP3->build->test->abuse-test
the output of the console in the ci is the following:
on igl601-runner3 5d2b3c01
Using Docker executor with image ...
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:c2cf0a7c10687670c7b28ee23ac06899de88ebb0d86e142bfbf65171147fc167 for ...
Running on runner-5d2b3c01-project-223-concurrent-0 via dinf-prj-16...
Fetching changes...
Removing TP3/build/
HEAD is now at b2e1277 Update .gitlab-ci.yml
b2e1277..7cf0af5 master -> origin/master
Checking out 7cf0af56 as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
Downloading artifacts for Build (8552)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=8552 responseStatus=200 OK token=Pagxjp_C
$ cd TP3
$ mkdir build/test/kcov
$ cd build/test
$ kcov --include-path=../../src /kcov ./abuse-test
All tests passed (3 assertions in 3 test cases)
$ cd kcov
$ ls
Uploading artifacts...
TP3/build: found 2839 matching files
TP3/src: found 211 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=8554 responseStatus=201 Created token=PxDHHjxf
Job succeeded
the kcov documentation states: "/path/to/outdir will contain lcov-style HTML output generated continuously while the application run"
and yet, when i browse the artefacts, i find nothing
Hi it looks like you're specifying /kcov as the outdir:
kcov --include-path=../../src /kcov ./abuse-test
Since you're working on a *nix based system, the / implies an absolute path from the root of your filesystem.
The cd kcov step assumes a relative path (down from your current directory) since it is missing the /.
So I guess changing your kcov command to:
kcov --include-path=../../src kcov ./abuse-test
Would fix your issue.

Skip first mvn install in travis-ci

I'm having troubles building a project with maven on travis-ci because travis automatically runs
mvn install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -B -V
which fails because of a timeout:
No output has been received in the last 10 minutes, this potentially
indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself
According to the documentation I should be able to override it defining a custom script in .travis.yml but it does not work, here my configuration:
sudo: false
- java
script: "travis_wait mvn -T4 -pl quickfixj-codegenerator install"
- oraclejdk8
- MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx=2048m"
- travis-ci-build
Is there any way to avoid the automatic mvn install or to tweak it ?
This is mentioned in the documentation:
Skip the installation step entirely by adding the following to your .travis.yml:
install: skip
The install step runs before script step, and with Maven you don't usually need the install step, at least I personally haven't ever found it useful — Maven will download dependencies on script step anyway.
I had the same issue. It was solved after some discussion with the Travis CI support. Here is their response:
That maven command is run as part of the install section of your
build, it's the default.
If you want to skip this step, you can override it by adding this to
your .travis.yml file:
install: /bin/true
I have found it useful to have an install: mvn dependency:resolve step that downloads the build dependencies up front, so that the output of the actual build script is kept clean

Can a docker build use the url of a git branch?

According to the docs, a git url can be passed to a build command:
But what happens if the git url needs to be a branch name? In other words, how do I do the equivalent of this:
git clone -b my-firefox-branch
Start your URL with git:// (or https://) and simply append the branch name after #.
I just forked the OP's repo and created a branch to confirm it works (docker version 1.11.1):
root#box:~# docker build git://
Sending build context to Docker daemon 52.22 kB
Step 1 : FROM ubuntu:12.04
12.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
4edf76921243: Downloading
[==========> ] 9.633 MB/44.3 MB
See for full docs.
So far, No. it can't.
Here's what I got:
$ docker build
2014/12/04 08:19:04 Error trying to use git: exit status 128 (Cloning into '/var/folders/9q/bthxttfj2lq7jtz0b_f938gr0000gn/T/docker-build-git859493111'...
fatal: remote error:
is not a valid repository name
Email for help
If you take a look at this line of docker CLI code, it only do recursive git clone against given URL of a git repo (even no --depth=1) when using docker build <git-repo-url>.
However, it could be an interesting improvement to docker (if people want it) since #<branch-name> and #<commit> are popular syntax to github URL adopted by lots of tools like npm and bower.
Well it works more or less depending on versions
For recent versions : (docker-engine 1.5.0-0~trusty and+)
docker build
docker build
docker build
For older ones: ( 1.4-5ubuntu1 and -)
docker build
docker build git://
docker build
Maybe this can be handled in helper script like:
curl -sL | bash -x -
