Streaming string data with F# Suave - f#

With Suave 2.4.0 supporting TransferEncoding.chunked and HttpOutput.writeChunk I have written the below code to stream out data over HTTP.
let sendStrings getStringsFromProducer : WebPart =
Writers.setStatus HTTP_200 >=>
TransferEncoding.chunked (fun conn -> socket {
let refConn = ref conn
for str in getStringsFromProducer do
let! (_, conn) = (str |> stringToBytes |> HttpOutput.writeChunk) !refConn
refConn := conn
return! HttpOutput.writeChunk [||] !refConn
While this works, I question the reliability of using ref and hoping there are better way out there to do the same in a more functional manner. Are there better way to do this? Assuming I cannot change getStringsFromProducer?

I think you cannot avoid all mutation in this case - writing chunks one by one is a fairly imperative operation and iterating over a lazy sequence also requires (mutable) iterator, so there is no way to avoid all mutation. I think your sendStrings function does a nice job at hiding the mutation from the consumer and provides a nice functional API.
You can avoid using ref cells and replace them with local mutable variable, which is a bit safer - because the mutable variable cannot escape the local scope:
TransferEncoding.chunked (fun conn -> socket {
let mutable conn = conn
for str in getStringsFromProducer do
let! _, newConn = HttpOutput.writeChunk (stringToBytes str) conn
conn <- newConn
return! HttpOutput.writeChunk [||] conn
You could avoid the mutable conn variable by using recursion, but this requires you to work with IEnumerator<'T> rather than using a nice for loop to iterate over the sequence, so I think this is actually less nice than the version using a mutable variable:
TransferEncoding.chunked (fun conn -> socket {
let en = getStringsFromProducer.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop conn = socket {
if en.MoveNext() then
let! _, conn = HttpOutput.writeChunk (stringToBytes en.Current) conn
return! loop conn }
do! loop conn
return! HttpOutput.writeChunk [||] conn })

I was looking for a way to replace refs/mutables in F# in a general way, and while I came up with a solution, it might be overkill in your case. It looks like the ref is a local that is only updated from within a single thread, so it's probably fairly safe. However, if you want to replace it, here's how I solved the problem:
type private StateMessage<'a> =
| Get of AsyncReplyChannel<'a>
| GetOrSet of 'a * AsyncReplyChannel<'a>
| GetOrSetResult of (unit -> 'a) * AsyncReplyChannel<'a>
| Set of 'a
| Update of ('a -> 'a) * AsyncReplyChannel<'a>
type Stateful<'a>(?initialValue: 'a) =
let agent = MailboxProcessor<StateMessage<'a>>.Start
<| fun inbox ->
let rec loop state =
async {
let! message = inbox.Receive()
match message with
| Get channel ->
match state with
| Some value -> channel.Reply(value)
| None -> channel.Reply(Unchecked.defaultof<'a>)
return! loop state
| GetOrSet (newValue, channel) ->
match state with
| Some value ->
return! loop state
| None ->
return! loop (Some newValue)
| GetOrSetResult (getValue, channel) ->
match state with
| Some value ->
return! loop state
| None ->
let newValue = getValue ()
return! loop (Some newValue)
| Set value ->
return! loop (Some value)
| Update (update, channel) ->
let currentValue =
match state with
| Some value -> value
| None -> Unchecked.defaultof<'a>
let newValue = update currentValue
return! loop (Some newValue)
loop initialValue
let get () = agent.PostAndReply Get
let asyncGet () = agent.PostAndAsyncReply Get
let getOrSet value = agent.PostAndReply <| fun reply -> GetOrSet (value, reply)
let asyncGetOrSet value = agent.PostAndAsyncReply <| fun reply -> GetOrSet (value, reply)
let getOrSetResult getValue = agent.PostAndReply <| fun reply -> GetOrSetResult (getValue, reply)
let asyncGetOrSetResult getValue = agent.PostAndAsyncReply <| fun reply -> GetOrSetResult (getValue, reply)
let set value = agent.Post <| Set value
let update f = agent.PostAndReply <| fun reply -> Update (f, reply)
let asyncUpdate f = agent.PostAndAsyncReply <| fun reply -> Update (f, reply)
member __.Get () = get ()
member __.AsyncGet () = asyncGet ()
member __.GetOrSet value = getOrSet value
member __.AsyncGetOrSet value = asyncGetOrSet value
member __.GetOrSetResult getValue = getOrSetResult getValue
member __.AsyncGetOrSetResult getValue = asyncGetOrSetResult getValue
member __.Set value = set value
member __.Update f = update f
member __.AsyncUpdate f = asyncUpdate f
This basically uses a MailboxProcessor to serialize updates to state that's managed by a tail-recursive function, similar to Tomas' second example. However, this allows you to call Get/Set/Update in a way that's more like traditional mutable state, even though it's not actually doing mutation. You can use it like this:
let state = Stateful(0)
state.Get() |> printfn "%d"
state.Get() |> printfn "%d"
state.Update(fun x -> x + 1) |> printfn "%d"
This will print:


InvalidOperationException on conversion from F# quotation to Linq Expression

I'm trying to substitute types in a F# Expr, before converting it to an Expression for consumption by a c# lib.
But upon the call to LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToExpression I receive the error
InvalidOperationException: The variable 't' was not found in the translation context
Basically I'm trying to substitute the equivalent of
<# fun (t: Record) -> t.A = 10 #> to
<# fun (t: Dict) -> t["A"] = 10 #>
Here is the code
type Record = {
A: int
type Dict () = //this is the type the c# lib wants (a dictionary representation of a type)
inherit Dictionary<string, obj>()
let substitute<'a> (ex: Expr<'a->bool>) =
let replaceVar (v: Var) = if v.Type = typeof<'a> then Var(v.Name, typeof<Dict>) else v
let tEntityItem = typeof<Dict>.GetProperty("Item")
let isATypeShapeVar = function | ShapeVar var -> var.Type = typeof<'a> | _ -> false
let rec substituteExpr =
| PropertyGet(exOpt, propOrValInfo, c) ->
match exOpt with
| None -> Expr.PropertyGet(propOrValInfo)
| Some ex ->
let args = c |> substituteExpr
let newex = substituteExpr ex
match isATypeShapeVar ex with
| true ->
let getter = Expr.PropertyGet(newex, tEntityItem, [Expr.Value(propOrValInfo.Name)] )
Expr.Coerce(getter, propOrValInfo.PropertyType)
| false -> Expr.PropertyGet(newex, propOrValInfo, args)
| ShapeVar var -> Expr.Var (var |> replaceVar)
| ShapeLambda (var, expr) -> Expr.Lambda(var |> replaceVar, substituteExpr expr)
| ShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, exprList) ->
RebuildShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, substituteExpr exprList)
substituteExpr ex |> LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToExpression
substitute<Record> (<# fun t -> t.A = 10 #>)
I suspect I've missed something in the substitution, but I'm stumped as to what.
The the .ToString() result of the substituted F# Expr is
Lambda (t,
Call (None, op_Equality,
[Coerce (PropertyGet (Some (t), Item, [Value ("A")]), Int32),
Value (10)]))
which looks correct. And other than the coersion, is the equivalent of <# fun (t: Dict) -> t["A"] = 10 #>.ToString()
Why is the QuotationToExpression failing ?
Every time you call replaceVar, you return a different instance of Var. So when you replace the lambda parameter, it's one instance of Var, and later, when you replace newex, that's another instance of Var.
Lambda (t, Call (None, op_Equality, [Coerce (PropertyGet (Some (t), ... ))
^ ^
| |
These are different `t`, unrelated, despite the same name
To make this work, you have to make it the same t. The dumbest, most straightforward way would be this:
let substitute<'a> (ex: Expr<'a->bool>) =
let newArg = Var("arg", typeof<Dict>)
let replaceVar (v: Var) = if v.Type = typeof<'a> then newArg else v
This will make your particular example work as expected, but it is still unsound, because you're replacing not just specifically the lambda parameter, but any variable of the same type. Which means that if the expression happens to contain any variables of the same type as the parameter, you'd still hit the same problem. For example, try converting this:
<# fun t -> let z = { A = 15 } in z.A = 15 && t.A = 10 #>
You'll get a similar error, but this time complaining about variable z.
A better way would be to maintain a map of variable substitutions as you go, insert new variables as you encounter them for the first time, but get them from the map on subsequent encounters.
An alternative approach would be to fish out specifically the lambda parameter and then replace only it, rather than comparing variable types.
But then there's the next level of weirdness: you're converting any property accessor to an indexer accessor, but in my example above, z.A shouldn't be thus converted. So you have to somehow recognize whether the object of property access is in fact the argument, and that may not be as trivial.
If you're willing to settle for just the case of t.A and fail on more complicated cases like (if true then t else t).A, then you can just match on the lambda argument and pass through any other expression:
let substitute<'a> (ex: Expr<'a->bool>) =
let arg =
match ex with
| ShapeLambda (v, _) -> v
| _ -> failwith "This is not a lambda. Shouldn't happen."
let newArg = Var("arg", typeof<Dict>)
let replaceVar (v: Var) = if v = arg then newArg else v
let tEntityItem = typeof<Dict>.GetProperty("Item")
let isATypeShapeVar = function | ShapeVar var -> var.Type = typeof<'a> | _ -> false
let rec substituteExpr =
| PropertyGet(Some (ShapeVar a), propOrValInfo, c) when a = arg ->
let getter = Expr.PropertyGet(Expr.Var newArg, tEntityItem, [Expr.Value(propOrValInfo.Name)] )
Expr.Coerce(getter, propOrValInfo.PropertyType)
| ShapeVar var -> Expr.Var (var |> replaceVar)
| ShapeLambda (var, expr) -> Expr.Lambda(var |> replaceVar, substituteExpr expr)
| ShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, exprList) ->
RebuildShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, substituteExpr exprList)
| ex -> ex
substituteExpr ex |> LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToExpression
> substituteExpr <# fun t -> let z = { A = 15 } in z.A = 15 && t.A = 10 #>
val it: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression =
ToFSharpFunc(arg => z => ((z.A == 15) AndAlso (Convert(arg.get_Item("A"), Int32) == 10)).Invoke(new Record(15)))

F# Computation Expression to build state and defer execution

I am looking to build a computation expression where I can express the following:
let x = someComputationExpression {
do! "Message 1"
printfn "something 1"
do! "Message 2"
printfn "something 2"
do! "Message 3"
printfn "something 3"
let lastValue = 4
do! "Message 4"
// need to reference values across `do!`
printfn "something %s" lastValue
and be able to take from x a list:
[| "Message 1"
"Message 2"
"Message 3"
"Message 4" |]
without printfn ever getting called, but with the ability to later execute it (if that makes sense).
It doesn't need to be with the do! keyword, it could be yield or return, whatever is required for it to work.
To put it another way, I want to be able to collect some state in a computation express, and queue up work (the printfns) that can be executed later.
I have tried a few things, but am not sure it's possible.
It's a bit hard to figure out a precise solution from the OP question. Instead I am going to post some code that the OP perhaps can adjust to the needs.
I define Result and ResultGenerator
type Result =
| Direct of string
| Delayed of (unit -> unit)
type ResultGenerator<'T> = G of (Result list -> 'T*Result list )
The generator produces a value and a list of direct and delayed values, the direct values are the string list above but intermingled with them are the delayed values. I like returning intermingled so that the ordering is preserved.
Note this is a version of what is sometimes called a State monad.
Apart from the class CE components like bind and Builders I created two functions direct and delayed.
direct is used to create a direct value and delayed a delayed one (takes a function)
let direct v : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
(), Direct v::rs
let delayed d : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
(), Delayed d::rs
To improve the readability I defined delayed trace functions:
let trace m : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
(), Delayed (fun () -> printfn "%s" m)::rs
let tracef fmt = kprintf trace fmt
From an example generator:
let test =
builder {
do! direct "Hello"
do! tracef "A trace:%s" "!"
do! direct "There"
return 123
The following result was achieved:
(123, [Direct "Hello"; Delayed <fun:trace#37-1>; Direct "There"])
(Delayed will print the trace when executed).
Hope this can give some ideas on how to attack the actual problem.
Full source:
open FStharp.Core.Printf
type Result =
| Direct of string
| Delayed of (unit -> unit)
type ResultGenerator<'T> = G of (Result list -> 'T*Result list )
let value v : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
v, rs
let bind (G t) uf : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
let tv, trs = t rs
let (G u) = uf tv
u trs
let combine (G t) (G u) : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
let _, trs = t rs
u trs
let direct v : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
(), Direct v::rs
let delayed d : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
(), Delayed d::rs
let trace m : ResultGenerator<_> =
G <| fun rs ->
(), Delayed (fun () -> printfn "%s" m)::rs
let tracef fmt = kprintf trace fmt
type Builder() =
member x.Bind (t, uf) = bind t uf
member x.Combine (t, u) = combine t u
member x.Return v = value v
member x.ReturnFrom t = t : ResultGenerator<_>
let run (G t) =
let v, rs = t []
v, List.rev rs
let builder = Builder ()
let test =
builder {
do! direct "Hello"
do! tracef "A trace:%s" "!"
do! direct "There"
return 123
let main argv =
run test |> printfn "%A"

Avoiding the pyramid of doom with Computation Expressions?

I came across this question about the "pyramid of doom" in F#. The accepted answer there involves using Active Patterns, however my understanding is that it can also be solved using Computation Expressions.
How can I remove the "pyramid of doom" from this code using Computation Expressions?
match a.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, v) -> v
| _ ->
match b.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, v) -> v
| _ ->
match c.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, v) -> v
| _ -> defaultValue
F# for fun and profit has an example for this specific case:
type OrElseBuilder() =
member this.ReturnFrom(x) = x
member this.Combine (a,b) =
match a with
| Some _ -> a // a succeeds -- use it
| None -> b // a fails -- use b instead
member this.Delay(f) = f()
let orElse = new OrElseBuilder()
But if you want to use it with IDictionary you need a lookup function that returns an option:
let tryGetValue key (d:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<_,_>) =
match d.TryGetValue key with
| true, v -> Some v
| false, _ -> None
Now here's a modified example of its usage from F# for fun and profit:
let map1 = [ ("1","One"); ("2","Two") ] |> dict
let map2 = [ ("A","Alice"); ("B","Bob") ] |> dict
let map3 = [ ("CA","California"); ("NY","New York") ] |> dict
let multiLookup key = orElse {
return! map1 |> tryGetValue key
return! map2 |> tryGetValue key
return! map3 |> tryGetValue key
multiLookup "A" // Some "Alice"
The pattern I like for "pyramid of doom" removal is this:
1) Create a lazy collection of inputs
2) Map them with a computation function
3) skip all the computations that yield unacceptable results
4) pick the first one that matches your criteria.
This approach, however, does not use Computation Expressions
open System.Collections
let a = dict [1, "hello1"]
let b = dict [2, "hello2"]
let c = dict [2, "hello3"]
let valueGetter (key:'TKey) (d:Generic.IDictionary<'TKey, 'TVal>) =
match d.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, v) -> Some(v)
| _ -> None
let dicts = Seq.ofList [a; b; c] // step 1
let computation data key =
|> ( (valueGetter key)) // step 2
|> Seq.skipWhile(fun x -> x = None) // step 3
|> Seq.head // step 4
computation dicts 2
A short-circuiting expression can be achieved if we subvert the Bind method, where we are in a position to simply ignore the rest of the computation and replace it with the successful match. Also, we can cater for the bool*string signature of the standard dictionary lookup.
type OrElseBuilder() =
member __.Return x = x
member __.Bind(ma, f) =
match ma with
| true, v -> v
| false, _ -> f ()
let key = 2 in OrElseBuilder() {
do! dict[1, "1"].TryGetValue key
do! dict[2, "2"].TryGetValue key
do! dict[3, "3"].TryGetValue key
return "Nothing found" }
// val it : string = "2"

how can I parameterize a F# class

The class below is a wrapper around an async MailboxProcessor that exposes
a few operations to C# assemblies. However, I don't want just a few
instances, I need several different Map<'K,'V> instances where 'K and 'V vary.
I hope I don't need a functor for that (it probably doesn't exist in F#).
module Flib.AsyncEvents
open System.Collections.Generic
type KVcoll = Map<string,int>
type Msg = Request of string * int option | Fetch of AsyncReplyChannel<KVcoll> | Clear
#nowarn "40"
type myAgent () = class
let dictAgent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox->
let dict = ref Map.empty
let rec loop = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Request (key, Some value) -> dict := Map.add key value !dict
| Request (key, None) -> dict := Map.remove key !dict
| Fetch(reply) -> reply.Reply(!dict)
| Clear -> dict := Map.empty
return! loop
member this.add(key, value) = dictAgent.Post (Request (key, Some value))
member this.del(key) = dictAgent.Post (Request(key, None))
member this.fetch() = dictAgent.PostAndReply((fun reply -> Fetch(reply)), timeout = 9000)
member this.lookup(key) = try 0, Map.find key (this.fetch()) // success
with | :? KeyNotFoundException -> -1, 0 // failure
member this.size() = this.fetch().Count
member this.clear() = dictAgent.Post (Clear)
member this.print() =
this.fetch() |> Map.iter (fun k v -> printfn "%s => %d" k v)
printfn "done"
By the way, this is prototype quality code, clearly not as good as it can be.
I'm not sure I understand the question fully, but if you want to create a type that can be used with different types of values, you can define the class as generic:
type Msg<'K, 'V when 'K : comparison> =
| Request of 'K * 'V option
| Fetch of AsyncReplyChannel<Map<'K, 'V>>
| Clear
type MyAgent<'K, 'V when 'K : comparison> () = class
let dictAgent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox->
let dict : Map<'K, 'V> ref = ref Map.empty
let rec loop = async {
// (same as before)
To make this work, you'll need to avoid code that restricts the type of keys and values to a particular type. In you case lookup was returning 0 as the default value and print was expecting strings. So you can replace those with something like:
member this.lookup(key) = Map.tryFind key (this.fetch())
member this.print() =
this.fetch() |> Map.iter (fun k v -> printfn "%A => %A" k v)
printfn "done"

Map Reduce with F# agents

After playing with F# agents I tried to do a map reduce using them.
The basic structure I use is:
map supervisor which queues up all the work to do in its state and receives work request from map workers
reduce supervisor does the same thing as map supervisor for reduce work
a bunch of map and reduce workers that map and reduce, if one fails its work it sends it back to the respective supervisr to be reprocessed.
The questions I wonder about is:
does this make any sense compared to a more traditional (yet very nice) map reduce like ( that uses PSeq ?
the way I implemented the map and reduce workers seems ugly is there a better way ?
it seems like I can create a 1000 000 map workers and 1000 0000 reduce workers lol, how should I choose these numbers, the more the better ?
Thanks a lot,
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
//This is the response the supervisor
//gives to the worker request for work
type 'work SupervisorResponse =
| Work of 'work //a piece of work
| NoWork//no work left to do
//This is the message to the supervisor
type 'work WorkMsg =
| ToDo of 'work //piles up work in the Supervisor queue
| WorkReq of AsyncReplyChannel<SupervisorResponse<'work>> //'
//The supervisor agent can be interacted with
type AgentOperation =
| Stop //stop the agent
| Status //yield the current status of supervisor
type 'work SupervisorMsg =
| WorkRel of 'work WorkMsg
| Operation of AgentOperation
//Supervises Map and Reduce workers
module AgentSupervisor=
let getNew (name:string) =
new Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>(fun inbox -> //'
let rec loop state = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| WorkRel(m) ->
match m with
| ToDo(work) ->
let newState = work:state
return! loop newState
| WorkReq(replyChannel) ->
match state with
| [] ->
return! loop []
| [item] ->
return! loop []
| (item::remaining) ->
return! loop remaining
| Operation(op) ->
match op with
| Status ->
Console.WriteLine(name+" current Work Queue "+
string (state.Length))
return! loop state
| Stop ->
Console.WriteLine("Stoppped SuperVisor Agent "+name)
loop [] )
let stop (agent:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>) = agent.Post(Operation(Stop))
let status (agent:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>) =agent.Post(Operation(Status))
//Code for the workers
type 'success WorkOutcome =
| Success of 'success
| Fail
type WorkerMsg =
| Start
| Stop
| Continue
module AgentWorker =
type WorkerSupervisors<'reduce,'work> =
{ Map:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>> ; Reduce:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'reduce>> }
let stop (agent:Agent<WorkerMsg>) = agent.Post(Stop)
let start (agent:Agent<WorkerMsg>) = agent.Start()
let getNewMapWorker( map, supervisors:WorkerSupervisors<'reduce,'work> ) =
new Agent<WorkerMsg>(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Start -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop ()
| Continue ->
let! supervisorOrder =
fun replyChannel ->
match supervisorOrder with
| Work(work) ->
let! res = map work
match res with
| Success(toReduce) ->
| Fail ->
Console.WriteLine("Map Fail")
| NoWork ->
return! loop ()
| Stop ->
Console.WriteLine("Map worker stopped")
return ()
loop () )
let getNewReduceWorker(reduce,reduceSupervisor:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>)=//'
new Agent<WorkerMsg>(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Start -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop()
| Continue ->
let! supervisorOrder =
reduceSupervisor.PostAndAsyncReply(fun replyChannel ->
match supervisorOrder with
| Work(work) ->
let! res = reduce work
match res with
| Success(toReduce) -> inbox.Post(Continue)
| Fail ->
| NoWork -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop()
|Stop ->Console.WriteLine("Reduce worker stopped"); return ()
loop() )
open AgentWorker
type MapReduce<'work,'reduce>( numberMap:int ,
numberReduce: int,
toProcess:'work list,
map:'work->Async<'reduce WorkOutcome>,
reduce:'reduce-> Async<unit WorkOutcome>) =
let mapSupervisor= AgentSupervisor.getNew("MapSupervisor")
let reduceSupervisor = AgentSupervisor.getNew("ReduceSupervisor")
let workerSupervisors = {Map = mapSupervisor ; Reduce = reduceSupervisor }
let mapWorkers =
[for i in 1..numberMap ->
AgentWorker.getNewMapWorker(map,workerSupervisors) ]
let reduceWorkers =
[for i in 1..numberReduce ->
AgentWorker.getNewReduceWorker(reduce,workerSupervisors.Reduce) ]
member this.Start() =
//Post work to do
|>List.iter(fun elem -> mapSupervisor.Post( WorkRel(ToDo(elem))))
//Start supervisors
//start workers
List.iter( fun mapper -> mapper |>start) mapWorkers
List.iter( fun reducer ->reducer|>start) reduceWorkers
member this.Status() = (mapSupervisor|>AgentSupervisor.status)
member this.Stop() =
List.map2(fun mapper reducer ->
mapper |>stop; reducer|>stop) mapWorkers reduceWorkers
//Run some tests
let map = function (n:int64) -> async{ return Success(n) }
let reduce = function (toto: int64) -> async{ return Success() }
let mp = MapReduce<int64,int64>( 1,1,[for i in 1L..1000000L->i],map,reduce)
I like to use MailboxProcessor for the reduce part of the algorithm, and async block that's invoked with Async.Parallel for the map part. It makes things more explicit, giving you finer control over exception handling, timeouts, and cancellation.
The following code was designed with Brian's help, and with the help of his excellent F# block highlighting "F# Depth Colorizer" plug-in for VS2010.
This code is meant to pull RSS feeds from yahoo weather server in a map-reduce pattern. It demonstrates how we can control execution flow from the outside of actual algorithm.
fetchWeather is the map part, and mailboxLoop is the reduce part of the algorithm.
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
#r "FSharp.PowerPack.dll"
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.IO
open System.Linq
open System.Net
open System.Xml.Linq
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.WebExtensions
type Weather (city, region, temperature) = class
member x.City = city
member x.Region = region
member x.Temperature : int = temperature
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "%s, %s: %d F" this.City this.Region this.Temperature
type MessageForActor =
| ProcessWeather of Weather
| ProcessError of int
| GetResults of (Weather * Weather * Weather list) AsyncReplyChannel
let parseRss woeid (rssStream : Stream) =
let xn str = XName.Get str
let yweather elementName = XName.Get(elementName, "")
let channel = (XDocument.Load rssStream).Descendants(xn "channel").First()
let location = channel.Element(yweather "location")
let condition = channel.Element(xn "item").Element(yweather "condition")
// If the RSS server returns error, condition XML element won't be available.
if not(condition = null) then
let temperature = Int32.Parse(condition.Attribute(xn "temp").Value)
ProcessWeather(new Weather(
location.Attribute(xn "city").Value,
location.Attribute(xn "region").Value,
let fetchWeather (actor : MessageForActor MailboxProcessor) woeid =
async {
let rssAddress = sprintf "" woeid
let webRequest = WebRequest.Create rssAddress
use! response = webRequest.AsyncGetResponse()
use responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()
let weather = parseRss woeid responseStream
//do! Async.Sleep 1000 // enable this line to see amplified timing that proves concurrent flow
let mailboxLoop initialCount =
let chooseCityByTemperature op (x : Weather) (y : Weather) =
if op x.Temperature y.Temperature then x else y
let sortWeatherByCityAndState (weatherList : Weather list) =
|> List.sortWith (fun x y -> x.City.CompareTo(y.City))
|> List.sortWith (fun x y -> x.Region.CompareTo(y.Region))
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop minAcc maxAcc weatherList remaining =
async {
let! message = inbox.Receive()
let remaining = remaining - 1
match message with
| ProcessWeather weather ->
let colderCity = chooseCityByTemperature (<) minAcc weather
let warmerCity = chooseCityByTemperature (>) maxAcc weather
return! loop colderCity warmerCity (weather :: weatherList) remaining
| ProcessError woeid ->
let errorWeather = new Weather(sprintf "Error with woeid=%d" woeid, "ZZ", 99999)
return! loop minAcc maxAcc (errorWeather :: weatherList) remaining
| GetResults replyChannel ->
replyChannel.Reply(minAcc, maxAcc, sortWeatherByCityAndState weatherList)
let minValueInitial = new Weather("", "", Int32.MaxValue)
let maxValueInitial = new Weather("", "", Int32.MinValue)
loop minValueInitial maxValueInitial [] initialCount
let RunSynchronouslyWithExceptionAndTimeoutHandlers computation =
let timeout = 30000
Async.RunSynchronously(Async.Catch(computation), timeout)
|> function Choice1Of2 answer -> answer |> ignore
| Choice2Of2 (except : Exception) -> printfn "%s" except.Message; printfn "%s" except.StackTrace; exit -4
| :? System.TimeoutException -> printfn "Timed out waiting for results for %d seconds!" <| timeout / 1000; exit -5
let main =
// Should have script name, sync/async select, and at least one woeid
if fsi.CommandLineArgs.Length < 3 then
printfn "Expecting at least two arguments!"
printfn "There were %d arguments" (fsi.CommandLineArgs.Length - 1)
exit -1
let woeids =
|> Seq.skip 2 // skip the script name and sync/async select
|> Int32.Parse
|> Seq.toList
| except -> printfn "One of supplied arguments was not an integer: %s" except.Message; exit -2
let actor = mailboxLoop woeids.Length
let processWeatherItemsConcurrently woeids =
|> (fetchWeather actor)
|> Async.Parallel
|> RunSynchronouslyWithExceptionAndTimeoutHandlers
let processOneWeatherItem woeid =
|> fetchWeather actor
|> RunSynchronouslyWithExceptionAndTimeoutHandlers
let stopWatch = new Stopwatch()
match fsi.CommandLineArgs.[1].ToUpper() with
| "C" -> printfn "Concurrent execution: "; processWeatherItemsConcurrently woeids
| "S" -> printfn "Synchronous execution: "; woeids |> Seq.iter processOneWeatherItem
| _ -> printfn "Unexpected run options!"; exit -3
let (min, max, weatherList) = actor.PostAndReply GetResults
assert (weatherList.Length = woeids.Length)
printfn "{"
weatherList |> List.iter (printfn " %O")
printfn "}"
printfn "Coldest place: %O" min
printfn "Hottest place: %O" max
printfn "Completed in %d millisec" stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
