Rhino Javascript JSON object - rhino

I use java to call the Rhino javascript, and it works.
in the javascript file, I define the following javascript object
var person = {firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe", age:50, eyeColor:"blue"};
then trying to access object by:
and I got a error has no public instance field or method named "toJSON".
I am confused, the way the person gets defined it is definitly a JS object. how come this runtime thinks its still a Java object

Take a look at issue in the Rhino GitHub , also linking PR that still open


What is the difference between new ActiveXObject() and WScript.CreateObject()?

According to the Microsoft documentation, one can create instances of the COM objects using both the ActiveXObject() and the WScript.CreateObject() functions. It seems like the lines
var objXL = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
var objXL = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application");
are identical. Is this a true assumption? and if not what is the difference? Examples to show the difference would be highly appreciated.
P.S. The post this has been flagged as a duplicate to is about the difference between VBScript's CreateObject() method and JScript's WScript.CreateObject(). It answers mention the JScript's ActiveXObject() constructor with no further elaborations.
Are they the same?
The short the answer is Yes they are the same (in the sense they perform the same job of instantiating an automation object).
Basically unlike VBScript which has the global function CreateObject() there is no such equivalent in JScript which was based on ECMAScript 3rd Edition. So, Microsoft added its own extension ActiveXObject which does the same job as CreateObject.
Both languages can be hosted in the Windows Scripting Host which gives them access to WScript.CreateObject() which is another method that does exactly the same function but only in the context of the WScript object that is only available through the Windows Scripting Host.
Following up
There has been some debate about whether they are the same, I still stand by my original answer they are the same. However, I will concede that I was comparing VBScript CreateObject() and JScript new ActiveXObject() not Wscript.CreateObject() (which is slightly different).
Let's be clear though, all these functions and objects serve the same purpose which is to instantiate an automation object (COM). To back this up here is the official description of each;
WScript - CreateObject() Method
Creates a COM object
JScript - ActiveXObject Method
Enables and returns a reference to an Automation object
VBScript - CreateObject() Function
Creates and returns a reference to an Automation object
If they were completely the same what would the point of them be? We already have language-specific automation instantiation methods, so what would the point of Wscript.CreateObject() be?
The difference is when called with a second parameter it allows you to specify a prefix that will use to distinguish event handlers for that COM object.
Here is an example taken from this answer that shows how the second argument is used to set a prefix of objIE_ that will then be used to prefix any event handlers associated with that COM object, in this case, the InternetExplorer.Application object.
// JScript
var objIE = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application","objIE_")
objIE.Visible = true
while (objIE.Visible){
function objIE_NavigateComplete2(pDisp, URL){
WScript.Echo("You just navigated to", URL)
function objIE_OnQuit(){
boolBrowserRunning = false ;
It allows an Internet Explorer instance to be opened and the URL navigated to captured through the bound event, once the Internet Explorer Window is closed the script will end.
So while not identical they do perform the same function of instantiating an Automation (COM) object.
Useful Links
Answer to What is the difference between CreateObject and Wscript.CreateObject?

Grails warning at compile of controllers

I am currently getting the warning in Grails of
'The [update] action accepts a parameter of type [edu.acu.teachereval.SubjectCode] which has not been marked with #Validateable. Data binding will still be applied to this command object but the instance will not be validateable.
along with the same errors for show, save, edit, and delete for the controller mentioned in the error and other controllers that I have created. I have seen this issue for user created functions, but I have not seen this error for functions that are built in to grails. Any assistance would be appreciated.
I think you need to add a #Validateable annotation to your SubjectCode class.
This may be coming late, But this error is likely to occur when you use models not created in the domain conventional folder.
It seems grails automatically injects the #Validateable annotation to domain classes/models in the domain Folder,
If you therefore create your models in the src/grails or src/java folder, You are likely to get this error when the model object is passed/posted/submited via a View to a controller function.
Try adding the #Validateable annotation to the domain object
Move the domain model to the domain grails convention folder
or maybe Grails is overreaching while simultaneously giving misleading error messages... nah, that never happens. For a more relevant answer, see:
Groovy / Grails using a map as a parameter of a function

Logging from symfony's model layer

I'm currently working on a project with symfony 1.4 and Doctrine 1.2. I'm looking for a proper way to do logging from the model layer.
In some model classes I use the record hook postSave() to create a ZIP file using exec() (since PHP zip doesn't provide for storage method 'Stored'). To be sure that everythings works fine I check the return code and log an error if something goes wrong. My first naive approach was to do it like this:
if ($returnCode != 0) {
As you know, this doesn't work so well because sfContext belongs to the controller layer and shouldn't be used from the model layer. My next try was to use the model's constructor to pass in an sfLogger instance, but this doesn't work due to Doctrine 1.2 reserving the constructor for internal use (Doctrine 1.2 Documentation).
I'm looking forward for your suggestions!
You can add a setLogger() method to your function, that gets a logger instance in a parameter, and sets it to an internal variable, like $this->logger. Later, when you need to log something, do it like if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->debug(...); }.

Load application class from plugin

In a Grails 1.1 plugin, I'm trying to load a class from the main application using the following code:
class MyClass {
static Map getCustomConfig(String configName){
return new ConfigSlurper().
Where configName is the name of the class in $MAIN_APP/grails-app/conf containing the configuration info. However, when the code above runs within a unit test applicationHolder.application returns null, causing the method above to throw a NullPointerException. A Grails JIRA issue was created for this problem, but it has been marked as fixed despite the fact that problem appears to still exist.
I know that within the plugin descriptor class I can access the main application (an instance of GrailsApplication) via the implicit application variable. But the code shown above is in not in the plugin descriptor.
Is there a way that I can load a class from the main application within a plugin (but outside the plugin descriptor)?
It turns out there are 2 possible answers.
The Right Answer
GrailsApplication is not available in unit tests, so for the code above to work it should be an integration test
The Hack that Works

web service code in actionscript

im calling an actionscript class from my main mxml file. the actionscript class is responsible for calling a web service and handling the response, however im having trouble and keep getting the following error; (im new to flex btw)
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
my code goes as follows;
public function getSites(argWsdl:String):void{
ws = new WebService();
public function echoResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
var siteField:ArrayCollection = event.result as ArrayCollection;
when i run the debugger the code never reaches the result hanlder and i see the #1009 error in the variable list.
any ideas?
looks like you have it sorted, but just to add more information in case someone else comes along to this question, you generally see this error when you are trying to use something that hasn't been created yet. A lot of the time you will see it when trying to access UI components that have not yet been created (its good to rely on the creationComplete event for these sort of things), but in this case it looks like you are using the webservice before it is completely ready (the wsdl hasnt been loaded yet).
Just so you know, you can also define your webservices in mxml (mx:webservice) and specify the wsdl there or you can also load the wsdl later on from a configuration file afterwards just by referencing the ID.
sorted it out,
i needed to created a loadEvent and loadhandler. Once loadWsdl is called the loadhandler specifies the laodHandler to use, inside the loadHandler i call the method name as seen in the wsdl
thanks Ryan,
the main reason im using a seperate actionscript class is so i can reuse the same web service calls across my components without having to retype the same code. I couldnt think of a better way to do this - maybe a could have done the same with a custom component
