Docker entrypoint can't find file - docker

I have a very simple docker build file:
FROM openjdk:10
RUN mkdir /fuseki
RUN wget$JENAVERSION.tar.gz -P /tmp \
&& tar -zxvf /tmp/apache-jena-fuseki-$JENAVERSION.tar.gz -C /tmp \
&& mv -v /tmp/apache-jena-fuseki-$JENAVERSION/* /fuseki
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/fuseki/fuseki-server"]
I've tried different variations on CMD and ENTRYPOINT, but nothing allows "fuseki-server" to execute. Always a "No such file or directory" error. If I manually create an empty container from openjdk:10, and execute each command manually, it works fine. What's going on?

I think the issue is the line ending - the entrypoint needs to have LF line ending.
I get the same error when my entrypoint has CLRF line ending.

If I build and run your Dockerfile, I get a different error from what you've described. I see:
Can't find jarfile to run
If you look at the fuseki-server shell script, it's trying to find the jar file relative either to your current directory or to the $FUSEKI_HOME environment variable:
if [ ! -e "$FUSEKI_HOME" ]
echo "$FUSEKI_HOME does not exist" 1>&2
exit 1
So if you set the FUSEKI_HOME environment variable in your
Then the container starts up without errors:
[2018-06-04 14:02:17] Server INFO Apache Jena Fuseki 3.7.0
[2018-06-04 14:02:17] Config INFO FUSEKI_HOME=/fuseki
[2018-06-04 14:02:17] Config INFO FUSEKI_BASE=/run
[2018-06-04 14:02:17] Config INFO Shiro file: file:///run/shiro.ini
[2018-06-04 14:02:18] Server INFO Started 2018/06/04 14:02:18 UTC on port 3030

Wow... After going through #larsk's suggestion it occurred to me to change the entrypoint to
ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
and go into the container to see what was actually there. It turns out that I was accidently overwriting the /fuseki folder with a volume declaration in the compose file I was using. (facepalm...)


Docker entrypoint script not sourcing file

I have an entrypoint script with docker which is getting executed. However, it just doesn't run the source command to source a file full of env values.
Here's the relevant section from tehe dockerfile
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
CMD ["-production"]
I have tried 2 version of entrypoint script. Neither of them are working.
cat >> /etc/bash.bashrc <<EOF
if [[ -f "/usr/local/etc/${SERVICE_NAME}/${SERVICE_NAME}.env" ]]
echo "${SERVICE_NAME}.env found ..."
set -a
source "/usr/local/etc/${SERVICE_NAME}/${SERVICE_NAME}.env"
set +a
echo "INFO: Starting ${SERVICE_NAME} application, environment:"
exec -a $SERVICE_NAME node .
if [[] -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then
echo "INFO: Loading environment variables from file: ${ENV_FILE}"
set -a
source $ENV_FILE
set +a
echo "INFO: Starting ${SERVICE_NAME} application..."
exec -a $SERVICE_NAME node .
Version 2 of above prints to the log that it has found the file however, source command simply isn't loading the contents of file into memory. I check if contents have been loaded by running the env command.
I've been trying few things for 3 days now with no progress. Please can someone help me? Please note I am new to docker which is making things quite difficult.
I think your second version is almost there.
Normally Docker doesn't read or use shell dotfiles at all. This isn't anything particular to Docker, just that you're not running an "interactive" or "login" shell at any point in the sequence. In your first form you write out a .bashrc file but then exec node, and nothing there ever re-reads the dotfile.
You mention in the question that you use the env command to check the environment. If this is via docker exec, that launches a new process inside the container, but it's not a child of the entrypoint script, so any setup that happens there won't be visible to docker exec. This usually isn't a problem.
I can suggest a couple of cleanups that might make it a little easier to see the effects of this. The biggest is to split out the node invocation from the entrypoint script. If you have both an ENTRYPOINT and a CMD then Docker passes the CMD as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT; if you change the entrypoint script to end with exec "$#" then it will run whatever it got passed.
# (trying to avoid bash-specific constructs)
# Read the environment file
if [[ -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then
# Run the main container command
exec "$#"
And then in the Dockerfile, put the node invocation as the main command
ENTRYPOINT ["./"] # must be JSON-array syntax
CMD ["node", "."] # could be shell-command syntax
The important thing with this is that it's easy to override the command but leave the entrypoint intact. So if you run
docker run --rm your-image env
that will launch a temporary container, but passing env as the command instead of node .. That will go through the steps in the entrypoint script, including setting up the environment, but then print out the environment and exit immediately. That will let you observe the changes.

Google Cloud Run error: Container failed to start (DSS - Digital Signature Service)

i'm trying to get the following docker container running on the google cloud. The container works locally. In the cloud shell, the container also works with "docker run". On the google cloud i can see the port 8080 web preview. When I create a service, the container does not start. The log only says "tomcat started, container called exit (0)".
I added address = to the connector in the server.xml. But that didn't work either.
Maybe someone can give me a hint.
Thank you
FROM openjdk:8-alpine
RUN apk update && apk add unzip
ADD /tmp
RUN unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp
RUN mv /tmp/dss-demo-bundle-5.8.1 /dss
RUN chmod +x /dss/apache-tomcat-8.5.61/bin/
COPY ./ /dss/
ENTRYPOINT [ "/dss/" ]
CMD [ "/bin/sh" ]
This is the sourcecode of
set -e
echo "`/bin/sh /dss/apache-tomcat-8.5.61/bin/`"
exec "$#"
Thank you, the solution was, i change the tomcat startup to " run", to start tomcat as forground process.
The second thing: i had to remove the "address =" in the tomcat server.xml file
set -e
echo "`/bin/sh /dss/apache-tomcat-8.5.61/bin/ run`"
exec "$#"

CMD doesn't run in Dockerfile [duplicate]

Inside my Dockerfile:
ENV PROJECTNAME mytestwebsite
CMD ["django-admin", "startproject", "$PROJECTNAME"]
CommandError: '$PROJECTNAME' is not a valid project name
What is the quickest workaround here? Does Docker have any plan to "fix" or introduce this functionality in later versions of Docker?
NOTE: If I remove the CMD line from the Docker file and then run the Docker container, I am able to manually run Django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME from inside the container and it will create the project...
When you use an execution list, as in...
CMD ["django-admin", "startproject", "$PROJECTNAME"]
...then Docker will execute the given command directly, without involving a shell. Since there is no shell involved, that means:
No variable expansion
No wildcard expansion
No i/o redirection with >, <, |, etc
No multiple commands via command1; command2
And so forth.
If you want your CMD to expand variables, you need to arrange for a shell. You can do that like this:
CMD ["sh", "-c", "django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME"]
Or you can use a simple string instead of an execution list, which gets you a result largely identical to the previous example:
CMD django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME
If you want to use the value at runtime, set the ENV value in the Dockerfile. If you want to use it at build-time, then you should use ARG.
Example :
ARG value
ENV envValue=$value
CMD ["sh", "-c", "java -jar ${envValue}.jar"]
Pass the value in the build command:
docker build -t tagName --build-arg value="jarName"
You also can use exec
This is the only known way to handle signals and use env vars simultaneously.
It can be helpful while trying to implement something like graceful shutdown according to Docker github
ENV PROJECTNAME mytestwebsite
CMD exec django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME
Lets say you want to start a java process inside a container:
Example Dockerfile excerpt:
ENV JAVA_OPTS -XX +UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 -XshowSettings:vm
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", ""]
CMD ["java", "${JAVA_OPTS}", "-myargument=true"]
Example excerpt:
echo "*** Startup $0 suceeded now starting service using eval to expand CMD variables ***"
exec su-exec mytechuser $(eval echo "$#")
For the Java developers, following my solution below gonna work:
if you tried to run your container with a Dockerfile like below
# does not matter your parameter $JAVA_OPTS wrapped as ${JAVA_OPTS}
CMD ["java", "$JAVA_OPTS", "-javaagent:/opt/newrelic/newrelic.jar", "-server", "-jar", "app.jar"]
with an ENTRYPOINT shell script below:
set -e
source /work-dir/
exec "$#"
it will build the image correctly but print the error below during the run of container:
Error: Could not find or load main class $JAVA_OPTS
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: $JAVA_OPTS
instead, Java can read the command line parameters either through the command line or by _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. so, it means we can pass the desired command line parameters through _JAVA_OPTIONS without changing anything on Dockerfile as well as to allow it to be able to start as parent process of container for the valid docker signalization via exec "$#".
The below one is my final version of the Dockerfile and files:
CMD ["java", "-server", "-jar", "app.jar"]
set -e
source /work-dir/
export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal"
exec "$#"
and after you build your docker image and tried to run it, you will see the logs below that means it worked well:
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal
[Global flags]
int ActiveProcessorCount = -1 {product} {default}
Inspired on above, I did this:
#snapshot by default. 1 is release.
ENV isTagAndRelease=0
CMD echo is_tag: ${isTagAndRelease} && \
if [ ${isTagAndRelease} -eq 1 ]; then echo "release build"; mvn -B release:clean release:prepare release:perform; fi && \
if [ ${isTagAndRelease} -ne 1 ]; then echo "snapshot build"; mvn clean install; fi && \

the docker container `heroku run` command with arguments returns "not found"

I'm running a docker container on heroku, but I can't seem to understand how it works.
Locally I'm able to run a command docker run imageName ls -al, but on heroku: heroku run "ls -al" it returns ./ line 34: exec: ls -al: not found. Although when I run heroku run ls without arguments, it works as expected. (as another experiment I've run heroku run bash and then ./ ls -al that also works).
What's happening here?
Comments updates:
Damien MATHIEU: the image I try to run is this - and my docker file is:
FROM jshimko/meteor-launchpad:latest
CMD ["node", "main.js"]
Edit-2 - 28-Oct-2017
Latest update from Heroku
We've triaged this, and we're definitely not implementing Docker-compatible behaviour here. Thanks for catching this - we'll get it fixed.
Original answer
Your error is quite clear from below itself
./ line 34: exec: ls -al: not found
You are passing ls -al as one string parameter. You should try below
heroku run -- ls -al
So I created a simple Dockerfile to test the issue.
FROM alpine
CMD ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
And the
echo "You passed $# arguments"
for var in "$#"
echo "$var"
exec "$#"
When I build and run the container locally I get the output as
$ docker run -it 5e866a76fd25
You passed 3 arguments
When I push the app to Heroku I get below output on logs
2017-10-21T19:11:11.873567+00:00 app[api]: Deployed web (xxxxx) by user
2017-10-21T19:11:14.235819+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `tail -f /dev/null`
2017-10-21T19:11:16.593724+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 127
2017-10-21T19:11:16.447960+00:00 app[web.1]: You passed 1 arguments
2017-10-21T19:11:16.447976+00:00 app[web.1]: tail -f /dev/null
This is completely wrong, as the CMD is being sent quoted as a single argument instead of the 3 arguments. I have opened a ticket for the same with heroku team, hopefully they will reply before Tue
I'm also running into this issue. As a temporary workaround, I've put my original CMD into a separate script file, and now calling that script file in CMD.
Here's my original Dockerfile:
CMD ["bundle", "exec", "puma", "-C", "config/puma.rb"]
Here's my new Dockerfile:
CMD ["./"]
And my script (starting a Rails app):
set -e
echo "Starting Puma server..."
bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb

How can I use a variable inside a Dockerfile CMD?

Inside my Dockerfile:
ENV PROJECTNAME mytestwebsite
CMD ["django-admin", "startproject", "$PROJECTNAME"]
CommandError: '$PROJECTNAME' is not a valid project name
What is the quickest workaround here? Does Docker have any plan to "fix" or introduce this functionality in later versions of Docker?
NOTE: If I remove the CMD line from the Docker file and then run the Docker container, I am able to manually run Django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME from inside the container and it will create the project...
When you use an execution list, as in...
CMD ["django-admin", "startproject", "$PROJECTNAME"]
...then Docker will execute the given command directly, without involving a shell. Since there is no shell involved, that means:
No variable expansion
No wildcard expansion
No i/o redirection with >, <, |, etc
No multiple commands via command1; command2
And so forth.
If you want your CMD to expand variables, you need to arrange for a shell. You can do that like this:
CMD ["sh", "-c", "django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME"]
Or you can use a simple string instead of an execution list, which gets you a result largely identical to the previous example:
CMD django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME
If you want to use the value at runtime, set the ENV value in the Dockerfile. If you want to use it at build-time, then you should use ARG.
Example :
ARG value
ENV envValue=$value
CMD ["sh", "-c", "java -jar ${envValue}.jar"]
Pass the value in the build command:
docker build -t tagName --build-arg value="jarName"
You also can use exec
This is the only known way to handle signals and use env vars simultaneously.
It can be helpful while trying to implement something like graceful shutdown according to Docker github
ENV PROJECTNAME mytestwebsite
CMD exec django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME
Lets say you want to start a java process inside a container:
Example Dockerfile excerpt:
ENV JAVA_OPTS -XX +UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 -XshowSettings:vm
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", ""]
CMD ["java", "${JAVA_OPTS}", "-myargument=true"]
Example excerpt:
echo "*** Startup $0 suceeded now starting service using eval to expand CMD variables ***"
exec su-exec mytechuser $(eval echo "$#")
For the Java developers, following my solution below gonna work:
if you tried to run your container with a Dockerfile like below
# does not matter your parameter $JAVA_OPTS wrapped as ${JAVA_OPTS}
CMD ["java", "$JAVA_OPTS", "-javaagent:/opt/newrelic/newrelic.jar", "-server", "-jar", "app.jar"]
with an ENTRYPOINT shell script below:
set -e
source /work-dir/
exec "$#"
it will build the image correctly but print the error below during the run of container:
Error: Could not find or load main class $JAVA_OPTS
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: $JAVA_OPTS
instead, Java can read the command line parameters either through the command line or by _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. so, it means we can pass the desired command line parameters through _JAVA_OPTIONS without changing anything on Dockerfile as well as to allow it to be able to start as parent process of container for the valid docker signalization via exec "$#".
The below one is my final version of the Dockerfile and files:
CMD ["java", "-server", "-jar", "app.jar"]
set -e
source /work-dir/
export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal"
exec "$#"
and after you build your docker image and tried to run it, you will see the logs below that means it worked well:
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal
[Global flags]
int ActiveProcessorCount = -1 {product} {default}
Inspired on above, I did this:
#snapshot by default. 1 is release.
ENV isTagAndRelease=0
CMD echo is_tag: ${isTagAndRelease} && \
if [ ${isTagAndRelease} -eq 1 ]; then echo "release build"; mvn -B release:clean release:prepare release:perform; fi && \
if [ ${isTagAndRelease} -ne 1 ]; then echo "snapshot build"; mvn clean install; fi && \
